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Old 02-17-2004, 07:21 PM   #11
Crystal Heart
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Rohan
Posts: 568
Crystal Heart has just left Hobbiton.
Crystal nodded her head as she examined the structure before her. She had never tried to delibrately break into a building before. She knew she could do it fairly easily, but she had never done it for the pure reason that she had to. She had done it a couple of times just to prove that she could. She knew what indents and cracks could prove as excellent openings without breaking a window, causing chaos and commotion, and bringing around the authorities unneccessarily. She hated to admit it at times, but she was rather good at what she did. She made it a habit to be the best that she could possibly be in anything and everything that came to call upon her. If there was a task that had to be done or she wanted to try she would give her best. No matter what type of task it may be.

"Ah, so that is why we are standing in front of this building and staring at it," Crystal said softly as she studied the wall.

It wasn't the only thing she was studying either. She looked back at Atharen. He was quite a different man, that was sure. She would admit to herself and to herself only that he was a fairly attractive man that had captured her attention. If only he hadn't captured her attention so thoroughly.

Yes, he had her attention. He had captured it the moment he laid his hand upon her elbow and led her away. So carefully and gracefully he had been to her. So soft and gentle. Unlike the other men she was use to encountering. The others were rough, tough, and seasoned by the likes of many women. He was as new as a child, at least that was the opinion he was formulating for her. New, untouched, pure. Such rare qualities in a man.

She turned away and studied the wall once more. She condemned herself for thinking in such a way. She had hardly known him for more than an hour, yet she was still thinking such thoughts. If he ever found out what she was thinking he would find her yet another silly love sick girl.

Crystal was bound and determined to teach each and everyone in this company that she was far more then just a woman. She was a fighter, a traveller, a challenger, a danger. She wanted them to know that Crystal Auror Heart was far more then they ever could predict. She was far more then anything they had ever encountered and would ever encounter again. She wanted each and everyone of them to walk away from this quest knowing that making allies with the likes of her was ensuring an ally with an army. She wanted to prove that she was better, quicker, and smarter then any man. She wanted to prove that she was just as good as man, preferrably better in their opinions.

Yet even as these thoughts flew through her mind as she looked at the wall she couldn't help feeling that she wanted to show the softer side that only one other person had ever gotten to see. Arty had been able to see that beyond the tough girl attitude there was a charm, a soft and gentle side to her. A side that she hid from the rest of the world. A side that shined through like a star on a foggy night.

More then anything else she wanted Atharen to find this side. To crack her open and find out what lay beyond her tough exterior. It was a feeling she hadn't had in a long time. She had been extra careful about her feelings and her thoughts. She had stopped anyone and anything from getting to close to her since Arty's death. It had been hard to deal with the fact that there was no longer anyone on the earth that understood her heart and soul so completely.

It had been months since his death. Almost a year now, but the pain was still fresh. She knew that it probably would never go away. She knew that she would always have a place in her heart that dwelled with Arty, but her heart was beginning to make room for a love that she need. A love that she was beginning to yearn for once again. A love that she thought she should never have and never think about due to her loyalty and love for Arty. Crystal was changing.

As much as she hated the fact that she was changing. She didn't like change. It meant heartache and sadness. Sometimes even darkness for her, but this change felt right. Felt normal in fact. It was a rather different feeling, one she was afraid of but not closed to. She wasn't stupid. She knew that she needed this.

She also knew that this new friendship in Maen was a good thing as well. They were similar people with similar thoughts. This friendship would benefit her in the long run. She hoped they could be friends and teach each other things. That was what she liked most in friends and allies, the fact that they can teach you something different.

She found a spot on the wall and tapped on it. It sounded hallow. Crystal smiled at her discovery.

"Maybe we can get through here. It sounds hallow enough. Want to try it?" Crystal asked as she pointed to the point.

Out of the corner of her eye she watched Atharen talking. She wondered if he would come over soon and help them. She hoped secretly that he would. She could tell he was noticing something. Finally she noticed that the tips of her ears were red. She kicked herself mentally. It was something she did with a man that she liked, well more then liked perhaps. She did it with Arty all the time. She shook away the thought and turned back to Maen.

"Shall we try to break through? It seems as if it would come down easily."
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