Sauron's apperance in RotK *Quotes*
Ok, it seems like there are still quite a few people in the dark about this (& some that aren't), so I'm going to put a lot of quotes up that I found on the subject. You guys can read them if want to. I've been told once that PJ said Sauron <I>won't</I> appear, but I'm going to have to wait until I see the credibility rating on that one. <P> Here you go:<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>NEW Sauron Makes Rare Public Appearance<BR>FILMS: Sauron appears in a form other than the Flaming Eye.<BR>BOOKS: Sauron does not directly appear, although according to Gollum, he does have a humanoid form.<BR>PRO: "The Sauron in the books is sketchy at best, which makes it hard to turn him into a screen villain," says Peter Jackson. "But imagine not really seeing Darth Vader for all three Star Wars films. You just can't do it."<BR>CON: This is an invention of the filmmakers and does not represent Tolkien's intent.<BR>SUPPORTED BY: <BR>Empire Magazine "Hail to the King" 12/2/02 (first report) <BR>CREDIBILITY: 4/5<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <P>A 4 of 5 credibility rating is extremly high... <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Men of Gondor surround them both and Legolas shouts "Aragorn!" as a warning, then Aragorn with Anduril in hand rushes the Dark Lord who looked like he was in different armor than when we saw him in the prologue. It is not an even fight and Aragorn is nearly knocked to death as the countdown to the destruction of the ring begins. I guess the goal is to make the audience wonder if the ring will be destroyed before Aragorn is smeared all over Mordor! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Alex writes, "Well I saw something that could be a possible spoiler for ROTK. On the FOTR DVD extended edition, I don't remember where but I know that it was on disc 3, there is a two-second clip of what looks like Peter Jackson directing the movements of an actor dressed in Sauron's costume and there is a blue screen behind him. When I first saw this I thought PJ was just filming a scene from the prologue with the battle of the last alliance. But I looked at Sauron who was using a sword, and in the prologue, Sauron wielded a mace. This could be some more supporting evidence of Sauron's apearance in ROTK. Of course it could just be somethiung PJ redid but I just thought you might like.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <P>I don't know who Alex is, but I'm just throwing out quotes.<P> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>Whether or not this makes the final cut or not, we now know for certain that Sauron was FILMED as a physical presence taking part in the events of ROTK. This came in from Dave:<BR>"I used to flat with a guy in the NZ army, and when he was in the filming for the big battle in front of the gates of Mordor, Sauron was there fighting. I believe he will appear. I mean there is only so much you can do with a giant eye." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> <P>I also don't know who Dave is, but it sounds pretty accurate.<P>We can also use this thread to discuss opinions on this if you want, although it has been done some on other threads. I personally don't really like the idea of Sauron appearing in a physical form, but I can't decide if that's the worse of the 2 evils, or if him fighting Aragorn is. <p>[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: The Only Real Estel ]