FOTR Best Of Awards...
OK, while watching the movie (AGAIN!) I came up with an idea for a fun thread that everyone can participate in. I believe that it still falls under the guidlines, so here goes...<P>Introducing the FOTR Best Of Awards!!! (applause) Please choose which character or scene you think should win in each category & why:<P>BEST HAIR<P>BEST DRESSED<P>BEST EYEBROWS<P>BEST ACCESORIZING<P>BEST SKILLS<P>BEST WEAPONRY<P>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE<P>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE<P>BEST SCARY SCENE<P>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE<P>BEST HOBBIT (uh-oh!)<P>BEST ELF<P>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER<P>BEST CAMEO<P><BR>ok, that's plenty... remember to have fun with your explainations! Here are my answers:<BR>BEST HAIR ~ Legalos (he always seems to be well-groomed)<P>BEST DRESSED ~ Arwen (It's amazing how one minute she's in a white dress, then she gets off the horse & she has already changed!)<P>BEST EYEBROWS ~ Elrond (It's a no-brainer!)<P>BEST ACCESORIZING ~ Gimli (his helmet and axe just go so well together!)<P>BEST FIGHTING SKILLS ~ Aragorn (no one could take on that many orcs without getting stabbed in the back!)<P>BEST WEAPONRY ~ Boromir (the combo of his sword, shield and horn is faboo!)<P>BEST FLASHBACK SEQUENCE ~ Frodo remembering Gandalf's words (tear-jerker!)<P>BEST FIGHT SEQUENCE ~ The entire last battle (it shows excellent skills and a huge amount of heart)<P>BEST SCARY SCENE ~ Weather Top (that would scare the crap outta me!)<P>BEST "CLOSEST TO THE BOOK" SCENE ~ Within the Mines of Moria when Frodo talks to Gandalf (subperbly acted!)<P>BEST HOBBIT (uh-oh!) ~ Pippin (I just like the Scottish accent!)<P>BEST ELF ~ Galadriel (old and wise)<P>BEST FELLOWSHIP MEMBER ~ Sam (he's a trooper, and he can cook!)<P>BEST CAMEO ~ Butterbur (he's just pretty cool, that's all)