The Two Towers: Deleted Scenes
Not to complain, but the only time I'll truly be dazzled, awed, and all that by "The Two Towers" is when I see the Extended Edition. I loved the movie, but there are some scenes that I'm really mad weren't included (not the cut end, with the dealing with Saruman and the Palantir, or Shelob). It's some of the little things. <P>Faramir's group was done remarkably well, and apart from the excursion to Osgiliath, it was almost perfect. The method he discovered the ring in was a bit off, but all problems aside, I want to see some other parts. It went too quickly. I wanted to see the "pseudo-trial" of Frodo and Sam in the woods of Ithilien, and especially the meal they all sat down to in Henneth Anun, with Faramir's prayer to the west. <P>The Ents, I am certain, will be elaborated upon greatly, from a Quickbeam cameo to more entmoot, it will probably be helpful in seeing more of entish (and huorn) behavior.<P>And there will be more.