The beginning of TTT
I've been thinking of what will the beginning of the next movie will look like. I mean what precise scenes will be shown? We know more or less what will be in it, but how would you like to see it beginning? It may sound trivial, but I can't get it off my mind!<P>I imagine it beginning with Gandalf at the top of shiny snowy mountains. Then a large being passes in front of the sun. The viewer recognizes Gwaihir. Next scene, Caras Galadhon. Gandalf talks with Galadriel. Here, the general situation is reminded by Celeborn & Galadriel to those who saw FotR long ago or those who didn't see it at all. Galadriel tells Gandalf her predictions for each member of the remaining Fellowship (including that Frodo-will-die-thing). End of intro. The logo shows up. Darkness. Merry & Pippin wake up as they are let off by the orcs and hit the ground. They understand there's an argument going on between them. The Orcs talk in the Common Tongue. Killings, Pippin cuts his ropes. They go on. Pippin cuts his Lórien coat and leaves a piece on the ground. Cut to the Three Walkers. They eventually find the piece of coat. As they see 106 riders approaching, cut to the rough landscape of Emyn Muil.<P>What do you think of it? Do you see it otherwise?<p>[ April 13, 2002: Message edited by: Orodhromeus ]