I Wanna Hold Your Ring!
Do any of you guys know that back in the day the Beatles (one of my favorite bands, so I jest at their expense lovingly) wanted to do their own LotR movie? John was to be Gollum, Paul was to be Frodo, Ringo was to be Sam, and George coveted the role of Gandalf.<P>Tolkien was still alive at that point, and had the movie rights, therefore he wisely told the Fab Four to sod off.<P>Imagine what would have happened had he not!<P>Gollum: "I am the Hobbit! They are the Hobbits-I am the Slinker...GOO GOO GOO JOOB!"<P>Frodo: "Yesterday...All the Ringwraiths seemed so far away..."<P>Sauron: "Oh, I get by with a little help from my Rings. Oh, I get high with a little help from my Rings..."<P>Suddenly, PJ's version seems like a treat from heaven. Oh wait, I already viewed it as such as it is...
~The beginning is the word and the end is silence. And in between are all the stories. This is one of mine~