I saw a CNN Entertainment Report about TTT...pretty cool stuff!
CNN had an entertainment report about TTT coming out on Wednesday (I should stop and mention that I was watching CNN only because FOX News was at a commercial break), and they had some footage, such as Peter Jackson talking to Merry and Pippin (in what LOOKED like Treebeard's cave, I don't know) with an Orc looking on from the sidelines, or Legolas outside Gondor, tapping Uruks with his dagger. (Yes, tapping. He couldn't have killed a mouse with that thing, at the strength he hit with!) They talked to some of the cast, asking which movie they liked better. Sean Bean (I think, it's hard to tell without his makeup) said it was like asking which kid you liked better. Ditzy Liv Tyler took God's name in vain, and asked if she couldn't like both of them. Dominic and Billy did a little on-the-spot routine of how they weren't deciding. It was interesting! I taped it, but I doubt I could make copies to send to all of you. You'll just have to ask CNN!
Eagerly awaiting the REAL Return of the King - Jesus Christ! Revelation 19:11-16