My views on the Film (It wouldn't let me post on the other topic like this)
Sorry that I had to start a new topic but it wouldn't let me post on the other one.<BR> I thought it was a great film all in all.<BR>I think that Merry and Pippin were portrayed as stupid and as comedy characters.<BR>The Last Alliance was great as was the Balrog. <BR> The film may have missed out bits but it still inspired as the book had, it put across the great wonderment of middle Earth and the love and passion that Tolkien put into the book. It rekindled an already brightly burning that is the worldwide love for the Lord Of The Rings. The General public (A.K.A. non TOLKIEN readers) will now go out and read the next two.<BR> No film can portray a book exactly, take Harry Potter for example I loved the books (not as much as I love Tolkien's books ofcourse) but the film was crap and didn't show how good the books were, it missed out loads of the important bits, however the LOTR film managed to keep on the basic story line, added a few bits of their own and still managed to keep the magic of Tolkiens world alive.<BR> All the things they showed were as I imagined and the acting was great. I think that The actors for Aragorn and Boromir should have been swapped. Hobbits were good. I wish we had fireworks like that in our world because that would be really cool.<BR> We must remember 1 thing, whatever the director, Producer, Actors. ect. say they were not out to recreate the Land Of Middle Earth because they loved Tolkiens works. They were out for profit (which is why they left out some of the less exiting bits). So considering they were out for profit they did pretty well I thought. Sorry I dragged on a bit!<P>PS. Victory for the Pro Wingers (Balrog Wise)