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Old 03-18-2003, 12:26 PM   #1
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Pickin' flowers with Bill the Cat.....
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piosenniel is a guest of Tom Bombadil.
Sting Quest for the Ainereg RPG

Manardariel's Post

“Something is different here,” Andunériel thought. She let her horse slow down, as she approached the small village, carefull not to attact to much
She smelled it first. A piercing disgusting smell hit her nose like a club. She choked. “What in Varda...?” And then she noticed what was different. The village was unusually quiet, miserable. She dismounted and led her horse into the small circle of huts, sorrounded with a fence of wood. A child of maybe three ran towards her, staring. “Elf?” he asked. She nodded, letting her eyes fly over the huts. The smell has gotten worse.

Her ponderings were disturbed by a young woman snatching up the child. “I´m sorry, did he bother you? “, she asked, staring likewise.

“No, no,” the elf replied. “Tell me, good woman, what has been hapening here? The other one shrugged. Andunériel noticed she looked tired, desperate and very hungry
“We dunno Miz. That´s the problem, you see? Crops failed, they´re all rotten. Animals dying, got none to eat, and the children are hungy. Must be a plague or something... I´m sorry but I must be off. Good-bye, Miz.”

“Good fortune to you, and to your children,” Andunériel answered. she turned around, mounted her horse and gallopped off. “Elenya," she told her horse, “that is some interesting news, is it not?”

About three hours later she was standing in her room in Rivendell. She quickly pulled of her travelling robes and slipped into a much finer green gown. Leaving the room, she turned the villager´s words around in her mind again and again. Crops failed, all rotten..... must be a plague or something. Andunériel frowned. She had no idea what this plague or whatever it was could be, and that bothered her. And you consider yourself a healer! she thought. Oh, it wouldn´t help to bother herself nuts. She had promised some of the other scouts, to tell them, and a group of Dunédain staying here, what she had seen and heard.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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