I'm here to post an official complaint about chat style writing. This in all probability has been done before, but I cannot find the thread. The difficulty of interpreting wot dey wanna sey wen dey pst like dis is in my opinion hardly worth the effort, because why post in bad grammar, and bad spelling and clear carelessness if you want peple to come and take you and your posts seriously? Only too often have I seen "hello i'm new" messages (not capitalised, bien sur), with completely uneducated writing! Now, is it just me, or is the Policies thread there for the explicit (I'm not English, is that the right word?) purpose of filling all new users in on what the rules are in Barrow Downs, in hope that they will actually follow them? And is it just me, or is there a chunk of the Policies thread which says:
The Downs is not a chat room. Typos are one thing, but lazy chat-style abbreviations and punctuation put you in the dog-house with the mods before they’ve even clicked on your topic. Take some pride in what you write! Use whole sentences and proper capitalization. Put some effort into expressing yourself clearly.
I'm seriously not complaining about the 'Downs, I think its the most wonderful website ever! (all hail the Barrow-Wight!) All I'm saying is, if you have something to say, say it
Thats all from me now...but I vil be back!