2. Feanor and Galadriel are not equal in power. Feanor is the mightiest of the Noldor. Galadriel is only referred to as mighty among the Noldor.
How do you know that, Tolkien didnīt write what they are equal in, just that they are equal with differnet talents. But in all other aspects, intelligence, innate power for example they are equal.She is not only refered as great among the Noldor but greatest of all the elves of Valinor with Feanor.
He was appointed as head of the order by the Valar and the wisest of the Maiar, Gandalf accepted this.
Today 09:29 AM
Saruman was not the wisest, Olorin was /is.
Yet there is an inbetween race the Half-Elven.
I remember reading somewhere that Tolkien didnīt want there to be a in-between race, thatīs the reason they had to decide, there can only be elves and men (if we leave out hobbits and dwarfs). Alas I canīt remember where.
Yep both are true. Elrond was the greatest lore master and he alone knew the full account of many of the stories.
Can you prove it? And only because Galadriel went early out of Beleriand doesnīt mean that she knows nothing about her own history or that of men.
Elrond was not of the Noldor
Of course he is not, but he can not match Feanor and if Galadriel is short behind Feanor, or even his equal then logic says us that Elrond is inferior to Galadriel. Method of elimination.