Look, there's one thing I think I had best get out of my system now:
Kath, I know it probably just reflects your being short of time, but in this, as in some other games, I find myself getting quite irritated and frustrated by your habit of forming opinions from what appears to be a very quick skim of the thread.
Originally Posted by Kath
Nog - states no one tried to save sally and thought this was odd. Then responds to Agan's post about Legate possibly being a wolf who had to vote early. Says if Menel was the last wolf it would make sense that sally was left alone to die - I didn't follow this yesterDay. Can you explain further Nog? Says Shasta had both gone against sally and spoken of Legate as being suspicious - so perhaps not the third wolf.
Menel got confused about timezones the day
Sally died, and didn't get back in time to vote. This is
a key point.
Originally Posted by Kath
Shasta - despite being pretty determined about Legate, suggests Nerwen might be right about Kath and Menel being the last wolves. Would like to see his opinion on this toDay now we know Legate is a wolf. Arguing more against Menel being a wolf. Points out we have slightly been assuming Menel innocent based on the feeling Inzil might have dreamt him.
Technically correct, but still a subtle misrepresentation:
Shasta actually argued strongly *against*
"Kath + Menel", and *for*
Legate, and merely added "I suppose you might be right, though"
Originally Posted by Kath
Menel - thinks Nog and Shasta aren't wolves as their votes put sally in the lead. Thinks Nerwen's late vote for sally could be wolf-on-wolf - fair enough, weren't many options by that point. Votes Legate following the general reasoning of yesterDay. All these possibility/elimination posts are a bit off. He did seem to discount everyone but Legate at one point, leaving no third wolf. Then almost re-did it and came up with Nerwen and Shasta as other options. I mean, I agree, I just think it was oddly done. Votes Legate.
Actually, by the end of yesterDay
Menel had decided I must be innocent, and
you and
Shasta the only possible wolves.
Originally Posted by Kath
Nerwen - points out that sally nearly was saved and Nog nearly died instead. It was only the exact last minute votes of Shasta, Nog and Nerwen that stopped it and it seems they pretty much all cross posted. Was the rule that whoever hit the most votes first was lynched? Nog voting for sally to put them at a draw could have been an attempt to limit the damage from sally's POV the next day if both were wolves. Shasta and Nerwen's simply throwing a wolf under the bus because they believed the other innocent was going for sally. Asks if the last wolves are Kath and Menel, thus ignoring Legate. Can't believe this would be deliberate but might just not have thought about it. Takes back idea but thinks Menel could be the last wolf. A 'lupine counting slip' in 271 - well, potentially.
About your points against me here: um, well you know what? A number of them are
factually incorrect, in ways
I already pointed out yesterDay. If I sound annoyed here, I am.
Do I think
Kath is a wolf? Well, probably not– the arguments against that have been put so many times I don't think it's worth stating them again. But even from an innocent, this kind of thing is a potential aid to the evil side.
All right, I just had to get that off my chest.
EDIT: typo.