Elvish realms of the 1st and 2nd age vs 3rd age
I've always wondered about the difference between the Elvish realms in the 1st and 2nd age where the first born were still mighty and lofty, compared to the 3rd age where only a few elves were left but with elven rings of power. Doriath seems to be the fairest elf-kingdom in the first age as well as Gondolin. But because their rulers did not have the rejuvenating enchantments of the Three, do you think these kingdoms were outmatched in beauty and homeostasis by Rivendell and Lothlorien? After all, the Three can ward off decay and weariness and sustain enclaves as beautiful as the true West. Melian was a maia but I do not think she had any power to rejuvenate the realm she fenced and the people about it. Realms like Nargothrond, Doriath, Gondolin, and Englarest did not have that perfect "homeliness" that Rivendell have, or that dream-like, ethereal feeling evoked in the forest of the Golden Wood.
I am Annatar, the Lord of Gifts.