Thomas sat in the corner where he felt more peaceful. He watched as Mayonette and the others talked. Just by looking at Mayonette Thomas could tell that she was troubled. He stood up only to let his legs stretch for a minute. As much as he like the peacefulness of the corner he still didn't feel right. He knew Mayonette needed some time to decide on a plan of action. Thomas walked over to Mayonette and the others only catching a little bit of the conversation.
"I haven't even ventured into the wood. I was always too afraid of it. I think that it may be at least three miles. If not more. It's in the thick of the forest. I am sorry that I do not know more."The wood? What would be going on in the forest? He placed his hand on Mayonette's shoulder.
"The forest isn't as bad as your father had said it was. Perhaps it only seems scarey becasue we mearly do not understand the trees that dwell within. But still we wish not to go into the woods blind to what lives there." Despite how much Thomas tried to sound serious he couldn't help but smile. Everytime he looked at Mayonette he smiled.