The ones that know the names of the guys she's about to say before she says them. The ones that make a pair of sunglasses flop around on a floor like a fish out of water.
Ok, the first I can do, easy - people find it vaguely disturbing when I know what they're gonna say but hey, maybe I just have predictable acquaintances. But the second...all I can say is that I am staying the heck away from wherever you've been seeing these psychics!
As for the tangent in paragraph two
(my apologies for making that sound so...impersonal
and formal
; sometimes one must abandon informality in place of a few precise words that thereby prevent the use of several lines of waffle, often with the additional use of semi-colons and, naturally, obscene quantities of commas. Hmm.)....well, what can I say? Everything she said.

Reading the new Harry Potter book, I've simply had to seperate film-Draco from book-Draco (the latter being pronounced dr-ah-co, rather than dray-co) - 'cos come on, film Draco? How's he gonna stamp someone's nose! The boy has dimples, dammit! I rest my case.