The Only Real Estel's comments on the Reputations thread reminded me of a dream I had the other night. I dreamt that I received an unsigned reputation (a positive one) but it was so nonsensical that I wanted to PM the sender to ask what it meant. Because it wasn't signed I spent the whole dream going through the members list and PMing people to ask if they had sent it, but everyones inboxes were full so I couldn't get through! Then suddenly everyone cleared their inbox all at once and I got about a hundred messages (somehow mine did not become full) and they all wanted to claim this rep. I have no idea who it actually belonged to in the end but I felt so exhausted when I woke up because in the dream I was physically running around the Downs from thread to thread. It was a bit odd.
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”