Stuff they left out of the TTT:EE!
I thought I had it pretty much figured out what kind of stuff they were going to put in the Two Towers: Extended Edition. Stuff like Eowyn, slaying the orc that somehow gets into the caves. If you watch the Two Towers preview again, you'll see a lot of stuff missing. What about that shot where Arwen runs up to Elrond (dropping her clothes as she runs? What IS that? I thought Liv Tyler could at least keep her clothes on for the movie!) and says "You have the gift of foresight, tell me what you have seen." <P>There's also a shot of Eomer in the preview, slowly lowering his spear as he rides. And of course, while we know this will be in RotK, but in the preview Arwen slowly approached the Shrine of Narsil.<P>And though it was too late, I really think Peter Jackson should have chosen to put Saruman's death in TTT:EE. But, he is a man under a lot of pressure, so I guess I can understand it. <P>But anyway, I kind of wanted to see that Eowyn scene at least...why do you think they dropped all these? Do you think it was good, or bad?
Eagerly awaiting the REAL Return of the King - Jesus Christ! Revelation 19:11-16