"What are you doing?" The warden asked. Quickly, she grebbed his neck and yanked him foreward, then swiped his weapon from his hands. "I'm escaping." She told him, twisting his head until she heard a resounding crack and he sagged to the floor. She used the stolen weapon to pick the lock, but the elf girl wasn't free yet. She ran as soon as she was free down the nearest hall. She saw two newcomers and slowed, noticing their garb was different than that of the officials. She halted then, a few feet away, and studied the other two elves. She perked her ears and furrowed her brow. One smelled like tears. She raised an eyebrow and then more guards came rushing from the hall she had come from, and she turned to face them, bravely weilding the small spear she had. "Come and get me you foul and bad excuses for guards!" She shreiked.