Gondolin listened to what Marsilion intently. He was a ranger, that was clear, and a long-time friend of the elves. The elf was puzzled that they had not met before, but that really didn't matter now.
"I have travelled in Fangorn before." he stated. "We must find this flower, Gondolin, if we do not..."
"Aye, friend, I agree. Even if this plague does not soon start to harm the people themselves, they will soon die from starvation. I wish that the elves would have been notified sooner, perhaps something could have been done."
Marsilion smiled again. "Maybe, but we have no time for looking into the past, good elf. It is up to us to save Eriador."
The two talked for a while longer, waiting for the rest of the company to appear. Gondolin liked the man; he seemed to have a good heart behind his kind features. They both ate a hearty breakfast and shared several old tales with one another, that only a ranger or an elf would remember.