"I tell you. There's a great fighter about, one of those bloody-handed Elves, or one of the filthy tarks." Snaga |
Visit The *EVEN NEWER* Barrow-Downs Photo Page |
piosenniel The Lingering Darkness... 09-03-2003, 02:15 AM
piosenniel Nerindel's post - Lespheria
... 09-06-2003, 08:40 AM
piosenniel Nerindel's post - Amandur
... 09-06-2003, 08:40 AM
piosenniel Ealasaide's post - Benia
... 09-06-2003, 08:41 AM
piosenniel Ealasaide's post - Kaldir
... 09-06-2003, 08:42 AM
piosenniel Hilde Bracegirdle's post -... 09-06-2003, 08:43 AM
piosenniel Snowdog's post - Hanasian
... 09-06-2003, 08:44 AM
piosenniel Elora's post - Naiore
The... 09-06-2003, 08:44 AM
piosenniel Elora's post - Vanwe
… The... 09-06-2003, 08:45 AM
piosenniel Imladris' post - Maethor
... 09-06-2003, 08:46 AM
piosenniel Everdawn's post - Avanill
... 09-06-2003, 08:47 AM
piosenniel Elora's post - Menecin
The... 09-06-2003, 08:48 AM
Snowdog Hanasian enters the Forsaken... 09-06-2003, 06:16 PM
Imladris As Maethor strode dreamily... 09-06-2003, 07:04 PM
Elora Naiore
So many Rangers!... 09-06-2003, 09:09 PM
Nerindel Amandur
After procuring a... 09-07-2003, 12:05 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Night had not... 09-07-2003, 02:03 PM
Snowdog Hanasian in the Forsaken Inn:... 09-07-2003, 05:11 PM
Imladris Maethor watched the elf maid... 09-07-2003, 05:25 PM
Elora Vanwe
Vanwe steadily... 09-07-2003, 07:31 PM
Nerindel Amandur
Amandur nodded his... 09-08-2003, 09:05 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Rauthain savored... 09-08-2003, 09:38 PM
Everdawn Avanill had entered the Inn... 09-09-2003, 01:57 AM
Ealasaide Kaldir
After a pint and a... 09-09-2003, 11:38 AM
Ealasaide Benia
Benia watched as... 09-09-2003, 04:33 PM
Elora Naiore
Oh, now this was an... 09-09-2003, 07:08 PM
Imladris Maethor watched Rauthain... 09-09-2003, 08:09 PM
Snowdog Snowdog's post
I gave a... 09-09-2003, 11:09 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
A large and twisted... 09-10-2003, 02:30 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Inside Cobhan... 09-10-2003, 05:05 PM
Elora Naiore
Naiore slipped... 09-10-2003, 07:04 PM
Imladris A soft, yellow ray of... 09-10-2003, 08:28 PM
Ealasaide Benia
Having at last... 09-10-2003, 08:52 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Rauthain woke up... 09-11-2003, 05:08 AM
Elora Vanwe
This will take all... 09-11-2003, 05:15 AM
Nerindel Léspheria
All was dark,... 09-11-2003, 06:56 PM
Nerindel Amandur
Hanasían and... 09-11-2003, 09:11 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Kaldir was riding... 09-11-2003, 10:48 PM
Elora Vanwe
The kitchen was... 09-11-2003, 10:48 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
“Ah this is much... 09-12-2003, 04:34 AM
Elora Naiore
Eyes glittered with... 09-12-2003, 06:33 AM
Snowdog Hanasían - The early morning... 09-12-2003, 11:15 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Rauthain had... 09-12-2003, 07:04 PM
Imladris Maethor slowly made his way... 09-12-2003, 07:24 PM
Elora Vanwe
As Vanwe had stood... 09-12-2003, 07:36 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Maethor slowly... 09-13-2003, 08:22 PM
Nerindel Amandur
I watched... 09-14-2003, 06:12 AM
Elora Naiore & Vanwe
The trail... 09-14-2003, 06:15 AM
Nerindel Léspheria
Léspheria's hair... 09-14-2003, 08:32 PM
Everdawn Late night had passed into... 09-15-2003, 01:11 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthatin
Amandur and... 09-15-2003, 03:31 PM
Ealasaide Benia
Benia and Gilly had... 09-15-2003, 11:15 PM
Snowdog I rode out from the Forsaken... 09-17-2003, 06:55 PM
Imladris "Maethor," said Hanasian,... 09-17-2003, 10:34 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Gilly had been... 09-18-2003, 05:03 AM
Nerindel Amandur
As I crouched to... 09-18-2003, 04:46 PM
Everdawn Avanill had rode into Bree a... 09-20-2003, 03:15 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
As Amandur rode... 09-21-2003, 02:44 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
"Kill me, if you... 09-21-2003, 07:13 PM
Ealasaide Benia
Benia watched in... 09-21-2003, 08:13 PM
Snowdog It was something people told... 09-21-2003, 09:23 PM
Imladris Maethor closely examined the... 09-22-2003, 07:37 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Once Kaldir had... 09-23-2003, 01:10 PM
Elora Barrold Ferney
“I’ll have... 09-23-2003, 05:35 PM
Nerindel Léspheria
As Léspheria... 09-23-2003, 07:37 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
As night fell,... 09-24-2003, 03:38 PM
Ealasaide Benia
They made camp after... 09-25-2003, 06:52 PM
Elora Barrold
Barrold slung... 09-26-2003, 06:42 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Gilly was ravenous. ... 09-27-2003, 11:14 AM
Imladris Rauthain and Maethor rode in... 09-27-2003, 04:50 PM
Everdawn Avanill had collected several... 09-27-2003, 10:30 PM
Elora Barrold stiffled a curse as... 09-28-2003, 05:54 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
All conversation... 09-30-2003, 11:12 AM
Nerindel Amandur
I stopped about... 09-30-2003, 01:13 PM
Elora Vanwe
The scent of damp... 09-30-2003, 06:26 PM
Imladris Maethor quickly vanished into... 10-01-2003, 03:37 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
When Rauthain... 10-02-2003, 04:21 AM
Nerindel Léspheria
Léspheria... 10-03-2003, 06:20 PM
Elora Naiore
Naiore bent to... 10-05-2003, 05:46 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Kaldir entered Bree... 10-05-2003, 10:26 PM
Elora Barrold
"What makes you so... 10-05-2003, 11:06 PM
Nerindel Toby Longholes
Toby left... 10-07-2003, 09:30 AM
Ealasaide Kaldir
"Like I said, I got... 10-07-2003, 01:25 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Soon after... 10-10-2003, 04:11 AM
Everdawn Avanill
For a long while... 10-10-2003, 05:12 AM
Nerindel Toby Longholes
"Oh heck!... 10-10-2003, 09:20 AM
Ealasaide Benia
Benia had not meant... 10-10-2003, 01:56 PM
Imladris Maethor
Maethor swung his... 10-10-2003, 10:12 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
“Gilly, wake up”... 10-12-2003, 05:25 AM
Nerindel Dúlrain
Dúlrain had... 10-12-2003, 07:38 PM
Nerindel Amandur
After their... 10-12-2003, 09:13 PM
Elora Barrold
Barrold was by no... 10-13-2003, 03:42 AM
Imladris Maethor
Maethor... 10-13-2003, 04:44 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Kaldir watched as... 10-13-2003, 10:04 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill leaned... 10-14-2003, 01:02 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Whether Toby... 10-14-2003, 05:10 AM
Nerindel Dúlrain
By the time... 10-14-2003, 05:23 AM
Nerindel Léspheria
As Amandur and... 10-14-2003, 04:49 PM
Elora Vanwe - early dawn
Vanwe’s... 10-14-2003, 05:26 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
As they rode into... 10-14-2003, 05:31 PM
Elora Vanwe
The light was... 10-15-2003, 03:24 AM
Nerindel Dúlrain
As he followed,... 10-15-2003, 07:43 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill was having... 10-16-2003, 02:51 AM
Nerindel Tallas
Darkness, fades... 10-17-2003, 04:25 AM
Elora Barrold
Barrold switched a... 10-17-2003, 06:01 AM
Ealasaide Kaldir
"I am searching for... 10-19-2003, 08:15 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
When Amandur and... 10-19-2003, 12:01 PM
Imladris Maethor
“Oh, drat, where... 10-19-2003, 11:13 PM
Elora Vanwe
Vanwe stood,... 10-20-2003, 03:34 AM
Nerindel Amandur
Amandur looked at... 10-20-2003, 09:01 AM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill stood in... 10-21-2003, 01:23 AM
Nerindel Dúlrain
Dúlrain was... 10-21-2003, 04:56 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Gilly found herself... 10-21-2003, 05:36 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Dulrain slid the... 10-22-2003, 03:02 PM
Nerindel Nerindel's post - Toby... 10-23-2003, 05:00 AM
Elora Naiore
Hobbits can move... 10-23-2003, 06:06 AM
Nerindel Tallas
"Tallas, Old man,... 10-23-2003, 08:04 AM
Nerindel Dúlrain
"Your friend is... 10-23-2003, 11:54 AM
Imladris Maethor
“I feel lousy,”... 10-23-2003, 11:48 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Kaldir caught the... 10-24-2003, 10:39 PM
Nerindel Toby Longholes
“T…T…Toby... 10-25-2003, 07:20 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
The hobbit had been... 10-25-2003, 03:48 PM
Elora Naiore
Oh, she longed to... 10-25-2003, 06:48 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill's deep... 10-25-2003, 09:42 PM
Ealasaide Benia
As they left the... 10-26-2003, 10:44 PM
Elora Barrold
Avanill ignored... 10-27-2003, 01:02 AM
Nerindel Dúlrain
Dúlrain quickly... 10-27-2003, 07:42 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Naiore Dannan? ... 10-29-2003, 04:30 PM
Imladris Maethor
Maethor cursed... 10-29-2003, 07:09 PM
Elora Naiore
After what seemed... 10-30-2003, 12:14 AM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill had been... 10-30-2003, 01:21 AM
Nerindel Amandur
Amandur's Black... 10-30-2003, 06:09 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
"I wasn't always... 10-31-2003, 12:19 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
That Barrold and... 11-01-2003, 11:08 AM
Ealasaide Benia
As Benia and Kaldir... 11-02-2003, 05:08 PM
Elora Vanwe
They walked for... 11-03-2003, 02:53 AM
Nerindel Dúlrain
Dúlrain had meant... 11-03-2003, 10:47 AM
Imladris Maethor
Maethor gazed with... 11-03-2003, 08:40 PM
Nerindel Toby
Toby shifted... 11-04-2003, 05:02 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
When he returned... 11-05-2003, 12:10 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Gilly noticed... 11-06-2003, 07:06 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill sat with... 11-07-2003, 04:10 AM
Ealasaide Benia
"Please eat... 11-10-2003, 09:24 PM
Elora Naiore
Naiore withdrew,... 11-11-2003, 02:05 AM
Nerindel Dúlrain
Dúlrain’s first... 11-11-2003, 05:32 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
As darkness... 11-11-2003, 05:47 PM
Imladris Maethor
Dusk fell softly... 11-12-2003, 02:23 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
“Mr. Kaldir says... 11-12-2003, 08:49 PM
Nerindel Léspheria
Night had fallen... 11-13-2003, 12:33 PM
Ealasaide Benia
Benia watched as... 11-13-2003, 11:39 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Rauthain sat by... 11-14-2003, 04:33 PM
Elora Naiore
The night was still... 11-14-2003, 06:37 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill had hardly... 11-14-2003, 09:21 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Kaldir had fallen... 11-15-2003, 10:26 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
“Tell me Mrs.... 11-17-2003, 07:41 PM
Nerindel Dúlrain
Dúlrain's watched... 11-18-2003, 10:10 AM
Ealasaide Kaldir
"Might as well jump... 11-18-2003, 12:09 PM
Elora Naiore
In the dim light of... 11-19-2003, 08:46 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill had the... 11-20-2003, 01:20 AM
Elora Menecin
"Sinome niss!... 11-20-2003, 10:43 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
After his turn at... 11-21-2003, 08:36 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Lowering himself... 11-24-2003, 08:03 AM
Nerindel Amandur
The remainder of... 11-25-2003, 07:13 AM
Imladris Maethor
Maethor whistled... 11-26-2003, 12:15 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
“The fool!”... 11-28-2003, 10:06 AM
Nerindel Dúlrain
Dúlrain followed... 11-29-2003, 06:33 PM
Ealasaide Benia
Over the course of... 12-01-2003, 10:14 AM
Elora Vanwe
Vanwe sat in the... 12-01-2003, 04:44 PM
Imladris Maethor
The journey to... 12-01-2003, 09:51 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Looking around for a... 12-02-2003, 04:43 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill was... 12-02-2003, 11:57 PM
Elora Barrold
Under the pretense... 12-03-2003, 07:03 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Rauthain sat by... 12-06-2003, 05:36 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Upon arrival back... 12-07-2003, 08:19 PM
Nerindel Dúlrain
After entering the... 12-12-2003, 11:23 AM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Kaldir had only... 12-12-2003, 10:05 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
The gusting breeze... 12-16-2003, 08:06 PM
Everdawn Nerindel's post
... 12-17-2003, 12:29 AM
Nerindel Dúlrain
Dúlrain felt like... 12-20-2003, 08:42 PM
Imladris Maethor
“The little rat... 12-21-2003, 02:56 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Looking out... 12-22-2003, 12:01 PM
Elora Naiore
"Man's blood,"... 12-28-2003, 07:23 AM
Ealasaide Benia
As Benia listened to... 12-28-2003, 10:22 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill did not... 12-30-2003, 01:39 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Gilly was more... 01-02-2004, 04:32 PM
Nerindel Amandur
Amandur lead... 01-03-2004, 09:50 PM
Nerindel Toby Longholes
Toby had... 01-03-2004, 10:03 PM
Imladris Maethor
His jaw set,... 01-04-2004, 12:20 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Traveling swiftly... 01-07-2004, 07:16 AM
Ealasaide Benia
Benia had spent her... 01-09-2004, 09:20 PM
Elora Vanwe
A robin startled up... 01-11-2004, 03:51 PM
Nerindel Léspheria
Léspheria leaned... 01-12-2004, 08:45 AM
Elora Naiore
The orcs were... 01-12-2004, 05:02 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Why must they speak... 01-13-2004, 05:28 AM
Nerindel Toby Longholes
The smell... 01-14-2004, 10:08 AM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Roughly, Kaldir... 01-14-2004, 10:17 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Noting as best he... 01-15-2004, 05:36 AM
Elora Vanwe
The daylight's... 01-15-2004, 05:50 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill was quiet... 01-16-2004, 07:25 PM
Ealasaide Benia
As the sounds of... 01-18-2004, 01:32 PM
Nerindel Amandur
Maethor's death... 01-19-2004, 06:43 AM
Everdawn Avanill 04-22-2004, 01:45 AM
Nerindel Léspheria and Vanwe
... 04-25-2004, 05:24 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Now that the others... 04-26-2004, 03:08 PM
Everdawn Avanill
“I am not the one... 05-08-2004, 01:10 AM
Ealasaide Benia
Hesitantly, Benia... 05-10-2004, 02:43 PM
Nerindel Vanwe
Finding herself... 01-20-2004, 08:03 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Gilly had been just... 01-21-2004, 05:15 AM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill was now... 01-22-2004, 12:47 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
Traveling down... 01-29-2004, 05:47 AM
Ealasaide Kaldir
"To the river, Mr.... 01-29-2004, 02:26 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
“It no use Mr.... 01-31-2004, 04:00 PM
Nerindel Dúlrain and Toby
Holding... 02-02-2004, 10:06 AM
Ealasaide Benia
Benia was still... 02-03-2004, 09:18 PM
Nerindel Léspheria
As Léspheria... 02-05-2004, 05:17 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill lingered... 02-06-2004, 02:07 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
“Come then and... 02-11-2004, 08:31 AM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Driving Benia,... 02-14-2004, 09:21 PM
Nerindel Amandur
Dark hair clung... 02-16-2004, 10:27 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Gilly eyed Toby... 02-18-2004, 08:06 PM
Everdawn Avanill 02-20-2004, 01:29 AM
Everdawn Barrold Ferney 02-22-2004, 09:07 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
It pleased... 02-25-2004, 03:23 PM
Nerindel Menecin
He had a daughter,... 03-01-2004, 02:28 PM
Ealasaide Kaldir
He saw her. At... 03-02-2004, 11:29 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
Slowly the... 03-07-2004, 03:40 PM
Nerindel Toby Longholes
Toby looked... 03-10-2004, 04:23 PM
Everdawn Avanill
Avanill... 03-13-2004, 02:43 AM
Nerindel Naiore
Like a deathly... 03-14-2004, 06:15 AM
Ealasaide Kaldir
Kaldir's eyes... 03-14-2004, 02:52 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Menecin
The time was fast... 03-17-2004, 07:38 PM
Hilde Bracegirdle Gilly
"We should make for... 03-23-2004, 05:58 AM
Nerindel Toby Longholes
Toby’s... 03-23-2004, 06:10 AM
Hilde Bracegirdle Rauthain
As Rauthain led... 03-25-2004, 06:47 PM
09-12-2003, 06:33 AM | #11 |
Shade of Carn Dûm
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Kalrienmar
Posts: 402
Eyes glittered with cold hatred as they tracked the doings at the stable. Kaldir departed with three horses. Naiore supressed a growl and considered further. He had glanced into the woods also. The damned Ranger had companions to be sure, the two extra mounts told him that. Her attention swivelled back to the Rangers in time to see the older one point. Her teeth bared in barely contained frustration. She would have to be swift if she was to snatch Vanwe in time and already the Rangers were sniffing about like querrulous terriors. Sniff too close and they'd lose more than their noses. Her patience was rapidly coming to an end. Naiore's gloved hand tightened around an inky hilt as the Stablemaster shot off towards the inn as though someone had set his breeches alight. She watched him disappear through the door and her grip relaxed. Mayhap he would bring her quarry out with him. When he appeared unaccompanied by Vanwe, Naiore summonsed what little tolerance she had left and remained still and silent. Time was thin. The skirmishes would be advanced by now and she needed to be at Bree. Skaikrish had been more than eager to set out when she had struck this bargain, and here she sat in a tangled wood squandering the diversion the fool orc had thrown at her feet. As Amandur and Rauthain studied the tree line, Naiore came to a swift conclusion. She had to be on her way to Bree by mid morning at the latest. with utmost stealth, Naiore stood and began ghosting on silent feet between the trees. The forest was dark, the sun not yet sufficiently high enough to cast all the shadows back. Naiore had long selected this vantage out. She moved to it now should the Rangers decide to venture in rather than simply stand, point and stare. It was slow and deliberate work that she executed painstakingly. The reward for such diligence would be great... the north at her feet when all was said and done, and perhaps an answer to the question that had started it all Ages now past. With the defining riddle of fear held in the forefront of her mind, Naiore was in position and poised to act in an instant. All she needed was for Vanwe to venture out from the inn and it would begin to draw together, this finely woven net. Menecin A soft tap sounded at the door shortly after dawn. They knew now that if he slept during the night, he would be awake by now. If he slept... Menecin made no reply, wrapped in his own night of sorrow, pain and betrayed rage. The door cracked open to admit one of the many who watched him. "Menecin," came the soft question. The one who was to answer did not here it. The Elf who had asked it made out the shape of the bard by a window that overlooked the swaying fir trees. He was rocking slightly, absorbed in something he saw out that window within his mind. "Menecin," the Elf said a little more certainly. Again no respose. With care, for the bard was unpredictably dangerous, the Elf stepped through the door and left it open judiciously should he need to make a swift escape. Elrohir's tidings had sat heavily upon his shoulders all through the night watch. He had been wrestling with this for hours now and there was no easy way to tell Menecin. Only, that he had to be told. "Menecin, word has reached me of something that may interest you," the Elf began. There was no interruption to Menecin's rocking. Back and forth he swayed as though he were suspended from the roof. Once he had been suspended from a roof, and he had looked not upon fir trees but the beautiful face of the woman he loved - loves - loved. "Menecin, you have kin within these lands." Again there was no response. The concept of kin had lost meaning long ago, but the Elf was not to know this for he could not look into the shattered, jagged mind of Maglor's once pupil. "You... have a child." The rocking stopped and the halting statement seemed to resound. Menecin did not look away from the window, but he was so still as to seem to soak up all around him. "A daughter... you have a daughter," the Elf finished, warily watching the bard with one hand on the door. Slowly Menecin's shoulders began to shake. The Elf stared, shocked at the presence of a reaction. Did he understand? He took a step forward, towards Menecin and then another. Yes, his shoulders were shaking, but why. After a third step his watcher soon discovered why. Menecin was laughing, silently and without mirth or sanity. Black anger was stamped on his features and he laughed like he was possessed, mad. Then, with blinding speed, he twisted around and whipped his face towards the other. His watcher instinctively recoiled away as Menecin crowed, "A daughter! A daughter! She took even that!" His laughter had dissolved now into howls of rage. The Elf scrabbled back for the door as the depth of the abyss in Menecin's soul opened before him. He slammed shut the door and locked it for good measure, breathing hard. The sound of furniture splintering leaked through it. "A daughter!" Menecin could be heard cackling and sobbing in turns as he savaged his room. His turmoil was too great to keep locked within. The Elf stood by the door, tears bright in his eyes. Slowly, the bard subsided in his attack, as did his ruined laughter. But the sobs continued longer still. Menecin sank to the floor amid the debris of his sanctuary/cell, unfeeling beyond this latest outrage. She had taken from him even his child. A daughter... Outside his door, his watcher looked up in profound sadness at the appearance of another drawn by the disturbance. "He knows," Elrohir said, more statement than question. With a sigh of sorrow and lament, the other nodded. Elrohir withdrew, and made his way back to his father's library. Her own family, her kindred, all of Middle-earth and the one who had loved her resolutely through all that had passed... and now her own child. Would Vanwe, lost, prove to be as fell as her mother or ruined as her father? The echoes of this seemed to stretch into forever, through generations of Elf and Man. Or would Vanwe prove to be something else entirely and work her way free of this web of sorrow? No sooner had Elrohir gained the library did an Elf appear with urgent tidings. Skaikrish was on the move once more. Elrohir found himself turned once more to the stuff of battle and struggle and away from matters of healing, the same conundrum of his father before him. "Marshal a sortie of 20 warriors and set out to reinforce the Dunedain. We can spare no more." Elrohir watched the Elf depart. No more if we are to hold back something far worse than rabid orcs... but would all the warriors of the once proud Elven kingdoms be of avail when this evil comes from within our own? It was another question of late, the answer to which Elrohir had little liking for. Collapsed on the floor of his room, Menecin drifted in living memory... a daughter! Would she look like her mother? An Elf maiden swayed and danced upon the golden sands of Belfalas. A daughter!
Characters: Rosmarin: Lady of Cardolan; Lochared: Vagabond of Dunland; Simra: Daughter of Khand; Naiore: Lady of the Sweet Swan; Menecin: Bard of the Singing Seas; Vanwe: Lost Maiden; Ronnan: Lord of Thieves; and, Uien of the Twilight |
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