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Old 01-08-2006, 03:04 PM   #41
Azaelia of Willowbottom
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Form, I did submit you an occupation (I forget what it was now, so it can't have been anything special) but I much prefer the drunk role. A chance to
have a little more fun

But I should warn everyone that I am a student, and as such, will be in school. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I have work until 6:00 so expect early (or, worst-case scenario, absent) votes or late appearances, whichever the case, should Day ever fall on one of those two weekdays.

Just thought I should let everyone know.
"Wherever I have been, I am back."

Last edited by Azaelia of Willowbottom; 01-08-2006 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 01-09-2006, 04:46 AM   #42
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Lhunardawen has been trapped in the Barrow!

Lord mod, you forgot to edit in Zali's and Kath's occupations.
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Old 01-09-2006, 10:17 AM   #43
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Garin has just left Hobbiton.

Thanks to everyone who submitted their expected schedules. Suspicion tends to go towards the quiet ones or the very vocal folks. Hopefully, I'll be fairly vocal but not annoyingly so. I think the non-participants are the most worthy of punishment and suspicion, so it's good to know in advance why some are absent or quiet.
good luck everyone.

I am a sick man ... I am a spiteful man. I am an unpleasant man. I think my liver is diseased.

Fyodor Dostoevsky "Notes From the Underground"
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Old 01-09-2006, 12:26 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Lhunardawen
Lord mod, you forgot to edit in Zali's and Kath's occupations.
No, I didn't...

I was simply giving them time to point out that they had, in fact, submitted occupations as of that time, which I had not seen.

I will, however, edit them in now.

Discussion of rules, times of availability, and all other non-playing of Tol-in-Gaurhoth XVI is herewith ended on this thread, and banished to the main Tol-in-Gaurhoth thread. The first post of the game proper will be posted quite soon. Please note that the game is not in session.

~Michael A. Joosten - WW XVI Moderator~
I prefer history, true or feigned.
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Old 01-09-2006, 12:35 PM   #45
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White Tree The Game Begins.

“The might of Hyarmendacil no enemy dared to contest during the remainder of his long reign. He was king for one hundred and thirty-four years, the longest reign but one of all the Line of Anárion. In his days Gondor reached the summit of its power. The realm then extended north to Celebrant and the southern eaves of Mirkwood; west to the Greyflood; east to the inland Sea of Rhûn; south to the River Harnen, and thence along the coast to the peninsula and haven of Umbar.”
-Appendix A iv: Gondor and the Heirs of Anárion

“Stirred up, as was afterwards seen, by enemies of Sauron, [the Wainriders] made a sudden assault upon Gondor, and King Narmacil II was slain in battle with them beyond Anduin in 1856. The people of eastern and southern Rhovanion were enslaved; and the frontiers of Gondor were for that time withdrawn to Anduin and the Emyn Muil. (At this time it is thought that Ringwraiths re-entered Mordor.)”
-Appendix A iv: Gondor and the Heirs of Anárion

“1856 Gondor loses its eastern territories and Narmacil II falls in battle.”
-Appendix B: The Third Age

“Calimehtar, son of Narmacil II, helped by a revolt in Rhovanion, avenged his father wit a great victory over the Easterlings upon Dagorlad in 1899, and for a while peril was averted.”
- Appendix A iv: Gondor and the Heirs of Anárion

The year is 1900 of the Third Age. A weakened Gondor under King Calimehtar has withdrawn beyond the Anduin, leaving its territories in Rhovanion to fend for itself until a day when the realm would again be able to exert its rule across the plains. Such a day would be long in coming.

But indeed, there were few people left in Rhovanion who yet claimed the King in Minas Anor as their lord and sovereign. Only a few of the Dúnedain of the South had ever settled beyond the Anduin and north of the Ered Lithui, and only a few of the non-Dúnedain of Gondor had ever settled there with them.

The lands of Rhovanion had, since the days of Narmacil I, before the Kinslaying, been mostly populated by the Northmen, men of Edainic descent, akin at a great distance to the Gondorians, and trusted by them. And indeed, since the days of Narmacil I, Rhovanion had been mostly left to their cares, though some few Dúnedain remained hither and thither among the plains.

But the invasion of the Wainriders in 1856 spelled the end for the Gondorian pretensions of ruling Rhovanion, for they swept right through it, killing Gondorian and Northman alike, until they were halted at last before the Emyn Muil. Those loyal to Gondor that remained in Rhovanion fled, died, or were enslaved.

In 1899, King Calimehtar drove the Easterlings out of Rhovanion for a while. But those who had fled to Gondor or to the emerging Northman kingdom of Dale were unwilling to return to lands they had once dwelt in, where protection from invasion was scarce to be found, and it was only a few people who returned from hiding and a few brave souls that returned from Gondor that attempted to resettle Rhovanion.

Among those few villages to which people returned, one is remembered to history as Dol-in-Gaurhoth- the Hill of Werewolves. It was a small village indeed, no more than twenty villagers in the year 1900. Guarded by wooden palisade, it sat on a small hill nestled in the mountainous range of hills that guarded the southeastern side of the inland Sea of Rhûn.

As for why it was called Dol-in-Gaurhoth, well, that is the story that you are about to hear….
I prefer history, true or feigned.
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Old 01-09-2006, 01:26 PM   #46
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The villagers of Dol-in-Gaurhoth were a diverse lot. Hardy souls, all of them, or else would not have returned to Rhovanion after the defeat of the Easterlings, who already began to menace their dreams from the East.

Many of those who resettled what would someday come to be known as Dol-in-Gaurhoth were Dúnedain, or Gondorians of mixed descent. But let it not be said that one needed to be a Dúnadan to possess the courage that caused these men and women to brave the lawless land they returned to settle, for though their span of years might have, even then, been longer than those of other Men, courage cannot be measured by the conventions of Elves or Men, and only the One can truly know the heart that spurs a person to acts of bravery.

The names of those who resettled the village are long forgotten by most, but their names are not forgotten by the scholars- save one. Of Gondorian blood were: Formendacil, Meneltarmacil, Cailín, Farael, Valier, Gil-galad (named, it is said, after the Elvenking of yore), Alcarillo, Lhunardawen, Gurthang, Naria, Nilpaurion Felagund, and Eluchíl. Of Northman descent were Azaelia (said to be of Willowbottom), Garin, Kath, Amanaduial (an archer of some repute), Malkatoj, and Rune son of Bjarne (a very short Man indeed, and believed in times since to have actually been one of the Hobbits that dwelt along the Anduin with the Northmen forebears of the Rohirrim). There was even one of the Dwarven kin in the village, Kuruharan of the line of Durin. Only one name is lost to history, though one of his features is remembered still: the Guy Who Be Short.

These villagers lived in apparent peace and harmony in their early months together, but there was an evil menace in Middle-Earth, the same evil menace who had spurred the Wainriders against Gondor, and evil menace that would be revealed in later times to be Sauron, the once and future Dark Lord of Mordor, by whose cunning Númenor had sunk beneath the waves, the Lieutenant of Morgoth Bauglír.

Though possessed of great power and might, Sauron was possessed of more subtle skills and of a more vast arsenal of weapons than the brute force of the Wainriders, who hid east of Rhûn, licking the wounds King Calimehtar had inflicted on them. And indeed, three of the villagers in Dol-in-Gaurhoth were men under his influence- and a fourth was poised to become so also, and it is from them that the village takes its name “Hill of Werewolves”.

The use of Werewolves to undermine small numbers of his enemy goes back to the years when Sauron was still a servant of Morgoth, and many were the peoples and races they came from that had seen last before their death the fangs of those they had thought their friends. And, indeed, the poison of the Accursed who carried the evil unknowingly would ensure that the Werewolves would trouble the word until long after Sauron had fallen.

But at this point, the village was yet hopeful for their long-term prosperity, and none save the Werewolves know of the hidden menace that waited to prey on their village. Not until the very night when the first of them died….
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Old 01-09-2006, 03:39 PM   #47
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*Break in the narration*

Okay, everybody, the game starts in about half an hour, as soon as I post the final piece of narration for the moment. I think everyone's up on the rules, but since we have quite a few rookie players, let's review a couple of rules regarding Private Messaging:

NO ONE is allowed to Private Message another player about the game, except for the Werewolves, and they are only alllowed to do so at Night.

Everybody should be in Invisible mode from now until the end of the game. This is to make sure that nobody can track what team you're on. When you are not invisible, people can see if you're Private Messaging, and they can deduce (rightly or wrongly) things from this fact.

These rules apply to dead players as well as live ones, due to the experimental new Seer that we're trying out.

Remember, all questions or "real life" announcements should be posted to the main Tol-in-Gaurhoth thread.

~Michael A. Joosten - WW XVI Moderator~

P.S. 20 minutes to gametime.
I prefer history, true or feigned.
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Old 01-09-2006, 04:03 PM   #48
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Formendacil was an older man, of pure Dúnedainic descent. Born in Ithilien, he claimed among his mother’s ancestors the first Dúnedain to settle Rhovanion, and descended from men who had sailed on Isildur’s own ship from sunken Númenor. His father had been a purebred descendant of the Dúnedain of Cardolan, some of whom had fled past Tharbad to Gondor in years gone by.

Formendacil was a proud man, over-proud some said, although not without reason. He was of noble Dúnedainic lineage, well read, and had the long lifespan of his kin. As a young man he had enlisted in the armies of Arthedain and served his father’s kin in fighting the Shadow in Angmar, but as he grew older, and passed his sixtieth year, he returned to his homeland of Gondor. There, he saw service in Calimehtar’s army that avenged Gondor against the Wainriders, and in doing so he came to the broad land of Rhovanion that his mother’s kin had settled. Perhaps there was some familial connection to explain it, but he fell in love with the rolling and empty plains, and after being discharged from the King’s service, he was among those who eagerly set out to resettle the empty plains.

Not everyone in the village cared too much for Formendacil. Those of Northman descent found him rather distant. The Dúnedain, for the most part, didn’t warm up to him, but to say that anyone in the village hated him would have been to exaggerate.

He was, put simply, a loner. A hard, soldier’s life, a lack of a wife and family, and a general preference for the quiet had left him content to be alone among others. The wide, open loneliness of the plains suited him.

Of those in the village, Formendacil was perhaps closest to Lhunardawen and her brother Nilpaurion. Long-time inhabitants of Osgiliath, they had abandoned the dying urban centre of Gondor at the same time that he had. No one was quite sure how they were connected to Formendacil. Lhunardawen called him “brother” at times, but Nilpaurion tended to refer to him as friend, and no one could see a familial resemblance anyway.

But be that as it may, Formendacil spent more time with Lhunardawen and her brother than he did with any of the other villagers, and it was from their home that he was walking on that fateful night…

had been enjoying a fine dinner at the home of siblings, finished with a delicious blueberry cheesecake before he set out, alone, for his own home.

The village, inhabited as it was by only twenty people, was spread widely across the top of the hill that would someday be remembered as Dol-in-Gaurhoth. With so few villagers, all were indoors after hours, and as Formendacil walked the lonely streets between Lhuna’s home and his own, he was the only soul to be seen or heard.

He had gone perhaps halfway across the village when a blood-chilling howl froze him in his tracks. Soon, the blood-chilling shriek was joined by another, and then another. Formendacil reached for his sword (all the villagers who had a weapon went about carrying them due to the nearness of the East). Those were the howling of wolves, he knew. But they were not the local wolves that sometimes came down from the north to trouble Gurthang’s herds. Nay, this howling reminded him a great deal more of the larger, and fiercer wolves that following the armies of Angmar and that had wreaked havoc on the people of Eriador.

Formendacil paused, listening, and realized that the howling was coming from three sides. Taking to flight, he clambered up the side of Valier’s silent brewery, drawing his sword again as soon as he reached the roof. From here, at least, he had a better vantage point.

But the first things that he saw were the glowing eyes of a massive Wolf, tracking him from the roof of the nearby store belonging to Naria. The Wolf was in a crouch, ready to pounce.

And pounce it did. Formendacil dove out of the way, on his feet in a moment, sword ready to strike. But even as he prepared to combat the wolf, he was taken from behind by another of the Wolves, who had hit him with an enormous leap from the roof of the Guy Who Be Short’s Hattery.

Once the third wolf joined the others on the roof of the brewery, it was all over. Formendacil died bravely, sword in hand, as befitted a soldier, but he was no match for the three ferocious beasts, although when his body was discovered the next morning, at the foot of the brewery, broken and mangled, the severed tail of a Werewolf was found next to him.

Minutes after Formendacil’s spirit was torn from his body, a shadowy image of him appeared in one of the homes of the village. The village Seer awoke, startled.

Formendacil!” said the Seer. “Why have you died?”

Formendacil’s spirit raised a shadowy hand, and gestured at the village.

“Them?” asked the Seer.


When the village gathered around the dead body of Formendacil, discovered in its gruesome fullness the following morning, Nilpaurion was the first to step forward and identify what had happened.

“Wolves,” he said definitely. “Big ones.”

“And how do you know that?” said Garin, the horse loaner always a little sceptical of the wannabe carnivore’s ways.

“I just know these things,” said Nilpaurion. He was a bit of an odd character, eating only meat and generally acting suspicious.

“I don’t suppose that this would have given it away any?” said Lhuna, carefully holding up the severed tail of a wolf.

“Not just any wolves,” said Malkatoj, “these are Werewolves that killed Formendacil.”

“How can you tell?” asked Kuruharan, ever a sceptic.

“Because they left us a message,” said the professor. She gave Formendacil’s body a kick, and a piece of parchment was clearly visible where it shifted.

“What does it say?” demanded Azaelia. The Guy Who Be Short grabbed it, and read:

Greetings, Foolish Men of the West,

You have trespassed on the lands of the Wainriders for too long. Be gone ere the sun sets this night, or another shall be culled from your numbers, as this one was. What a fool this loner was! He should have remembered that no man is an island.

And it was signed:

The Werewolves in Your Midst

The villagers looked at each other, and the bravery that had caused them to come there in the first place caused them to being muttering and dark looks started to spread among them.

“Shall we be driven out by a pack of wild wolves?” Meneltarmacil demanded to know.

“We shall not!” said Naria, loudly.

“I’ll tell you what we’ll do,” said Gurthang, “we’ll hunt down these werewolves and lynch them!”

“Come on,” said short little Rune, “let’s not be so violent! No more war!”

“Be quiet,” said Amanaduial darkly, “or YOU’ll be the first one lynched.”

And so, as the brave, but foolish, villagers began to accuse each other with little or no reason, the first Day after the death of Formendacil began.

Day 1 had now begun. You may commence posting.
I prefer history, true or feigned.
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Old 01-09-2006, 04:29 PM   #49
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Poor old Formendacil may his soul find a proper resting place. He was brave even if I never got to know him half as well as he deserved. Gentlemen and ladies, let us find those wolves quickly and exterminate them mercilessly. My profession might have declined since the times we hunted those big worms - those other people call dragons - but I am not the only brave soul in this town. We can take them, by day or night if we stay together, but our best chance will be to find them now. I shall be looking at you, my friends, and I hope you forgive me if I ever suspect the wrong person.
I prepared Explosive Runes this morning.
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Old 01-09-2006, 04:44 PM   #50
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Alas, alas, such a tragedy for us poor noble souls. Have we not yet faced enough hardships? And poor Formendacil, such a valiant man. May we forever rightly spell his name.

So, it seems we have traitors in our midst! Let it then be known now, that whoever I find guilty of these crimes, will have reason to fear my wrath. Such brutalities will not go unanswered! *cough* but I fear there are more people than me who have a say in this. Though should they?

Like for example you, Meneltarmacil, surely know more about this. Always sneaking around, I mistrusted you from the very first time I tried to rob you.

And what about Rune? He is always prattling about these little things, Soddits or somewhat, I suspect him to be at least slightly… deranged.

But with Eluchil always being so overly polite, Malkatoj preaching about things no one can quite comprehend and naturally Kath – definitely something smelly about her - , I remain quite clueless as to who is responsible for these foul deeds, so let's all start pointing fingers, right?

I mean, heh, I am of course not accusing anyone. But a fool could see there is something fishy about the people I mentioned above.
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Old 01-09-2006, 04:49 PM   #51
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Farewell old warrior. By the looks of his wounds, this is the work of the same beasts that mauled the finest colt in my stock two nights ago. Now that they have a taste for villagers my horses will be spared. Small consolation, if I have no one to rent them to. I sometimes tired of Formendacil's rehashing of war stories after too much of Valier's ale. Although he showed disdain for us Northmen, he will be missed. Not as much as my colt, however. Some of you are hiding a great evil and we will not let you succeed. I noticed Farael skulking about last night but I suppose the evenings are the best time for hunting worms. Also, don't think I didn't notice that Gurthang's stock was spared by these beasts. However, maybe he just is luckier than me. Stop looking at me with such suspicion Nilpaurion.

I am a sick man ... I am a spiteful man. I am an unpleasant man. I think my liver is diseased.

Fyodor Dostoevsky "Notes From the Underground"
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Old 01-09-2006, 04:49 PM   #52
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Kuruharan is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Kuruharan is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Kuruharan is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.

Hmm...on the one hand, now would be a good time to sell weapons because everybody is going to want one. On the other hand, now would be a good time to sell liquor because everybody is going to want some and perhaps the wolves will become so drunk they will make a mistake.

GET 'EM WHILE THEY LAST!!! (prices doubled on everything.)

Be it known that I will badger the reticent. The more people talk, the more opportunities we have to pick up on werewolf clues (and hopefully give the werewolves more opportunities to make mistakes).
...finding a path that cannot be found, walking a road that cannot be seen, climbing a ladder that was never placed, or reading a paragraph that has no...
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:04 PM   #53
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Meneltarmacil is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

Sneaking around, am I? Heh heh heh.... I certainly do seem to be the kind to attract suspicion, eh? Speaking of your robbery attempts, I hope the numerous booby traps I've set all over my house were enough to dissuade you from coming here again...heh heh heh...

One might think you're the one skulking about killing people off, Cailín, the way you've been stealing things...

Mwahahahaha... off to my strange things I do all day... heh heh.
I ♣ baby seals.

Last edited by Meneltarmacil; 01-09-2006 at 05:05 PM. Reason: Just punctuation mistakes
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:05 PM   #54
Azaelia of Willowbottom
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Thanks but no thanks, Kuruharan. My money is better spent in the pub...

But it is a real shame about Formendacil...We can drink his funeral ale today. And tomorrow. And the next day...

DRINKS ON ME AT THE PUB!...I'll drink you werewolves under the table!!

ETAouble-Posted with that suspicious guy... *looks at him with suspicion*
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:07 PM   #55
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Well, well, werewolves. Will they get me out of doing this disgusting job? Only if I'm dead. I see. Then lets get rid of the things so there isn't any more of this muck to clear up.

There will of course only be vague musings as to who is a wolf today, as only a maximum of 4 people can possibly know. So, without further ado, let pointless namecalling, insulting and accusations commence!

I would go with my tried and trusted method of picking names systematically, but as there is no list in the mod gods most recent post and I can't be bothered to go find one, I suspect everyone!
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:18 PM   #56
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So quick with the accusations Cailin but I suppose this is the best way to put the wheels of justice in motion. As of today, none of us really knows anyone else anymore, except of course, the canine demons know eachother. Let us look carefully at each claim and defense, for within 23 hours one of us will die by our hands. I shall take a long bow Kuruharan, I will be sleeping on on my roof because I still fear for the safety of horses, despite the lycan preference for the flesh of villagers. Perhaps I can put an arrow in some wolfish hide. Really Azaelia, how can you drink at a time such as this?

I am a sick man ... I am a spiteful man. I am an unpleasant man. I think my liver is diseased.

Fyodor Dostoevsky "Notes From the Underground"
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:22 PM   #57
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Here is the list. from the beginning of the game:
Meneltarmacil - Creepy Guy on the Edge of Town
Cailin - Noble Kleptomaniac
Azaelia - Town Drunk
Farael - Worm Hunter
TGWBS - Hat Maker
Garin - Horse Loaner
Kath - Gongfarmer
Rune - Misplaced Hobbit Peace Activist
Valier - Brewmaster
Gil-Galad - Shrubber
Alcarillo - Moneylender
Lhunardawen - Potion-Pizza Person
Gurthang - Rancher
Amanaduial - Northman Forest and Mountain Guide
Naria - Store Proprietor
Nilpaurion Felagund - Suspicious Carnivore
Kuruharan - Dwarven Alcohol and Weapons Merchant
Eluchil - Mild-Mannered Innkeeper
Malkatoj - Professor of Philosophy

I am a sick man ... I am a spiteful man. I am an unpleasant man. I think my liver is diseased.

Fyodor Dostoevsky "Notes From the Underground"
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:28 PM   #58
Azaelia of Willowbottom
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Originally Posted by Garin
Really Azaelia, how can you drink at a time such as this?
I'm the town drunk, with pride. Drinking at any time is really quite easy when you put your mind to it, as long as you have the money. Besides, it's in dear Formen's memory.

(RL Azaelia says, though I, of course, have no real experience in this, and I can't stand even the smell of beer...Don't want you all to think I was breaking the law!)

But enough of this pretense. Don't suppose any of you werewolves want to just come forward and tell us...

*looks around hopefully*


*ambles off in the direction of the pub*
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:31 PM   #59
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What a shame! what a shame! Formendacil was a nice enough fellow, stopped into my Brewery from time to time he did.He will be missed (looking around suspisiously).

Drinks you say Azaelia? Your paying? So early? Wish to wash away a few sins, do you? (watching Azaelia wobble toward the bar ahead of everyone else)

Well unlike Kuruharanwho will likely double his prices,I will lower mine slightly for an hour.Let's all drink to the dearly departed
grand return?........
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:34 PM   #60
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By the looks of his wounds, this is the work of the same beasts that mauled the finest colt in my stock two nights ago. Now that they have a taste for villagers my horses will be spared.
Unlucky, Garin - for you and me both; I was supposed to be taking some green group of travellers South come the end of the week. Somehow I doubt that'll be on the cards anymore once they get whiff of this tale. Bloody wolves, demolishing trade left, right and centre...still, I see some people were 'surprisingly' unaffected, and it's amazing how some can even turn a disaster to their advantage - naming no names of course... None of your stock hit, Gurthang? Ooh, Kuruharan, interesting time for your prices to all suddenly rise at once...

Looks like I picked the wrong village to use as a base these past months. Still, it'll make an interesting story to tell en route with the next lot of travellers, I suppose...And I reckon one of my arrows could find a nice home in the side of a wolf if one of them does slip up; I could do with a nice new pelt for a saddle-rug...*fingers bow absentmindedly*

As Kath rightfully says, it's probably gonna be pointless name calling all the way today - I must admit, I know very few of you well, although most of you probably know me by sight if not by name: I've been passing through this village for nigh on three years by now. Not sure if that gives me firm enough grounding to suspect anyone... But to take Kath up- hang on a second, darlin', did you say four people can know? And, eh, is that an 'innocent villager' should know so much about how many wolves there are, hmm? Seems a little suspicious that you already seem to know so much about the wolves, hmm? I mean, unless you're willing to share, if you know anything of the events of last night, please do share...? *narrows eyes*

"No man is an island", eh? *Studies the note* Ominous to say the least...

(There, a good three people senselessly accused in one post - not bad going )
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:42 PM   #61
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Yes indeed Aman I did say four, for we have in our midst a Seer, who may already know the identity of one of the wolves here. Of course it is possible that he/she does not, and that is why I said a maximum of four.

Now I must away, those pits don't clean themselves and I need a good nights rest before I attempt them.
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:47 PM   #62
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Indeed, Amanaduial, I expect travel will become infrequent in these parts until we make the hides of the demonic beasts into wintering hats with the help of TGWBS. Come to think of it his small flock of mangy sheep seem to have weathered wolf attacks as well.
Yes Kath? Four people? The way I see it the seer can only ask questions of the dead and we have our first victim just now. Correct me if I am wrong, this modification of the seer role has been confusing.

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Old 01-09-2006, 05:48 PM   #63
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Formendacil? My, why this is quite an astonishing thing to happen! Though few of us spoke much with him, his life was worth as much of any of ours. Clearly we cannot waste our time much longer, for we are all at risk. Though the probabilities of wolf-ness is equal among everyone, there are some who seem to be hiding, and of those we must be weary. I speak of Farael, our beloved worm hunter: is it not possible that his endless speach about how the worms should be destroyed serves as a distraction for us, ensuring that we will not realize the matter of most importance here? We must kill wolves, not worms. And Eluchil, our mild-mannered innkeeper: acting so mild-mannered so as to avoid suspicion, hmm?

Alas, it is too early to know for sure and we must not vote simply because our fancy bids us. I will be looking closely for any fallacy in arguments or reasoning behind votes, so I hope you all will keep them reasonable and sensible.
Now, mostly dead is slightly alive. Now, all dead...well, with all dead, there's usually only one thing that you can do--Go through his clothes and look for loose change.
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:50 PM   #64
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Come to think of it his small flock of mangy sheep seem to have weathered wolf attacks as well.
Ah, credit the wolves with some taste No, I do apologise, that was bad taste; and besides, it has been a bad winter for us all. They went for horses, then for a full grown, if slightly more elderly, man - yet there are apparently only three of them. A scary prospect indeed...*nervously looks around*
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Old 01-09-2006, 05:52 PM   #65
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Heh heh heh...time for a little randomizing...

*rolls 20-sided die*

Hmmm... It's a 3. Looking at the list Garin posted, that would point to Azaelia. More than just a drunk, perhaps? Keep in mind this is just random though...

I'll be back... *more evil laughter*

EDIT: Cross-posted with Amanduial.
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Old 01-09-2006, 06:01 PM   #66
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I'm not quite sure I would agree with this being a time for randomizing, Meneltarmacil. Indeed, we must be as careful as ever. Simply because the chances are equal does not mean that the die will be the same as the list.

(Did you really roll a 20-sided die? Sweet...)

Now, mostly dead is slightly alive. Now, all dead...well, with all dead, there's usually only one thing that you can do--Go through his clothes and look for loose change.
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Old 01-09-2006, 06:13 PM   #67
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It was indeed a tragedy. My guests enjoyed the many stories he had to tell od the many years and exploits he had enjoyed. It is the sign of the times, I fear. My friend Cailin, you should know more than anyone that finger pointers often have the most to hide. Not that I'm accusing anyone myself. Although, I did seem to hear much ruccus near my inn that night. Chatter, it seemed like. With some clatter. But when I went to investigate, there was no one. Isn't that queer? Well, you'll never see me out after midnight. I have responsibilities to tend to, and what with evil afoot, I should focus on my customers and keep!
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Old 01-09-2006, 06:40 PM   #68
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Ooh, Kuruharan, interesting time for your prices to all suddenly rise at once
Laws of supply and demand good people. I’m the only source of high-quality dwarven manufactured (in Khazad-dûm of Iron Hills iron no less) weaponry in the village. There is a sudden need for such tools. I can charge what I like. The only problem is that I’m not sure I want to sell weapons to some of you. I suppose, at the very least, I can feel pretty safe in selling some nice suits of armor.

Well unlike Kuruharanwho will likely double his prices,I will lower mine slightly for an hour.
Better and better. You’ll run out of hooch right quick now. Then I’ll be able to triple prices. I’m not a famous world-renown merchant extraordinaire for nothing.

for we have in our midst a Seer
Awfully early to be probing around at this isn’t it…?

What, I say, what could she be about?
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Old 01-09-2006, 07:41 PM   #69
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Why, in fact I did roll a 20-sided die in real life, malkatoj. Actually, heh heh, I do not plan to vote for random people this early on. I just wanted to have an option we could fall back on in case nothing turned up later...

However, given that a certain Nilpaurion Felagund also resides in this village, I believe that he'll probably show up asking to be lynched before long....heh heh.

You probably won't be seeing much more of me for quite a few hours, but trust me, I'll be back before you know it...hehe...
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Old 01-09-2006, 08:00 PM   #70
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Oh my what a terrible thing that has happend. . .

It is a tradic day indeed, but let us not talk of more killings it is not the way to go about this. I say we stop the accusations and sit down in a cirkle and talks this thru. I mean Werewolfs are people too. . .ehh maybe not, but they got feelings and surley they are just a bunch of mis-understood creatures who had a terribel childhood. Surley a little extra hair and fangs should not stand in the way of what could be a great friendship.

Kuruharan I am very pleased with your initiative to raise the prices on the weapons, otherwise we would allready have a bloodbath in the town. You are a peace lover like me no doubt.
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Old 01-09-2006, 08:19 PM   #71
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*looks around at the rest of the people in the pub, and listens with more than half an ear for the first time in her life*

*pushes mug of ale away*

For maybe the first time in my life, I think I want to stay sober today.

Well. How do you propose we get rid of these beasts, Rune? Because surely they will not simply disappear should we offer them a little kindness. Killed for our troubles, rather!
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Old 01-09-2006, 08:39 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by Meneltarmacil
Why, in fact I did roll a 20-sided die in real life, malkatoj. Actually, heh heh, I do not plan to vote for random people this early on. I just wanted to have an option we could fall back on in case nothing turned up later...
Why did you do it then ? You could allways mention it latter, when you had found out if there was anything to go by.

Now Menel If you are a wolf just tell me, I can help you. Sure I am undistinguished, but I will make sure they dont kill you. We could proberbly arange a large cage in wich you could live and I would come each day and take you for a walk. . . How does that sound?

and Azaelia just because you don't like my methodes does not mean that you have the right to treat me like an inferior. I belive I told you how I would deal with these misunderstood creatures. If this fails I will of course need to rethink my stradegy, but for now I will stick with kindness.

(hey Azaelia did you edit your post? maybe I am just to tired because when I read it the second time, the last part was different from what I rememberd)
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Old 01-09-2006, 08:42 PM   #73
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All right, no need for argument just now, I suppose. I certainly did not mean to treat you as a inferior.

(and I may have edited. I am a compulsive editor, and I have just remembered that this is something frowned upon in WW games, and possibly in general. My apologies, Rune. Next time, if it happens, I'll leave a note saying it, or just make a new post.)
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Old 01-09-2006, 08:43 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Eluchíl
...My friend Cailin, you should know more than anyone that finger pointers often have the most to hide. Not that I'm accusing anyone myself...
My, my, my... so you are not accusing anyone just mentioning that people who behave like Cailin have the most to hide, eh? Come on, if you want to point fingers go ahead that's what we'll all do before the day is over.

Now, here are my thoughts this early on the day about all of you. Please note the names are in no specific order

Meneltarmacil - What is the deal with this Meneltarmacil man? I know he's been odd since well before we knew about the wolves but who knows how long have those wanna-be big dogs been living among us? I would say that being always weird is the best way of hiding wolfishness

Cailin - In spite of my reply to Eluchil's words, I do think that Cailin pointed too many fingers too early on the day. Maybe it was the anger speaking or the desire to start some arguments going yet not even half of us had had time of saying a word before her rant.

Azaelia - She seems ready to forget about our dearly departed Formendacil and drink herself cheerful, even though we should be using our brains today, not impairing them. Yet I have heard some stories regarding her problems with drinking so I will let it go. For now.

TGWBS - It should be noted that he has not talked yet

Garin - Offered a few mild accusations at the beginning of this day and then mellowed down and said pretty much nothing on his other posts. Still, he looks pretty innocent, as someone who tried to spark some debate and then tried not to stick his neck too far off the line.

Kath - Said nothing besides admitting to be slightly lazy. No wonder how she landed such an awful job. Still, you can't say she has done anything too suspicious for the time being.

Rune - Maybe you would like to have a talk with the werewolves? go ahead, they are three of the twenty people present right now in this town. If you find them I'll even let you talk to them before the lynching. Yet if I were you, I would not talk to them after the sun sets.

Valier - Suspects Azaelia yet offers to lower the prices anyway. Is this a wolf trying to get us drunk and weak or just a well intentioned busineswoman?

Gil-Galad - Has not said anything yet...

Alcarillo - Not talked either

Lhunardawen - I dont think she has waken up yet... how could someone oversleep at times like this I do not know, but some blame things called "timezones". I'm not a doctor so I don't know what those are.

Gurthang - Not talked yet

Amanaduial - Makes three pointless accusations in one speech and then makes a comment about it. Is he trying to cover his bases and pretending to be just 'randomly' calling names while trying to raise suspicion against innocent people?

Naria - If she said something, I must have missed it

Nilpaurion Felagund - I think he has the timezones as well... someone ought to find a cure

Kuruharan -Really, do you NEED to raise the prices at times such as these? I was going to get something from you but now I'll stick to my good wormhunting knife and hopefully stick it on some wolvish throat.

Eluchil - Points a finger against fingerpointing and then says she's not 'accusing anyone'... come on, if you have something to say, SAY IT

Malkatoj - Says that the odds are equal for all of us to be a werewolf yet calls Meneltarmacil out on rolling a dice. Then goes off on a rant about my little comment on my profession yet does not quite accuse me, just warns everyone that he'll be on the look for false reasoning.

Having said all that, I do not who to suspect just yet... or rather, who not to suspect. I'll get back to you later as new thoughts come up.

Edit: for some reason I was missing half a sentence on what I said about Menel. My bad, I only added what was missing
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Last edited by Farael; 01-09-2006 at 08:46 PM.
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Old 01-09-2006, 08:45 PM   #75
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Cross posted with Azaelia and Rune... it seems Azaelia wants to stay sober so I'll take back what I said before for the time being
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Old 01-09-2006, 08:46 PM   #76
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Each to their own, I guess. Myself, I know I won't sleep soundly until all the wolves are gone. Their note did certainly imply they were going to keep picking us off.

(I am also fairly worried because my schedule is such that I will not be able to get online until 6:15 Tuesday, which means I'll miss voting entirely, and I am now faced with voting early or skipping voting at all...*worries*)
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Old 01-09-2006, 08:57 PM   #77
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Looks like I'll be able to post a little more before having to go to sleep after all...

Anyway, Rune, I'm not a Wolf, I'm actually perfectly normal.

What? You don't think I'm perfectly normal? I don't *cackle* know what could *cackle* possibly give you that *cackle cackle OWWOOOOO* impression...

I'll wait on voting until later, see if any bandwagons develop and take note of who's on 'em.

Oh, and you might be able to catch a glimpse of me sneaking around about 6:00-6:15 AM my time doing, heh heh, the things I usually do around the village then...

I'll then be absent until 2:30 my time.

I'll see you later... heh heh...
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Old 01-09-2006, 09:11 PM   #78
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Coming back after my early morning walk I noticed a crowd gathered by the pub and walked over too see what was going on. I let out a screech at whom I saw lying on the ground. **sniff** He was such a good man, not really noticed by too many, but he had come into my store on occasion and was very polite. He will be missed.

*Looking at the crowd of people* Hmmm, we best be putting our heads together before nightfall and find out who or what did this before one of us is next.
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Old 01-09-2006, 09:21 PM   #79
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You are a peace lover like me no doubt.
I certainly enjoy having my enemies in pieces, if that is what you mean.

Really, do you NEED to raise the prices at times such as these? I was going to get something from you but now I'll stick to my good wormhunting knife and hopefully stick it on some wolvish throat.
And when it utterly refuses to penetrate the wolvish skin (or fur for that matter) you will see the error of your ways.

I find Gurthang's silence in particular to be a little distressing. He normally has something that at least seems useful to say. However, at this point it doesn't necessarily mean anything. Just making a note for future reference.
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Old 01-09-2006, 09:25 PM   #80
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(I am going to have to vote soon, else I will miss it completely. It isn't my fault, blame my job. Hopefully this won't come up again.)

So here's the list and what I think of everyone who has commented so far.
Meneltarmacil - He seems to be the most singularly suspicious of everyone, muttering and snorting, and OOO-ing, but I'm not sure what to think, it could be an act.
Cailin - hasn't posted enough for me to really get a handle on so far
Farael - know the most about her thoughts, but don't see anything too suspicious thre
TGWBS - silence
Garin - has posted a fair bit, but I still don't feel I know where he stands
Kath - hasn't posted enough yet either
Rune - I'm content to let his peace strategy rest for a while. You never know what might work.
Valier - Always had a soft spot for her ale... but she hasn't posted enough yet
Gil-Galad - nothing so far
Alcarillo - silent
Lhunardawen - silent
Gurthang - silent
Amanaduial - Has posted, but not enough to know
Naria - Just made a post, but not enough there yet
Nilpaurion Felagund - silent
Kuruharan - Don't really like how he's trying to capitalize on our unfortunate situation by raising his weapons prices, (Is he trying to keep them out of our hands?) but he hasn't come up enough to really know
Eluchil - Hasn't come up enough to know
Malkatoj - same as above.

So I'm in a tough spot here.

I agree with all who have said that today will be random name-calling for the most part. , but it doesn't make things any better to know that I will be making an essentially random vote soon.

EDIT: cross-posted with Kuru
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