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Old 06-25-2002, 10:18 PM   #521
Faithful Spirit
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Samwise has just left Hobbiton.
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Frodo frowned deeply, then looked around. The cavern was spacious, with a celing far above their heads. He shivered.

Frodo: Hm. There's a draft somewhere. Maybe there's a tunnel behind one of these big rocks where he put your sword.
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
* * * * * * *
I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-25-2002, 10:20 PM   #522
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

"Or a way out." Rose said hopefully. "I don't know about you but I'm not particullarly antious to get to know this thing. Can you walk? Do you want to help me search?"
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 06-25-2002, 10:24 PM   #523
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Frodo rolled over, got on his knees, and stood.
"I'm okay, and besides, that thing is gone for the moment--let's go take a look."
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
* * * * * * *
I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-25-2002, 10:28 PM   #524
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Sam sank towards the bottom. That was until a scaly arm wrapped itself around his chest.

He was pulled down, then through a hole.....

OOC: Knowing Sam, he'd probably want to be with Rose and Frodo anyway... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
* * * * * * *
I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-25-2002, 10:35 PM   #525
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

ooc:lol. Your right.::

They had just started to look around when the sound of the creature's return reached their ears. "Quick. We got to get back."

"Why don't we just hide?" asked Frodo
"Don't want to get it angry." So they went back to the edge of the water where the creature came onto the rock carrying Sam. "Oh no. Are you going to abduct all the hobbit's on the ship?" Rose snapped.

ooc: [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] I'm getting very angry. Better start counting to ten. 1...2....
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 06-25-2002, 10:44 PM   #526
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Abduct? No, no. Durgash did not abduct any hobbits.

The horned creature looked down at Sam.
"This one I saved. He was almost drowned. "

Frodo ran to Sam's side.
"Sam! Sam, wake up!"
He put his ear close to Sam's mouth. His younger friend's breathing was shallow.

Frodo glared at the creature. "What did you do to him!? "

The creature crawled backward. "I did nothing. Hobbit was drowning. I only saved him. "

Sam rolled over and coughed then, sputtering water all over the place.
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
* * * * * * *
I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-25-2002, 11:11 PM   #527
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

"Did you say your name was Durgash? And what do you mean. You pulled me underwater. You could have been alittle more polite about it." said Rose.
"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 06-25-2002, 11:14 PM   #528
Rose Cotton
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Rose Cotton has just left Hobbiton.

"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing... he's gone."-Remus Lupin
"The closer we are to danger, the further we are from harm."-Pippin (now how can you argue with that logic?)
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Old 06-25-2002, 11:18 PM   #529
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'Kay! Have fun!
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
* * * * * * *
I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-26-2002, 01:00 AM   #530
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Veritas has just left Hobbiton.

All people gattered together by the ceiling to look into the water where nobody was. The rest had climbed out of the water to fix a plan.

Veritas shuddered, but this time she didn't want to do nothing, and took her cloak of, and dived into the sea. The water was cold and she shook her head. She took a deep breath and swom to the bodem of the sea.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view.
~Red Hot Chili Peppers, Scar Tisue~
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Old 06-26-2002, 02:12 AM   #531
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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A fine sheen of sweat covered the man's face as he stepped onto the deck. The little hobbit had leant him her arm, but the exertion of climbing the steps had taxed his small reserve of strength.

Idril watched him from her seat on deck as he made his way to the railing to view the commotion in the water. She smiled as Primrose rolled a barrel over and pushed it upright so that he could rest on it. She saw Primrose frowning and pointing down to where the hobbits had gone under the water. Mithadan leaned closer to the rail and rested his forearms on it, seeming to take an interest in the goings on below.

'He's doing well, don't you think?' remarked Tuor, coming to stand behind Idril. He placed a hand affectionately on her shoulder.

She reached up to clasp his hand, an old familiar habit. 'I think so,' she said, 'at least physically, he begins to mend. But look how at times his gaze drifts, unfocused, toward the horizon. Then do his eyes darken as if a shadow had passed over the sun, and a certain grief suffuses the features of his face. We must get him back to the Downs and soon. I can help his body heal, but his spirit is beyond my arts.'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-26-2002, 02:36 AM   #532
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Pio swam near to the Dolphin's side, just in time to see Sam's head slip beneath the surface. The effort of staying afloat had exhausted the neophyte swimmer. Gravity overtook him and down he went. She dove beneath the waves in an effort to pull him back up. Her hand clasped about his wrist for just a brief moment, then she felt him being pulled quickly from her grasp.

She kicked her way further beneath the surface, in the direction she saw Sam had been pulled. But the creature was a strong swimmer and eluded her pursuit.

Coming up for air, Pio saw Bird swimming just beneath the surface, trying to get a fix on the creature's path, but to no avail. She surfaced and swam to Pio's side.

'Well, my grey-finned friend, what do you propose we do?'

Bird blew a spume of water in the air in aggravation and said, 'I haven't the foggiest idea at the moment.'

'I believe I can help you there.', came a voice from behind them. 'That is for a chance to finally meet that delish- er, delightful elf friend of yours, Bird.'

The pair turned to discover the source of those words.

'Oh, Eru!' said Pio to her friend. 'It's your amorous merman.'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-26-2002, 02:54 AM   #533
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Veritas has just left Hobbiton.

After a few seconds Veritas was getting warmer by the swimming. She looked down, the sea was deep at this point, she didn't have air enough to stay under the water long, so she swum upwards.

Back on the ship she went to her cabin and took her staff, you are a wizard or not, so she did a spell, that she could stay under water for three hours, no more no less.

Back in the water again, she wanted to swim down to the bottem of the sea, when she suddenly saw three persons swimming, Pio, Birdie and a mer-man. They were talking to eachother. No time to join them, Veritas thought and went on.

"I think I have to look for a cage or something." She thought.
With the birds I'll share this lonely view.
~Red Hot Chili Peppers, Scar Tisue~
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Old 06-26-2002, 07:12 AM   #534
Child of the 7th Age
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Child was sitting on the deck reading the Silmarillion pretending to be engaged in scholarly pursuits. Actually, she had her feet up on a barrel and was watching the gulls up in the air who were sqawking loudly and flying in intricate loops. Her book was upside down.

Angara came and perched on the railing beside her. She glared at her mistress. "You're late Child!!"

"What do you mean late?" queried Child.

"Haven't you noticed you are the only adult hobbit left on this vessel?" Angara shot back. "They've all gone ahead to visit one of your relatives under the Sea. It is very rude not to respond when you're given an invitation."

Child stared at Angara, "Stop being silly. I don't have any relatives who even live near the Sea, let alone under it! And I don't have any invitation!"

"That's not true!" Angara held a large seashell in her mouth. Inside the shell, well hidden from the waters, was a sheet of paper folded small. The paper had on it a single image--the outline of a webbed but still hairy foot impressed upon the paper.

"What is this? yelled Child. "And where are Rose, and Sam, and Frodo?"

"They've gone, all goooonnnnneeeee" Anagara yelled in her ear.

"That's ridiculous! Rose might do such a thing, but Sam and Frodo are too settled and sensible to leap into the water." Child said.

"And anyways I'm not going anywhere! We have to return to the Barrow-Downs so Mith can receive healing. He doesn't seem to be too steady in the head. I think he's feeling guilty about what he did. If you ask me, the problem is that part of him actually enjoyed what he did, and he doesn't feel very comfortable about that!"

"That's what you think, my sweet mistress. I agree about your lord Mithadan, but it is still very rude to ignore your relatives."

Angara set aside Child's book on the barrel, placed a knife in her hand, and lifted Child up by the scruff of the collar so that she was hanging in mid-air. Then, Angara perched again on the rail, and plunged into the water, forcibly conveying the kicking and screaming Child down into the underwater cave.

"Don't worry, Child," Angara soothed. "I told Tuor and Idril and Bird and Pio you were going down to rescue the others. They have confidence in you!"

"That's ridiculous" thought Child, but she was afraid to open her mouth. "You're gonna' be sorry, Angara," she mused.

Suddenly, they were in an underground cave. Angara had made herself very small. Child glared around and saw the three hobbits as well as a small strange amphibious creature who indeed had hairy feet.

Child was suspicious. "What's this creature doing,? she wondered. "Collecting hobbits?????"
Multitasking women are never too busy to vote.
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Old 06-26-2002, 08:19 AM   #535
Ghastly Neekerbreeker
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Birdland has just left Hobbiton.

When Birdie smacked the creature with her tail, Sam had sunk farther down in the water, so he was now below the skin-changer. The spiny imp did an end run around the dolphin, and grabbing the halfling by one arm, immediately started to swim away.

Just as Birdie took off in pursuit, the small being turned and, pointing a ball-like object at her, ejected a black, inky substance, which washed over Birdie's face.

It stunk! Birdie had never smelled anything so terrible, and her eyes were burning! Shaking her head wildly, Birdie backed away from the fleeing creature, trying to rub her eyes with arms that were not there. By the time she was able to clear her vision, both Sam and the sea-imp were gone.

At that moment, Pio swam up, accompanied by of all people, the Mer-Man.

"I might have known you'd show up again." said Birdie ruefully. We were supposed to be going home. We were all going to have an eigth interest in a real sailing ship, and be rich! And instead we've lost three halflings and we're bumbling around underwater again."

"Four halflings," said Pio. "Angara took Child, apparently to the same place Rose, Frodo and Sam went to."

Birdie whirled on the Mer-Man, who was floating next to Pio with an admiring gaze. "Alright then. So what exactly WAS that thing?"

"A Hobrim. Or that is what we Mer-Folk call them." said the Mer-Man distractedly. He swam up to Pio and extending a finned, emerald green hand, stated, "By the way, I don't think we've been formally introduced, my dear lady. I am Levanto."

"So what, exactly, is a Hobrim?" Birdie rolled her eyes. Apparently, she was going to have a hard time keeping the Mer-Man's mind focused on the situation. And why hadn't he ever told his name to HER?

"Hobrim. Literally a combination of "Hobbit" and "sea". Although technically they seldom stray into the deep ocean. What the little nixie is doing so far from the shore waters is beyond me. 'Piosenniel'." He turned back to the Elf-Maiden "That is a lovely name. Are you a Silvan Elf?"

Birdie interrupted again. "Now wait a minute. "Hobbits are related to Men in some way. Just what is this thing related to?"

"To his parents, I presume!" said Levanto irritably. "I generally don't delve into Halfling genealogy." he smiled at Pio. "Not really my forte. Now the Elf-Folk, I have always found them to be a particularly facinating race..."

"Uh, 'Levanto' said Pio, trying to sooth the waters. Birdie was never much of a diplomat, and she knew that they were going to need Levanto's help in this new adventure. "That's an interesting name. What does it mean?"

"I was named for the warm, dry winds that blow across the the mist-shrouded island of Tofalas, in the Bay of Belfalas. My mother was always very fond of that part of the sea."

"In other words," muttered Birdie, "his name means 'hot air'."
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Old 06-26-2002, 11:19 AM   #536
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Losthuniel has just left Hobbiton.

Celeaewen was woken up by strong winds blowing into her face. she had fallen asleep on the mast. Rosseil was staring rather comatose-ly into the horizon.
"Rosseil! wake up!"
Rosseil snapped back to earth, and turned to Celeaewen.
"where is evryone?"
Celeaewen looked down from the mast. She stood up, and hesitated a moment, before diving off the mast. It was a long way down, and Rosseil watched as she finally entered the water.
Rosseil banged her head against the mast
"Idiot child!"
~* Losthuniel
"Lord, what fools these mortals be!" Puck, Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
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Old 06-26-2002, 11:49 AM   #537
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Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

Idril strode over to Mithadan and stood next to the man, examining him closely. He looked up at the Elf with a faint smile on his face.

"How are you feeling," asked Idril.

"Well enough under the circumstances," replied Mithadan. "Though I wish I could aid the Hobbits. Their disappearance worries me greatly."

"Your body will be healed soon enough," said the Elf. "But your hurts run deeper than the injury to your chest if I be not mistaken."

Mithadan was silent for a moment. He stared blankly at the horizon, then turned to Idril. "Yes," he responded. "When I stood frozen at the mercy of Pallando and he gloated over what he believed to be my impending death, he opened his mind to me. And therein I saw the depths of his evil; his hatred for Arda and all things that dwell therein, his lust for power and his love of violence uncontrolled and purposeless save for his own gratification. It was like a pit filled with the filth and foulness of the worst emotions that ages of bitterness could breed. But even as I stood there in fear and horror, I felt deep within myself some faint echo of his darkness that I even at unawares had hidden away locked behind closed doors. And just before he struck, he laughed at my surprise as if he knew these things were within me."

"He did know," said Idril gently. "For these things are within us all. We dwell in Arda Marred and all that was done and made that is good was tainted in ages long passed by the evil of Morgoth. And the Marring cannot be undone and affects us each and every one, whether it is locked deep within or struggled against each day. There is no shame in this. It is the nature of the world. All we can do is deny it from coming to the surface and spilling out onto those around us. For in this way only can the Marring be fought even though it never departs. Be at peace with yourself for the ills of all the world are not yours to cure, and you have done your part as best as you can."
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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Old 06-26-2002, 12:34 PM   #538
Faithful Spirit
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The odd creature hopped over some rocks, and was standing by where Sam was.

"Yes, yes, I am Durgash." it said, tilting its head and looking with what Frodo thought looked like concern at Sam.
"Cousin is all right? "

Sam coughed again, then sat up.
"Mister Frodo...?" then he caught sight of their "host".

"What in the name of---"

Struggling a bit, Sam got up and drew his Barrow-blade.

Durgash cowered. "Oh, why must cousins use dangerous swords? I do not know...."

The look on Sam's face reminded Frodo of the time he'd tried to figure out why "time didn't count" in Lothlorien. The younger hobbit blinked.

Sam: "Cousin?" Mister Frodo, what in the name of my old Gaffer's taters is this thing talking about??"
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
* * * * * * *
I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-26-2002, 12:54 PM   #539
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Primrose stood back against the wall. She wondered how it was that people seemed to so easily forget her here.

Oh, I miss Papa--and Uncle Frodo--and Mama. Even Tom and Robin and Ruby at home.

A tear slid down her cheek.

At home, it's like I'm the oldest 'cause all the others have their own homes, now. Here everyone's either bigger than me by age or height or both.

Tears dropped off her eyelashes and down both cheeks. Here she was just a two-foot hobbit girl who really wasn't good for much.

She sighed and looked down at her bow, which lay beside her.

Lord, back at the party at least I was of some help. Here I'm not anything. I can't even help Papa and Uncle Frodo.

She glanced over at the lady Idril, who in turn stood studying Mister Mithadan.

"Never annoy a live dragon, dear....."

She chuckled just a little. Then she felt a nudge at her heart, and a bit of a sermon she'd heard back at home came to her.

"Elijah was a man subject to like passions such as we...."

Primrose remembered asking Papa what that meant.

"Well, Tiny Rose, Elijah was a great prophet for the Lord Above--the greatest. But even he had his down times. When that nasty queen threatened his life, he ran away, an' then he went into the forest and had a pity party for himself. The Lord still wanted him to do great things, though..."

Primrose drew a deep breath. "Yes, and here I am throwin' a pity party instead of even trying to do something.

She got up from the wall, and started walking over to where the Elf Lady stood.

[ June 26, 2002: Message edited by: Samwise ]
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
* * * * * * *
I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-26-2002, 01:20 PM   #540
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Mithadan's gaze had returned to the sea.

Idril stood by and watched his thoughts play over his face, shadows of clouds moving across a still pond.

'How wondrous, this Race of Men!' she thought to herself. 'To have so short a span upon this earth, and still they do great deeds. The Light shines strongly in them, and in some it blazes up like a great star when need calls.'

Her eyes softened. May your suffering be short and your thoughts fruitful. Be at peace.

She turned away to go back to the bow of the ship, and saw Primrose coming toward her.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-26-2002, 01:24 PM   #541
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Primrose stopped. "Er--ma'am? I was...I was wondering if I could help in some way. I'm..kind of feeling useless." she looked over at Mithadan. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] He's awful sad, isn't he? "
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
* * * * * * *
I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-26-2002, 01:34 PM   #542
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Frodo shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't know, Sam."

Rose frowned. "I know I sure don't!"

"Come now, come now!" Dugash said, extending its webbed hands toward them. "You are Hobbit, I am Hobrim! We cousins!"

Rose, Sam, and Frodo looked at each other.
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
* * * * * * *
I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-26-2002, 01:52 PM   #543
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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Idril knelt down, to be on a level with Primrose, and smiled at her.

'I think a dose of plain Hobbit medicine is just what he needs at the moment!' she said laughing. Why don't you offer to stroll with him around the deck? There are plenty of little places to rest, and perhaps you can gently draw him out of his dark thoughts for just a moment.'

She clapped her hands delightedly, and regarded Primrose's small, sweet face. 'Yes, you are just what he needs today!'

Primrose dropped a small curtsy to the Lad Elf and walked to where the man sat. She put her small hand on his and smiled up into his face.

Idril watched her go. 'What wondrous creatures are these Hobbits, also. So small and yet so filled with love of life.' She nodded her head slightly. 'It's no wonder that Pio has not the heart to leave this place.'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-26-2002, 04:57 PM   #544
Frodo Baggins
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Frodo Baggins has just left Hobbiton.

"Hobrim??? Riiiiiiight." Frodo said incredulously. "Next you'll be saying Master Elrond and I are related." Frodo still held Sting in his hands, standing protectively in front of the other hobbits.
"I'm your huckleberry....that's just my game."
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Old 06-26-2002, 05:49 PM   #545
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Levanto and Birdie glared at one another.

'Have mercy!' thought Pio to herself. 'I'm treading in deep water here, caught between an irritable dolphin (who smells remarkably nice - minty, I think!) and a too suave & distractable mer-man.'

'Birdie! Let's just hear what this gentleman has to say, shall we. I'm sure he can be of immense help to us.'

She placed herself between the mer-man and the dolphin and turned to face him. He was still holding her hand from their previous greeting, which was fine with her because it allowed her to use his grip to keep her upright in the water without using much energy. She tightened her grip slightly in his and placed her left hand over their clasped hands and smiled warmly.

'I'm called Pio by my friends, Levanto.' She held his gaze with her dark brown eyes. 'What a lovely name you have, & quite unusual. I have been to Tofalas, and played in its mists. It can be quite lovely there. You must show me your favorite sites there sometime.'

'My pleasure, sweet lady.'he said pulling her a little closer as if to memorize her face.

She laughed and pushed on his chest playfully, moving him a little further from her.

'But first,' she said, keeping him at a comfortable distance, 'let us get this little business of four missing hobbits and one hobrim tidied up, shall we? Now, what do you know of this particular hobrim?'
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-26-2002, 05:50 PM   #546
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Durshag bowed its (his?) horned head. "Oh. I am sorry Hobbit cousin does not believe. Come, I will show! "

With that he turned and headed the way that Frodo and Rose had gone searching before Sam was brought there.

Sam glanced at Frodo. "S-sir? "

Frodo drew a deep breath. "Guess we may as well appease it. "

He leading the way, Frodo, Sam and Rose followed Durshag behind one of the rocks.
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
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I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-26-2002, 08:23 PM   #547
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Birdland has just left Hobbiton.

Durshag stood the four halflings in front of a tall, blank cliff face, and picking up a piece of sea-coal, he faced his audience, gesturing for them to sit down. Then turning towards the cliff face, he began to sketch figures on the rock wall.

Sam had to stifle a snort of laughter, for the attitude of the spiny-backed "cousin" suddenly reminded him of ol' Mr. Puddifoot, the teacher he had had in his first years of schooling, before Mr. Bilbo had taken over his "edecation". But then he became facinated by the drawings that Durshag was rendering on the cliff face. They were very simple, some might be merely described as stick figures, but there was a vibrancy and flow to them. Sam doubted that Durshag had ever "learned his letters", but the pictures conveyed a sense of a story. In his own way, Durshag was "writing".

Durshag turned, and gestured towards three subtly differnt figures. "Three clans. You see? Herfoos. Feyloheen. Sturs. You know?"

"Yes!" said Child excitedly. "Harfoot, Fallohide, and Stoors. Is that what you mean, Durshag?"

"Yesyes," agreed Durshag, "but you say it funny. Long, long ago, when all were young, the Sturs lived by a great flowing water, far, far where the land was everywhere. Sturs loved the water. Lived there many, many ages."

"That's right," said Child. "Stoors lived by the River Anduin."

"Sturs lived IN the water you call riverandooan. Love the water, which is life to all. Some would go farther and farther, following where the water went. Until it showed them where all water flowed. Here was the beginning of the Hobrim. Sturs became Hobrim. You see?"

"Now wait a minute there, Durshag!" sputtered Sam. "Are you trying to tell us that a passel of Stoors came down this River Anduin to the sea, and became these, what you call Hobrims?"

"I suppose it could be possible that some Stoors migrated to the South, and eventually found the sea, Sam." said Frodo thoughtfully. "The Stoors were always more comfortable with water and boats then were the Harfoot and Fallohide. Many of the Stoors that originally came to Eriador when the Shire was founded actually returned to The Gladden Fields. I suppose it is possible that some of the Stoor clans never left for the Western Lands at all."

"But how did they wind up looking like THAT, Mr. Frodo?"

"Sea-change." stated Durshag. "The more my people loved the sea, the more she loves them back. She gave the gifts that let the Sturs become the Hobrim." Durshag looked at Sam with puzzlement. "What is wrong with how we look? Not so different. Same height. Same feet", and the Hobrim plopped one of his large, webbed feet beside Sam's. They were remarkably the same, though all trace of hair had long disappeared from Durshag appendages.

"So where are the rest of your people, Durshag?" asked Rose. It didn't seem right that this Hobrim would be the only one. Rose looked around as if she expected Durshag to produce a whole family of "cousins" from the walls of the cave at any minute.

"Gone." sighed Durshag. "A great evil came to the friendly waters. Great ships, great men fighting. My people had to leave the waters close to the land. Go farther and farther into the deep sea. Scattered! Lost! Some go this way. Some that. Wherever waves and currents take us."

"But the old story say: when the Hobrim seem to be lost, that is the time the land halflings and the sea halflings will meet again. You are the Land Halflings. YOU are the Hobbits! You will help to find the Hobrim, and bring them home again!" Durshag plopped down crosslegged in front of the startled hobbits, and expectant grin on his face. It was as if he expected Sam, Frod, Child, and Rose to produce the "cousins", as well.


Pio looked Levanto expectantly. "So what can you tell us about this "Hobrim", Levanto?"

Nothing at all, I'm afraid. As I said, they really are not a people that we have paid much attention to in the past. They live in the shallow seas around the Bay of Befalas, and have lived there for many, many centuries. They do not, or never had, ventured out into the open ocean. What this particular one is doing here, I have no idea."

"However;" he assured the disappointed Elf and dolphin. "I can show you where he is, and I assume where your halfling friends are as well. There is a great sea mounain near here. It is riddled with caves, some of which are close enough to the surface that they are actually somewhat dry, and have air. This is where this hobrim is living. Come. I'll show you the entrance. Perhaps you can get the little nixie to answer your questions himself."

Levanto whirled and swam swiftly away. The rescuers following close behind.

(O.C.C. - Whew! Talk about your convoluted story lines. I hope the rest of you like where this is going. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] - Birdie)
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Old 06-26-2002, 08:58 PM   #548
Child of the 7th Age
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OOC - Birdie, this is great. Don't know if the Elves will want to go chasing after hobbits though!

Child sat back on her heels absolutely stunned. She considered herself a fair authority on hobbit history, what little was known of it, that is. But this was unknown to her.

For once in her life, she scarcely knew what to say. She tried to search the very corners of her brain looking for something, anything, to help her understand how this could be. She remembered one thing in the writings of Bilbo and Frodo, how Gandalf had once hinted that he might know more about the origins of her people, but more than that he would not say. She had wondered even then why he had not told more to Bilbo, for surely Bilbo would have wanted to learn.

Her heart pounded against her chest. Maybe, just maybe, if they could find these "lost" cousins, they would remember or know something about where Hobbits had really come from. She had wondered about this so many times. It wasn't even that she wanted to know as a scholar. She wanted to know as a person..... as a Hobbit.

The Elves understood their past, and Men understood as well. Then, why can't we know? she wondered. What is so different about us? The Ring had passed from the world, and the job of the Ringbearers was done. Then, why did Hobbits still not know where they came from? Were they just men whose bodies and minds had somehow changed? It had never made sense to her.

And then Child realized something. She could think of one other hobbit who had purposely chosen an aquatic existence. One other hobbit who preferred to slip and slide about in water looking for fisssh, whoops fish. And that hobbit was also a Stoor.

Child didn't know if there could possibly be any connection, or whether Stoors simply had the capability of adapting to a totally aquatic life. Perhaps it was something they did only under the force of circumstances-- when things got tough on the land or they wanted to hide, perhaps.

She hesitated to say anything with Sam and Frodo standing by her side. But she knew the question had to be asked. Child leaned forward and lowered her voice, "Durshag, have you ever heard of a hobbit or hobrim named Gollum, er Smeagol? I believe he was a Stoor, and he lived near the Anduin."

[ June 27, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-26-2002, 09:16 PM   #549
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"Gollum?" Durshag gave Child a puzzled look. "You know hobbit named "Gollum"? I never heard such a name. Sounds like hobbit swallowed sea water."

But when Child said "Smeagol", the reaction of Durshag was quite different.

"Smeagol??? Oh, everyone knows the tale of Smeagol the Evil One. The Kin Slayer. The Stur who practiced dark magic. And how the Great Wisewoman Malva fought him, and cast him out of the Clans forever. Durshag heard the tale of the Evil Smeagol when he was very young. Mother use to tell us 'Smeagol get you if you don't be good'."

"You think Smeagol come back and cast the Hobrim from their homes?"

[ June 26, 2002: Message edited by: Birdland ]
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Old 06-26-2002, 10:00 PM   #550
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Sam shivered. "B-but Gollum--Smeagol-- fell into the Cracks of Doom. He couldn't come out, could he? "

Frodo laid a reasurring hand on his shoulder.
"Now, Sam, I seriously doubt that."

Rose gulped. She hoped with all her heart that Gollum being alive was seriously impossible!
Giving thanks unto the Father...In whom we have redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of sins.~Colossians1:12a,14
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I am Samwise son of Hamfast, if by hoe or trowel I can get these weeds out of your garden, I will.You have my shears!;)
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Old 06-26-2002, 10:58 PM   #551
Child of the 7th Age
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Child went over and patted Sam on the shoulder. At the mere mention of the name Gollum, Sam had arched his back and involuntarily brought up his sword and extended it towards Durshag.

Something inside Child whispered. "Remember your little daughter and the Hobbit mistress, Prutense Littlefoot."

Child had sent her daughter Gavriel to Prutense Littlefoot's house one summer so she could learn from her how to sew and knit and do the many other things which Child so disliked but which are necessary for life. Mistress Littlefoot had been extrememly mean to little Gavriel and had given her nightmares. Child never sent her back there again.

The funny thing, however, happened right after that. Prutense's sister, Daffodil Littlefoot, was a delightful person, but, physically, she looked just a bit like the mean Prutense. Every time her daughter saw Daffodil in the market, she shrank back and refused to speak to her or sometimes even played wicked tricks on her. When Child questioned Gavriel about her behavior, her daughter was unable to explain it and just shrugged.

As Child stared at Sam, she thought he looked just like Gavriel did when she encountered Daffodil. Frodo and Rose were already relaxing a bit with Durshag, but Samwise looked unhappy and suspicious. Child hoped he would soon realize that Gollum and Durshag were two different hobbits, hobrim, or whatever, even though they looked a bit alike.

[ June 27, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-26-2002, 11:16 PM   #552
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Child began to explore the cave. Rose was already asleep. She could hear Frodo and Sam talking in whispers to each other. She wondered what they were saying and would have tried to listen in, but the sound of the waves against the cave drowned every other sound out.

Durshag's cave was quite ingenious. In some ways it reminded her of a hobbit hole since it seemed to be dug into the side of a bank. And, like a hobbit hole, it was quite neat and presentable, though a bit more damp and simpler in design and with fewer furnishings than she was used to.

Durshag had shown her around quite proudly, saying "Nice hobrim cave, not nasty like Smeagol has. Keep fish here." Durshag had pointed to a small pond inside the cave where fresh fish swam about in a hole.

Child wondered whether Durshag ate them raw, but was too polite to ask.

Durshag said to Child: "Here, eat this. Gooood! Searoom. Searoom goooood."

"Searoom? Child wondered what a Searoom was. Dershag held out to her a light brown plant that looked almost like a mushroom. She gingerly took one and held it up to her nose. It smelled alright.

"I hope this doesn't kill me," she thought, and brought the Searoom up to her mouth.

"Oh, yum, this is really good!!" Child declared with surprise. "Can I have some more?" She was actually beginning to enjoy herself.
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Old 06-26-2002, 11:36 PM   #553
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Child curled up in a corner of the cave on several large pillows provided by Durshag. Her mind was still spinning as she settled down to try and sleep.

Child was roaring and ready to go on an adventure to find Durshag's kin, but she knew she had to think about more than her own desires.

First, what did the other hobbits think? Secondly, what about her friends aboard the ship? She didn't know if Birdie and the Elves would want to come along on such a crazy journey, even if Sam and Frodo and Rose agreed. And what about Tuor and Idril? They could, of course, transfer to their own vessel and sail back to the West whenever they wanted.

Finally, and most seriously, there was Lord Mithadan. Idril had suggested he should return to the Barrow-downs to recuperate. If he really needed to go back there, then they would all have to turn the ship around and go. She certainly was not about to desert him, no matter how Durshag pleaded. Their first loyalty had to be to Mith.

And yet, Child wondered. For some reason she did not fully comprehend, the kuduk always seemed to have a certain effect on both Men and Elves. Whenever a Man or Elf came around a hobbit, eventually there would be a great deal of laughing and teasing.

Indeed, Gandalf had once confided to Frodo that, as far as Middle-earth went, there were three places of great healing. First was the home of Tom Bombadil, next were the wonderful havens of the Elves like Rivendel and Lorien, and third was the Shire with its silly hobbits who were always making one chuckle.

Perhaps, chasing after missing hobbits, or hobrim, was not such a bad assignment for a Lord who seemed quite ill at ease with himself and uncertain of his future.
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Old 06-27-2002, 01:03 AM   #554
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The moon sailed behind some scudding clouds. Night wrapped the mountain completely in its dark cloak.

The three swimmers approached the mountain cautiously, seeking a way in that would accomodate both Birdie and the merman. Pio could make out no openings, but Levanto seemed to know this place and led them to a way in. It was a large watery tunnel leading up to a small gravelly beach inside the mountain. A phosphorescent growth hung from the walls, giving them just enough light to make out their surroundings.

Pio could see a number of openings in the rocky wall arcing around the small beach. She drew herself out of the water quietly. 'Will you two wait here? Or Birdie, will you change to two-legged form and come with me? Levanto, if you please, will you secure the beach, making sure nothing comes from the water after us?.'

She looked among the small groupings of rocks near the water for any sticks that the sea might have thrown up. Finding a suitable one, she took some of the glowing plant from the nearby wall and wrapped it about the end. Holding it in front of her, the elf began to explore the openings in the rock wall.

[ June 27, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 06-27-2002, 01:47 AM   #555
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Veritas has just left Hobbiton.

Veritas was totally wet, but in the cave it was dry. It was pure luck she had the underwater cave, wich was dry. The air in the cave was old and dusty. She wondered where the Hobbits could have gone, she knew that there were strange creatures underneath the sea surface, but who was interrested in Hobbits? She couldn't think of something.

She stood up, she didn't knew much about Hobbits, not more then others knew. Back into the water then. But in a flash she saw eyes, big blinking eyes. She turned around and the figure dived away. She knew those eyes, but it was impossible...

She acted like she hadn't seen him and walked to the other side of the cave. There she carfully looked to Gollum. He saw that she was looking and ran away. She ranafter him, through the cave through a little corridor, until she ended by water again. She didn't wait one second and jumped in it.

In the water she looked around, looking for Gollum, there, he was swimming to the other side of the cave lake. She followed him and then he dissappeard. Veritas looked around and saw a passage, and she could hear voices. Rose!
With the birds I'll share this lonely view.
~Red Hot Chili Peppers, Scar Tisue~
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Old 06-27-2002, 07:08 AM   #556
Child of the 7th Age
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Child awoke to begin her day. The other three hobbits were still sleeping soundly and Durshag was busying himself tiding up his cave and beginning to gather some Searooms for breakfast.

Suddenly Child heard strange noises and a voice. Durshag looked out of the cave, his big eyes blinking. He returned quickly to Child and said: "There are strange big creatures outside who seem to know you. They carry swords and look quite grim. I hope they have not come to hurt you."

Child stuck her head outside the cave entrance. She could see Veritas and Pio swimming quickly with daggers and swords ready to strike in one hand. She thought she heard Veitas mutter the name "Gollum" under her breath.

"Oh, no," thought Child. "They think this sweet creature is Gollum because he looks a bit like that."

Child thought again of Prutense and Daffodil Littlefoot. "Get inside," she told Durshag. "I will handle this."
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Old 06-27-2002, 07:23 AM   #557
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Child stood at the cave entrance waving towards Pio nd Veritas. "We're here and we're fine. Frodo and Sam and Rose are inside sleeping. I know this fellow looks a bit strange but that isn't his fault. He is a hobrim, a distant relative of the Stoors. Everyone is alright. You can put your swords down."

The little Durshag came padding up beside Child. "These are your friends? he queried. "They seem quite fierce. Perhaps they are having a bad day. Please have them join us for breakfast. I have plenty of Searooms for all."

Veritas and Pio cautiously approached. Child assured them "It really is alright. We've all slept soundly. You have to hear what this little fellow would like us to do. You're not going to believe it. He is quite harmless, but what straits his people are in may be another thing."

Pio stammered in disbelief. "But he looks like, Gollum" she whispered.

Child glared back, "Didn't your mother ever teach you not to judge people from how they look outside? He can't help how he looks. Durshag's people have legends of Smeagol who was an evil kinslayer and was put down by the great lady Malva. He knowns nothing of any "Gollum."

Child giggled, "I admit his lamp light eyes gave me a start too. But look, they are white, not green. They would be green if he were evil and corrupted, just as Gollum's were."

"Now, let me introduce you, and he will explain what he wishes from us."

Rose had woken up and padded up beside Child. She yawned and said, "It is alright. Child's right. This creature is strange, but he is gentle enough."

The smell of roasting Searooms and fish drifted out to them. Apparently, Durshag had even learned how to make fire from flint in his small cave.

"Time for first breakfast!" Durshag cried triumphantly.

"Child grinned at Pio, "See, I told you he just looked funny. He really is a lot like us land-dwelling hobbits."

[ June 27, 2002: Message edited by: Child of the 7th Age ]
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Old 06-27-2002, 07:41 AM   #558
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Birdie had morphed back into her human form - prompting Levanto to comment: "I don't know why you bother." - and she was following Pio and Veritas up the tunnel. She was dressed only in her skivvies, and had left her sling on the ship, so she pried a few rocks from the tunnel wall, and tying them in a rag, made a make-shift mace.

She wondered what they would find at the end of the tunnel. Veritas had insisted she had seen "Gollum". When it was pointed out to Veritas that this was impossible, she retorted "Well, I saw Maeglin on the ship, and I would have thought that was impossible as well."

Birdie doubted that whatever they had seen was "Gollum", or even Gollum-like. Gollum would not have used a stink bomb against his enemies. His teeth and long, grasping fingers were always enough for him. And this "nixie", as Levanto called him dismissively, did not want to seem to hurt her, but only get away with it's fellow halfling.

Fellow Halfling? Birdie also wondered about Levanto's explanation. "Hobrims. Probably just a silly name the Mer-Folk came up with, to describe a silly race. Hobbits can't become "Sea-Hobbits"...can they?" She would have to discuss this with Child, when she saw her.
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Old 06-27-2002, 07:55 AM   #559
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O.O.C. - Oooops! Dueling posts! Skipping ahead...)

Birdie sat cross-legged in the low cave, enjoying her breakfast, but not as much as the Hobbits and Hobrims did. "Well", she thought, "If the way he puts away the food is any indication, he is definitely halfling stock."

Pio, Veritas, and Birdie sat and listened while Durshag told his story once again, with Child, Rose and the others filling in with their own comments, questions, and suggestions. It was an amazing tale, even to one who could change her form in an instant, not in centuries.

Levanto had poked his head up from the pool, wrinkling his nose at the smell of driftwood smoke and cooking. "Burnt food. I never understood what you land creatures see in it." and he delicately refused a plate.

Durshag was overawed to see the Mer-Man, and lowered his head in shyness, but stealing glances all the while. "Mer-Folk great people", he whispered to Child. "Lords of Seas. Not for the likes of Hobrim to be in the company of they. YOU speak with Mer-Folk??" This had raised his opinion of Child to even higher levels.
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Old 06-27-2002, 10:44 AM   #560
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Pio was hungry from the long swim and no sleep. She finished one plate of searooms quickly, and asked Durshag if she might have some more.

'Yes, Lady Elf, please, Durshag will serve you.' He hurried back with her plate filled to heaping, giving her a small bow. She smiled and inclined her head to him as she took the plate.

He looked at her curiously, then shook his head and went back to his other guests, offering them seconds, and in some cases thirds.

Tired of sitting, she wandered about his cave, stretching her legs. She noticed the drawings on the wall and went to examine them. Child had come up beside her and was looking at them also.

'What's this?' asked Pio, running her finger down a long thick line that, as on a map, extended north to south and curved then west to open into a broad area. 'It looks like a river.'

'It is a river.'said Child. 'It's the Anduin. Durshag was illustrating for us how his people came down the Great River to the Sea long ago and adapted to sea life.'

'His people?', asked the elf, pointing to the the grouping of 3 slightly different stick figures.

'Actually, these two are clans of his race who settled in other parts of Middle-earth. This is his original clan, the ones who preferred living by water. Those first two are the Herfoos and Feyloheen as they are named in his dialect. And his clan is the Sturs. Or as we would say them, the Harfoots, Fallohides, and the Stoors.'

Pio stumbled back a step in amazement. The half-eaten plate of food dropped from her hands.
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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