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Old 04-15-2009, 10:52 PM   #401
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You people are giving me a headache.

(This is to say that it's one of those days when I've read through the thread and went to post....then realized I didn't comprehend a bit of it. I honestly don't feel comfortable voting toDay but if for some reason I really dislike the way the voting is going I'll step in. For now though, it's just not the best idea, since I can't seem to get any sort of bad vibes from anyone....well, at least not any that I feel I could pursue with a good conscience, as I'm afraid I could kill another fellow ordo, or worse, a gifted.)

ETA: Just to be clear, I'm not frustrated by anyone in the game, nor am I cross with you. My brain just kind of exploded.
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Old 04-15-2009, 10:53 PM   #402
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Originally Posted by Gwathagor View Post
Yeah, I noticed.
I'm just not sure that I'm ready to vote him...but if it means saving Nogrod for now, I might try it...hmmm.
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Old 04-15-2009, 10:53 PM   #403
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I agree with Nogrod now that Firefoot has posted again that her explaination makes sense, but now it looks like to save myself I'm going to either have to vote for somebody I don't want to or blow all my bonus votes which I'm not particularly eager to do...

What to do...what to do...
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Old 04-15-2009, 10:55 PM   #404
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You probably see what I feel as well then Kuru?
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Old 04-15-2009, 10:56 PM   #405
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Okay people. Give us your thoughts. You can bet there are two people eager to use a few bonus votes for a better deal than this...
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But not yet weary are our feet...
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Old 04-15-2009, 10:58 PM   #406
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Where's everyone?
Upon the hearth the fire is red
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But not yet weary are our feet...
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Old 04-15-2009, 10:58 PM   #407
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Following my own suspicions, and not wanting to vote for the two highest options..

But I was clinging to her like a homicidal monkey.
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Old 04-15-2009, 10:59 PM   #408
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Okay people. Give us your thoughts. You can bet there are two people eager to use a few bonus votes for a better deal than this...
You know where I stand. This is twice now that Kuru has exagerrated the circumstances against someone.

Yesterday against Agan over her Grima talk.

And I believe today against me.

I can't think of any innocent or gifted who would misrepresent so badly twice now. He was wrong about Agan, and I guarantee he is wrong about me.
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Old 04-15-2009, 10:59 PM   #409
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Guess I don't have much choice...

++ Kent2010 (4)
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Old 04-15-2009, 10:59 PM   #410
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Eye In Time of War.

Damn, ran out of time to make that post.

I don't find Nogrod evil. Might as well try and get that one clue.

++Kuruharan (+3)

You're the only one on my suspicion list who has enough votes to save Nog.
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The plot, cut, defeated.
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Old 04-15-2009, 11:00 PM   #411
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I'm going back and forth between Firefoot and Sally. They both look equally suspicious. And I must say, I don't care to vote either Kuru or Nogrod.


EDIT: Did my vote count? It seems the clock hit 1am the second I clicked 'submit.'
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum
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Old 04-15-2009, 11:00 PM   #412
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
Where's everyone?

The Wargs ate my brain.

(Yay, I made a Rings reference! I asked Mnemo if it made sense so if she's being evil and it hints at something let me just say in advance that it's not supposed to)

Oh, and Izzy voted for me. Brilliant.

EDIT: x'd with the cacophony
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Old 04-15-2009, 11:00 PM   #413
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++ Sally (4)
Upon the hearth the fire is red
Beneath the roof there is a bed;
But not yet weary are our feet...
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Old 04-15-2009, 11:00 PM   #414
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Voting Tally.

Greenie -> Nog
Fea -> Nog(4). 6
Shasta -> Form
Form -> Greenie
Lari -> Kent
Firefoot -> Nog. 7
Kent -> Kuru(5). 6
Izzy -> Sally(2). 3

Nog 7. Kuru 6. Sally 3. Form, Greenie, Kent 1.

PLgh. x'd with everything since my last post.
But I was clinging to her like a homicidal monkey.
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Old 04-15-2009, 11:01 PM   #415
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Oh HECK no.

Oh frick. It's 12:01. Gorgeous.
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Old 04-15-2009, 11:02 PM   #416
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Originally Posted by Gwathagor View Post
I'm sorry, I don't know what to do...
You don't need to do anything anymore. Time's over...
Upon the hearth the fire is red
Beneath the roof there is a bed;
But not yet weary are our feet...
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Old 04-15-2009, 11:03 PM   #417
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stupid internet being slow...grr...


Tally and death to come momentarily.
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Old 04-15-2009, 11:15 PM   #418
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Kuru is dead. The score is now 11-3. Narration on it's way.
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Old 04-16-2009, 12:00 AM   #419
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There were already two dead amongst them. Both innocent. Everyone (the wolves excluded) were getting restless. It was almost time for another deadline and another death. How many more innocent people would have to die before the Witch King's twisted game was over?

Nog shot suspicious glances around the room, casting his scrutinizing gaze on all those present. Suspicion early in the Day had fallen on him and he was determined not to die.

"What about sally?" Nog cried.

"What a novel idea!" Izzy declared, adding some of her bonus votes to the decree.

"But wait!" Kent yelled, standing to prove his point. "Kuru keeps bringing up my newbie status. He must be hiding something!

The minute hand of the clock on the wall inched closer and closer to the deadline mark. Finally taking notice, many threw in their votes, leaving a flurry of papers to be sorted through. Just as it was tallied that Kuru would be the one to die, he grasped at his throat. The room fell silent as they watched him gasp for air, unable to take any in as if someone had his throat in a stranglehold. Indeed, had anybody bothered to move to slow his demise, they would have seen the faint outline of a black gauntleted hand crushing the life out of poor Kuru. The Star Wars fans in the room could not help but note the irony.

After a minute of struggling, a blue-faced Kuru fell to the floor, dead. As Kent and Lari dragged his body to the corner where they were temporarily hiding their dead, a faded blue orb rose from Kuru's deceased form and vanished into where the gate had been.

"What in the world was that?" Brinn asked, scratching her head.

Fea shrugged. "Not a wolf, that's for sure."

The mood in the room was melancholic. Night had begun.
Rise and rise again until lambs become lions.

Last edited by Mirandir; 04-16-2009 at 09:54 PM. Reason: Mira doesn't keep track of who is actually dead and who isn't. My baaad.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:09 PM   #420
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Night was over. Those who remained alive woke and stirred, peering around with bleary eyes. Who had been killed? Who was still alive? It would take a moment to find out.

"What the..." Form trailed off, gaze falling on the shattered window on the opposite side of the room.

"Should we...?" Sally nodded toward the window. Moving slowly, the Downers disentangled themselves from the blankets they had been cuddling with and made their way towards the window. They stood there, scratching their heads, averting their gazes, afraid of what they would find outside. Who would be the first to look out?

Brinn was the first to gather her courage. She stepped toward the window, careful to avoid the broken glass. She peered out and quickly had to look away. On the ground, neck twisted at a very interesting angle, was Firefoot. Closer inspection would reveal that her head had been cracked like an egg, explaining the pool of blood that was now nourishing the grass.

Gwath moved to slump against a bench, tripping on yet another body in the process. It was Alonairel's.

"No surprise there," Nilp commented, "She was more suicidal than I am; not voting for two days." The others nodded, knowing it to be true.

"Shame, that is," Kuru added. "It would have been nice to see something out of her." Nods were prevalent around the room. Wait. KURU?

"Why are you alive?" Lari asked, sounding panicked, as anyone seeing someone whose dead body they'd dumped in a corner the Day before should.

Kuru shrugged. "Lucky, I guess."

  • Brinniel (10)
  • Fea (6)
  • Formendacil (10)
  • Green (10)
  • Gwath (10)
  • Izzy (8)
  • Kent (5)
  • Kuruharan (6)
  • Lari (10)
  • Nilp (7)
  • Nogrod (5)
  • Sally (10)
  • Shasta (10)

  • Nienna (10) (Ordo, Day 1 lynch)
  • Aganzir (9) (Ordo, Night 2 kill)
  • Alonariel (10) (Ordo, modfire)
  • Firefoot (10) (Ordo, Night 3 kill)

Score: 10-3

Day 3 has begun.

EDIT: Added the bonus vote count.
Rise and rise again until lambs become lions.

Last edited by Mirandir; 04-17-2009 at 01:00 AM. Reason: Forgot Shasta. Sorry, Shasta!
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:11 PM   #421
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Well, drat - I was suspicious of Firefoot, too. Hi there, Kuru. Glad you could stick around for Day 3. That's good news, anyway.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:12 PM   #422
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The Eye I'm back! You can't get rid of me that easy.

Well...this is certainly a unique experience.

Funny how you lot completely overlooked my missing hand all this time.

Some of you have a *lot* of explaining to do.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:13 PM   #423
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The Eye

And why don't we begin with you Gwath...
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:14 PM   #424
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Ok. What shall I explain?

And once I'm done, you can explain to us why you're still alive.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:17 PM   #425
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The Eye

You can explain why you didn't vote yesterDay for starters.

I'll leave it up to you to see if you can figure out why I'm still here.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:17 PM   #426
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Aaaand Nienna's dead. Again.

So clearly Kuru is lucky as his narration persona claims, or he's Beren. I think it's pretty obvious which.

Me: "So, Kuru, where's the shiny?"

Kuru: "In my hand."

Me: "Where's your hand?"

Kuru: "Ummmm, about that...."

Me: *facepalm*

(I know, I made another Rings joke! Gasp!)

Anyway, I want to know why Footie was killed. I'll read through her posts at some point and see what I think, but in the meantime I wouldn't complain if others voiced their opinions as well.

x'd with Kuru and Gwath
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Last edited by satansaloser2005; 04-17-2009 at 11:55 AM. Reason: fixed my joke, because Mnemo said it wasn't quite right
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:17 PM   #427
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Originally Posted by Gwathagor View Post
Ok. What shall I explain?

And once I'm done, you can explain to us why you're still alive.
The explanation there is clear--Kuru is Beren. Kill him once, and he returns to life for a day.

I guess that makes you our only resident Known Innocent, Kuru.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:18 PM   #428
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The Eye Ahhh...Sally...

I'm glad you are here.

You have similar 'splaining to do.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:23 PM   #429
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I should be in bed by now... but a couple of quick thoughts before I do that:

1. Alonariel has been modfired. So though we have Kuru back for a day, we're down an extra innocent as well.

2. Kuru can't use his Huan power after returning from the Dead, so apart from giving us a Known Innocent who can arbitrate between our disputes (in as arbitrary a manner as any clueless confused player of this game can), that's ALSO a shot missing from our arsenal.

More thoughts if they come before I head off to Real-Life sleep... otherwise closer to the deadline.
I prefer history, true or feigned.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:23 PM   #430
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Originally Posted by Kuruharan View Post
I'm glad you are here.

You have similar 'splaining to do.
Yes and no. Remember how I said I didn't suspect anyone? I didn't. The thing was that I was pretty sure you weren't innocent, but wasn't exactly going to put Noggie on the chopping block just to save your butt when I didn't find him particularly guilty either. Also....

Originally Posted by lil old me
I honestly don't feel comfortable voting toDay but if for some reason I really dislike the way the voting is going I'll step in. For now though, it's just not the best idea, since I can't seem to get any sort of bad vibes from anyone....well, at least not any that I feel I could pursue with a good conscience, as I'm afraid I could kill another fellow ordo, or worse, a gifted.

I wasn't prepared to make a vote (for which I apologize again) and stated so fairly plainly, along with my motivation for such action, or rather lack thereof.

Just a note to self: Kuru's innocent and I trust him, but he doesn't know everything, so don't follow him like a flipping lemming, kthnxbye.

EDIT: x'd with Form. Go to bed, dear. I know I shall be doing the same hopefully shortly.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:23 PM   #431
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Originally Posted by Kuruharan View Post
I'll leave it up to you to see if you can figure out why I'm still here.
That's hardly a fair trade...

Originally Posted by Kuruharan View Post
You can explain why you didn't vote yesterDay for starters.
Cowardice and indecision. I thought about voting you because I didn't like the way Nogrod seemed to be going out - but I wasn't all that suspicious of you. So I was afraid to commit one way or the other, deliberated a little too long, waffled back and forth, and missed the deadline.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:24 PM   #432
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Originally Posted by Formendacil View Post
The explanation there is clear--Kuru is Beren. Kill him once, and he returns to life for a day.
Oh, of course.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:27 PM   #433
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Originally Posted by Gwathagor View Post
Cowardice and indecision. I thought about voting you because I didn't like the way Nogrod seemed to be going out - but I wasn't all that suspicious of you. So I was afraid to commit one way or the other, deliberated a little too long, waffled back and forth, and missed the deadline.

Incidentally, what he said as well. I was about to vote (granted part of it was intended as self-preservation, but that's not the point) because I didn't like how it was going and realized as I was making my post that I was already too late. Not that I probably would have been happy with my vote anyway, but now that I've not made it I feel even sillier.

(Also, I'll have a post on the admin thread shortly. Just a heads up)
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:29 PM   #434
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I find your explainations rather wanting, but its too late at night here for prolonged analysis as I have to work in the morning.

I was mostly waiting around to see if...well, precisely if the two of you were going to be around right at the time the Day started.


I'm off for now. See you all later.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:35 PM   #435
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The DAY 2 vote list (times in GMT +8; known innocents underlined):
  • 03:44 Green - Nog
    Nog - 1

  • 05:38 Fea - Nog (+4)
    Nog - 6
  • 10:24 Shasta - Form
    Nog - 6, Form - 1
  • 12:05 Form - Green
    Nog - 6, Form - 1, Green - 1
  • 12:05 Lari - Kent
    Nog - 6, Form - 1, Green - 1, Kent - 1

  • 12:45 Firefoot - Nog
    Nog - 7, Form - 1, Green - 1, Kent - 1
  • 12:47 Kent - Kuru (+5)
    Nog - 7, Form - 1, Green - 1, Kent - 1, Kuru - 6

  • 12:58 Izzy - Sally (+2)
    Nog - 7, Form - 1, Green - 1, Kent - 1, Kuru - 6, Sally - 3
  • 12:59 Kuru - Kent (+4)
    Nog - 7, Form - 1, Green - 1, Kent - 6, Kuru - 6, Sally - 3
  • 12:59 Nilp - Kuru (+3)
    Nog - 7, Form - 1, Green - 1, Kent - 6, Kuru - 10, Sally - 3
  • 13:00 Brinn - Sally
    Nog - 7, Form - 1, Green - 1, Kent - 6, Kuru - 10, Sally - 4
  • 13:00 Nog - Sally (+4)
    Nog - 7, Form - 1, Green - 1, Kent - 6, Kuru - 10, Sally - 9

Did not vote: Alonariel, satansaloser2005.

EDIT 2: and Gwathagor.
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Last edited by Nilpaurion Felagund; 04-16-2009 at 11:44 PM. Reason: missing end tag
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:39 PM   #436
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Originally Posted by Kuruharan View Post

I was mostly waiting around to see if...well, precisely if the two of you were going to be around right at the time the Day started.

I'm curious to see where you're going with this...
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:39 PM   #437
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We get Kuru back for the Day, nice. I was surprised to actually see him dead because, well two voted for him but they used their bonus votes to put him over the edge. But at least we have a known innocent who can possibly help with the analysis(that took me five tries to spell...its time for bed) toDay.

Firefoot being Night killed that is a bigger surprise than Kuru.

I wish I could say more but I'm off to bed and have nothing else more to say really, lack of sleep makes my thou-SHINNY!
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:40 PM   #438
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Originally Posted by Nilpaurion Felagund View Post
Did not vote: Alonariel, satansaloser2005.
and Gwath.
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Old 04-16-2009, 11:42 PM   #439
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Originally Posted by Lariren Shadow View Post
We get Kuru back for the Day, nice. I was surprised to actually see him dead because, well two voted for him but they used their bonus votes to put him over the edge. But at least we have a known innocent who can possibly help with the analysis(that took me five tries to spell...its time for bed) toDay.

Firefoot being Night killed that is a bigger surprise than Kuru.

I wish I could say more but I'm off to bed and have nothing else more to say really, lack of sleep makes my thou-SHINNY!
Lari, I bloody love you.

And I see Nilp beat me to making a vote tally. If no one minds I may do one anyway, because his is a little hard to understand (well, not hard to understand so much as not in my format and messes with my head, which is probably his purpose anyway) and I'd really like to have one handy. Any objections?

I think I'll step away for several hours *yawns* since I didn't get any sleep in the Night worrying about being killed and such. When the game's over I'll have some interesting stories to share, but for now I must take my leave.
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Old 04-17-2009, 12:07 AM   #440
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As Togashi Satsu said in the flavour text of the aforementioned card, 'Why did I not foresee this?'

This series of events eliminated half of my suspicion list. Vy ze whey, sorry Kuru--had you voted for Kent sooner I would have not voted for you . . . Well, no use crying over spilled milk, it was a test I thought worth doing--the NIGHT kill and your post explaining it did make me suspicious of you.

Why Firefoot? I'll look at her posts and see if there's anything.
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