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Old 11-05-2002, 06:19 PM   #1
Arwen Melian
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Silmaril Your friends excuses for not liking the FOTR

Last year my friends and I went to see the movie at the theatre. Afterwards, everyone said they loved it, except one. He ( my friend will remain anonomous being that he might be reading this right now since he is such an anti-LOTR obssessed person; he goes online to anti LOTR websites. He even goes on websites like this and pretends he likes watch out for anyone suspicious.)<BR>said the movie "sucked", and that he hated it because it had no ending." That wizard guy should have used some sort of magical shield to block the snow on the mountain,"<BR>he says,"and that blonde elf dude, why does he not sink in the snow? Oh and how come he has no sword, all he has are those stupid little arrows that do nothing. I could have made a better movie.You are so wierd to watch such a lame movie. And I thought elves were short. This movie is so cliche and FAKE!" Those were his words, and as I stood there I could not seem to bring any words to my mouth because I was so angry. I also felt like laughing because would laugh if you saw the expression on his face. It was as if someone had insulted his mother,<BR>and he was threatening to fight back! What would you have said to him in this situation that would not be insulting ( being that he is a good friend.) Also, have you had any similiar situations? What did you do?
Maiden of Rivendell
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Fine! I admit it. I am a supporter of Agent Elrond. Now would you please leave me be?
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Old 11-05-2002, 06:36 PM   #2
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I would say, "You're just trying to upset me, aren't you?"
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Old 11-05-2002, 06:52 PM   #3
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judging by your friends arguements, I'd say he's a stupid person.<P>That's just me.<P>My friends excuses are "It's boring" or " There's no plot"
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Old 11-05-2002, 06:57 PM   #4
Arwen Melian
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Well, you might be right in some ways but he smart in others.
Maiden of Rivendell
"Anything to get away from the evil monkey in my bedroom."
Fine! I admit it. I am a supporter of Agent Elrond. Now would you please leave me be?
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Old 11-05-2002, 08:44 PM   #5
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There are some people who just can't handle the fact that this story is an EPIC TRILLOGY and that requires a non-traditional, non-hollywood "ending".<P>If people want an "ending", tell them not to watch ANY of the films until they ALL come out on home-release. That way if they want a damn ending, they're going to have to watch almost 10 hours of LOTR movies to get their ENDIND!<P>Imagine the look on that dude's face if he had read Fellowship (if he can even read :-) - the movie had more closue to it then the book did!<P>I have friends too that can't understand why I'm so into these films and the books - I then realize that most people are better off instantly gratified - and that's probably the reason why they can't handle the long, painful, intense struggle that these characters are going through.<P>And to your friend who said he can make a better movie - I'd tell him feel free and go right ahead. Maybe your circle of friends would be better off with him concentrating his efforts in some other usless, pointless endeavor. An argument with him is probably like pinning jello to the wall. <BR> <P>[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Pookabunny ]<p>[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Pookabunny ]
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Old 11-05-2002, 08:52 PM   #6
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Disclaimer: Not the friend refered to above. Never even known Arwen Melian. &lt;P&gt;Anyway, I saw the movie with several friends, 3 of who are obsessed as many on this board are. I thought the movie was a bit corny, but its a good movie. I"m not obsessed. I see Tolkien"s works as excellent reads, and I"d recommend them. The movie is good, and I plan on seeing the other 2, but the obsession I don"t understand. gambling
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Old 11-05-2002, 09:12 PM   #7
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Most of my friends saw it and liked it. Not their <I>favorite</I> movie, but they still liked it. Unfortunately, one of my friends isn't allowed to see LotR (she lives in a sheltered family and has to hide her Harry Potter books from her mom), and when I get into a passionate discussion about LotR in her presence, she says "It's just a movie!" That, in my opinion, is a little bit annoying because she will never know what a wonderful epic LotR is, and that's sad.<p>[ November 05, 2002: Message edited by: Nevfeniel ]
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Old 11-05-2002, 11:01 PM   #8
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I had one friend who refused to go see the movie. He said that he had started reading Book 1 a while ago but stopped because he though it was boring.<BR>I tried everything to get him to see the movie. I even offerred to pay for him!<BR>At last... when the movie was released on DCD I got him to watch it & he liked it!<BR>End of boring story...
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Old 11-05-2002, 11:27 PM   #9
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<I>My</I> friends' excuses?<P>Too long.<P>Too boring.<P>Liv Tyler's neckline not low enough.<P>Hm, when I look at this, almost makes me want to re-think some of my closest frienships.
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Old 11-06-2002, 02:22 PM   #10
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Most of my friends thought the movie was 'okay' - except this one girl who has this weird thing: everything that can not happen strictly in her reality = bad. It's really annoying, because ... okay, maybe this doesn't quite belong in this thread, but you'll get it anyways ... (an example) another friend, who likes LotR, who couldn't recall who Tolkien was. I said to something to her alike "You don't mean serously, that youm don't know who <I>Tolkien</I> is?" and the LotR-hater (let's call her Julie (not her real name)) goes "Why should she know any of your crazy authors?" Tolkien!?! CRAZY!?! I just managed to keep myself calm and say "He wrote LoTR". And then she goes "And so what?" <BR>And I just have to say "Lord-" and Julie freaks totally out (once I mentioned the movie, she went "I can't believe you want to use money on that sh*t!" GRRR! She actually used that word!) I offered her to watch the movie on VHS for free and all, so she would have something to judge by. Can you imagine a 2-year old saying "No!"? A teenage-girl refusing in that way!!??<BR>Okay I better stop now; it's not interesting for everybody else to hear about my agressions... Btw, if I sound like I hate her, we're not friends anymore (because of something else, that doesn't belong on BD at all.)<BR>To shorten down, her reason was "Elves doesn't exist, therefore the movie is bad"
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Old 11-06-2002, 06:20 PM   #11
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I have a friend who hates LOTR because she thinks that it is a rip-off of harry potter <BR>and another who hates because its popular<BR>are these people insane or what?
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Old 11-06-2002, 06:33 PM   #12
Arwen Melian
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Oh no your friend did not go there! If any thing harry potter was influenced by lotr. It has been around longer than these new fantasy novels and at least it has more depth. Not that I dont like harry potter. But in that movie the elves are short and ugly..eww.
Maiden of Rivendell
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Fine! I admit it. I am a supporter of Agent Elrond. Now would you please leave me be?
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Old 11-06-2002, 09:52 PM   #13
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The Harry Potter thing is really easy to counteract. They'll feel really quite stupid when you tell them that not only were the books written about 50 years before HP, but that all three LotR movies were filmed before HP, even though HP comes out a month before. (That is so unfair! Why make LotR look copy-catish in the wake of something that is really copying LotR? Ahhhhh!)<P>I, luckily, have no friends. Aha. Just kidding. But I've never encountered people who hate LotR. I know people who are uninterested in fantasy...and what can you do about that? Oh well.
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Old 11-07-2002, 02:32 AM   #14
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I used to hate it! (Don't kill me!!!) I read the books to young. (I read them on my own impulse, however.) There was nothing else to read, so I forced myself to read them, and I didn't like them. I didn't read them again for a long time. <P>I think I would have read them again sooner, but it got all popular, and I have a VERY contrary streak! Heh heh. So I was like, why do you guys like THOSE books? They're so dull! But, my dear freind and companion became OBSESSED, and my little bro liked them, so I read them again . . . and fell in love! Now I'm proud to say I can stand with the obsessed! <P>And that person who said they're stupid 'cause elves aren't real, is crazy. I spend half my time wishing book-worlds were true! (Like Narnia, Redwall, and LotR)I even have this great theory about them being real! (If you want to know what it is send me a private message - it's too wierd to be known to the general public!) <P>I guess I just want to say, THERE IS HOPE for the dingbatty non-LotR's. On the other hand, maybe we should just force them to dress like orcs on an elvish target-practice range! <p>[ November 07, 2002: Message edited by: Mintyztwin ]
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Old 11-07-2002, 08:13 AM   #15
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To get back to the friend of nevfeniel: I think she just say's that stuff because she is jealous at you for having parents that allow you to see the movie, so when she say's it she is confincing herself more than she is confincing you. And to answer Arwen Mellian's question: I would not take it so serious. He is just used to a kind of movie where he does not have to think to much. (something like terminator or something, when they just shoot each others head of for no reason) but if I was there I'd think I sayd something like: "well if you don't like, just don't come with us to the other 2 movies and find out the ending" or something like that and I would explain him that is has an endeing and he just have 2 wait 2 years for it. But ofcaurse as a real fan the waiting is all worth it.
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Old 11-07-2002, 11:49 AM   #16
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First of all lets not let this topic brcome another HP ripped off LOTR, Dementors are Nazgul tread.<P>Second of all, if you could please make a list of the names and addresses of these "friends" I'll have a lynch mob around to their homes in no time at all.
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Old 11-07-2002, 02:10 PM   #17
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First, let me say that everything I say is totally ture, and somewhat ironic. <BR>I when and saw LOTR with some friends. Only one problem. One of my friend brought along a dorky 'anti-anything that is long, popular, and intelligent' kid. My friend really doesn't like him, but he had to bring him along because his brother is cool, and he couldn't go if his brother didn't do. Anyway, throught the entire movie, the little kid kept saying,"This movie sucks and its boring. I wanna leave!" But the WORST was when Gandalf fell into the pit, the kid (he really is in my grade, but I just call him 'kid') said'"Oh well, he wasn't that great." <P>After the movie he said,"That movie was awful, I can make a better movie than that." <BR>YES! HE SAID IT!!! You see, we are in TV Production together, and the teacher at this point will take anybody to make this years short film. So, we made a bet that if his movie was good, I would give up my LOTR ways.<BR>Yes, I know if he won the bet that that would be 'a deal with the ' but I was willing to take that risk.<BR>The Current Status Of The Short Film: the budget only reached $100. He is making a Star Wars short film. I have read the script, and it is horrable. On top of that, half of the cast and crew has already quit, twice,but with begging he got them back. He was acctually begging ME to be the graphics designer(and yes, we have the right computer programs to do this). I told him I wasn't giving him any favours. He is still working on the movie. <BR>As far as I'm cocerned. VICTROY IS MINE!!!
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Old 11-07-2002, 02:45 PM   #18
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I have to say, I didn't *rush* to watch LotR (I hadn't read it then) and, yes, people going totally crazy and talking about it alll the time REALLY bugged me. (do you know how annoying it is having ents explained to you when you really don't want to know because you're going to read the book anyway?) but I read the book in August and the rest's history<P>"Elves don't exist therefore movie is bad"?! What type of books does she read? Sure factual books are fine once in a while but no fantasy books? Couldn't live with that.
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Old 11-07-2002, 09:01 PM   #19
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*takes deep breaths and tries to keep from smashing computer* These people drive me insane! Before they form their opinions they should at least get some background information! How ignorant can people be, LoTR has been around for 50 years! I haven't yet met a person who doesn't like the movie, but if I do and they have reasons such as these, someone's going to need to restrain me.
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Old 11-07-2002, 09:15 PM   #20
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Sí, sí. I know what you mean. When I "disliked" LotR I had at least READ them instead of going entirely on being contrary!!! But, it's their loss!
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Old 11-07-2002, 09:48 PM   #21
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I've been trying to persuede one of my friends to read LOTR and watch the movie. I know her brother would probly love the movie, so hopefully they will watch it someday! My friend is really busy, and has a lot to read for school, but I'm working on her anyways <BR>Arwen
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Old 11-08-2002, 08:19 PM   #22
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it drives me nuts, too! my one friend loves the movie (probably cause of the guys! )!!! I'm glad she likes it, but it's for the wrong reasons! She told me she tried reading LOTR but it was confusing and boring...and i know her! She probably never even picked up the book! GRRR!
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Old 11-08-2002, 09:44 PM   #23
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I took my friend to see the movie. They seemed to be interested. For my sake he began to read the books. He plowed through FOTR but when he got to TTT he began to slow down. He finally threw down the books permanently in the middle of helm's deep! I asked him why and he said that helms deep was an extremely boring chapter and just couldnt get through it. I have*with great difficulty* forgiven him, but I still cant get over the fact that he thought helms deep was boring!
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Old 11-09-2002, 05:22 AM   #24
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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR> "Elves don't exist therefore movie is bad"?! What type of books does she read? Sure factual books are fine once in a while but no fantasy books? Couldn't live with that. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>I agree with you, dragoneyes, I too couldn't live without fantasy - it's like the one thing that keeps me fairly "sane" <BR>Anyways, she's the type of person, who reads a book when it's recommended (as long as it's not fantasy or Science Fiction) gets through half of it, and then says it's boring. And if she read first book of a serie, and like it she quit through the second book, because it's not giving the same image as the first book - therefore it is bad! I really don't understand her - I always believed, that the point of reading the second book is to know what happens further; even if the main character is growing older, and therefore changes. <BR>And the person, who thought <I>Helm's Deep</I> was boring!?! I can't understand that! <BR>I got my brother halfway through the second part of TTT, but he didn't find it exciting, so he stopped there -hey, he's only 11, he'll get over it!
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Old 11-09-2002, 09:54 AM   #25
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Oh God that whole elves aren't real therefore movie is bad things is stupid.<BR>After i saw the film for the first time i heard someone say "It's very unrealistic isn't it" one of my friends nearly wet himself laughing at ther person who said that.<BR>I suppose i shouldn't complain, my own father once said "Was that based on a true story?" <p>[ November 09, 2002: Message edited by: Dimaldaeon ]
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Old 11-09-2002, 10:15 AM   #26
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Argh! What is the <I>point</I> of having an imagination if you have to be "realistic" all the time? These people's minds must operate on totally different planes than ours, because I just can't understand them.
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Old 11-09-2002, 03:13 PM   #27
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This is the type of person I am. Homer Simpson once said this line. "Great, now I have to face stupid reality again..." I wrote this on a bit of paper and found a picture of Aragorn looking exasperated and stuck that on it. It's on my wall now.<P>Anyway, point is, fantasy and fiction are totally necessary to keep my sanity. People who complain that it's not realistic enough are completely missing the point. What annoys me more is action films which are meant to be 'real' are totally unbelievable and proposterous (sp)<P>People who come out with ridiculous arguments against the film deserve to be ignored until they admit their errors.<P>I am proud to be obsessed.
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Old 11-09-2002, 04:12 PM   #28
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Elven Mistress: I completely agree with you. At my school, the library recently gave out LoTR bookmarks that have pictures of the fellowship on them. I love it, and have gotten all of them. But in the last week or so I have seen no less than 20 girls walking around pointing at Legolas's picture saying, "isn't he hot!" and other things to the same point. It drives me insane! I don't know why, but I have a problem with the word hot when describing one's looks, especially when they're describing one of my heroes! *sighs* I guess I'll just have to live with it, but I was wondering if anyone else had something of the same problem.
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Old 11-09-2002, 04:57 PM   #29
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I hate those stuations when you really like<BR>some movie/s and your friend/s don't.<BR>A friend of mine told me that FOTR was too<BR>long, another friend told me it's too boring,<BR>too much talking, not enough action.<BR>Not to mention the bad things they said about<BR>Interview with the Vampire and the classic<BR>Star Wars trilogy (ep. IV,V,VI), of course<BR>they didn't like more the Hannibal Lecter<BR>trilogy, they said Harry Potter beats all of<BR>these movies, and I have nothing against<BR>Harry Potter (I've read the books and all)<BR>but it's just <I><B>NOT</B></I> LOTR or such
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Old 11-10-2002, 04:58 PM   #30
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Most of the time, I say, "Have you read the books?"<P>Most of the time, they answer, "No."<P>Then I say, "Then of COURSE you didn't like it! You didn't UNDERSTAND it!"
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Old 11-10-2002, 05:56 PM   #31
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This is exactly what I'm thinking, it just aggravates me ...what these people think. <BR>Unfortunately I keep my mouth closed
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Fine! I admit it. I am a supporter of Agent Elrond. Now would you please leave me be?
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Old 11-11-2002, 11:55 AM   #32
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Yep. I agree Mortal Elf (I'll leave of the "the" That okay?)! I was once an openly admitted Legolas fan. (I think I was the original want to marry him! gal ) But that was BEFORE the movie!!!!!!!! When I saw the movie, I was like, Heh heh, I'll still be a Legolas fan, 'cause Orlando Bloom isn't UGLY! <P>But now, I almost NEVER say ANYTHING about it! 'Cause I'm contrary, and like to go against the flow, AND 'cause NOBODY believe me when I say "The Legolas from the books. Not Orlando Bloom. The REAL Legolas!!" (that last part always gets some looks! )<P>I'm real lucky though! I am so sorry all you guys have freinds who don't like LotR! ALL my friends do! I was the one who didn't like it! But I've seen the light!!!! (Heh. A leetle sacriligious there! Sorry, Lord!)
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Old 11-11-2002, 12:07 PM   #33
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"It's too long."<BR>"I can't keep track of all the characters."<BR>"The languages are confusing."<BR>"Fantasy isn't my thing."<P>P.S. <I>LOTR is not a trilogy</I>, as I have said before. It says this right in the 'Note on the Text':<BR> <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:<HR>The Lord of the Rings is often erroneously called a trilogy, when it is in fact a single novel of six books plus appendicies, sometimes published in three volumes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR>-Douglas A. Anderson
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Old 11-11-2002, 03:08 PM   #34
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There should be guards who won't let anyone who hasn't read the books into the theater. <BR>If you haven't read the trilogy, you are guaranteed not to get some of what's going on.<P>Things I want to shoot people for saying:<P>"Oh, there's <I>three</I> movies to it?"<P>"What kind of ending is that?"<P>"That elf-guy is HOTT!" <P>"Are they speaking Spanish?" <P>"Why is the midget dude crying? Wussy."<P>*breathes to calm herself* Grrr. People are so ignorant.
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Old 11-11-2002, 03:32 PM   #35
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What really annoys me is when your friend has seen it, and the only names he can recall are Frodo, Gandalf, and Sam. And intead of saying Aragorn, he says Strider, because that is all he remembered. When my friend came up to me for the first time after seeing it, he said,"Man that was a great movie! That Elf-dude shot those ugly guys with his arrows and crap! And Gandalf and that other wizard guy were fighting in mid-air and stuff! To bad the next LOTR movie is coming out in 2004. I can't wait that long."<P>HUH!?! <P>And about not seeing the movie if you haven't read the book. At least they must have to have read The Hobbit in order to understand it somewhat.
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Old 11-11-2002, 04:53 PM   #36
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TealDudee3, your friend who can't remember the names sounds like a good target for geekitis indoctrination. At least he liked the movie, so you have some starting ground to get him interested in the books.<P>And someone said that anyone who hasn't read the books shouldn't be allowed to see the movie. That would be inconvienent, since then my Dad wouldn't be able to go and I'd have to buy my own ticket.
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Old 11-11-2002, 07:45 PM   #37
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Hmm . . . well, my mom's the only one in our family that hasn't read the books. ('Cept for the little girls 'cause they can't read, and the cats for obvious reasons) And she waaaaay did not get it. As in coming very close to flatly refusing to allow any of us to see it! Or get the DVD (Which is still up in the air. Grrrr . . .)<P>But you know what's funny? My little sisters talk about LotR! It's so funny! they know Saruman, Sauron, Frodo, Gandalf, and Legolas by name. They're so cute! <P>I'm glad your dad didn't freak Diamond, but i still think people should definatly read the books first!!!!!
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Old 11-12-2002, 04:41 PM   #38
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I first saw the movie with my family. Everyone in my family liked it except my mom. She's the only one in my family who hasn't read the books, and she thought it was to violent. (She also things "The Lion King" is violent, though.) Afterwards, we went to some restaurant and had a long and involved discussion about the difference between the movie and the book (excluding my mom of course, who just went on about how violent the movie was)<P>I went with my friends later and they all liked it. One of my friends hasn't read the book, but she had about 3 or 4 of us telling her what happened. My friends think the movies are better than the books, and I disagree. I better stop here, before I really get started.
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Old 11-12-2002, 06:32 PM   #39
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Maybe it's just a mom thing. 'Cept my mom isn't as much worried about the violence. She just thinks its eeeeeeeevil!!!! (Eeeeeevil seeeeeeds! Sorry, inside joke! )
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Old 11-12-2002, 08:45 PM   #40
Taure Leafsilver
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"where'd the ending go?" my freind wasnt thrilled but she is going to see TTT.
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