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Old 01-01-2003, 12:37 PM   #1
Regal Dwarven Shade
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Question Inquiries

1) Did PJ have a cameo in this movie? I remember that he was in Fellowship, but I don't remember seeing him in TTT.<P>2) Was the Elf in the Dead Marshes supposed to be somebody important? I'm asking because 1) he was in one piece and 2) he had dark hair if I remember correctly (a rather rare thing for an Elf in Jackson's Middle-earth).<P>3) I assume that the extended version of the TTT will show how in the process of trundling across Rohan the homogenous band of Saruman's Uruk-hai suddenly turned in to the heterogeneous horde of various orcs. When I saw the scene with the orcs arguing I did a double take because all of a sudden there were a bunch of smaller orcs there that just mysteriously appeared out of nowhere. Or was this something that I was not supposed to notice?<P>4) Why did Aragorn advise Theoden to send for help to Gondor? Wasn't he the one who had just ridden in all fainting and bleeding to announce "There's a whole bunch of orcs coming, they'll be here TONIGHT, and we're all gonna die!!!!!" How did he expect poor under-attack Gondor to send help when they were several days ride away, assuming they could even send help immediately. Or is this just a plot hole?
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Old 01-01-2003, 01:14 PM   #2
Arwen Imladris
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1) PJ was sopposed to, there is a pic of him in my film book thing in TTT, but as of yet I haven't picked him out yet<P>2)I don't think that he was anyone importnat.<P>3) I didn't notice, must look harder next time.<P>4) I have no idea.<P>Gee, arn't I helpfull.
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Old 01-01-2003, 05:12 PM   #3
Estelyn Telcontar
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1) PJ has two cameo appearances in TTT - see <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>this thread</A> for details.
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Old 01-01-2003, 09:46 PM   #4
Regal Dwarven Shade
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Thumbs up

Thanks bunches, Esty.
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Old 01-01-2003, 10:17 PM   #5
the mortal elf
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1) well, it's already been answered.<P>2) I don't know if he was important or not. You could have fun and say he was Gil-Galad <P>3) Yeah, it will. It's talked about in another thread, and it seems there will be a lot more footage. Not just some 10 second thing.<P>4) well, it could've been a stupid PJ thing, or it could've been put in there to show that Aragorn does have faith in his own people, despite what he said to Boromir in the special edition FotR.
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Old 01-02-2003, 07:32 AM   #6
Estelyn Telcontar
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2) You know, I was thinking of Gil-Galad too! He definitely looked Elven, and I thought there could be some similarity to the Gil-Galad we were shown in the opening sequence of FotR. Since I've only seen TTT twice so far,I will look again next time.
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Old 01-02-2003, 08:32 AM   #7
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My son is convinced as well that it is indeed Gil-Galad, because he watched the whole appendix-DVD of the FotR extended edition. There they show exactly how Gil-Galad was dressed. (I was actually wondering why they took such pains for a character that you only see for a few seconds in the movie...)
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Old 01-02-2003, 10:38 AM   #8
The Silver-shod Muse
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Gil-galad's costume was one of the best, in my opinion. I was sorry we saw so little of him.<P>Those Dead Marsh spirits weren't really the spirits of the dead, correct? Doesn't Sam address this in the books - that they are evil wights and not the souls of real men and elves? This was certainly not made clear in the movies.
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