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Old 06-23-2002, 10:55 PM   #1
Rose Cotton
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Sting Gandalf and Gollum?

Gandalf told Frodo about pity and mercy and that Gollum had a part to play before the end. And yet when Gandalf hears that Frodo has taken up with Gollum he is a bit troubled.

Let's say that by some remote chance Gandalf was with Frodo and Sam during the Taming of Smeogol.

What would he have done?

[ June 24, 2002: Message edited by: Rose Cotton ]
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Old 06-24-2002, 08:24 AM   #2
Aldagrim Proudfoot
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He might have done what Frodo did.
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Old 06-24-2002, 01:40 PM   #3
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Probably had use Gollum as a guide too. Remember that Gandalf had never gone east, like Saruman, Alatar or Pallando. He always had stayed west.
Gandalf would not have killed Gollum either.
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Old 06-24-2002, 01:41 PM   #4
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He would have thrown Gollum out of the "gruop", He's Gandalf, he doesn't need a guide to Mt. Doom, he was suppoosed to be the guide if the fellowship hadn't seperated.

Plus, Gollum probably wouldn't have strayed so close if Gandalf was around. After all, he didn't in Moria.
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Old 06-24-2002, 04:33 PM   #5
Aldagrim Proudfoot
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Gandalf had never gone east, like Saruman, Alatar or Pallando
Who are Alatar and Pallando?
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Old 06-24-2002, 04:46 PM   #6
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Alatar and Pallando are the Blue wizards who went into the east and were never talked about again i think.
I don't know what Gandalf would have done. He wouldn't have killed Gollum, but i'm not sure whether he would have let Gollum guide.
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Old 06-24-2002, 05:50 PM   #7
Tigerlily Gamgee
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When Gandalf told Frodo those things I do believe that he meant them. He is a true character, and even if he doesn't trust Gollum he still honors his life. He knows that the ring put him through a lot.

Also, if Gandalf had been with them he probably would've done the same thing. I can see how he would be a little upset when hearing that Frodo and Sam had taken up with Gollum, but I am sure that if Gandalf was faced with Gollum he too would've had pity on him. After all, he could've killed Saruman, but he chose not to.
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Old 06-24-2002, 07:25 PM   #8
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I think Gandalf would have used gollum the same way as Frodo. But I believe he would have been more on gaurd against treachery from Gollum.
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Old 06-24-2002, 08:50 PM   #9
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I think that Gandalf probably did have better knowledge of the various ways into Mordor than most. That said, he probably would have listened to all that Gollum had to say, and tried to gain as much information about the way as possible. I don't think that Gandalf would have let Gollum be the guide, but he would not have killed him. Obviously, it would not have been safe to turn Gollum loose, so Gandalf probably would have just kept him.
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Old 06-24-2002, 09:08 PM   #10
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One thing to remember is that Gandalf merely says that Gollum has "a part to play" before the end - Gandalf himself is fuzzy on the details and does not necessarily know if Gollum's part will be to be the final factor in destroying the Ring or delivering it up to Sauron. He just doesn't know what sort of part exactly, any more than the rest of the Fellowship does.

As for being anxious when hearing that Frodo and Gollum have met - well, like before, he doesn't know if this is ultimately going to lead to salvation or disaster; all he knows is that it's going to lead to SOMETHING, which, knowing Gollum, will probably be an unpleasant process whatever the end result. Gandalf probably feels at that point much like a father whose son is, say, traveling on his own for the first time; he knows that it's what the boy prefers to do, knows it's time for it to happen, but at the same time can't help being (very rightly) anxious over what might happen to him, after all, Gollum is the ultimate stranger met while traveling, and he'd be anxious that his "son" wasn't being careful enough.

As for how he would have treated Gollum - probably much the same as Frodo, but with a far more cowing effect; Gandalf can produce spells and effects that would probably knock the fear of Eru into Gollum for a good while. This might not be altogether a good thing, though, since it might have led to Gollum running away from them very early, and before he had guided them through the Emyn Muil. It's hard to see him betraying the company to Shelob in the hopes of getting the Ring, though - he would never want to come to grips with Gandalf over the Ring if Frodo were stung by Shelob, and also there was far too much risk that Gandalf would have heard of Torech Ungol and refused to let them go near the place, thus forcing Gollum to think of another plan. Just my 2.5 cents.
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Old 06-24-2002, 09:17 PM   #11
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He wouldn't have killed him, he would have captured him and taken him prisoner of something like that.
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Old 06-24-2002, 09:18 PM   #12
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Gandalf can produce spells and effects that would probably knock the fear of Eru into Gollum for a good while.
Actually, that's exactly what Gandalf eventually did the only time that he met Gollum.

If Gandalf had still been with Frodo, that experience might have caused Gollum to be more cautious to avoid encountering that nassty wizard again.

there was far too much risk that Gandalf would have heard of Torech Ungol and refused to let them go near the place, thus forcing Gollum to think of another plan.
That is very true. But did Gollum know of another way in? We wondersss, my precioussss, yes, we wondersss...
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