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Old 09-13-2010, 09:20 PM   #1
Feanor of the Peredhil
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Werewolf LXXXI: Under the Misty Mountains

The clan gathered around the fire, their eyes glowing faintly in the dim light. Several torches made of femurs, rags, and animal fat were smoldering.

"Thus far," said Feanorc, "the only deaths have come from rival clans."

"Curse them!" growled Niennorc. "Cut out their spleens and eat their eyes!"

"You are needlessly violent," Feanorc admonished.

Niennorc bared her teeth at Feanorc and shot her a nasty look. "Let them kill the beastly goblins that steal our food!"

"They'll come to us next!" shouted Shastorc.

Sallyorc stamped her foot, at a very sweet and well decorated grub, and, nodding to the grub, said, "They'll eat all our khup-kahks."

Losloblin fell over and muttered from the floor, "I think my feet will be safe from their appetites... they are unusually small..."

Borc leered drunkenly at Losloblin, but said nothing. Nerwoblin eyed her most reliable customer with disdain. Not even she would drink the brew she concocted from fermented things Shastorc discovered in the depths of the mountains. But Borc would drink anything, and tended to order the worst of her wares on purpose!

Storc suddenly muttered something that nobody quite heard.

"Hark!" called Vanilwoblin, "the vagrant has said something!"

"I doubt it was important," said Mirandoblin.

The Little Green Goblin crushed a spider that crawled up her leg and studied the remains intently. "Not so hard to squish, are they?"

Lommoblin scraped the spider's goo from Little Green Goblin's fingers and smeared it on the cave wall. "It will serve as a record," she said, though nobody listened. They were rather too busy trying not to hear Glorc's rather terrible singing.

He cried:

Forc is withdrawn and is terribly quiet
And Runorc the pool orc ought to go on a diet
because we all know it's true, we all know we've seen this:
his scandalous swim trunks barely cover his-

Nogroblin shoved a dead fish into Glorc's mouth. "You can't carry a tune," he said simply. Izzoblin and Celuioblin cheered as Legoblin and Kathorc began to ponder what Glorc could possibly have intended to rhyme with 'seen this.'

Inzoblin and Phantoblin coughed meaningfully. "If we could please get back to the discussion?"

Feanorc nodded. "The song was lovely, Glorc, and I'd love to hear what you have to sing about each of us, but we really rather need to discuss the very pressing problem of genocide that is occurring in the next cave over."

And it was true, for in the sudden moment of silence, screams could be heard echoing through the mountains.


Night One is currently in session. Please do not post to this thread.

Last edited by Feanor of the Peredhil; 09-14-2010 at 06:54 PM.
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Old 09-14-2010, 06:59 PM   #2
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There is no visible difference between Night and Day in the caves beneath the Misty Mountains. As such, though days and nights above ground followed the rising and setting of the sun, the Days and Nights underground followed the internal rhythms of the goblin folk. Awake for twice as long as you sleep. Perhaps some of this rhythm was provided by the sheer discomfort of sleeping on craggy wet stone. The goblin folk stayed awake as long as they coherently could before collapsing into the rag piles that served as their beds. Once asleep, though they tossed and turned, the orc clan slept soundly, exhausted past any real notice of their physical pain. Except for one orc that held a secret.

This orc knew many secrets, to be fair, but they all stemmed from one, the biggest secret. All other bits and pieces of knowledge came from the unfortunate truth that this orc had never, ever slept an entire night without receiving vivid and prophetic dreams. The orc knew the dreams were true, and found no comfort in this fact: the orc knew all manner of distasteful things about every other being. It is hard, for one who sees the inner truths of those around them, to interact with others without revealing too much information. For, after all, how many individuals desire to spend time with a person who mysteriously learns all their darkest thoughts?

Of course this orc was not the only one with a secret; it was merely just that this orc was the only one whose secret affected the rhythms of the Night. The other orc with a secret desperately wanted to fit in with the clan, but couldn't help but think they were raging idiots.

As such, this latter orc watched every other little goblin tremble with fear of the legendary Sons of Elrond and their minions, and thought a little guiltily that maybe they all deserved whatever they got. Still, this orc felt a little tied, at least, to its roots... Conflicted, this orc simply tried to stay out of the way until it could figure out which side it was on.

Still, Feanorc and Niennorc knew nothing of this prophetic orc or this orc of questionable allegiance. They only knew that they'd been voted to stand guard over the rest of the clan while everybody slept. The congressional attempts to cast out the fiends of the clan would begin in the morning. Feanorc and Niennorc were simply required to keep an eye on the cave passages until Day.

As they paced and bickered, for they were bored and they were goblins, and that tends to mean grumbling, they managed to completely miss the one thing they should have noticed: creeping up behind them were four forms with calamitous intent.

Clad in rags and makeup like orcs, they approached Feanorc and Niennorc.

"Borc, is that you?" asked Feanorc.

Niennorc elbowed Feanorc in the trachea. "No, idiot, it's obviously Shastorc scavenging for noms!"

The forms moved closer, hazy in the poor lighting. Niennorc's torch did nothing to illuminate the situation.

Feanorc asked, "Glorc?"

Niennorc brandished her torch. "If it was Glorc he'd be singing really horrible songs!"

"True," said Feanorc.

By then, the four had finished their approach. "They don't smell right," said Niennorc. "They smell... good. Like... like baths. Or like... like perhaps they aren't covered in slime and whatever that thing that died out in the cavern is."

Feanorc cocked her head, curious. "You... you aren't one of us."

"No," growled Elrohir, straightening from his crouch, letting his orc rags and rusty helm fall from his gleaming hair. "But I'm good enough at pretending to KILL YOU!"

With that, Elrohir, Elladan, Arathorn, and Other Guy pounced on Feanorc and Niennorc, cutting their heads from their necks.

"I think that counts as half for each of us," laughed Elladan. "Which means I'm in the lead by two thousand eight hundred and fifty seven and a half. Take that, brother!"

Arathorn and Other Guy moped, for they knew that in their puny Man lives, they would never behead more than a few hundred goblins.


Day One has begun. You may begin posting.

Feanorc and Niennorc - beheaded in the dark

Puddle! Puddle!
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:13 PM   #3
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I would go look at the site of the murder for clues, but the past few times I've tried to walk over, I've fallen over, so I'll just take you guys' word that Fenorc and Niennorc are dead. Dark times, dark times...(pun intended )
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:15 PM   #4
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I didn't do it. I was too busy making the moddesses cookies. The end.

And now to vote, because I probably will be busy most of toDay (first half, anyway) and I have nothing better to do. Besides, I'm pretty sure Fea wants to be entertained.

for cookies

++Boro for snuggles

++Greenie for catchiest tune

++Mira for asylum

++Sally for coolest kid ever

++Lottie for game losing

++Steve for most mispronounced name

++Vanilwa for noms

++Phantom for representative

Totally not even kidding. Well, on the last one, anyway.

Repeat, for later ease of vote counting....

++Phantom for representative

EDIT: x'd with Lottie. No, seriously, I just noticed her post. Go me, right? >.<
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Last edited by satansaloser2005; 09-15-2010 at 06:47 PM.
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:21 PM   #5
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That's a lot of red text, Sallycake. Written in blood, per'aps?
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:41 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Loslote View Post
That's a lot of red text, Sallycake. Written in blood, per'aps?
Only if you got careless last Night, my dear Lottiepop.

Originally Posted by Dun Dun Dun
Really? That amazing phantom gets a vote for rep in the first two posts of Day 1 without even showing up first?
Well, if he's good, I'll trust his judgement (for toDay, anyway). If he's evil, I trust him to not be stupid enough to do something like lynch the seer on Day One. It's a win-win from my perspective, as he either is good and tries to do something helpful or he's evil and isn't dumb enough to do something horribly destructive....yet.

EDIT: x'd with our beloved shadow itself....or, as I call it, BS
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Last edited by satansaloser2005; 09-14-2010 at 07:47 PM.
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:46 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
Well, if he's good, I'll trust his judgement (for toDay, anyway). If he's evil, I trust him to not be stupid enough to do something like lynch the seer on Day One. It's a win-win from my perspective, as he either is good and tries to do something helpful or he's evil and isn't dumb enough to do something horribly destructive....yet.
This makes sense, and looks rather innocent of you, but I'm going be around, so Phantom, no vote for you.

I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:26 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
Totally not even kidding. Well, on the last one, anyway.

Repeat, for later ease of vote counting....

[highlight++Phantom for representative[/highlight

Really? That amazing phantom gets a vote for rep in the first two posts of Day 1 without even showing up first?
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Old 09-14-2010, 07:39 PM   #9
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Lottie and Inzil- why have you not voted me for representative yet?

Nice to see at least Sally knows how to do this thing properly.
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Old 09-14-2010, 09:02 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil View Post
Sallyorc stamped her foot, at a very sweet and well decorated grub, and, nodding to the grub, said, "They'll eat all our khup-kahks."
Somehow I missed this before, but I approve SO hard.

Also, Chrome won't let me format as I type? That's SO lame.
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Old 09-15-2010, 10:43 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Sally
Well, if he's good, I'll trust his judgement (for toDay, anyway). If he's evil, I trust him to not be stupid enough to do something like lynch the seer on Day One. It's a win-win from my perspective, as he either is good and tries to do something helpful or he's evil and isn't dumb enough to do something horribly destructive....yet.
This does not make sense. Why would a baddie opt out of the opportunity to rid themselves of the seer?

I don't see why you are so quick to trust and defend Phantom, Loslote.

It seems to me that the impression of Phantom is that he wouldn't lie or manipulate as evil. Which makes no sense.

I don't mind seeing a lynch of Sally or Loslote toDay.

I'll make my Rep vote in a handful of hours, after work.


All Things Livery:
50% Off Sale! ToDay only!
Livers - 2 bed rolls!

X'd with Glirdan.
But I was clinging to her like a homicidal monkey.
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Old 09-16-2010, 07:42 PM   #12
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Lottie has died. She was Elladan.

Night Two now begins. Elf and Elf Friends, you may PM. Seer, please send in your dream. Orc of unknown allegiance, please pick a side.

Feanorc and Niennorc - beheaded in the dark
Lottielf (Elladan) - axed in the head

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Old 09-17-2010, 07:00 PM   #13
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Izzy has died. She was an ordo.

Day Two now begins. Elf and Elf Friends, you may not PM.

Feanorc and Niennorc - beheaded in the dark
Lottielf (Elladan) - axed in the head
Izanordorc (ordo) - head cut off in her sleep

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Old 09-17-2010, 07:06 PM   #14
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There are oh so many things to say, but I'm not quite done with my reread. Just one quick question before I go back to reading-

Boro- have you decided upon your alignment yet?
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Old 09-17-2010, 07:12 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by the phantom View Post
Boro- have you decided upon your alignment yet?
It's always been with the Orcs good sir. You really expected the Elvsies to fall for the "I'm the Seer" stunt?
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Old 09-17-2010, 07:47 PM   #16
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Due to unforeseen circumstances, Borc is no longer with us. He was an ordo.

Feanorc and Niennorc - beheaded in the dark
Lottielf (Elladan) - axed in the head
Izanordorc (ordo) - head cut off in her sleep
Borc (ordo) - nommed some poison by accident

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Old 09-17-2010, 08:09 PM   #17
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So I'm just coming on to clear up a few things before I go to sleep, I wasn't able to come on a lot yesterday, so I'd like to give the more detailed explanation to my actions now, that I hadn't had the chance to do yesterday.

Where I was there was a tie between Lottie, Sally and Boro, I didn't want to vote for Boro and was ok with lynching either Lottie or Sally. I hadn't had the chance to really read over things very thoroughly so regarding Izzy all I knew was that she was ok with lynching Boro, but I didn't know how she felt about Lottie and Sally (that's why I asked who she was going for, but I didn't have time to wait for her answer). I figured Phantom would vote Boro. So I thought if I put both my votes for, let's say Sally, but Izzy would have preferred to kill Lottie than she wouldn't have been able to do it since Phantom's votes for Boro would have outnumbered her (and same if I voted Lottie, but she wanted to lynch Sally). So since I was ok with lynching both, the only way that made sense to me was to split my votes, and that way if she wanted to kill Boro she could, and my votes wouldn't have made a difference anyway, but if she really really wanted Lottie or Sally dead than she could still do that (but it would just result in a tie).

Now everyone's like "oh my, she's advocating double lynches! how aweful" and I'm here wondering when on earth did double lynching become such an aweful thing, because I seem to remember that early on in WW it was a common occurence, then suddenly it wasn't allowed by Mods anymore, and now no one likes it. Well I think it would be a tremendous time saver, since the two people we didn't lynch yesterday will likely come up for suspicion again and be lynched later, and it would have been beneficial to just get 2 of them out of the way together and give us an extra lynch later. Lynching is our only tool for getting the Elves, so what's the harm in getting a couple done at once? I don't understand.

And me not going after Glirdan, like seriously, anyone who's played with us recently shouldn't be surprised. Him and I have such an aweful track record of going at each other like crazy on the first day, and then we both turn up innocent, that now we always give each other a Day, and if we still suspect each other than we go with it later. And we certainly aren't the only ones who say something like "I always suspect them, and I'm always wrong, so I'll leave them be for now".

And then Phantom. Well that was weird, and the only way it could make remotely any sense is if he's just an Ordo who was maybe trying to protect the Seer for a Night (though I can't see Phantom putting himself in the line of fire like that, at least not on the first Day). Then he could be an Elf (in which case clearly the real Seer needs to stay quite), but again, I don't see the benefit of this so early in the game. But it seems highly unlikely he's actually the Seer, cause that would be dumb, and I know he's not. Or there's something I'm totally missing, and if that's the case than do enlighten me, cause this just seems crazy no matter which way I look at it.

But now I need to sleep, I just wanted to get that all out there right off the bat. I *should* be around more for the next two Days.

x'ed with Timmy and Phantom...uhm, what? I don't think that's him dropping out, it seems more like some random act of the Moddess
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Old 09-22-2010, 01:19 PM   #18
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In her post 460 where she analyzes a lot of people, I think she went to good lengths to figure each person out and her summaries make sense. In 461, she voiced her conclusions. Three of her four unknowns have been proven to be innocent. One of of her leaning towards guilty has been proven innocent, and Inzil is the second one. So far, she looks fine to me...

Problem...she voted for Inzil to be rep the next day....she says he is posting well... on the otherhand, I know that, being a giftedless innocent, one's mind can easily be changed from thinking someone guilty to thinking they're innocent and vice-versa, so maybe it's not a problem.

I'm curious about if she can pinpoint her gut feeling about Rune. Kath? If you're around will you explain?

And that's all I've got on her. She seems alright to me.

Hey, look! I cross posted with Kath herself...and Legate.
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Old 09-22-2010, 01:21 PM   #19
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Cross-posted with Foley there.

I'm curious about if she can pinpoint her gut feeling about Rune. Kath? If you're around will you explain?
Quite honestly I can't at the moment. I may go and find all his posts and look through them properly, see if it was just gut feeling or if there was something that triggered it.
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Old 09-22-2010, 02:04 PM   #20
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Right. I've had a quick look at Nerwen. This is not a proper analysis as I will not even try to report everything she's posted (that would be insane with her over sixty posts). I'm only bringing out a few points from Days 1 and 2 that I found worth notice.

Day 1: Spends most of her time questioning Lottie and phantom, mainly on the subject of phantom and whether or not it makes sense to vote him for rep. (Her almost full concentration on that issue would be eyebrow-raising if it wasn't for the fact that everyone else was doing it too.) Votes Lommy for rep.
The way phantom keeps changing his mind about what his "ploy" was supposed to accomplish (sorry, don't have time to quote now) is quite eyebrow-raising, but unless he does something impossibly Elfish, he's pretty safe from the lynch toDay (with his three votes). And Lottie is puzzling me quite a lot. But then, in the opposite corner, there is also Boro– it's true he's being strange too, though I'd want to see more of him.

Oh, and Mirandir. Her vote was weird.
What gave me a pause here are her really careful choices of words: Boro ”strange”, Lottie ”puzzling”, Mira's vote ”weird”. It would be really convenient for an elf, especially one who is a rep, to voice her suspicions in a way that enables "logical" reactions both ways; looking back on these, it would be as consistent to say "see, I suspected him/her already then!" or "I only found him/her odd, that doesn't equal suspicious." I might really be just reading too much into them though..

She then considers lynching either Boro or one of the phantom-supporters. Votes:
Arrrgh. My internet is showing signs of imminent death. So much as I'd like to chew the fat of who-knows-what-creature with my fellow politigoblins, I'm going to have to vote now.

++Boro for the lynch
++Sally for the lynch.
The vote situation at the time was as follows:
Lottie (3)
Sally (2)
so after her vote it was:
Lottie (3)
Sally (3)
Boro (1)

What interests me here is why she voted Sally instead of Lottie. She said this toDay:
For my part, I thought it would be a good idea to lynch one of them, and I didn't really care which.
If you really didn't care which, wouldn't it have made more sense to give the vote to Lottie who was on the lead, ensuring that one of them did indeed end up lynched? Of course, even with the situation she created (Lottie and Sally in a draw, Boro with two votes less - and the general atmosphere quite anti-Sally&Lottie) it looked quite probable that one of them indeed ends up lynched. Still, why not strive to make it sure if it really made no difference to her?

Day 2: Says, twice, that Izzy was the one she expected to find dead. My initial thought was that an elf would never ever say that. My second one was that a cunning one might, if only to create a sense of there being nothing to analyse in the Night-kill. Hmm. Still, I'm more inclined to find this particular comment innocentish.

She then proceeds to question phantom about his so-called Seer-reveal, and ends up having a rather long and heated argument with him about it. While I agree with her that the matter certainly needed to be discussed, the extent to which she takes it looks a bit suspicious. The elves don't want the village to analyse them. So what better a way to distract everyone than turn all attention on the phantom? Of course such a big argument is bound to draw some attention to herself as well, but in rather a safer way than the regular analysing and moderately suspecting different people.

Votes Shasta for representative. No surprises there.

On the second half of Day 2 she provides a sharp analysis on Sally, Lottie and phantom. Also analyses Wilwa:
Comments: Wilwa posts a lot without saying much; general tone of breathless gaiety is reminiscent of her wolf-style; only starts suspecting Lottie when the latter is clearly in trouble. So yeah, she might be a wolf– but surely only if Sally isn't, because otherwise voting them both would be an insane risk.
Conclusions? Nerwen has kind of slipped under my radar before this - or rather, I pay attention to her posts and actions but forget to consider her alignment and motives. Trying to do so has resulted in her getting to a "leaning evil" -category. The problem is, most of what she does would make sense as both innocent and elf. (Captain Obvious! Yay!) I hope she'll be around to answer a few questions before I need to vote, otherwise I might really be tempted to vote her.
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Old 09-22-2010, 02:07 PM   #21
A Little Green
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Are any of my fellow reps around? If so, who are you considering for toDay's lynch? (I have no interest in this ending up a four-way draw or something like that.)

EDIT: x-ed with Kath
"But some stories, small, simple ones about setting out on adventures or people doing wonders, tales of miracles and monsters, have outlasted all the people who told them, and some of them have outlasted the lands in which they were created."
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Old 09-22-2010, 02:52 PM   #22
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Here and happy to see the influx of comments and analyses. Folwren seems more innocent than ever, and Kath's analysis of Rune made me wary of both of them.

Originally Posted by Zil
Uruk of Unknown Alignment?

PS. If I'm still alive toMorrow, I'm going to run a campaign myself elected as a rep for purely selfish reasons. It seems like I can't be kicked into truly concentrating on wolf-hunting unless I have to vote, which kind of sucks.
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Old 09-22-2010, 02:05 PM   #23
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So, Rune:

1) Banter. Says we should make phantom work for attention.

2) Likes Legate and Lommy. Legate for sound reasoning and Lommy for being bitter and twisted. A cross Lommy has previously meant a wolvish Lommy, but that's to me, might not be to Rune.

3) Indeed he says that he doesn't think Lommy evil.

4) Votes Lommy Rep. Fair enough given he's focused on her in the last two posts and considers her innocent as a result.

5) 'Here' post.

6) Playing hinting games with phantom about possibly being an SoE ... 'a product of certain historical events'. This is the second time he said this. Maybe that's what was prickling at me.

7) Arguing about not limiting power for Reps. Voting for beliefs is actually pretty much what the Reps have done anyway so this post was a little worried-about-nothing but then he didn't know that at the time.

8) Said Boro's change of playing style didn't feel natural, was surprised at his actions. We know Boro to be innocent now so could be a wolf pushing suspicion at Boro. Likes Foley, Legate (consistent) and Nog. Suspicious of Glirdan, again we now know he's innocent, and Greenie and Eonwe for not committng themselves.

9) 'Gone' post.

10) Continued to argue against Boro.

11) Thought about voting for someone hard to read. Thinks phantom is not particularly suspicious. If evil, and mates with phantom, could be trying to protect him. But of course could be innocent and accidentally defending an Elf or innocent and defending an innocent! Yet another case where only death makes it clear.

12) Defended wilwa, whom we know was innocent, and mentions he supports double lynches.

13) Thinks it unlikely sally would be an Elf given Lottie was one, but says it wouldn't be impossible. Pretty much what everyone was thinking at that point.

14) Replying to Nerwen saying while you might get one bold SoE on day 1 you're unlikely to get two working as a team.

15) List post. Suspects Greenie, Glirdan and sally. So two the same and sally almost an afterthought as he wasn't convinced she'd be an SoE given Lottie was. Maybe he thought she was the Undecided Orc? If considering Rune to be an Elf, I would wonder about his opinions on Eonwe. Think it's a little odd he mentioned voting him as Rep when he's in the 'no idea' list not the 'feeling alright' list.

16) Votes Eonwe.

17) 'Here' post.

18) Understands the lynch though he wouldn't have gone for those people first. Well wilwa was not in his suspicions list so fine, sally was but was third so fair enough. Thinks Foley did fine.

19) Answers Greenie about his 'hope this isn't suspicious' joke.

20) Volunteers himself for Rep.

21) Says he'd have voted for Mira for being puzzling. Hmm, maybe this was it. I think I wondered why he said this when he'd had two people down as suspicious and neither of them was Mira.

22) Then says he's looked at Mira's posts and found nothing suspicious. All seemed a little odd.

23) Now Celuien has suddenly popped up as suspicious. Says she defended sally and Lottie and attacked Boro instead. Umm, Rune also suspected Boro that Day ... though dropped that before Day's end. Heard nothing more about Greenie or Glirdan in this time who were on his actual suspect list.

24) Looked at Inzil, feels he's suspicious but found no reasoning.

25) Said he'd like to see me as Rep. Votes for me.

26) Defends his vote.

27) Says he won't vote phantom or Lommy, and will look at Nerwen, Greenie and Shasta. Well he's looking at the village pretty thoroughly then.

Think I figured out that uneasy feeling. It's the way he mentions suspects and then seems to totally discard them. Greenie and Glirdan from the first Day for example.
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Old 09-22-2010, 03:25 PM   #24
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Rune, my dear fellow, Celuien is already dead, so you may as well not bother voting for her, unless you'd like to have us lynch a corpse.
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