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Old 11-09-2008, 11:50 AM   #1
Feanor of the Peredhil
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Werewolf LIII: The Republic

A rider swept into the village one night carrying a package: he was directed to the home of the village scholar. He stayed only briefly, and then wasn’t seen again. The scholar spent the following days in seclusion, pouring over the parchments given to him, studying the plague of werewolves upon the world.

One day, about a week later, the scholar stepped forth from his home and called a town meeting.

“I know why people keep misdiagnosing lupine symptoms!” he cried to the people.

“Why?” they asked.

“It’s because the uneducated rabble are allowed a popular vote and we all know that they oughtn’t to be allowed to make such significant decisions when they’re merely uninformed blockheads!” he responded at full volume.

The people were rather offended. “Why shouldn’t we kill you for what you’ve just said?” they asked.

“Because I have a solution!” he cried.

“And that is?” asked a villager, eyebrow raised.

“Everybody will still get a vote,” he assured, to people’s relief, “but they will vote for the best and the brightest to represent their interests.”

His statement was met with blank stares.

He tried again. “The next time we have a problem with werewolves, witches, demons, vampires, or other unsavory sorts, rather than each villager picking who he wants to kill, each villager should choose somebody they believe to represent their best interests, and then the representatives chosen will put their smarter-than-average heads together and get us out of the mess.”

The villagers began to nod, some sooner than others, comprehending. One villager spoke up. “So instead of voting on issues, we vote on people to solve our issues for us?”

“Exactly! You delegate responsibility! It will simplify everything!” cried the scholar.

The village was dubious, but he was a scholar, and everybody knows that scholars are always right. Thusly the democratic village evolved into a wee bit of a republic overnight.


Players Amongst the Living:

The Ka
the phantom


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Last edited by Feanor of the Peredhil; 11-10-2008 at 08:21 PM.
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Old 11-10-2008, 09:56 PM   #2
Feanor of the Peredhil
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Starting the Festivities

With great communities based on semi-democratic decision making comes great responsibility and with great responsibility comes much paperwork describing every single way you take advantage of your position of power up to and including the number of sheets of paper you crumple in frustration while trying to compose a decent set of laws, arguments, or even simply empty statements.

I, President Fea, have crumpled two sheets thus far, and emptied two quills of ink.

You, the village, are angry. I understand this.

I do not write this to anger you more. I write this in order to withhold a transparent honest government.

My people, we as a village have a problem. Well, several, in fact.

One is that I’ve secretly been practicing a bit of insider trading with the likes of Mithalwen and Rikae which is why they are rather more well off than you filthy lot-

-But more importantly! We have wolves in our midst!

Wolves? Yes, wolves. Werewolves, and they mean us great harm.

What do I mean insider trading?

Trade of information, nothing more, I assure you it has nothing to do with you, really, nothing at all.

No, it did not relate to the taxes I’ve recently imposed upon you even though-

Dear heavens above, what honest village reporter discovered these facts?

Well, I suppose it is indeed best to be clear about-


No, the werewolf situation and the corrupt government have nothing at all in common I assure you!

Rikae, look out behind you, it’s a villager. I know you can’t hear him, he speaks softly, but he carries a big stick and-

YOU UNEDUCATED RABBLE KILLED MY BUSINESS ASSOCIATE (and by ‘business associate’ of course I mean ‘fellow politician whose relationship with me and the village treasury is completely above board’)—

Mith, darling, careful, that’s a noose-

What ever happened to a fair trial by a jury of my peers?

What exactly, might I ask do you intend to do with your elected Representatives assassinated by the likes of yourselves, hm?


Do not step any closer or you will regret it, young man!

You intend to elect new Representatives every day as a means to avoid the stagnation of society as it occurs when one has been in power for far too long? Outlandish!

Step away from me and put down that knife!

I said back, rabble!


Why you ungrateful little b—


Hello Mith. How are you, Rikae? I’d have sworn I just saw you die at the hands of the angry people—



The Dead:


The Living:

The Ka
the phantom
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Old 11-10-2008, 10:02 PM   #3
Shastanis Althreduin
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Look, proof there's an afterlife! For dirty politicians and their "business associates", anyway. Freedom!
Shasta– ... However, if he's innocent his famous clairvoyant powers must be taking the week off. Meanwhile, the Night-kills have been awfully effective– almost like we're dealing with a psychic wolf... - Nerwen, WW LXXV
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Old 11-10-2008, 10:04 PM   #4
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So if I'm reading that correctly, we killed our leaders.

Hmm... I'd say we're hardly "innocent" villagers at this point. It seems almost unfair to try and lynch Werewolves now. I mean... thus far we're the only ones who've done any killing.
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Old 11-10-2008, 10:07 PM   #5
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Ah, Shasta! I hope you've kept intact your ability to be right most of the time. It could be quite handy in the next few days.
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Old 11-10-2008, 10:10 PM   #6
Shastanis Althreduin
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Just call me Cassandra. Though that's changing thanks to Brinniel.

...And phantom takes an early post count lead. Surprise!
Shasta– ... However, if he's innocent his famous clairvoyant powers must be taking the week off. Meanwhile, the Night-kills have been awfully effective– almost like we're dealing with a psychic wolf... - Nerwen, WW LXXV
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Old 11-10-2008, 10:15 PM   #7
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As far as the filibuster goes, I would say that for now it would be a good idea to leave our options open.

In other words, don't filibuster now just for laughs, because you may wish later that you had saved it for a worthy cause.

And I'm certainly not going to vote against having a filibuster, for the more options Werewolves have available to them the more chances we'll have of spotting them. And then there's the argument for drama and entertainment- it would be quite fun to see a WW attempt to save another with a lengthy filibuster. It would be quite memorable.
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Old 11-10-2008, 10:19 PM   #8
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Just call me Cassandra.
...And phantom takes an early post count lead.
Har har. But I'm sure I'll be passed during the morning hours (sleep plus work).
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Old 11-23-2008, 01:44 PM   #9
Shady She-Penguin
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I was too lazy to really read, so I decided to content myself with just a little table for the time being... Here's it, the numbers stand for the Days, of course... (and I saw no reason to analyse yesterDay.)

Voted as rep
Ka -> 1. Boro (seer), 2. Lommy, 3. Greenie
morm -> 1. Nogrod (wolf), 2. Agan (ordo), 3. Lommy
Nogrod -> 1. Ilya, 2. Boro (seer), 3. Kath

Voted them as rep
Gwath -> 1. Nogrod
Greenie -> 2. morm, 3. morm
Rune -> 2. morm, 3. morm
Kath -> 3. Nog
Boro (seer) -> 3. Nog

Voted against
Nogrod -> 1. Gwath, 3. phantom (ordo)
morm -> 2. Nerwen

Voted against them
Lommy -> 3. Ka
Boro (seer) -> 3. Ka
Shasta (ordo) -> 3. Ka

Now, does this tell us something?

Not necessarily. We should look at the wolves' posts, and others' posts about them. But if I was to look at this merely, I would say that myself, Greenie and Kath look suspicious. The wolves seem to have supported each other even quite boldly at times, so it would fit the pattern if one of us was a wolf. I'm not, so I'm eyeing Greenie and Kath a bit suspiciously... but like I said, I wouldn't draw any conclusions without taking a look at the actual posts. *sigh*

PS. I think this makes Nerwen and Gwath look innocentish.

edit: xed with everything after Ilya
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Old 11-23-2008, 01:55 PM   #10
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I haven't read Brinn's quotes properly, but I will do so soon. I will just comment on these:

Originally Posted by Brinn
mormegil - like I said, he makes me really uneasy. It's just a gut-feeling. And I know my bad gut-feelings of morm are not to be trusted. So I will refrain from lobbying for his lynch until I have a reasoning-based reason to suspect him...

Nogrod - seems sensible and innocentish. My only worry is that he seems almost too much so.

The Ka - I like her but I don't trust her. She seems a little non-commital ("I'm an observer, sorry, I won't post that much") and a little odd, too. She'll never earn my trust easily after that performance as an evil Radagast...
I pasted this quote without putting a name next to it. I think it was said by Lommy...
Yep, that was me.

Originally Posted by Brinn
Nogrod - My theory about why he suddenly jumped on Legate on poor grounds combined with the night kill of McCaber (yes, I too thought about Nog or someone framing Nog being behind it...) makes me feel uneasy about him.

mormegil - Has given me no reason whatsoever to suspect him. Feels genuine and reasonable and raises good points.

The Ka - Now if Nerwen is sneaky, then what is Ka? (answer: very sneaky.)
Argh, another quote where I forgot to put a name next to. I think it might be Greenie's.
Indeed it was her. (I asked her.)

Originally Posted by Brinn
I have absolutely no idea what to think of Noggie. He seems paranoid.
I accidentally marked this quote to be by Nogrod. Obviously I messed up. I can't remember who it belongs to.
That was me.

Originally Posted by Brinn
morm - he's flown under my radar a bit but I suspect that's because he's one of these that makes quite long posts and my currently slightly limited time does force me to skim read a bit so I'm probably just missing the substance that he is putting in there. Ooh, though actually he did say that thing about phantom being overly silly. My feeling on that is that if phantom is playing up he's not anything that matters.

Ka - her usual self I think, playing around, which again makes me feel pretty good about her.

Nog - Now this is a really bizarre thing ... I have no opinion on him, and that's just unheard of with me and Nog. I suspect it's because I think he's innocent and I can't bear to believe that! But there you go.
Gah, I didn't mark this one either!
And this was Kath.

Originally Posted by Brinn
My problem is that the three I suspect the most right now are the phantom, morm and Nogrod. And although I have kind of got rid of the way of thinking that you need exceptionally good reasons to lynch a veteran loudmouth ( ) it would feel silly to lynch one after that was already done with not-so-spectacular results yesterDay. Or actually, I think it's just that I think I suspect them simply because they have caught my attention by making such a show by being loud and aggressive.

I would otherwise seriously consider Ka, but I wonder if she'd vote me for a rep after I had listed her in my suspicious category if she was a wolf...
Or this one...but I'm almost positive it's by Lommy.
You're right about that.

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Old 11-23-2008, 02:27 PM   #11
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I read Brinn's quotes, so...




I'm still not sure I'm going to vote Nerwen as my rep. Hmmm...

Originally Posted by Brinn
I don't think it's very likely this is a wolf-on-wolf vote. But again, it's not impossible. Lommy voted for her early on and perhaps didn't expect her to actually get lynched.
Actually, I thought it rather probable. Not many people wanted to lynch tp, nor the third candidate (whoever it was) and neither did I, and I genuinely suspected Ka but I wouldn't have voted her if I had thought there was no chance of her getting lynched - introducing a third candidate would have been pointless otherwise. I remember I thought there were some people who could vote Ka among the reps who had nor voted yet.
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Old 11-23-2008, 02:36 PM   #12
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Quadruple posting...

++Nerwen for rep

I guess I trust her the most.
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Old 11-23-2008, 03:35 PM   #13
A Little Green
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I'm voting Lommy, Kath or Nerwen for rep toDay. All three are bright ladies who seem innocentish. I'm most sure of Lommy's innocence, Kath I'd love to see more of and I agree with her a lot, and Nerwen has already received one vote so I could make sure she is through, for I'm going to sleep in an instant. Hmmm... Quick thoughts, anybody?
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Last edited by A Little Green; 11-23-2008 at 03:43 PM. Reason: fixed bolding
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