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Old 04-26-2005, 04:46 PM   #1
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Pipe The Gashlycrumb Downers

After re-reading The Gashlycrumb Tinies for the zillionth time, a thought came upon me. What would happen if there was a Gashlycrumb version of the Downs?

( This is the book i'm discussing.)

So, here's what you do. First, start with your or some other member's name (ask first!) and devise a simple way for them or someone else to pass on. Then someone else writes about a name, and another, ect. Most important of all,
don't forget to go in alphabetical order!

Lastly, remember to make it original! You can draw inspiration, but don't repeat someone else's idea. Oh, yes, before I forget, have morbid fun!

~ K is for Ka
Vinur, vinur skilur tú meg? Veitst tú ongan loyniveg?
Hevur tú reikað líka sum eg,
í endaleysu tokuni?

Last edited by THE Ka; 04-26-2005 at 04:50 PM.
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Old 04-26-2005, 05:36 PM   #2
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mmmmkay....well i guess i can try at this...

Abercombie and her obsession of Eomer of the Rohirrim

(So i guess the theme is realtions between downers)
Love doesn't blow up and get killed.
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Old 04-26-2005, 06:33 PM   #3
The Barrow-Wight
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I'm sure I hate this topic, but I haven't figured out exactly why yet. Perhaps it is because it is one of those idea topics that don't start with an example. Maybe it is because I have no idea what the topic is really about. Most likely I hate it simply because it seems to have nothing to do with Tolkien and very little to do with the Downs. BUT I like the picture. It reminds me of myself, herding all of the tiny Downers into a neat circle. And because of that, I will allow it to linger a bit longer to see what it becomes.

With low expectations,
The Barrow-Wight
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Old 04-26-2005, 06:53 PM   #4
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Here's an excerpt from the book if you're confused:

I think what THE Ka is saying is that we take a downer's name like mine Abercrombie and create a gruesome death for that person.

S is for Shelob speared by a Spam Viking...

I hope I'm giving you the right info...
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Old 04-26-2005, 10:28 PM   #5
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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All Apologies...

You're right BW, that was the picture's first response to me about the downs...

In any ways, thank you abercrombie for clearing it up . My allergies (and spring pollen) have taken a hit on my brain... Sorry. Also to make it more Tolkien related, we could add some bio's about characters as well. Also, you could make the deaths tolkien related.

Here are some examples what you can do:

Member example: (I'm using my own as to not spoil anyone's fun. Or apperance.)

'K is for Ka who fell down the barrow...'

Character example:

'D is Denethor who was caught by the match...'

Sorry for being horrible... It's completely my fault for forgetting examples. You can boo now...

Have fun none the less...

~ Gloomious Doom Ka
Vinur, vinur skilur tú meg? Veitst tú ongan loyniveg?
Hevur tú reikað líka sum eg,
í endaleysu tokuni?

Last edited by THE Ka; 04-26-2005 at 10:34 PM.
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Old 04-26-2005, 11:43 PM   #6
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Naw, I wouldn't do that to be mean. I'm just pullin' your leg The Ka.

I'm not sure about the Alphabeticalness of this thread? Would it be easier to let it fly without that border?

'A' is for Ainaserkewen who stopped to smell the daisies under a falling Piano.
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