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Old 10-05-2004, 06:41 AM   #1
Elessar Telcontar
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White Tree What if Boromir claimed the Ring?

If Boromir had succeded in taking the ring for himself what do you think would have happened?

Myself personally I believe he would have been championed more than Aragorn as King in Gondor and he would have led an army to Mordor intent on overthrowing Sauron, though it is likely this would fail. The Ring would probably have betrayed him to his death and been reclaimed by Sauron.

Also, I feel he would turn on his father when asked to give up the Ring and possibly feel paranoid towards Faramir. The Men of Gondor would be most likely to side with Boromir and thus would cast Denethor out of their lands.

Ultimately, I feel that the Ring would completely corrupt Boromir and it's corruption would spread from the roots of Gondor outwards.

So, thats enough from me...What do you guys think?
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Old 10-05-2004, 06:47 AM   #2
Gothbogg the Ripper
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The Eye

If Boromir had commandered the Ring from Frodo I feel that he would never have made it to Minas Tirith alive, Aragorn, I feel, would have tracked him down and before long killed Boromir, taken the Ring and tried to continue the quest whether alone or by trying to track down the ringbearer.
Thanks for abandoning me for three years guys. I really enjoyed being a total outcast.
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Old 10-05-2004, 10:46 AM   #3
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Thats intersting. Do you really think Aragorn could have killed Boromir while he had the ring? Possibly. What I do know is that if Boromir had made it back to Minas Tirith with the ring then it most likely would have meant the downfall of Gondor. Either through the corruption of the ring or at war with Sauron which were both mentioned already. As everybody knows or should know that only Sauron can truly wield the ring although Frodo did a pretty good job I thought, so it would have been bad for middle earth as a whole if the ring had come to Boromir.
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Old 10-05-2004, 11:20 AM   #4
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Just a little point, maybe nitpicking, but Frodo never "wielded" the ring as such until he claimed it for his own at Mount Doom .. he never wore it with intent to control - although he threatened that he would to Gollum. Unlike Frodo who used it merely to disappear, Boromir would have attempted to use it. I do not know if, even with the One RIng, he had the power in himself to control the Nazgul, whose rings were held by Sauron , and could he have controlled the Uruk swho served Saruman? I suspect his fate would have been similar to Isildur's and he would never have made it back to Minas Tirith.
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Old 10-05-2004, 12:53 PM   #5
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1420! Interesting topic.

Do you really think Aragorn could have killed Boromir while he had the ring? Possibly.
I think Boromir could have been a challenge to Aragorn even without the Ring. Aragorn in the end is probably the better swordsmen, but Boromir wouldn't be a pushover, anyway that is off topic, and my speculation.

So, on topic....

Also, I feel he would turn on his father when asked to give up the Ring and possibly feel paranoid towards Faramir. The Men of Gondor would be most likely to side with Boromir and thus would cast Denethor out of their lands.
I tend to believe differently. If Boromir had made it to Minas Tirith, his sole purpose in claiming the ring was to save Gondor, he thought it could save Gondor, and that's the weakness the Ring attacked in Boromir.

The Council of Elrond:
"I do not understand all this," he (Boromir) said. "Saruman is a traitor, but did he not have a glimpse of wisdom? Why do you speak ever of hiding and destroying? Why should we not think that the Great Ring has come into our hands to serve us in the very hour of need? Wielding it the Free Lords of the Free may surely defeat the enemy. That is what he most fears, I deem.
"The men of Gondor are valiant, and they will never submit; but they may be beaten down. Valour needs first strength, and then a weapon. Let the Ring be your weapon, if it has such power as you say. Take it and go forth to victory!"
Boromir could not have been more wrong with that statement, but the words I underline would seem to me like Boromir didn't wish to claim the Ring for himself. He very well could be hiding his true thoughts, but I don't think Boromir would have become hostile to Denethor or Faramir if he had reached Minas Tirith. I believe Boromir did want the Ring for himself, but I don't see him becoming hostile towards his family, if Denethor asked for the Ring, Boromir would have given it to him.

I agree with Mithalwen's point, Boromir would have met the end like Isildur, and would have never made it back to Minas Tirith.

There is an interesting bit that I would also like to mention. In one of Tolkien's earlier drafts he actually had Boromir join league with Saruman. Which case, Boromir and Aragorn go to Minas Tirith, Boromir stirs an uprising and Aragorn has to kill him. Your thoughts on that? And I wonder why Tolkien abandoned that idea? (I happen to like the "final" Boromir better, lol).
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Old 10-05-2004, 01:07 PM   #6
Tuor of Gondolin
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Originally posted by Orophin:
"As everybody knows or should know that only Sauron can truly wield the ring although Frodo did a pretty good job I thought, so it would have been bad for middle earth as a whole if the ring had come to Boromir."
I think that's more a movie version. In the book it seems that any of the
Wise (such as Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond, and possibly men such as Aragorn
or Denethor [and what of dwarves?] ) could learn in time to wield it. The problem
would be the inevitable corruption to evil. In their ways, even Gollum and Bilbo "wielded" the ring.
Aure Entuluva!
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Old 10-06-2004, 03:40 PM   #7
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Here is the Letter SpM is talking about, Letter 246:
In any case a confrontation of Frodo and Sauron would soon have taken place, if the Ring was intact. Its result was inevitable. Frodo would have been utterly overthrown: crushed to dust, or preserved in torment as a gibbering slave. Sauron would not have feared the Ring! It was his own and under his will. Even from afar he had an effect upon it, to make it work for its return to himsefl. In his actual presence none but very few of equal stature could have hoped to withhold it from him. Of "mortals" no one, not even Aragorn. In the contest with the Palantir Aragorn was the rightful owner. Also the contest took place at a distance, and in a tale which allows the incarnation of great spirits in a physical and destructivle form their power must be far greater when actually physically present. Sauron should be thought of as very terrible. The form that he took was that of a man of more than human stature, but not gigantic. In his earlier incarnation he was able to veil his power (as Gandalf did) and could appear as a commanding figure of great strength of body and supremely royal demeanour and countenance.

Of the others only Gandalf might be expected to master him - being an emissary of the Powers and a creature of the same order, an immortal spirit taking a visible physical form. In the "Mirror of Galadriel", it appears that Galadriel conceived of herself as capable of wielding the Ring and supplanting the Dark Lord. IF so, so also were the other guardians of the Three, especially Elrond. But this is another matter. It was part of the essential deceit of the Ring to fill minds with imaginations of supreme power. But this the Great had well considered and had rejected, as is seen in Elrond's words at the Council. Galadriel's rejection of the temptation was founded upon previous thought and resolve. In any case Elrond or Galadriel would have proceeded in the policy now adopted by Sauron: they would have built up an empire with great and absolutely subservient generals and armies and engines of war, until they could challenge Sauron and destroy him by force. Confrontation of Sauron alone, unaided, self to self, was not contemplated
The first paragraph makes clear that no "mortal" would be a challenge for Sauron, not even Aragorn. And it explains how Aragorn was able to challegen Sauron in the palantir. The 2nd paragraph is what SpM talks about, how he might be the only one expected to beat Sauron, if he had the ring.

SpM I agree with you on many points you have made. First, the one I just said in the paragraphs before.

The Ring would do its utmost to create instability within Minas Tirith and Gondor so as to make it easier for its Master to reclaim it.
Very true, especially if the ring was in the hands of Boromir, I will have to say, there is a high possibility of a kin-strife. At first, I thought he would have given it to Denethor, but now reading your post, it makes a lot more sense. The Ring would strive to rip Gondor apart, and Boromir just doesn't have that same "will" as Faramir, he wouldn't hand it over.
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