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Old 07-08-2004, 01:26 PM   #1
Child of the West
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Shield How did Gandalf regain his staff?

In FOTR when Gandalf and Saruman are fighting Gandalf has his staff taken away and Saruman uses it against him. So after escaping from Isengard Gandalf has his staff back, but how did he get it? Surely Saruman didn't give it back as Gandalf flew away with Gwaihir.
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Old 07-08-2004, 08:35 PM   #2
The Only Real Estel
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The Only Real Estel has just left Hobbiton.

Ah, the million dollar-question. I'm not sure that anyone really knows the answer to your question, but we can make a couple of guesses:

#1- It was not given back to him by Saruman.

#2- He has another one by the time Frodo wakes up in Rivendell (actually that's a fact, not a guess).

My guess- Elrond gave/made him a new one.

I won't go into the specifics of the matter (because I could be totally wrong, & also because I don't know the specifics), but my guess is that Elrond gave Gandalf another staff.
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Old 07-08-2004, 08:43 PM   #3
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That, m'dear, is the power of a filmmaker's ability to add one is as he pleases!

How did Sam suddenly have a pony on part of the trail when he didn't leave with one?

really, in the film, just errors that were later corrected when, in fact, to leave them out would have made more sense. Such as Bill the Pony-only a scene or two made no sense, though we all know where he got Bill.

As for the staff, it fleets me right now. Maybe he managed to somehow steal it back? It doesn't seem that Elrond could could just make one. Oh! I know!

Accio Magic Staff! (If you don't get it, I'll sit here and smile smuggly like an idiot!)
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Old 07-08-2004, 08:55 PM   #4
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Just imagine Gandalf on the eagle and Saruman running out to the balcony yelling at him, then you see gandalf on the eagle circle around Orthanc and "yoink" Gandalf has his staff!
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Old 07-08-2004, 09:11 PM   #5
Knight of Gondor
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White Tree I can answer that, but here's another...

This question was actually originally submitted to, and I think we DID bat this one around a few times after Fellowship released. The answer is, there really were two staffs. (Staves?) The first one had a slot for Gandalf's pipe to fit in, if you'll observe. I don't have time to dig up the exact pictures, but you're sure to find different staff pictures by searching the index of images here .

Gandalf couldn't go back for his other staff, so I assume Elrond did indeed give him the second one. However, I watched FotR once again some time ago, and noted one important fact. Gandalf ALSO had GLAMDRING with him! You can see it in the brief shot of Gandalf dismounting the horse, and patting its sides as he watched Saruman descened the stairs. So HOW did he get that back?
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Old 07-08-2004, 09:17 PM   #6
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like i said..."yoink"...or a "swoops there it is" some hip-hopping gandalf stuff

darn i had a tripping pic of disco gandalf...
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Old 07-08-2004, 11:07 PM   #7
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Curse that Gandalf and his staff of wonder. This was actually the question that bugged me the most because his staff appears to be the same the entire movie.
But here's a question to boggle the mind whenever Aragorn throws down a torch (like in the forest looking for kingsfoil) nothing ever burns around. Think about it, just one of the mysteries of the film making
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Old 12-21-2007, 09:26 PM   #8
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Nazgűl-king has just left Hobbiton.
It could be possible that he has a supply of back-up staffs somewhere, perhaps with Radagast. He does seem to lose his staff a lot in the films, once when Saruman takes it, once at the bridge, and once when the Witch-king breaks it. Perhaps he should change his name to Gandalf of many staffs.
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Old 12-22-2007, 04:36 AM   #9
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zxcvbn has just left Hobbiton.
How exactly are Wizard staves made in Middle Earth anyway? I'd imagine whatever magic the Wizards do would be largely unique to them, so how could Elves craft their magical staves?
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Old 12-22-2007, 12:21 PM   #10
William Cloud Hicklin
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Oh, I don't imagine Wizards actually make their own staves anyway. I reckon they just 'magick 'em up' after the contractor delivers them.

Anyway, one kudo to the people at Weta Workshop (for whom I have a lot of respect, unlike their boss (even if they do call Theoden's people 'the Rohans')): Gandalf 2.0's staff clearly shows a Lothlorien design aesthetic.
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Old 12-26-2007, 08:47 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by William Cloud Hickli View Post
Oh, I don't imagine Wizards actually make their own staves anyway. I reckon they just 'magick 'em up' after the contractor delivers them.
Does that magicking take any time or energy? Could Saruman have used an Ent arm as a replacement staff for the one Gandalf destroyed? Likewise, what import then when the Witch-King destroys Gandalf's? In the very next scene, Gandalf swipes a spear. Could he not have made this into one?

I prefer some other mechanism that requires that the staves be more special, like being delivered from on high by the Eagles, after, that is, the Wizard places his order online.
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Old 12-26-2007, 09:02 PM   #12
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I watched the Fellowship extended version yesterday, with this thread in mind. I stopped the movie just to check. Gandalf's first staff is a knarled wooden staff with a knobby top. After he looses it to Saruman, Gandalf is in Rivendell with a new staff. It is a different one. The one he has in Rivendell is a wooden gnarled staff, but the top is different. There are roots that come out one side of the top making it more elongated than knobby. (hope that makes sense) Then after he falls in Moria and is reborn, he has a white staff.

I think these staffs were probably given to him. Elrond would certainly have walking sticks like that or someone in Rivendell could make him one. Then surely in Valinor he was given a new staff to complete his mission.
grand return?........
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