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Old 04-29-2004, 02:23 PM   #1
Shade of Carn Dűm
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Helms Deep

I was just wondering. At the battle of helms deep, do you think that the Rohirrim still could have won even if Gandalf and Erkenbrand had not turned up in the last minute. I thought the orcs and wild men were fleeing at the sight of the forest and King Theoden before Gandalf showed up at the battle.
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Old 04-29-2004, 03:40 PM   #2
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I think without the reinforcement's psychological effect the enemiwes would have escaped the route Gandalf appeared, if they would have run at all.
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Old 04-29-2004, 07:58 PM   #3
Knight of Gondor
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Shield Probably

I suppose if the trees remained as a part of the fighting force, the Uruk-hai wouldn't have stood a very good chance. It's so hard to kill an Ent, so that even the fighting force of Saruman could scarce make much of a mark against their anger. Most of their torches (fire would probably be the best [in this case, worst] weapon to use on an ent) would have been dropeed, because it made the Uruks easy targets for archers.
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Old 05-04-2004, 06:51 AM   #4
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ya i too think the Riders would have won even if Gandalf would not have arrived with Erekenband,I think the orcs would have been hell scared of the trres and would not have dared to hurt them or run into them ,but they could have escaped Gandalf's way.
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Old 05-04-2004, 02:40 PM   #5
The Only Real Estel
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1. Althought the orcs were intially scared of the Riders, I'm sure it wouldn't take them that long to realize that there was-what?- less than a hundred of them left? Eventually the Riders would've been cut down if the Uruks didn't flee up the steep hill that Gandalf wasn't there to come down.

2. If the Uruks did flee, they would've escaped the Riders & regrouped, sooner or later the Riders would've fallen.

3. If the Uruk-Hai would've run from the Riders into the Trees, yeah, the Riders would've won-but-the only reason the Uruks went there in the books was because Gandalf & co. were stopping the other gap.

My opinion is that if the Uruks would've stood & fought, the Riders would've gone down, if the Uruks would've fled, the Riders would eventually have gone down. In other words (): I think the Uruk-Hais would've won.
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Old 05-04-2004, 03:50 PM   #6
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Good question

If Gandalf and Erkenbrand wouldn't of arrived when they did I believe Helm's deep would of fallen, but then would of been killed. To explain, you had Theoden, Legolas, Aragorn, and probably a few others, when Theoden decided to ride out and meet them. Gimli, Eomer and his men were still fighting in the caves I believe. So if Gandalf wouldn't of come when he did Theoden and all who rode out probably would of been killed along with Eomer and Gimli. But then you have Gandalf and company arriving and the Huorns guarding the forest so they wouldn't of gone far.
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