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Old 01-12-2012, 09:03 AM   #1
Wight of the Old Forest
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TIG XCIII - Betrayal at Henneth Annûn (Game thread)

Ithilien was baking in the early summer afternoon sun. A brooding silence lay on the land, hardly a leaf stirring in the hot still air. The only sounds to be heard were an occasional soft rustling of cloth and, very rarely, a faint creaking of leather.

Pithwivion was crouching behind a laurel bush, his bow on his knee, arrow nocked. Next to him were Anborn and Lord Faramir, and on the young captain's other side Mablung and Damrod. Around and behind them, five score Rangers lay in cover, masked and hooded, their green and brown cloaks blending perfectly into the brushwood, bows at hand and waiting patiently.

Suddenly an owl hooted somewhere in the distance. An unusual sound at this time of day, but Pithwivion knew this was no coincidence.

"Our scouts have sighted their vanguard," he whispered to Lord Faramir. The captain nodded.

They kept watching the road, the long road that led up from the far South to the Morannon; the road on which more and more Haradrim came northwards these days, troup after troup of Southron soldiers in thrall to Sauron; they all went into Mordor, gathering for the onslaught on the free West that had to come sooner or later.
After a while a cloud of smoke appeared in the distance; approaching, it gradually dissolved into a long file of dark-skinned warriors in black, gold and scarlet, marching five abreast towards the Rangers' hiding spot.

"On my sign," said Faramir in a whisper that carried to the ears of the last Ranger in the last row. When the first ranks of Southerners had already passed them, he raised a hand. "Draw!" Five score and four Rangers rose like one man and drew their bowstrings tight. The hand fell. "Loose!"

A hail of arrows came down on the Haradrim, who fell dead by the dozens; the rest was for a moment too much surprised to take cover, and it looked like another volley or two would finish more than half of them before they could think of offering resistence. But all of a sudden the Ranger on the other side of Anborn gave a cry and fell forward with an arrow in his back, and then another and another one, and within a few heartbeats a dozen Rangers lay dead, struck down by black Orc arrows from behind.

Pithwivion whirled around and whipped out his sword just in time to parry a blow by an Orc scimitar that would have done for him. Hordes of Orcs were storming at them through the brushwood, big black Uruks of Mordor with longbows, swords and axes. And now the Southerners, having recovered from their surprise, hurried to join the fray from the other side.

"This is hopeless, my lord!" he shouted to Faramir. "They have us between hammer and anvil!"

Faramir, busy fending off an attacker himself, cried out: "Retreat! The day is lost! Retreat!" Anborn raised his horn and blew the retreat signal. They were hard pressed to win free of their thronging enemies, but at last they turned and ran.

This time, the Rangers of Ithilien had been outrangered.

Und aus dem Erebos kamen viele seelen herauf der abgeschiedenen toten.- Homer, Odyssey, Canto XI
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Old 01-12-2012, 05:01 PM   #2
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When Pithwivion stepped behind the curtain of the waterfall and into the cavern of the Rangers' refuge, one of the last couple of Rangers to return to Henneth Annûn, Faramir was already waiting for him, his face grey with grief.

"Were you followed?" he inquired.

"Likely we were at first," Pithwivion replied, "but we took great pains to efface our trail, and I defy any Orc to follow a Ranger of Ithilien where he does not wish to be followed. Sneaky they may be, but their woodcraft is no match to ours. I do not think there is any danger of them finding this place."

"They had no difficulty finding us at the road," Faramir objected. Pithwivion shook his head.

"No, that they had not; but if it please my lord, I would fain speak my mind on that with no ears listening but yours and mine. For now, how many have we lost?"

"A score and a dozen; more than a third of our company, unless you think that any of us are still out there."

Pithwivion shrugged. "There may be, but if so, I doubt that any will win back to this place now." A third of their company. That was a devastating blow. "Are any of our scouts among the missing?"

"All but one." Faramir looked his lieutenant in the eye. "Why do you ask?"

"If we may talk undisturbed, my lord?"

Faramir nodded and directed him to a recess of the great cavern which served as the captain's private chamber. When they were as alone as could be managed in the cramped refuge, the young prince turned to Pithwivion and said, "You think we were betrayed."

"Aye, my lord, that is indeed my thought. Do not blame yourself for what happened today. There is no way a random band of marauding Orcs could have sneaked up on us and caught us in our own ambush by mere chance. They knew of our plan in advance and were waiting for us, just like we were waiting for the Haradrim."

"The missing scouts?" Faramir suggested. "Do you think they were caught and gave us away under torture?"

"That may be," Pithwivion conceded, "but my heart tells me the traitors are still among us, where they may wreak more havoc."

Faramir's face was grim, but he nodded. "That is what I would think, if it were to be conceived of that any Men of Gondor should fall so low as to go over to the Enemy, except under dire duress. You and I have fought side by side with these men for many years and trusted them with our lives any number of times; I cannot think that any of them would betray their comrades, unless perhaps coerced by some evil spell."

"Now you have named it, my lord. Spells the Enemy has many, and cunning arts of deception. Who knows? Some of the men in this hall may only wear the faces of our comrades of many years, but hide another spirit behind them."

Faramir pondered this a long while. At last, he looked up at Pithwivion with a gleam of decision in his eyes. "You may be right; at least we have to consider the possibility. I shall speak of this to the men in the morning. Tonight, I shall pray the Lords of the West for guidance in this matter. What I wish you to do in the meantime is talk to our companions and observe if any of them behave otherwise than they were wont to. You have known the men long and are well liked by them; they will not fear to speak their minds to you unless they have some sinister reason not to."

"Gladly, my lord," Pithwivion replied. Faramir gave him a curt nod.

"And triple the watches. If this refuge is lost to the Enemy, our war against him in this part of the land is over. Dismissed."

* * *

Mablung and Damrod had witnessed their captain's private conversation with Pithwivion from a distance, and although they had not been able to catch any of the words spoken, they had known both Faramir and his lieutenant long enough to be able to read some of the gist from their miens. At the time they had only exchanged a telling glance, but later that night, when the other Rangers had fallen asleep, Damrod nudged his brother in arms, whose cot was next to his, and whispered: "So what do you think of this?"

"The same as you," Mablung whispered back. "That the Orcs did not happen on us by chance, but there is treachery afoot; at least the captain and old Pitch both think so."

"That is indeed what I think. And have you noticed the way Pitch has been talking to all the men? Looking for clues, I dare say. We shall hear about this on the morrow, mark my word."

"And what would you say that we should do about it?"

"What we have always done, these long years. We two at least know we can trust each other. Watch thou my back, I shall watch thine. Let us speek our minds freely to each other, but be on our guard with the others until we know better who is true and who is false."

Mablung gave no answer, and none was needed. These two had fought back to back long enough to understand each other without many words.

IT IS NOW NIGHT 1. Black Númenóreans, start conspiring. Mablung and Damrod, you may talk in private. Faramir, send me your choice of dream. Everybody else, keep silent.

Nobody yet.

Pitchwife (Mod)

A Little Green
Bom Tombadillo
Rune Son of Bjarne
Shastanis Althreduin
Und aus dem Erebos kamen viele seelen herauf der abgeschiedenen toten.- Homer, Odyssey, Canto XI
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Old 01-13-2012, 07:23 AM   #3
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Faramir son of Denethor slept uneasily that Night. After several hours of tossing and turning on his cot, he awoke from troubled dreams to a dream of awakening. It seemed to him that a bright, but mild light was shining through the curtain of the waterfall into the rock chamber, and a distant but clear voice spoke to him out of the light:

Trust not the face that is smiling -
Inside an enemy dwells,
Disguisèd and beguiling
By craft and Morgul spells;
But signs you shall be given
And truth you shall be shown:
In dreams the mask shall be riven
And the traitors shall be known.

"What you fear is true," the voice continued. "Three men of your company have been slain secretly, their bodies hidden, and replaced with servants of the Enemy. Men of your own race they are, but long seduced to the worship of Sauron: Black Númenóreans, disciples in the dark arts of the Necromancer. By sorcery they have been disguised in the likeness of your slain comrades, and their aim is to eradicate the Rangers of Ithilien, so that Sauron's servants may roam freely between Anduin and the Ephel Dúath. But do not despair! Your prayer has been heard, and you shall not be unaided in your need. Each Night you may ask for a dream about one of your comrades, and it shall be revealed to you whether that one be true or false. And by this you shall know that you have dreamt the truth: in death the glamour that is on them will fade, and their faces revert to their own features; and you will find each of them marked with the sign of the Lidless Eye."

* * *

Pithwivion had spent most of what was left of the evening talking with the other Rangers, as Lord Faramir had requested. All of them had been concerned and alarmed at the happenings of the day and the loss of so many comrades, and not a few had voiced suspicion of treachery; but none had stricken him as in mien or manner of speech unlike themselves. He realized it would not be easy to find the Enemy's spies this way.

After a few scant hours of sleep, he rose in the small hours of the Night when it was his turn to keep the watch and took his post on a high platform of rock overlooking the waterfall and the Forbidden Pool. The Ranger whom he relieved reported nothing amiss; apparently the Orcs had indeed lost their traces, and their refuge was still safe.

The Night was quiet and peaceful enough. There was no moon in the sky, but the stars shone clearly, their white light glittering on the water deep below him.

He had only sat there for about half an hour when suddenly he heard soft steps on the rock behind him, and turning round, he saw one of his comrades approaching him.

"What do you want?" Pithwivion demanded. "You should be sleeping; it is way too early for you to relieve me."

"Relieve you is indeed what we have come to do," said the other one. Two more figures appeared out of the dark and stepped up, one to each side of the first. "Relieve you of a task that lies too heavy on your shoulders."

"Did you think your nosing around would go unnoticed?" asked one of the newcomers in a mocking tone. "We thought we might better be rid of you before you become too much of a nuisance."

Pithwivion surged to his feet, his hand on the hilt of his sword. "It is you!" he cried. "You three are the spies of the Enemy!"

"Enemy only to those who oppose His rightful claim to rule all Middle-Earth," said the third. "The Great Eye looks kindly on those who bow to Him and worship Him. When our work here is done, He will reward us with riches beyond your wildest dreams."

Pithwivion drew his sword. The naked steel shone cold in the starlight. "Not while I am alive!"

"That can be amended," said the first with a sardonic smile and took a threatening step towards him. Pithwivion hewed at him, but the Black Númenórean lifted his hand and spoke a Word of Power that shattered the blade to splinters and made Pithwivion's tongue cleave to the roof of his mouth.

"And now," said the sorcerer, still smiling, "we shall see just how far we can push you."

The three moved closer and closer. Helpless and mute, Pithwivion retreated step by step until he stood on the brink of the flat rock. He couldn't even scream when they pushed him over and he fell, deep down to the jagged rocks in the shallow water...


Pitchwife (Mod) - pushed over the brink Night 1

A Little Green
Bom Tombadillo
Rune Son of Bjarne
Shastanis Althreduin
Und aus dem Erebos kamen viele seelen herauf der abgeschiedenen toten.- Homer, Odyssey, Canto XI
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Old 01-13-2012, 05:00 PM   #4
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Faramir was woken by Anborn in the early dawn.

"Come quickly, lord," the elder Ranger urged him breathlessly. "Evil is afoot!"

Anborn led him to a ledge of rock overlooking the pool and pointed downward. On the rocks near the shore of the Forbidden Pool lay the broken body of Pithwivion.

"I saw him lying down there when I came to relieve him and did not find him on his post," said Anborn. "I would say there is little chance he misstepped and fell by himself, my lord."

Faramir shook his head. "No, he did not. He knew every stick and stone around this place; he would not have slipped and fallen by mistake." His brow furrowed. "Rouse the men and have them bring his body up to the cavern. When you are done, come to me; I need to speak to you."

* * *

A little later, Anborn met Faramir in the captain's private chamber and reported that Pithwivion's corpse had been laid out in the great rock cavern.

"The men are very upset about this, my lord," he added. "Pithwivion was well beloved by many of them."

"They have every reason to be upset", said Faramir grimly. "Sit down and listen."

He told Anborn everything he and Pithwivion had talked about the evening before, and also about the vision that had come to him in his dream.

"If I had any doubt about it before, I see clearly now," he concluded. "There are indeed servants of the Enemy among us, and they will not shrink back from Nightly murder. This must not happen again, Anborn! You at least I know I can trust, for you have served long under me and always offered good advice; if a spy of Sauron can wear your mask well enough to deceive me, we are doomed anyway. Therefore I would ask this of you: that you mark well what goes on amongst our company, and try to guess as best you can whom the traitors would fain do away with; and every Night you shall stand guard next to him whom you think the Black Númenóreans would most likely slay next, and protect his life. Will you do that for me?"

"That I will, my lord," replied Anborn gravely, "and gladly."

Faramir nodded to him. "I thank you. Now assemble the men; I must speak to them."

* * *

When Faramir appeared before the gathered Rangers, his face was dark and stern as they had never seen it before.

"One or the other of you," he began, "may already have surmised that our encounter with the Orcs yesterday was no chance meeting. You are right. They knew where to find us, for there are servants of the Enemy among us spying for them." He proceeded to tell them what the voice in his dream had said to him. "If any of you would dismiss the vision I have been granted as a figment of my imagination, the Nightly murder of Pithwivion should be enough to make you think again. I will not suffer this, and neither should you! For now, we have a dead comrade to lay to rest; but when he has been buried, we shall all assemble here again, and none of us shall leave this refuge until this matter has been cleared up and the traitors have been exposed and put to death.

"This Day, and every following Day, we shall hold a trial and attempt as best we can to unmask the servants of Sauron, and those we deem most suspicious shall be executed. And I urge every one of you to speak your mind and not hold back; for those who will keep aloof and will not help us by sharing their opinions shall be held to be in league with the Enemy and will be dealt with harshly."

IT IS NOW DAY 1. Cease all private conversations and let the trial begin!

Pitchwife (Mod) - pushed over the edge Night 1

A Little Green
Bom Tombadillo
Rune Son of Bjarne
Shastanis Althredui
Und aus dem Erebos kamen viele seelen herauf der abgeschiedenen toten.- Homer, Odyssey, Canto XI
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Old 01-13-2012, 05:11 PM   #5
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Let us now procede to burying our dear dead comrade and friend Pithwivion! May he find rest in the Halls of Mandos... oh wait, he's a Man. Never mind.

But let us all solemnly swear to avenge Pithwivion and aid our gallant Captain Faramir in finding and destroying the foul traitorous BNs! I shall be... no, I am the first to do so. Who's with me?
You passed from under darkened dome, you enter now the secret land. - Take me to Finrod's fabled home!... ~ Finrod: The Rock Opera
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Old 01-13-2012, 05:23 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
But let us all solemnly swear to avenge Pithwivion and aid our gallant Captain Faramir in finding and destroying the foul traitorous BNs! I shall be... no, I am the first to do so. Who's with me?
I solemnly swear I am up to no good.



Wrong alignment.

Wrong fandom.

Wrong post.

Carry on.
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Old 01-14-2012, 08:02 AM   #7
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I am here. I also promised Greenie to behave myself this time around. Let's see how long I can keep it up.

It's no wonder the Orcs ambushed us if this is what the Rangers of Ithilien have come to.

Bom. Chaotic Evil doesn't sit well with defending the Realm of Men from the threat of Mordor.
Boromir88. Puts a personal grudge ahead of giving Pithwivion a respectable burial.
Galadriel55. Says Bom is guilty of making jokes when he starts making them. Does this mean she didn't take it as a joke when he said he's wolves with her and sally? Encouraged by Boro, she takes her guilty accusations of randomness entirely too far.
Greenie. She's in the other wolf pack.

Inziladun. A little pompous, shall we say? We can only hope he's pompous in an "I'm an old Ranger" sort of way instead of "I try to act true so you don't lynch me"! In any case, I won't vote for him because he died too early last time and I want to unnerve him for a little while longer in this game.
Pomegranate. Contrary to what G55 suggested (jumpy are we?), I don't believe her first post was entirely serious. Not voting for her either because it's her fist game and all.

Glirdan. Nothing to say.
Loslote. The most important thing about the game is Pomegranate's nick. Yeaah.
Nogrod. I might be willing to place my trust in him once he's here and leads the discussion to more serious waters.
Rune. Nothing to say.
sally. Swears she's up to no good. Since there's no cobbler in this game, it's more or less irrelevant.
Shasta. Nothing to say.

If I had to vote right now, I'd be willing to go for one of those who have been posting mock votes. Namely Bom, Glirdan or sally.
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Old 01-14-2012, 08:35 AM   #8
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Introducing the grumpy Finns, Part 2.

Faramir acts like a ranger, Pitwivion did so... but what has happened to all the rest of you? Have the evil servants made a spell and turned everyone into toddlers in a sandbox so that they can hide more easily behind the veil of sallyness... erm... silliness?

Kudos to Nate for at least trying.

Heh. Complaining, but not doing anything myself? Admitted.

Sorry. I'm in a hurry right now but I should be able to hang around later toDay - and as it is Saturday I can hang around until the end then.
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Old 01-14-2012, 08:38 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Aganzir View Post
If I had to vote right now, I'd be willing to go for one of those who have been posting mock votes. Namely Bom, Glirdan or sally.
What harm is there in mock votes? Looks like an easy "let me hook on to an idea to cast an quick 'n easy Day 1 vote" thing that a wolf...erm BN...would do. Granted it's early and there has been quite a lot of silliness, well mostly silliness.

You haven't seen Red Riding Hood by chance? I mean the movie recently made on it, not the lost-in-woods-girl. Terrible movie I'll say, but definitely worth it just for Gary Oldman. The entire cast is over-acting, but they're so serious with it, as if attempting to not realize they're in a terrible movie. Gary Oldman on the other hand, also clearly over-acts, but he has so much fun with's like he know it's a crappy movie, maybe wonders why he agreed to it, but will still have fun with it! It's marvelously Shakespearean.

Anyway, my goal in this crew is to be the Gary Oldman as seen in Red Riding Hood. Have some fun with it, possibly be dramatically over-acting, but key point being, one rockin' bad wolf...erm BN...finder. It probably doesn't help if no one's seen it...wouldn't blame them, because crap movie, but seriously Oldman makes it worth watching.

That's my goal at least. And I will get right on it after breakfast (no 2nd breakfast, but perhaps afternoon tea...mmm)

Edit: Crossed with Nog.
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Old 01-14-2012, 09:11 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Aganzir View Post
Galadriel55. Says Bom is guilty of making jokes when he starts making them. Does this mean she didn't take it as a joke when he said he's wolves with her and sally?
I xed with him. I said so in my post.

Joking aside, an honest attempt at a summary. Joking/IC not included. (Gonna be a real short one)

Nate jokingly accuses me, but I don't get it, so I reply in all earnesty. Misunderstanding settled.

Agan - wants to vote Bom, Glirdan, or Sally for mock-voting. (was that serious, or just a continuation of the semi-silly suspicion post?)

Boro questions Agan about her decision, calling it an think a BN would do. Doesn't put much stock in this, since it's early in D1 and mostly silliness. Says that he will have an "Oldman style" aka having fun and over-acting.

G55 makes a summary.

Is that it? Well, at least you can say that I did one useful thing so far.
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Old 01-14-2012, 09:31 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Boro questions Agan about her decision, calling it an think a BN would do. Doesn't put much stock in this, since it's early in D1 and mostly silliness. Says that he will have an "Oldman style" aka having fun and over-acting
For posterity...I actually do put stock in my comment to Agan, otherwise I wouldn't have said it. The "It's D1 and mostly silliness" was me trying to anticipate the normal Day 1 response. "Oh it's D1 and people are acting loony, wouldn't YOU vote the same if you didn't have any good ideas?"

So, yes, in sincerity I do suspect Agan...rather strongly too I might add. "If I had to vote right now, I'd be willing to go for one of those who have been posting mock votes," is a part of it, but not all. I'm waiting to see if anyone else caught the classic BN trick that Agan has attempted in her first post.
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Old 01-14-2012, 10:04 AM   #12
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Hmm, after all that time this is what I return to?

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
On the topic of naming Pomegranate, since we say the word more like pomagranit, Meg and Nate simply won't serve.
Well, (s)he(?) has said Nate was acceptable. What else is there? Rock (granate=granite)?

Originally Posted by Rune Son of Bjarne View Post
Who will make an analysis based on how people use emoticons?
People use them for different reasons. I would say some among us are probably naturally irrepressible (*glances about*), and just can't help themselves.
Others could utilize them as filler in lieu of substance, though.

Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
So, yes, in sincerity I do suspect Agan...rather strongly too I might add. "If I had to vote right now, I'd be willing to go for one of those who have been posting mock votes," is a part of it, but not all. I'm waiting to see if anyone else caught the classic BN trick that Agan has attempted in her first post.
I'm actually all right with Agan, though she did call me "pompous". What can I say? We must all play with our strengths.
Seriously though, I didn't get any alarm bells from that.
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Old 01-14-2012, 10:24 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
So, yes, in sincerity I do suspect Agan...rather strongly too I might add. "If I had to vote right now, I'd be willing to go for one of those who have been posting mock votes," is a part of it, but not all. I'm waiting to see if anyone else caught the classic BN trick that Agan has attempted in her first post.
I noticed no BN trick, and I found her post half-joking. Who would legitimately suspect a person for this:

Bom. Chaotic Evil doesn't sit well with defending the Realm of Men from the threat of Mordor.
Or this:

Boromir88. Puts a personal grudge ahead of giving Pithwivion a respectable burial.

And you say you strongly suspect her... what's there to suspect for? I understand the mock vote accusation, but what BN/wolf trick? I don't even see her accusations being too serious!

Edit: xed with Agan herself. (I wrote this post and then left the computer for about 10 minutes before clicking the post button. )
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Old 01-14-2012, 10:10 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
Faramir acts like a ranger, Pitwivion did so... but what has happened to all the rest of you?
I am upset. I was trying to be serious. More or less.

Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
What harm is there in mock votes? Looks like an easy "let me hook on to an idea to cast an quick 'n easy Day 1 vote" thing that a wolf...erm BN...would do. Granted it's early and there has been quite a lot of silliness, well mostly silliness.
None per se apart from being annoying, and my saying so reflects the lack of general content rather than their harmfulness. Anyway I dare to hope you know me better than to say I would take the quick & easy way as a BN.

Originally Posted by Boro
Gary Oldman on the other hand, also clearly over-acts, but he has so much fun with's like he know it's a crappy movie, maybe wonders why he agreed to it, but will still have fun with it!
Are you comparing Pitch's game to a crappy movie? And yeah I've seen it, friends wanted to watch it and I agreed because I had never before seen the Irons boy in action.

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
I xed with him. I said so in my post.
Whoops. I didn't see it. And I had such a fine point!

Originally Posted by G55
Agan - wants to vote Bom, Glirdan, or Sally for mock-voting. (was that serious, or just a continuation of the semi-silly suspicion post?)
Serious enough in the sense that if I had had to vote then, it's likely I would've based my vote on them. Also if I had had to vote then, there wouldn't have been anything more serious.

Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
I'm waiting to see if anyone else caught the classic BN trick that Agan has attempted in her first post.
I didn't. Pray tell.

Now I know Boro is Boro and does all weird kinds of stuff on Day 1, but I don't know what to make of his attack against me. He should know I'm not one to try and do classic BN tricks in my first post (emphasis on 'try' - either I pull them off properly, or don't do them at all). So who's the one looking for an easy prey? However I'll be around to finish the dance later because a friend just came over and is making impatient noises in the kitchen.
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Last edited by Aganzir; 01-14-2012 at 10:11 AM. Reason: xed with Inzil
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Old 01-14-2012, 10:33 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Aganzir View Post
Serious enough in the sense that if I had had to vote then, it's likely I would've based my vote on them. Also if I had had to vote then, there wouldn't have been anything more serious.
You weren't serious in the list, though. Not entirely, right? Right?

Right now I'm thinking if wolf!Agan would really do the "classic BN trick", or if wolf!Boro would really come this way at an innocent (strongly suspecting someone based on... what exactly?). Somehow I don't see either happening.

Explanations please!
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Old 01-14-2012, 11:02 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
No, not paranoid. Silly.

Seriously, if there was one serious word in that suspicion list I'm a better singer than Luthien. Same goes for all the joking to follow.

It's almost a tradition for someone to make joke-suspicion lists on the "morning" of Day 1, just for laughs. It's fun. And yes, I was lazy this time, so I didn't make one for everyone. And if I wouldn't have made it, someone else probably would have.
Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Nate jokingly accuses me, but I don't get it, so I reply in all earnesty. Misunderstanding settled.
Jumpy much?

Really, though, that much defensiveness about a Day 1, semi-IC post (from a first-time player, no less) makes me think that you might have something to hide. G55 just jumped to the top of my suspect list.
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Old 01-14-2012, 11:05 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Boro
Anyway, my goal in this crew is to be the Gary Oldman as seen in Red Riding Hood. Have some fun with it, possibly be dramatically over-acting, but key point being, one rockin' bad wolf...erm BN...finder. It probably doesn't help if no one's seen it...wouldn't blame them, because crap movie, but seriously Oldman makes it worth watching.
Err - your goal is to be bad at hunting wolves? I sincerely hope not. (And yes, that movie is crap, but Oldman is good fun and I won't deny Jeremy Irons' son is a cutie. )

Ahem. Back on topic - the back-and-forth between Agan and Boro is very interesting. I'm reserving judgment on both for now; I want to see a bit more before making up my mind. On one hand, my gut says Boro is genuine enough (though I remember saying this before and remember, also, promising never to trust him again) and knowing him, he might really have spotted something others didn't. On the other hand, if there was something to spot in Agan's post I clearly missed it and, also knowing Boro, he might just try and pull off an easy Agan lynch (her being a relatively popular Day 1 lynch anyway), starting with a suspicion he has no need of argumenting any further than some secret code he managed to crack. It is also possible that they are both genuinely innocent, meaning that Boro found a lead that isn't actually there. So, as yet, I'm undecided.

EDIT: x-ed with Lottie
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Old 01-14-2012, 12:23 PM   #18
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Starting here:

Originally Posted by Greenie
Err - your goal is to be bad at hunting wolves? I sincerely hope not.
Touche, but you can't judge a fellow's career based on one instance of failing. And note, I did not say hunt, but find...slightly different, but different none the less. (And intentionally different).

Originally Posted by G55
Explanations please!
Patience. There was never any doubt I would explain (and Agan knows this as well), but the doubt is when will I? I've probably seen about as much reaction from others as can be hoped for so...Shall we?

Originally Posted by Agan
However I'll be around to finish the dance later because a friend just came over and is making impatient noises in the kitchen.
Oh, we are dancing now? *secretly fist pumps* I should hope I'm better than last time we danced, or I dare say this will end badly for the both of us, but mostly for me.

So, guessing that Agan really was moderately annoyed by the early day behavior, but also knowing even if she was it wouldn't point either to being a BN or innocent I wanted to inquire further. And since she loves drilling us slacks into shape, I knew her post would be the first with any real meaning or relevance. Which is always a good thing, and it's what I love about Agan in these situations, but again, it wouldn't point either to BN or innocent. To BN or not to BN? That is the question.

Now the post did strike me as suspicious enough to comment on it. As I said, the mock vote statement, is part of it, but not all. Instead of revealing all of it immediately, I wanted to draw attention to the post and get other responses to it. What better way than to give a teaser and then a vague "you see it!" Because while I am suspicious, I can not actually know the answer of the million dollar question, and it would pain me awfully to see Agan be lynched so soon on the chance that I was wrong.

So the full explanation, of the classic BN attempt. Knowing Agan wanted to cut the garbage and get down to business, then her lists would be more meaningful than G55's list of randomness (no offense G55, just meaning I can deduce Agan's reactions and feelings on people, because there's more meaning going into her list). And believe it or not, it's actually what she says about G55:

Galadriel55. Says Bom is guilty of making jokes when he starts making them. Does this mean she didn't take it as a joke when he said he's wolves with her and sally? Encouraged by Boro, she takes her guilty accusations of randomness entirely too far.
And then her reaction to Pomegranate:

Pomegranate. Contrary to what G55 suggested (jumpy are we?), I don't believe her first post was entirely serious. Not voting for her either because it's her fist game and all.
(bolding my emphasis)

Combine that with what she says at the end:

If I had to vote right now, I'd be willing to go for one of those who have been posting mock votes. Namely Bom, Glirdan or sally.
And we have the classic "let me give you all some suspicions, see which ones stick, but distract you with threatening to vote those who are being less helpful at the moment" trick. That is to say, you were willing to vote based on either being annoyed, or to scare Bom, Glirdan, and sally into shaping up and NOT based on suspicions...yet you did the whole "let me give you some suspicions" thing well enough. And it seems to have worked since Lottie has now jumped on your comment about G55 being "jumpy" we are a jumping bunch today.

Anyway I dare to hope you know me better than to say I would take the quick & easy way as a BN.
Hmm...perhaps, you do certainly love the challenge. But, you would know I can be a good challenge...unless we actually are dancing. But I don't mean "classic and quick" as a slight upon your shining brilliance, if indeed you are a BN. Because you know I would do the same...that is lynching and killing based on emotions, annoyance, and who's getting on my nerve.

Now I know Boro is Boro and does all weird kinds of stuff on Day 1, but I don't know what to make of his attack against me. He should know I'm not one to try and do classic BN tricks in my first post (emphasis on 'try' - either I pull them off properly, or don't do them at all). So who's the one looking for an easy prey?
Not looking for easy prey, my dear, looking to see if 1) I could get a read on you and 2) if I could get some attention to your post, and thus get others to look at it, comment, react and in turn get a read on them.

And in that way for 1) If I correctly read you are a BN than based on 2) I can get some other commenting on my correct suspicions, ergo, it will help me figure them out.

But if for 1) my initial impression was incorrect, I would hope you could assuage my suspicions by responding (and I knew you would respond) than based on 2) I could see if anyone jumped onto my reasoning...which I left purposefully vague at the time to see how some might react. Make sense?

I admit, it may be cruel, because it must feel like I've used you as bait, and well, to use one of your marvelous talents as bait might have been a waste. But that way I see it is, feel privileged because if you aren't a BN than we both agree you are a witch...and using witches as bait is perfectly legal. But mainly I took it as you were essentially giving me permission in your first post, because of what I saw as suspicious behavior. (Detailed above and in my previous post).

Edit: crossed with Rune, G55, and Pomegranate

(See what I mean Agan? Lottie jumps at your jumpy comment, and now Pomegranate follows Lottie)
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Old 01-14-2012, 04:21 PM   #19
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This list is serious.

Gal. I didn't really mind her until her sudden and desperate interest in my list which is just weird. What does it really matter?
Bom. I know this is way typical but I won't abstain from putting him here just because of it. If you suspect someone, state your reasons please.

Shasta. Hasn't said a lot but I like him well enough. I don't know, it's just a gut feeling.
Lottie. I like her well enough for now.
Nat. Nothing alarming so far, actually I'm quite liking her gameplay.
Rune. Seems sensible enough and cannot really be blamed of opportunism - he tries to remain objective even though he doesn't really need to.
Inziladun. Someone said he's posting a lot without saying anything. I read his posts but they weren't really that bad even if they weren't overflowing with substance either. He looks passively innocent (apart from the former four who are actively so) and remains here because I refuse to vote for him.

Boro. Gets the honour of topping my Either list. I grumbled about his behaviour before but it was out of principle rather than actual suspicion because I was pretty positive I knew at least partly what he was up to. He could set traps and baits regardless of role, and I need to see more before I'm willing to trust him.
Green. Is being herself. She comments vaguely on Boro & my argument, leaving a door open to further suspicion of us both but concluding with a statement of undecidedness. I won't deny my tendency to automatically see it as evil just because it's Greenie, but it's not actually suspicious.
Glirdan. Nothing.
Nogrod. Um?
sally. Nothing.

So. These are not based on a complete reread, they are serious, and they're still subject to change even today if I feel like it.
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Last edited by Aganzir; 01-14-2012 at 04:22 PM. Reason: xed since Glirdy
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Old 01-14-2012, 12:40 PM   #20
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Boro, I see what you mean now. But still, it's hard for me not to think that that post of Agan's was a bit of a joke. Just look at it:

Originally Posted by Aganzir View Post
Bom. Chaotic Evil doesn't sit well with defending the Realm of Men from the threat of Mordor.

Boromir88. Puts a personal grudge ahead of giving Pithwivion a respectable burial.

Galadriel55. Says Bom is guilty of making jokes when he starts making them. Does this mean she didn't take it as a joke when he said he's wolves with her and sally? Encouraged by Boro, she takes her guilty accusations of randomness entirely too far.
The first point is invalid. The second is true, but doesn't say anything.

Greenie. She's in the other wolf pack.
Their silly inside joke.

After looking at this it was hard for me to take all the rest (innocent and either) seriously, until I reached the part where she said she'll vote the mock-voters. That got me confused. Agan, where were you serious and where were you not?

Edit: xed with Lottie and sally
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Old 01-14-2012, 01:05 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 View Post
My sweet prince Boro never fails to amaze me.
I live for it, I would request from you what are your general impressions on Agan and G55. But all I really want is your vote (and for the nasty 'Downs not to delete it!)

Originally Posted by Loslote View Post
You know, I didn't even realize that I was following Agan's comment when I said mine until I saw that bolded in your post! It's the sort of thing you pass over when reading the rest of the post, but sticks in your I'm wondering if my thinking G55 suspicious was even my idea in the first place, or just my subconcious picking that up.
Ha, surprisingly I can actually believe that. It looks honest, at least, but I suppose a BN could miss it just as easily as anyone else. Still, won't trouble myself with that today.

Originally Posted by Galadriel55 View Post
Boro, I see what you mean now. But still, it's hard for me not to think that that post of Agan's was a bit of a joke. Just look at it:
Now surely, one who was actively annoyed by the silly unproductivity of the early posts would not add further to it by making joke suspicions? Look at Nog, his post, griped and then bowed out. He admits it added nothing to the productivity, but in fact it actually makes Nog look innocent to me. He said his griping about how the start was entirely too silly, but did not add to the behavior. Don't you see it?

Can't have it both ways here. And thus, if one is annoyed by the sillyness, than they aren't going to ADD to it. Now, Agan's obviously not going to vote anyone on her guilty list based on what she said in her first certainly not. But that doesn't mean she wasn't serious in where she put people on her list. She will certainly change her mind (or at least act like she's changing her mind) as the day continues, but you can see the difference between your "list" and hers...yes?

You gave irrelevant and random suspecting of everyone. Agan, being annoyed by the behavior, took what was already posted and used it to form her list. There is certainly a rationale behind it, otherwise she would have no business complaining about the early day shenanigans.

Edit: crossed with everyone after #49
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Old 01-14-2012, 01:14 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Boromir88 View Post
I live for it, I would request from you what are your general impressions on Agan and G55. But all I really want is your vote (and for the nasty 'Downs not to delete it!)
A vote. But for whom?

Originally Posted by Boro
Now surely, one who was actively annoyed by the silly unproductivity of the early posts would not add further to it by making joke suspicions? Look at Nog, his post, griped and then bowed out. He admits it added nothing to the productivity, but in fact it actually makes Nog look innocent to me. He said his griping about how the start was entirely too silly, but did not add to the behavior. Don't you see it?
I see it, and I understand why her post could have been serious, unlike mine. But at the same time, how can you be serious if you accuse people for being "chaotic evil" for, or accuse in character (about the burial)? If Agan really wanted to add serious content, wouldn't she be doing it seriously?

I'm confused.

Agan, just tell me please where were you serious so I can finally put this issue in the "understood, done, and over with" box.
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Old 01-14-2012, 01:15 PM   #23
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So we're finally into the actual "discussion" part of Day 1? Lovely.

What I've seen thus far is Boro being his typical manipulative self, Agan being annoyed (can hardly blame her), and G55 being under the spotlight today.

I must say I agree with most of what Rune has said; at least, that we have the same sentiments.

I did notice something that G55 said earlier that reminds me terribly of a ploy I've used as a wolf - near the beginning, she tried to get people to drop the subject in a "okay, done, move it along folks, nothing to see here" kind of way. That much is just an observation, but I know it's something I've done as a wolf when I felt like too much heat was about to be focused my way.
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Last edited by Shastanis Althreduin; 01-14-2012 at 01:16 PM. Reason: x'ed with G55
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Old 01-14-2012, 01:16 PM   #24
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Oh, look, she did it again!
Shasta– ... However, if he's innocent his famous clairvoyant powers must be taking the week off. Meanwhile, the Night-kills have been awfully effective– almost like we're dealing with a psychic wolf... - Nerwen, WW LXXV
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Old 01-14-2012, 02:20 PM   #25
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Aganzir: I don't understand if I should take her seriously or not. I don't want to judge her until she explains everything properly.

A Little Green: sounds sincere.

Boromir88: either an Einstein BN or an Einstein innocent. Raises a good point against Agan, but not a decisive one by any means, and definitely not one to make me "strongly suspect" her.

Inziladun: gives the impression of commenting on things without involving himself anywhere. Pokes here and there but stays aloof. This behaviour unnerves me.

Loslote: suspects me based on what Agan said but doesn't realise Agan's post was feeding her ideas. Sounds genuine.

Pomegranate: repeats well the suspicions others have said. Could be that she truly agrees with them and just has nothing different to say, or could be a wolf getting leg-ups. Anyways, s/he has a pass for toDay.

Rune: something ticks me off about him. Maybe I'm just not used to his playing style yet, since it's our first game together. The vibes comming from him are not good.

satansaloser2005: lots o' posts, little to go off of. Typical sally. No opinion as yet.

Shasta: suspects me (wrongly, but not unreasonably). Has a legitimate argument.

Bom, Glirdan, Nogrod: More posts please!

Looking at that, I will not be voting (based on current information): Lottie, Nate/Pom, Shasta.

I might be voting: Rune, Zil.
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