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Old 12-12-2003, 09:56 PM   #1
Tuor Turambar,Cursed by the Valar
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Sting Man/Orc Reproduction

When/if men are mixed with orcs, as discussed in other threads, what happens to the children? As i understand it, orcs are corrupted elves, and as such are immortal, while men are mortal.
When elves and men marry, then the elves become mortal, and the children have a choice (Elros/Elrond). Does this happen with orcs?

I am assuming that men do breed with orcs, because elves do not reproduce fast enough to create large armies. And orcs do, as far as i know, reproduce in the manner of the children of illuvatar.

There are many threads on similar topics, but not the same topic, do not turn this into a discussion of those topics.

Orcs are corrupted elves
They were, in the first or second age, bred with men. This also happened in the third age.
Orcs reproduce like men and elves
Turin Turambar, Master of Fate, by Fate Mastered.

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Old 12-13-2003, 01:03 AM   #2
Haunting Spirit
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See I dont really know because they have "spawning pits", so that would defeat the whole pupose of them breeding. Correct me if I'm wrong plz.
"We are the fighting Uruk-hai! We slew the great warrior. We took the prisoners. We are the servants of Saruman the Wise, the White Hand: the Hand that gives us man´s flesh to eat!"
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Old 12-13-2003, 06:09 AM   #3
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Spawning pits are a movie thing.Fact is,they're never mentioned in the books while the Silmarillion says something like "the Orcs multiplied in the manner of the Children of Illuvatar" Nuff said.
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Old 12-13-2003, 07:16 AM   #4
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you can find all the info you'll probably need, right here
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Old 12-13-2003, 10:12 AM   #5
Tuor Turambar,Cursed by the Valar
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Well, that was an interesting link. However, no one has answered my question.
What i want to know is, when orcs and men are mixed/reproduced/(insert theory here), are the offspring immortal? I think that orcs are immortal, because they are corrupted elves, but obviously there is some link between men and Uruk-hai, or men and goblin-men. If orcs are immortal, which I think they are, are the offspring immortal when mixed with men?

This is my question, do not argue with me about orcish immortality!
Turin Turambar, Master of Fate, by Fate Mastered.

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Old 12-13-2003, 10:24 AM   #6
Eol Telemnar
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Alright, Tuor, Here is my answer. I say yes and no, because that depends on if the orc is immortal or not. If the orc is not immortal, then their is no chance that the offspring will be. I the orc is immortal, then I think there is a 50/50 chance. Hey, Tuor, did you see my post in are orcs immortal? I told you to do something, go back to that topic (are orcs immortal) I asked you do do two things.
1.go change your profile to allow private messeges
2.visit my new topic, in this forum, it's called "Castles in Middle Earth" see ya [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
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Old 12-13-2003, 10:31 AM   #7
Eol Telemnar
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Reading the question a little more carefuly, I say that the offspring gets to choose IF The orc is a corrupted elf (which is a 50/50 percent chance. Then again, It might not be, then there is no chance.Hope I was any help [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
Eol Telemnar, The Dark Elf , Has Spoken, Heed My words well. Peace go with you.
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Old 12-13-2003, 12:08 PM   #8
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Well if you really think about it this way then their not cause they only live like 10-15 years cause they end up dyinbg in some war or qurrel. So thats an odd point of view for you guys.
"We are the fighting Uruk-hai! We slew the great warrior. We took the prisoners. We are the servants of Saruman the Wise, the White Hand: the Hand that gives us man´s flesh to eat!"
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Old 12-13-2003, 01:31 PM   #9
Tuor Turambar,Cursed by the Valar
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So, you think that the orcs are sometimes immortal, sometimes not. OK, thats your opinion.

Even if orcs are not 'immortal' in that they live forever', some are immortal in that, if not killed, they would live forever.
Some i believe are not immortal, and some are.

I believe that the goblin men were created by mixing orcs with men. Orcs are corrupted elves. The manner in which they were mixed does not matter. If there are uncorrupted elves mixed with uncorrupted men, the offspring have a choice over whether to be 'immortal' or not.
I still want your opinion on what happens if orcs(corrupted elves) are mixed with men. I already have Eol's opinion, although i do not believe it.
THIS is the topic of the thread, NOT orcish immortality.
Turin Turambar, Master of Fate, by Fate Mastered.

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Old 12-13-2003, 07:05 PM   #10
The Saucepan Man
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With regard to the offspring of a union between a mortal and an immortal, the "default setting" is that the children will be mortal.

As for half-elves, the choice of immortality was given only to the sons of Earendil and Elwing (ie Elrond and Elros) and to the children of those who were given the choice and chose immortality (ie the children of Elrond). That choice was given to them by the will of Eru. There was at least one other Elf/Human union where the half-elven children were given no such choice (Imrazôr the Númenorean and Mithrellas the Elf, from whose line Prince Imrahil was descended). Look here for more detail on this.

So, assuming that Orcs could be immortal AND assuming that immortal Orcs were crossed with humans, the offspring would have mortal blood and therefore be mortal. And I cannot see Eru giving them the choice of immortality. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 8:06 PM December 13, 2003: Message edited by: The Saucepan Man ]
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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Old 12-13-2003, 10:00 PM   #11
Eol Telemnar
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Tuor, You know what I mean! I did not say that they are sometimes immortal. (this is about the 50/50 chance, is it?) Well, about that, it means that if the offspring gets to choose, they only have two choices, which is a 50/50 chance. That's how I explain that (just in case you got that confused)
Eol Telemnar, The Dark Elf , Has Spoken, Heed My words well. Peace go with you.
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Old 12-14-2003, 04:34 PM   #12
Tuor Turambar,Cursed by the Valar
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Yes, well, i think that Saucepan Man's idea makes more sense than any of the others.

Ok, I will now IGNORE THIS TOPIC. I am done with it.
Turin Turambar, Master of Fate, by Fate Mastered.

No, im not turin. Or tuor. Or anyone. I am not!
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