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Old 09-29-2005, 05:15 PM   #1
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Welcome to Tol-in-Gauroth XI 'Fall of the Fall'

An island comprised of 15 villagers (and then some)
3 wolves
1 seer
1 hunter
1 cursed
8 ordinary

wolves: may P.M. each other to strategize and choose one victim at NIGHT only. During the DAY, wolves transform to villagers and participate in the discussions.

seer: chooses one villager a NIGHT to dream about, that person's secret role will be revealed (Cursed villager will be 'seen' as ordinary villager).

ranger: chooses one villager a NIGHT to protect. If the wolves choose same person that person is saved. Ranger cannot protect self and cannot protect same person 2 NIGHTS in a row.

hunter: chooses one person to kill at time of their own death.

cursed villager: does not know that s/he is cursed (seer will 'see' them as ordinary). If s/he gets lynched, they die as as ordinary villager, if they are attacked by wolves, they become a wolf.

Villagers win if they eliminate all wolves.
Wolves win if they eliminate villagers till they equal the number of wolves (still alive), then the wolves can openly revolt.

~DAY/NIGHT phases are 24 hours long
~no mass lynchings
~nonretractable votes
~In the event of a first place tie, villager who received the first vote will die.
~no game related to each other (except wolves at NIGHT), even if you died
~once dead, stay dead. No posting on game or admin thread


Mormegil(M)-blacksmith specializing in weaponry
The Perky Ent(M)-pipeweed pusher, I mean salesman
Formendacil(M)-The Newspaper Editor-in-Chief Emeritus, Ph.D
TheSaucepanMan(M)-big beefy lumberjack
EomeroftheRohirrim(M)-Purveyor of Mystical Oddments
Shelob(F)-official pebble painter
Gil-Galad(M)-Gonzalo the Llama Paladin Conqueror of distant lands
Marcolie Lamen(F)-Math book editor
AzaeliaofWillowbottom(F)-grassbasket maker
Boromir88(M)-brain unwasher (deprogrammer)
Cailin(F)-dramatic soprano

*game will start in about 40 minutes after Holby's death narration*
Holby is an actual flesh-and-blood person, right? Not, say a sock-puppet of Nilp’s, by any chance? ~Nerwen, WWCIII
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Old 09-29-2005, 05:44 PM   #2
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In the wee of the morning, when the hours still belonged to nocturnal animals, a cool breeze blew across SeekHaven Island. It spoke of the new season when leaves were bursting forth in colors and the inhabitants would celebrate this year's bounty. It promised to be a beautiful day.

A scream shattered the calm. Those nearest jerked awake, threw on robes and ran out of their homes to find out what was going on.
"It sounded like it came from Holby's," said a villager. So the few of them grabbed lanterns and hurried up Riverside Path.

"Oh my," one said weakly. Before them lay Holby's door, it was torn off its hinges.
They ran into the little shack and a pitiful sight met their eyes. Holby, the pigeon-girl, was still in bed lying in a pool of her own blood. A faint gargled whisper escaped her lips.

"Were...", Holby whispered.

"Where's what, sweetie?", someone asked.
"Wolves", Holby breathed her last as a crimson bubble popped and trickled down her cheek.

"No-o-o," cried some of them, "werewolves? but how? why?"
"That's not all," a grim voice answered, "by the looks of things, these werewolves killed all of Holby's birds and from the different sized tracks we're dealing with three of them."

"We need help from the mainland," stated somone. So they made their way across North Bridge and received another shock. All the boats were destroyed.

"Clever beasts," said the same grim voice, "Don't you see? We're cutoff. No carrier pigeons to send messages and no boats to flee. Well, come on. We need to alert the whole town 'cause somebodies gonna pay."

As they trekked back down alerting all and summoning the cemetary keeper, the breeze picked up again. This time a mournful wail that spoke of a haven that turned to hell........

*wolves stop, DAY ends at 8:00p.m.EDT (12:00a.m. GMT)*
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Old 09-29-2005, 05:56 PM   #3
The Perky Ent
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Pipe And so it begins...

Alas, that those sneaky devils have taken Holby. She was a good person, to the last. And we're trapped! What are we to do?!? We have a sketcher, a blacksmith, a lumberjack, a silversmith, and a dramatic soprano. Surely we could build a boat and escape the wol- would we know who the wolves are if we don't stop to look. Clearly, we cannot escape the island until the wolves are dead. What a tragedy this is! It's times like this I'm glad I have pipeweed to settle my stomache

'But Melkor also was there, and he came to the house of Fëanor, and there he slew Finwë King of the Noldor before his doors, and spilled the first blood in the Blessed Realm; for Finwë alone had not fled from the horror of the Dark.'
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Old 09-29-2005, 05:59 PM   #4
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mormegil is a guest at the Prancing Pony.mormegil is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

The whole Holby killing is a bit disconcerting as well. Well it looks as though business will be picking up for me.

Anybody need a weapon or two?
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

Last edited by mormegil; 09-29-2005 at 06:08 PM.
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Old 09-29-2005, 06:05 PM   #5
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it begins indeed...

aye Mormegil, i shall be needed my sword, the grand uhh... well make me a sword then name it and Gonzalo shall conquer the wolves from this cursed town!
Love doesn't blow up and get killed.
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Old 09-29-2005, 06:09 PM   #6
The Perky Ent
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Aye, I would like one too. If you please, can you engrave it saying
Cookie Monster's Bane
. He won't stop going for my cookie dough!
'But Melkor also was there, and he came to the house of Fëanor, and there he slew Finwë King of the Noldor before his doors, and spilled the first blood in the Blessed Realm; for Finwë alone had not fled from the horror of the Dark.'
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Old 09-29-2005, 06:14 PM   #7
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Pipe I can't believe I'm doing this this early! >.<

Ah, Saucepan. My regular! You need another fix...i mean, barrel? I believe your favorite was Bluebeard's Delight. Am I not right? And in regards to Saucepan's list, I follow the same code. But at the same time, my brother lived in a far off town, may his soul rest in peace. His town was invaded by a monster of some sort a heard. The monsters turned out to be the people running the investigation against the monsters! It is for this reason, that I also will not trust anyone who seems to be running the show from an omnipotent throne. Everyone is a suspect, but some are more than others.

And Saucepan, you can pick the barrels up any time you like (assuming those werewolves aren't running around)
'But Melkor also was there, and he came to the house of Fëanor, and there he slew Finwë King of the Noldor before his doors, and spilled the first blood in the Blessed Realm; for Finwë alone had not fled from the horror of the Dark.'
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Old 09-29-2005, 06:12 PM   #8
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Poor Holby! What an atrocity! And now we're cut off from the mainland, too. Let's lynch those werewolves and avenge our pigeons!

I suppose I'd better start making those silver bullets.
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Old 09-29-2005, 06:14 PM   #9
The Saucepan Man
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Originally Posted by The Perky Ent
He won't stop going for my cookie dough!

Originally Posted by Alcarillo
I suppose I'd better start making those silver bullets.
What are these bullets you speak of?
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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Old 09-29-2005, 06:08 PM   #10
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I'll have some of that pipeweed, Perky. But I need no weapon, sir blacksmith. I prefer to rely on my trusty axe.

Looks like we need to find three Wolves out of the fifteen of us trapped here. Now all ye Villagers hear this, and particularly the Lycans among us.

I don't trust those who do not speak much.

I don't trust those who do not vote.

I don't trust those who make accusations without backing them up with good reasons.


I don't trust those who change their minds frequently or without reason.

Anyone doing any of those things will be subject to a long, hard examination from me. We ain't gonna find the Wolves by staying silent or by continually making baseless accusations. It is only through discussion and exchange of ideas that we will have any chance of tracking them down.

Oh, and I don't trust mysterious folks with grim voices. Who on earth was that?
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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Old 10-11-2005, 07:05 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Alcarillo
Well, today is the day. Unfortunately, it would appear that the wolves killed our least suspicious villager, so I'm suspicious of both of you. Let's vote very carefully; the fate of the village hangs in the balance!

I also have this to say: I am an innocent villager. I know that I have seemed very suspicious at times, and my voting record isn't spotless, and I am known for my quietness, but you have my word that I am not a werewolf. Lynching me will only kill an innocent and bring the village's defeat.
I could say exactly the same thing, Alcarillo, but I don't expect anyone to believe me...

All the same, I am inclined to agree with you, and here's why:

Way back on Day 3, when we lynched Eomer the Wolf, you did NOT vote. If you were a Wolf, you would have tried to save your lupine brother. As it is, you did not vote. A suspicious decision, but not nearly so bad as Azaelia's. Azaelia voted for Eomer, but only after he was already condemned. A calculated move easily in keeping with her overall reputation as a quiet, cunning, background person, a move intended to disassociate herself from the Were-Eomer.

On all the other days, your voting records were the same regarding innocents/Gifted. Except for Day 4.

On Day 4, Alcarillo voted for Azaelia, while Azaelia helped lynch off Wilwa. The Wolves, as of that time, were half the voting population (2 out of 5) and would likely have banded together. Alcarillo, on the other hand, was the only lone voice voting for someone other than Wilwa.

So, I believe Azaelia to be our remaining Werewolf. All the evidence seems to point to her. Most ironic that I've had a bad feeling about her since WAY back, but haven't voted for her since Day 2.

Then there is yesterday...

While it is true that Alcarillo voted last, and his vote was really just an extra endorsement of what had already been passed, whereas Azaelia was the one to actually give the killing vote to Arctic, I still think Azaelia the guilty party. Why? Because there were already two votes for Arcticstorm, and if Alcarillo voted for someone else (Boromir or Azaelia) then Arcticstorm would be lynched anyway. And the bandwaggon was clearly going towards Arcticstorm. In other words, of three possible votes, only one vote would NOT ensure that Arcticstorm was not lynched anyway. Therefore, I think it a very clever ploy by Azaelia to escape suspicion.

And finally, In Defence of Myself:

I have made some tragic mistakes over the course of these tragic events in the village. The only defence I can plead is that I have never lived through this before, and that the Wolves have been very clever.

Furthermore, the final testimony of our now-dead Werewolf Arcticstorm should be taken as an endorsement of my innocence. The voting yesterday went as such:

Boromir: for Arctic
Formendacil: for Arctic
Arcticstorm: for Formendacil
Azaelia: for Arctic
Alcarillo: for Arctic

Arcticstorm, the only wolf, tried to divert the voting from himself at the most important time, by turning it to me. That, I hope should prove in your mind, Alcarillo, that I am innocent.
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Old 10-11-2005, 07:24 PM   #12
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Well, I'm glad you see that I am an innocent. You seem a lot less suspicious than Azaelia now, Formendacil, although I'm still keeping an eye on everybody. I will probably vote for Azaelia today, and I am eager to hear her defense. Keep in mind that suspicions can still change.
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Old 10-11-2005, 07:32 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Alcarillo
Well, I'm glad you see that I am an innocent. You seem a lot less suspicious than Azaelia now, Formendacil, although I'm still keeping an eye on everybody. I will probably vote for Azaelia today, and I am eager to hear her defense. Keep in mind that suspicions can still change.
Just because I think you innocent? It's always nice to be agreed with, but don't forget that I COULD be a Werewolf trying to make you help me lynch off an innocent, and thus win the game...

Of course, why would I be posting this then?

Ah, such dilemmas. I'm glad your keeping your eyes open, though.

And yes, what does our Werewolf, Azaelia, have to say?
I prefer history, true or feigned.
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Old 10-11-2005, 07:59 PM   #14
Azaelia of Willowbottom
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I have this to say. I am NOT a werewolf. Kill me at your own peril. I think Formen is a wolf. He is working especially hard to cast me in a bad light (I know, it's not particularly difficult to point out mistakes in timing and mistakes in jumping onto an already-rolling bandwagon) and I suspect strongly that he was in it with Arctic last night.

What about yesterday, when I cast the deciding vote to kill a WEREWOLF?? I tell you, if I was a wolf, I wouldn't do that. I'd want support.

Think about it. It's a perfect plot. Kill Boromir: he knew I was innocent. Then frame me up because I post infrequently and make mistakes. If I was a wolf, why would I kill a man who believed me innocent? Brilliant plan, Formen, I must say.

Please. Please believe me. We've all made voting mistakes. That's one of the reasons we're HERE is because two of us have been stupid enough to be amusing enough for the wolf to keep alive. I suspect that the wolf among us is laughing himself silly at the sight of me trying desperately to escape the fingers pointed condemningly at me. Ha. Laugh all you want. And to the innocent villager, whichever you may be...You'll see I'm right in time (Either when we lynch the wolf, or when we lynch me, and you die.)

I'm challenging you, the innocent villager, whichever person you are, to disregard all other appearances and not lynch me. I am innocent, and I beg you to believe me.
"Wherever I have been, I am back."
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Old 10-11-2005, 08:06 PM   #15
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This is another challenge. Defend YOURself, Formen. Do not attempt to cast suspicion on me. Defend yourself. Why should I not believe that you are a wolf? What actions of yours are not a thin guise for your fanged secret? I dislike your very forward accusation of me. Calling me a WEREWOLF straight out like that doesn't allow me any room to defend myself. So I'm not calling you one, though I am absoloutely thinking it.

No deflecting of suspicion onto me or anyone else, for that matter. I want to hear examples of your actions that prove you not to be a wolf. Concrete examples.

I will probably vote for you today, Formen, alone if necessary. But I am giving you the chance, as Alcarillo gave to me, to defend yourself.
"Wherever I have been, I am back."
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