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Old 05-28-2014, 02:51 AM   #2
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Originally Posted by Lotrelf View Post
I saw on Facebook that Thorin is NOT going to be killed in the third Hobbit movie. This article is what I found as a proof. If this is true, I guess it's a horrible change [although there are many]. Do any of you know if this is true or not?
Don't worry Lotrelf. I'm pretty sure this is just unsubstantiated rumour mongering. I believe Richard Armitage has stated in interviews that Thorin definitely still dies at the end of the story - if anyone can find a link that would be useful, I haven't got the time at hand to find one.

As for Smaug leading the armies of Orcs in the final battle, well, I pray that doesn't come true but I'm worried.
"Since the evening of that day we have journeyed from the shadow of Tol Brandir."
"On foot?" cried Éomer.
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