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Old 02-20-2007, 02:29 PM   #7
Messenger of Hope
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Originally Posted by Essex
pity you're not doing the fellowship

on another lotr site many years back now it seems, we had a lot of fun, ganshing of teeth, screaming, cursing etc on how on earth movie Gandalf caught up with 1/ his sword 2/ the balrog on his trip down the unmeasurable drop from the bridge of kazad dum. unfortunately the site seemed to go into decline and vanish a couple of years back (hence why I moved onto here)
lol! Yes, my sister and I notice that every time. Very strange, really...

In the book, I guess he kept the sword in his hand? One hand was empty because he had broken his staff and no long held it, the other held his sword...the Balrog's whip got him, he fell, snatched at the edge of the broken bridge, and fell.
In the movie, however, he dropped both his sword and his staff when he got lapped up by the whip. Very careless of him...

As for flaws on the RotK in concerns to Physics...none seem to pop up in my mind at present. Good luck.

-- Folwren
A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. - C.S. Lewis
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