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Old 02-24-2004, 01:58 AM   #37
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Everdawn has just left Hobbiton.

Well, You guys know what? I think it's fantastic that the movie has brought more people to read the books, and now that my other friends like the movie they know what im on about when I say something about LOTR and I think that Tolkien would be very happy that so many people admire his work.

To tell you the truth, Ive only ever finished reading the Hobbit once... I know ill get flames here, but I found it rather dull, I had read LOTR before but I only got into it when I heard that they were planning to make a movie that was when I really got into it.

So what im saying is, everyone has to start somewhere right? I know that im an individual and i hate the people getting in on my trends etc, but I think here, im happy to share LOTR with everyone.

KNow what I mean?
"Athena, stepping up behind him, visible to no one but Achillies, gripped his red-gold hair. Startled he made a half turn, and he knew her upon the instant for Athena." ~The Iliad~

~My lord, Éomer~
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