Arrgghh! Typo's are evil! (meant 50). Of course, fangirls still go crazy when I tell them that. That's one of those movie indentations. No matter how hard I try, no one can picture a Frodo that isn't Elijiah Wood. Same with Legolas being blond and all that.
I've only met two people who actually believe the movie is more accurate than the book. One of them actually had a very interesting argument to make about the advantages of movie Faramir (he had read the book) and I thought his views were well thought out. The other person, though, was one of those "that didn't happen in the movie so it's wrong," people. He condemned a Middle-Earth Sourcebook with a listing of the Battles of the War of the Ring because it "left out" the encounter with warg riders. He thought Tom Bombadil was just a weird fabrication of mine (he really should read the book) and...well, there are many other disturbing things he believes. Too many to mention.
"What mortal feels not awe/Nor trembles at our name,
Hearing our fate-appointed power sublime/Fixed by the eternal law.
For old our office, and our fame,"
-Aeschylus, Song of the Furies