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Feanor of the Peredhil 04-03-2006 07:45 AM

Everybody, feel free to use Degas as you like. Just remember to make him annoying good at everything. :)

As for Saeryn, she'll be bustling about making sure people are okay and carefully avoiding buying more jewelry, though if it's a gift, she'd be unable to say no.

As for me... it's the last week of classes. I have all of the work I should have done over term to finish. Then finals start Monday. I'll be around, and I'll post, but I can't guarantee the times or frequency.

JennyHallu 04-03-2006 09:12 AM

There...finally got a post together, and it's a book.

I guess the length makes up for the tardiness. I'm afraid Lin is not inclined to be very fond of Larswic, and likely inclined to be very..."un-fond" as it may be. She's a little too well-bred and well-taught to fall for his rough rogueyness (yay for making up words) and too young not to make her distaste obvious.

Kath 04-03-2006 10:48 AM

So sorry Bêthberry, I had no idea Kara was so violent! :D

How long are we planning on keeping Frodides hidden by the way? As once she's been treated by Aedhel we're going to have to take her inside. I'll be making a post a little later so I can have Aedhel and Kara help her in if that's acceptable?

Lalwendë 04-03-2006 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by JennyHallu
There...finally got a post together, and it's a book.

I guess the length makes up for the tardiness. I'm afraid Lin is not inclined to be very fond of Larswic, and likely inclined to be very..."un-fond" as it may be. She's a little too well-bred and well-taught to fall for his rough rogueyness (yay for making up words) and too young not to make her distaste obvious.

Now that's a challenge to a charmer like Larswic, if ever there was one. ;) He lives on his wits so he might relish a challenge in the future!

I've corrected my last post anyway, as I had the tape of New Rohan misread. In any case, this now gives a little more reason for Larswic and his type to be suspicious and cagey.

I added in a reference to wrestling as it was a popular Anglo-Saxon sport, and of course, a lot of young men love it these days, so it was perfect to have Wultheof be a keen young wrestler. I don't know if Archery was a particularly Ango-Saxon sport, but Tolkien seems to have been keen to include it, and it seemed to fit Leocsley. ;) The Horse Fair might allow them to slope off if necessary, and to get horses sold and more gold of course. I've also mentioned Knucklebones and Dice, two other games from that period, particularly with gamblers!

Firefoot 04-03-2006 04:04 PM

Knowing that, I'll switch archery and wrestling around...

littlemanpoet 04-03-2006 06:13 PM

Too bad we can't have a wall fall over every day. Just one "little" incident has triggered a flurry of great posting/storytelling. Good stuff! And haaaaard to keep up! :eek: Keep it coming! :)

I've moved time ahead to mid afternoon, and set a few things moving here and there, such as Thornden and Gárwine sent to corral Léof into subservient patient-hood, whether he likes it or not.

And Kara has been sent shopping, but needn't go alone if she wants to have someone go with her.

That leaves Ruthven, Linduial, Marinel, and the rogues free to determine what their own activities have been over the course of that time.

Remember to account for hunger with your character.

Folwren 04-03-2006 06:18 PM


"There is another whom I would have you look after, unwilling though he be. Find Thornden and Gárwine, and have them wrestle that Léof down and take his boot off. I wager that foot he's hiding is at least bruised if not harboring broken bones, and I'll not have him suffer the longer hidden. Will you do that?"
~ Eodwine

Oh, this ought to be fun! Alcarillo, when can you make it? I'm not at all caught up on the latest five or six posts, so I won't be ready to actually write a post until tomorrow morning (I'm really, super sorry, LMP), but when will you be around?

Firefoot - you're going to put up a satisfactory fight, are you not? (Or...maybe not. You decide and tell me. Maybe write the first post leading into it.)

-- Folwren

Firefoot 04-03-2006 06:25 PM

Oh, yes - especially if it's just Garwine and Thornden who come after him. If Aedhel were to come with them immediately (maybe she has to go back for her healing things?), he might just shoo them off and face it... but if she's not there I think it would be most like Leof to try and avoid it... :D

And I second what lmp has said - excellent posting, everyone! And nice to see you, Celuien.

Taralphiel 04-03-2006 09:03 PM

Thank you littlemanpoet and Bêthberry for the welcome!

I have taken time to think on my character and try to find something to challenge me. I've come up with a young boy who is found in less than a healthy condition near the Mead Hall. As it's afternoon now, I don't want to clutter the story too much, so I've set it ahead of time. I've got my first post to be around the early morning of the next day. I'll hold off untill that point in the time frame.

I don't know who will find him, so it's anyone who volunteers! :P

Tara :)

Alcarillo 04-03-2006 10:30 PM


Oh, this ought to be fun! Alcarillo, when can you make it? I'm not at all caught up on the latest five or six posts, so I won't be ready to actually write a post until tomorrow morning (I'm really, super sorry, LMP), but when will you be around?
I've read all the posts, but it's too late where I live and I'll be going to bed in some matter of minutes. I can start a post, finish it up tomorrow, and have it posted early tomorrow afternoon (I'm on the west coast just to give you an idea time-zonewise).

Leof can run - er, I mean hobble, but he can't hide . . . :D

Nerindel 04-04-2006 03:28 AM

Ah Firefoot I didn't see your post here before I posted, but I think it still works. She is a little put out by his stubbornness and has just indicated for the two men to apprehend the reluctant young ostler! :p As for her healing things she already had them with her when she reported to Eodwine. Perhaps once apprehended they can come to a compromise with her offering to help with his chores if he lets her see to his injury?

Firefoot 04-04-2006 05:31 AM

What you have works well.

And I am, in fact, rather amused because it seems that so many of us (me, Folwren, you, that I know of) all had the same idea of physically forcing Leof into submission. :cool: Actually, though, I've figured that once Leof realizes that they actually intend to physically drag him off, he'll probably submit pretty quickly (size, numbers, and injury all against him, after all), but unhappily and sullenly. So Folwren and/or Alcarillo, if you wanted to take it to that point, I think that would work well...

JennyHallu 04-04-2006 05:53 AM

I am in the process of working on a floor plan for the Hall (pre or post collapse...not sure, but it's got a hall), which my husband is going to help me turn into elevation drawings before I try an artist's representation. I'm at work right now, so I can't really work on it until later this evening, but when I get home I'll be emailing what I have to LMP and Bethberry for review before posting the floorplans here (the rest will take a while). There will be two f

Assumptions I am making:

The residential wing of the building has two stories, and was built some time after the great hall.

Walls are mostly of wood, with stone used in chimneys and in the Hall.

Questions, suggestions, and corrections are greatly appreciated.

Kath 04-04-2006 08:43 AM

And just where am I supposed to be cooking these meals lmp? Since we have no kitchen. I don't know if the Rohirrim had barbecues!

JennyHallu 04-04-2006 08:51 AM

Why not? Build a camp-style fire in either the courtyard or the Hall rubble, assume that by now the guys have opened at least one doorway into the kitchen so you can get what pots and pans you need, and go ahead and cook outdoors.

Bêthberry 04-04-2006 09:14 AM

There always was a back doorway to the kitchen, folks. No one had to come through the ba**room window. ;)

As for barbeques, shish-kebabs (or shashliks) got their start as raw meat skewered on sword blades and thrust into campfires, in a culture famed for its horsemanship. Then again, an outdoor oven could be built.

And there never was a courtyard. That was always too fancy for an inn. But Eodwine might want one now.

The walls of the old Horse were not all wood, although rough hewn timber provided the framework. Here's info on wattle and daub construction and Saxon buildings and Saxon Village Reconstructed .

If this repeats info LMP provided earlier, I apologise. I shifted back three pages here and couldn't find any building links.

Kath 04-04-2006 09:19 AM

Right so if Kara went and found Thornden and Degas they could build this outdoor oven and get things working? Guess I should check that with Eodwine first.

Bêthberry, we had the back door blocked off by fallen rubble to make it so the window had to be used.

JennyHallu 04-04-2006 09:24 AM

In my post I specified that the chimney had collapsed, blocking the back door. It was probably nowhere near as thorough blocked as the Hall door, and the girls could probably have gotten through it with a little work, but Lin had an idea in her head, and it involved getting Frodides out before the men noticed.

We've been referring to a courtyard for quite some time. I haven't put anything fancy on my plan (no formal garden or anything), just what is probably a packed dirt yard between the main hall and the stables: space for a traveler to pull in their cart and unhitch their horses before turning them over to Lèof. This is also where I assumed the temporary tent hall stood. Just basically a little open space to accomodate arrivals and departures in what I always pictured as a pretty tightly-packed city. Does that fit, Bethberry?

Thanks for the info on wattle-and-daub. That will really help when it comes to texturing the walls in a real drawing.

Folwren 04-04-2006 09:27 AM

Thornden's busy at the moment, but he might have time to help you in a bit, Kath.


I have taken time to think on my character and try to find something to challenge me. I've come up with a young boy who is found in less than a healthy condition near the Mead Hall. As it's afternoon now, I don't want to clutter the story too much, so I've set it ahead of time. I've got my first post to be around the early morning of the next day. I'll hold off untill that point in the time frame.

I don't know who will find him, so it's anyone who volunteers! :P - Taralphiel

Oh, I like that I idea. I think it would be fun to find him, so I would like to be a volunteer unless someone else wants to. My character is Thornden, who's a fairly large chap, though for the most part he's quiet, kind, and gentle, so he'll be nice to your little, less than healthy boy. :)

I am trying to get a post written, but if I don't have it up before Alcarillo gets back to post his - go ahead and put it up, Alcarillo.

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 04-04-2006 10:01 AM

Anyone who wishes is free to approach Lin or Marenil, but Lin is not likely to notice anyone until they're right up on her, and then she'll probably jump. Just FYI.

littlemanpoet 04-04-2006 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Kath
And just where am I supposed to be cooking these meals lmp? Since we have no kitchen. I don't know if the Rohirrim had barbecues!

We'll have to do it camp style and make a stone-rounded firepit somewhere on the premises. If you want, have Kath raise the predicament to Eodwine and that's what he'll tell her. If she insists that she needs help, then Eodwine offers the services of Degas and Saeryn. :p

I actually had it in my head that the temporary tent hall was on the grass to the west of the mead hall, the courtyard to the east, and the stables just beyond. Bethberry?

Folwren 04-04-2006 10:24 AM

Okay, I've got the post up. If I didn't handle it like you wanted it, or if I made some character do as you wouldn't have them do, whoever wants to say something, say it.

I didn't make it quite as violent, so to speak, as it could have been. If you want some actually fighting in there, tell me. . .now that I've got the post up, we could actually take some time to elaborate it and fix it up while at the same time the others move on as they want. If, for instance, you, Firefoot, want Leof to put up some verbal protests ('I don't need it! For goodness' sake, can't you leave a poor chap alone!') we could add that. Or if you want to actually have him kick the attackers (not that Thornden will take that very well, but it's your call to have your character do as you like) we can add that, too. I didn't want to do anything without your saying to do it, and I still did take some liberties, I think, but I don't believe they went too far.

Just read it, Firefoot and Alcarillo, and then we can decide what to do - to leave it and go on with it, or go back and add stuff.

-- Folwren

Feanor of the Peredhil 04-04-2006 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
If she insists that she needs help, then Eodwine offers the services of Degas and Saeryn.

Mmm.... bad idea. Saeryn and Degas' writer decided to scrap her term paper and start from scratch, on top of all of her other work. She's not got the time to narrate anything. Y'all are welcome to use Saeryn and Degas in a style befitting them, but I can't do it any time soon.

Kath 04-04-2006 11:30 AM

Shall I edit my post to include Eodwine's reply and then have Marenil offer to help since Saeryn and Degas will be unavailable? Is he still recovering or fine for heavy lifting, as if the former I might have to draft someone else in.

JennyHallu 04-04-2006 11:38 AM

I suppose that's all right, but I am going to be careful with him and heavy lifting. He's already making a pile of kindling for you.

Kath 04-04-2006 11:45 AM

I know :) He's so kind. I'll do that edit in a moment.

EDIT: Done.

Nerindel 04-04-2006 04:33 PM


“You had better not-”,
Ooh she had better not...What???... no seriously what? I need to know!!!!! :p

I'll try to get a reply up in the morning I don't have time just now and I'd quite like to see Alcarillo's post before I proceed.

Firefoot 04-04-2006 04:50 PM


Ooh she had better not...What???... no seriously what? I need to know!!!!!
Tell him he can't work and just has to sit around uselessly, at surface level, but you could take it further - ever do that to him again, assume he can't take care of himself, try to tell him how he ought to live... I don't know, be creative. But she'd have to make him sufficiently more upset and angry with her to say any of those last two things out loud (as in losing all self-control).

Alcarillo 04-04-2006 05:55 PM

I'm typing up a post on my computer as we speak. Thornden and Garwine will have moved to the stable entrances, walking away, talking about Leof's pride and other follies :p , and Garwine will remember how Leof told him that Linduial wanted help hanging tapestries.

Originally Posted by JennyHallu
I am in the process of working on a floor plan for the Hall (pre or post collapse...not sure, but it's got a hall), which my husband is going to help me turn into elevation drawings before I try an artist's representation.

Don't forget a hospital ward. With all the wounds around here (Marenil's heart attack, Frodides' leg, Leof's foot), this might as well be the Eorling Emergency Room. ;)

Oh, Kath: *cough*Numenorean Blood Runs Black*cough*

Taralphiel 04-04-2006 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren
Oh, I like that I idea. I think it would be fun to find him, so I would like to be a volunteer unless someone else wants to. My character is Thornden, who's a fairly large chap, though for the most part he's quiet, kind, and gentle, so he'll be nice to your little, less than healthy boy. :)

-- Folwren

Ah, thank you very much! Wherever you like, I can position him so you run into (or over..) him. If you want more detail, I can send you my post in a PM, or you can wait for it to be put up on the thread. Up to you entirely :)

*coughs herself* Maybe that Emergency Room will be a must, as there'll be a new patient arriving soon :P

Tara :)

JennyHallu 04-04-2006 08:05 PM

Drum roll please...
As I have received the go-ahead from lmp, this is the floor plan of the Mead Hall. If you do not have a room marked, choose one by number and post it here. I will go back and edit the original plan to reflect your room choice. Notice that the rooms upstairs are generally larger than those down (and therefore probably cost a bit more when the building was an Inn), and think about the location of the room when you select one.

I didn't know if anyone shared a room.

All rooms have at least one window outdoors, or at least they will when Neal helps me turn this into an elevation drawing.

littlemanpoet 04-04-2006 08:08 PM

I think I'm guilty of having read a character's mind and then included it as if Saeryn had heard Larswic say it. I'm referring to the words I put in Saeryn's mouth regarding Larswic not being happy about his new lord. I have had really no time to take a careful look at much, working 11 hours a day this week (subbing for my sup), so could someone tell me if I did indeed goof that way?

So at the midafternoon point, we have this, I think:

Eodwine, Falco, and Saeryn going to see the new stoneshaper character with the broken down wagon wheel. Celuien, I'll wait for you to post next for this.

I'm not sure what Degas is up to, but I suppose he can be along with Eodwine and Falco and Saeryn.

Thornden, Gárwine, Æðel, and Léof are in the stable, the latter's foot being examined.

Kara, Linduial, and Marinel are in the backyard, looking after the fire and meal, and Larswic is wandering about, not too far from them.

Frodides and Ruthven are in Kara's room (still unassigned).

Jenny has produced a two great floor plans that I'm quite happy with, and I expect her to post them or link them to hear soon. One is of the entirety, the second is of the guest quarters, with some rooms assigned.

Did I account for everyone (what a crew!)?

Oh yeah. Gudryn. Sigh. Esgal has not been about lately. I'm thinking about sending her off to be tutored by Gedd of Edoras, allowing her to pop in whenever Esgal's around, and her bopping away whenever she isn't..... hmmmm.....

JennyHallu 04-04-2006 08:20 PM

Look up, lmp. Already there.

Alcarillo 04-04-2006 08:31 PM

Cool map. :smokin:

But it's different than I imagined it. The stables (in my mind) were where the great hall should be, and vice versa. I imagined the residential wing to be one long, L-shaped hallway on two sides of the kitchen/great hall block, with rooms on one side and doors to the k/gh on the other. And the stables were somehow connected to the building.

By the way, Gárwine will take Room #6.

And also, which direction is north?

Celuien 04-04-2006 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Eodwine, Falco, and Saeryn going to see the new stoneshaper character with the broken down wagon wheel. Celuien, I'll wait for you to post next for this.

Okay. Will be up soon...

littlemanpoet 04-05-2006 03:02 AM

North is back of the kitchen. South is the front door. The stables are west. The idea is that the White Mountains are behind the mead hall, and it looks out over the plain (if it has a clear view, which is by no means a given). I haven't thought about what's "across the street".

Bêthberry 04-05-2006 08:34 AM

Cool stuff going on here!

Sorry I didn't get back promptly about the layout questions here or to post. Work has been hectic lately and there's so much going on that needs to be done before the fun of participating in gaming. (No, no, I won't call it the "Downs" syndrome. ;) )

There had been two chimneys in the old Horse, one in the Great Hall and one in the kitchen. The one in the kitchen also provided a chimney for smaller fireplaces in some of the more prestigious rooms of the Inn. So that is why I was confused about what fell where. (Gotta learn to remember what I read in everyone's posts!) The kitchen chimney/fire would not have been near the outside wall. But that, as they say, is ancient history and obviously no one is bound by that plan.

I have a question for LMP. What has happened to the banners that once flew from the rafters in the Great Hall? They commemorated old games completed in Rohan. Are they under the pile of rubble or has the Ostler put them away safely to await the completion of new construction?

The old rag lady might be interested in them.

I haven't checked out Jenny's new floorplan yet. Ruthven has her own home, a stoop (or squat) behind some of the other finer houses in Edoras.

Sorry, won't be posting today--no play time.

JennyHallu 04-05-2006 08:59 AM

Bethberry, I put two chimneys:

One is to a large hearth, shared by the kitchen and the hall, and one to a smaller summer hearth on the back wall, to be used when the outdoor heat means patrons are not interested in additional heat from the chimney.

I meant I need more chimneys in that I did not design the Hall with any chimneys or fireplaces at all in the residential wing, and while small coal braziers, wood-burning stoves small enough not to need a chimney, and bed warmers could easily have been used to augment heat in those rooms, they surely wouldn't be enough for comfort in a harsh winter.

Also, chimneys are very difficult to route to several fireplaces unless those fireplaces are on top of eachother, and such ductwork would vastly increase the risk of fire.

Honestly, my solution to this problem will probably be to add a few random chimneys to the roof of the residential wing, and let each player decide whether the placement of the chimney and of their room means they likely have a fireplace. Remember that even if your room doesn't have one, the presence of a chimney in the wall will warm your room a great deal (even if you were never particulary chilly to begin with.

As for the outer appearance of the building, consensus seems to be that it is constructed partially of stone, and the rest made up of half-timbered wattle-and-daub walls. (Wikipedia has some excellent articles describing both these terms) My husband has been putting at least one window in every room for light (He gave Eodwine a double window, but everyone else's is identical.) He plans to draw these as glazed windows, but with small panes in a diamond pattern. Objections? We hadn't considered shutters. What do you think? The bold line around the outside of the lot was intended to indicate a wall for security. Do you agree that there should be one? How tall? This wall was incorporated as the back wall of the stable, which is, in our current version, a fairly simple building, almost a lean-to, open in the front with vents for light and air circulation between the top of the wall and the roof. Neal has the roofs patterned for wooden shake shingles. Objections? Suggestions?

Please by no means regard this plan as final! Please give me suggestions for improvements, and with Lmp's approval, I'll edit the plan quite cheerfully! I just felt that the confusion as to who was where and how they got there could be remedied by some common idea as to where the rooms are in relation to eachother, and I don't mean to force my own mental image of the building on the rest of you. I don't want this to be a unilateral project, I want this plan to be a collaborative effort.

Nerindel 04-05-2006 09:00 AM

Cool map Jenny, very helpful! :D I always pictured the residental quarters on the other side of the inn, but it looks great.

Can Æðel please have room #17.

JennyHallu 04-05-2006 09:07 AM

Oh, and by the by, I intend to have Marenil move (fairly soon) down to a smaller room on the first floor. He feels somewhat uncomfortable among the nobility and official-ness, and prefers to be closer to the everyday running of the Hall. He'd also like to free the large upstairs room for more important guests. He also wants to occasionally get Lin out of his hair, but that's the least of his reasoning.

With Lmp's approval, of course.

Oh and Folwren, I put a question mark beside Thornden's name. I thought that Thornden, as he is working on taking a very important role within Eodwine's household, might have an upstairs room, but it is of course up to you.

I took the upstairs room because Lin's spoiled, and the other rooms already assigned have been given out according to descriptions in the story thread of relative placement.

EDIT: Just noticed your request, Nerindel: I'll get you and Garwine both named on the chart tonight after work.

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