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Feanor of the Peredhil 03-27-2006 06:16 PM

Another two for the kitchens!

LMP: Wherever you choose is where Eodwine and Degas now are. Also, whatever you choose to have them talk about is up for grabs.

Folwren 03-27-2006 07:12 PM

Are we allowed to stick up saves? If not. . .I've broken the rules and will get rid of it as soon as possible. But I can't concern myself with that now, it's time to eat.

Till later!

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 03-27-2006 09:10 PM

Okay. Ack! I'm really, actually, gonna get a post up on the thread tomorrow! No, really! :(

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-27-2006 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Okay. Ack! I'm really, actually, gonna get a post up on the thread tomorrow! No, really! :(

I don't believe you. :p

JennyHallu 03-27-2006 09:56 PM

I'll get something up tomorrow morning.

I'll bet she believes me...

JennyHallu 03-28-2006 07:30 AM

Only girls of a certain age can talk in italics. And I decided that since Folwren's save will end with everyone boiling out of the kitchen chaotically anyway, it's ok if we delay our arrival a little bit.

Oh and Folwren, go to the temporary hall under the tent in the courtyard. At least I think that's what Elempi suggested a few posts back...

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-28-2006 07:46 AM

Oops, we've actually arrived. Though eveyone's about to leave, once we decide on a place.

JennyHallu 03-28-2006 08:03 AM


Lin's vocabulary had lost much of its girth since the arrival of Saeryn's dashing brother.
Fea, you are wonderful. Arriving is fine. I meant to delay only until we got a conversation through. ;)

Folwren 03-28-2006 10:28 AM

I can move that post. I don't have to write it just there, and it looks like it may be better to start leaving not where my save is, but where the story is now, pretty much. Give me all your people's opinions and when I get back from cleaning the kitchen I'll write my post and decide where to put it. (I hope to have that done before noon.)(No definite promises, though.)

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 03-28-2006 10:44 AM

I think that's just fine. (Besides, Fea and I posted with the assumption that you would, and that it would result in everyone going somewhere else.)

Folwren 03-28-2006 01:54 PM

Okay. Save filled, then. They're leaving the kitchen and repairing to the Great, roofless Hall, much to Thornden's disapointment.

-- Folwren

Nerindel 03-28-2006 04:05 PM


Young Aedhel is a valuable asset to any household. I shall suggest the Lord send her to study under the Healer who came the night we arrived. I think there is much talent hidden in her retiring manner.
Love it Jenny :D that ties in wonderfully, LMP you will remember that in a previous post I had the healer pull Eodwine aside, it had been my thought then to have the healer remark on her knowledge of healing, even enquiring after her tutelage. This should give Eodwine some thought when Marenil mentions it too.

littlemanpoet 03-28-2006 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Nerindel
Love it Jenny :D that ties in wonderfully, LMP you will remember that in a previous post I had the healer pull Eodwine aside, it had been my thought then to have the healer remark on her knowledge of healing, even enquiring after her tutelage. This should give Eodwine some thought when Marenil mentions it too.

I like it.

I haven't caught up on all the posts written since I peeked my head in here about three days ago, and I'll use tonight to catch up and write one myself.


There shall be no saves at the Eorling Mead Hall rpg from here on out.

I shall blithely plagiarize Pio: The Mead Hall can do without SAVES. If you're going to be gone for a while, please ask other gamers to carry your character according to your wishes. The pace of the Mead Hall rpg thread is slow enough so that we don't need saves.

If you there's something crucial you need to post but can't at the time, you can post it to this thread and ask for Pio to insert it in the appropriate place on the rpg. Simply post a quick general idea of what you'd like to have your character do, and ask for a volunteer to work it into our posts if you don't have the time to write the post yourself.

Oh, and if there's any doubt, I personally don't like 'em. I can count how many I've done on one hand, and a good half of those were jokes. Ask Fea, she'll tell you. :p

Any questions?

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-28-2006 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Ask Fea, she'll tell you.

Oh will I.


Any questions?
Where do babies come fr--

Oh, you meant game-wise. Nope. I'm good. :cool:

Folwren 03-28-2006 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet


There shall be no saves at the Eorling Mead Hall rpg from here on out.

Sorry. I figured I'd broken some law or other when I stuck up my save last night.


Any questions?
Aye, am I forgiven?

(I'm guessing I am.)

(Edit: But you never know. Some people ask for a certain amount of pushups on such occasions.)

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 03-28-2006 09:22 PM

Oh my oh my. We have descended almost into 'camp' (posts 137&138). :p Who will rescue us?


Originally Posted by Jenny
Lin was aware, in a detached sort of way...

Detached, my foot. :D

Alcarillo, please delete your post # 143, write what you need to here, and ask (on this thread) for Pio to place it where you want it. Thanks!

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-28-2006 09:27 PM

See what we get up to without your steady guidance? We need you here, Elempi. Otherwise teenage romances spring up. :cool:

JennyHallu 03-28-2006 09:29 PM

Oh come on...teenage romances spring up with or without mature and adult guidance (your birthday is over, lmp, now we can pick on you again ;) ).

And this teenage romance was too perfect an opportunity to pass by.

Besides, campy angsty fiction is fun to write.

*creepy ghost noises* Yes, she's aaallllwaaaaayyssss here....:eek:

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-28-2006 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by JennyHallu
And this teenage romance was too perfect an opportunity to pass by.

Especially, LMP, if you ever do write that special bit of conflict that you've now said may never happen. Can you imagine?

JennyHallu 03-28-2006 09:35 PM

I've set it up (btw) to give Marenil his bad news I'm going to put the actual event off for a while for greater effect. (translated: I'm feeling guilty about it again. Never write characters you like! Write characters you WANT nasty things to happen to!)


Fea, I do not handle suspense well....just a warning...:mad: :D :rolleyes:

littlemanpoet 03-28-2006 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Especially, LMP, if you ever do write that special bit of conflict that you've now said may never happen. Can you imagine?

Ooh, you're a bad girl.


Originally Posted by Jenny
Never write characters you like! Write characters you WANT nasty things to happen to!

Oh, you know very well it doesn't work that way. The worst stuff happens to the characters you care most about.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-28-2006 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Ooh, you're a bad girl.

I know. *looks guilty and innocent at the same time*

But wouldn't that just... make for some really great writing?

Okay, Jen. I'll be nice now and stop. :D

JennyHallu 03-28-2006 09:44 PM


Okay, Jen. I'll be nice now and stop. :D
Too late.


Oh, you know very well it doesn't work that way. The worst stuff happens to the characters you care most about.
Oh I know... *sigh*

The characters I don't like tend to lead very boring lives anyway, as I don't particularly care what happens to them.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-28-2006 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by JennyHallu
The characters I don't like tend to lead very boring lives anyway, as I don't particularly care what happens to them.

*shudders remembering some characters*

I know what you mean. I very nearly killed them in exasperation. I figured that death would add a bit of interest to their lives. :cool:

JennyHallu 03-28-2006 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
I know what you mean. I very nearly killed them in exasperation. I figured that death would add a bit of interest to their lives. :cool:

The more violent the death, the better. Good way to deal with frustration.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-28-2006 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by JennyHallu
The more violent the death, the better. Good way to deal with frustration.

Somebody at home got their eyes stabbed out. They had to leave. Excuse courtesy of the 'Downs's very own burrahobbit. :cool:

JennyHallu 03-28-2006 10:09 PM

I once kicked an experienced Rider of Rohan off his horse and over an unpredictably placed cliff. Broke his neck.

When other RPers questioned me about it, I told them the spirit of Eorl dwelt in those rocks and he agreed with me the character was boring and irritating.

I did offer to continue to play using the much-more-interesting horse as my character, but for some reason they turned me down.

I have never built a character I didn't like since.

JennyHallu 03-29-2006 09:33 AM

Hi! Back again! (hmm...did she leave? You'll never know...)

Anyway just wanted to specify that the Spoonerism was intentional, should anyone wonder.

littlemanpoet 03-29-2006 08:00 PM

Oh, what a mess I've made now. How will everybody react?

Alcarillo 03-29-2006 08:39 PM


Alcarillo, please delete your post # 143, write what you need to here, and ask (on this thread) for Pio to place it where you want it. Thanks!
D'oh! Sorry! I had filled it in by the time I saw this.

Firefoot 03-29-2006 08:54 PM

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm back and will be posting tomorrow morning (I'm too tired just now). Great writing, everybody! (And I mean that. There were a couple times where I half forgot that I was sitting at my computer at all).

Folwren 03-29-2006 09:00 PM

Okay, I'm about to post a post with the assumption that when this make-shift Mead Hall fell, it fell on top of all those people who had gathered there. If this assumption is incorrect, then my post is completely obsolete, in which case, carry on as if it weren't there and I will delete it when this mistake has been corrected.

However, so long as my assumption is correct, consider the post as standing.
Firefoot and Alcarillo - I have called your characters, willing or unwilling, out of the stables to help. I wouldn't advise telling Thornden you were busy right now.

-- Folwren

Firefoot 03-29-2006 09:21 PM


I wouldn't advise telling Thornden you were busy right now.
:eek: I'm sure that would go well... :eek: I'm not sure that Leof would have it in him to say something like that anyway.

littlemanpoet 03-29-2006 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Alcarillo
D'oh! Sorry! I had filled it in by the time I saw this.

No problem, Alca. Hope you didn't delete it....


Originally Posted by Folwren
Okay, I'm about to post a post with the assumption that when this make-shift Mead Hall fell, it fell on top of all those people who had gathered there.

Actually, it's the REAL mead hall that has fallen in, with the residents safely in the temporary one. So the only problem for them is they're all covered in dust and dirty water. Ick.

So, Folwren, it'd be great, but it ain't what happened. Maybe you could change your post to have Thornden fear the worst and BE AFRAID that people might be under there?

JennyHallu 03-29-2006 10:10 PM

I liked Folwren's post...but I also don't think we need the extra drama. Half the Inn is already recovering from some medical crisis or another--more injuries is just redundant. Could Folwren adjust her post to rescuing, say, Frodides, and Kara if she stayed in the kitchen?

EDIT: Missed your edit, lmp...anyway, I'm not posting until tomorrow...must sleep. (I guess she does leave the Downs...imagine that)

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-30-2006 07:39 AM

If you'd be so kind as to tell me what needs doing, gallant Degas will do it. But not until after classes are over and I'm done enjoying the hot sunshine on my well sunscreened back.

Firefoot 03-30-2006 08:08 AM


So, Folwren, it'd be great, but it ain't what happened. Maybe you could change your post to have Thornden fear the worst and BE AFRAID that people might be under there?
I am going to start writing my post with this assumption - Folwren, if you decide you want to do something else with it, I'll change it.

Folwren 03-30-2006 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
No problem, Alca. Hope you didn't delete it....

Actually, it's the REAL mead hall that has fallen in, with the residents safely in the temporary one. So the only problem for them is they're all covered in dust and dirty water. Ick.

So, Folwren, it'd be great, but it ain't what happened. Maybe you could change your post to have Thornden fear the worst and BE AFRAID that people might be under there?

Ah, shucks. I was getting excited. ;) Well, I'll see what I can do in the course of this morning.

-- Folwren

Firefoot 03-30-2006 09:04 AM

Folwren, can you still have Thornden shout out to Leof and Garwine? I'm having some fun in the stables - post should be up fairly soon...

Folwren 03-30-2006 09:21 AM

Hm. . .looks like you've posted already. Let me go read what you wrote. But I realized, after hearing LmP's correction of my assumption and then re-reading his post what actually happened. (I never had a clear idea of the working going on. . .I've a bad brain for construction.) It appears that if anyone's in dangered it's the people who are actually inside the building, and that ends up being Fordides, maybe Kara, and Thornden. However, I'll read your post and decide if Thornden makes it out, sees the damage, and then thinks everyone is trapped or whatever. . .we'll see what takes place.

EDIT: Yes, I can still have him call you. I figured out a likely way. Nice post. Do you work with horses much? I have to say, your spooking horses were very realistically written. Especially when she decided to calm down. It's so annoying when the animal just about kills you and then decides there's nothing further to spook about. :rolleyes:

-- Folwren

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