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Folwren 03-21-2006 01:01 PM

Ah. That makes sense. I must say, Jenny, you've got brains. After that first WW game of yours, and you being an innocent after all, I had my doubts. ;) But you've put those away quite efficiently.

So, early 20's? 25 mayhap? LmP, does that sound alright to you? Because if that were the case. . .then, yeah, I can see why he would be considered still too young for that roll.

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 03-21-2006 01:08 PM

Well that's mostly a compliment :)

Go check over the last two WWJ games. I've gotten much better.

But...back on topic... don't have anything on topic to say, except that I am having SO much fun with this!

Firefoot 03-21-2006 03:47 PM

I saw him as in the mid-thirties, but Jenny's reasoning makes sense.

I would not make him younger than 25, though, because he would have had to be old enough for the job in the first place, and any younger than that he likely wouldn't have had enough experience in the first place. 25-30 range should be fairly safe.

Folwren 03-22-2006 12:30 PM


Eodwine has asked Thornden if we should gather everyone and do a bit of 'Gob and Twiddle'. Shall I take it on and have everyone (who wants) come and we do a bit of story telling? I'm all for it, seeing as it's a dreary day otherwise with absolutely nothing to do.

LmP: Where should we all gather to? You said that the Great Hall was a work zone and that only you, I, and the workers or whatnot are allowed in it. Where then shall we go?

Let me know sometime so I can get a post up today.

-- Folwren

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-22-2006 12:37 PM

Keep Saeryn out unless she's quietly listening in a corner. I won't be around to contribute, so she's most convenient to me if placed out of the action.

JennyHallu 03-22-2006 01:25 PM

The kitchen might be the best place for such a meeting. Frodides and Kara will be busy anyway, and could not otherwise participate, since they must prepare meals for so many. That way the daily work of the inn is not interrupted. Also, the kitchen is likely to be large, warm, smell good, and is probably the only semi-public room open right now.

Nerindel 03-22-2006 04:01 PM

hmm I'm confused, wasn't there talk of a tent being erected out in the courtyard of the inn that would serve as common room while the hall was under refurbishment? is this not where Eodwine is now?

Folwren 03-22-2006 04:07 PM

Hm. . .I'm not sure. We'll have to ask LmP.

But I've put up a post. If it ends up that we have someplace to go other than the kitchen, than I can edit it a little later on today, after someone who knows what their talking about answers the question of were we're gathering.

Thornden's gone and told Leof and Garwine that we're telling it, and Eodwine is going off to gather the others.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 03-22-2006 10:12 PM

Sorry for being so scarce lately. Werewolf. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by JennyHallu
Spell it Foley or Folie.

I was thinking "Foly".


The impression I have gotten of Thornden is that he is in his early to mid twenties.
Me too. That implies being a seasoned veteran of perhaps 3 to 6 years in the Eored, but still young enough to have the world ahead of him. People started their adult life earlier in cultures like Rohan. So you're a man at age 14 or 15, taking full share in the responsibilities of the family farm, and at age 16 to 18 you're a foot soldier. If you're family's wealthy enough to have a horse, then you can be part of the Eored by perhaps age 18. Women were considered adult by age 14. So for Thornden to be any more than 25 would be too old, based on the reasoning Jenny already provided in terms of being in his 30s.


Originally Posted by Jenny
The problem with fitting Marenil in here is that there must be a point where all parties involved understand that he's the best man for the job, with no hard feelings. So Thornden needs to have come to much the same conclusions on his own.

This thread needs some excitement. You're all writing like you're trying to come up with something for your character to do. I am too. I know what'll get your character doing something: Conflict. It'll make your character more interesting to you and others, and will help you learn more about your character than you knew was there to learn. So let's have Thornden and Marinel not get along too swimmingly, at the very least. Thornden, being a natural young Eorlinga, who is trying to prove himself a good steward, is going to have a little bit of a hard time accepting the ease with which Marinel does the best thing. Work it up before resolving it. Let's have a good row! (just kidding on that last part) :p

I'll come up with a crisis. I have a few notions along those lines already.... ;)


Originally Posted by Folwren
Where should we all gather to? You said that the Great Hall was a work zone and that only you, I, and the workers or whatnot are allowed in it. Where then shall we go?

Where Eodwine, Falco, and Thornden are now, in the makeshift Mead hall under the tent-roof just outside the original mead hall.

Meeting in the kitchen would make for a crowded kitchen. Frodides would not be pleased. The temperature's warm nice enough to be outside while daylight lasts.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-22-2006 10:55 PM

Conflict? I like conflict. I was waiting a little on bringing Degas back, as you know Elempi, but if you're going to inflict the specific conflict that we've discussed, he'll need to come back sooner.

That means I actually have to come up with a reason for both his disappearance and sudden return.

I'm extremely open to suggestions.

JennyHallu 03-23-2006 06:52 AM

After your description, Lin is very interested in meeting Degas...

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-23-2006 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by JennyHallu
After your description, Lin is very interested in meeting Degas...

It happens. :cool:

Anguirel 03-23-2006 12:03 PM

No family saga after all, incidentally. Manawyth fades offstage gracefully until I'm back in action. Have fun!

Folwren 03-23-2006 01:36 PM

Well. . .I guess conflict is all very well and good. . .so long as no one gets hurt and Thornden isn't too terribly put out.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 03-23-2006 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
if you're going to inflict the specific conflict that we've discussed....

No, not yet. Maybe not ever.


Originally Posted by Folwren
Well. . .I guess conflict is all very well and good. . .so long as no one gets hurt and Thornden isn't too terribly put out.

No one gets hurt? Well, it depends on what kind of hurt you mean. A sore thumb from carpentry? A stubbed toe? Bruised feelings? A headache? A hangover? Bruised ego? It's all fair game.

Folwren 03-23-2006 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet

No one gets hurt? Well, it depends on what kind of hurt you mean. A sore thumb from carpentry? A stubbed toe? Bruised feelings? A headache? A hangover? Bruised ego? It's all fair game.

Blah. :p

I don't think anyone's going to be hurt physically. I'm more worried about feelings being hurt. And that sounds really dumb, I know, but it is rather hard. Isn't there some nice way to absolve this problem of Thornden not being old enough for the job than making him feel snubbed and wounded? I mean, seriously. . .but if not, that's fine.

Anyhow, yeah, conflict will be fun. Go ahead. . .

What about Gob and Twiddle, though?

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 03-23-2006 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren
What about Gob and Twiddle, though?

I've finally extricated myself (I should think!) from Werewolf XIX and will be free again to completely absorb myself in the Mead Hall. Sorry for my distractedness. :rolleyes:

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-23-2006 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
No, not yet. Maybe not ever.

*nods understandingly*

But what will I do with Degas?

Folwren 03-24-2006 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil

But what will I do with Degas?

Have him get. . .wounded. . .and dragged back by his horse. That'll be original. :rolleyes:

Actually, I don't rightly know what drove him away, but maybe he'll get worried about his sister, or maybe he'll hear some false rumor about her that brings him back. Maybe. As Sam puts it, "You never know."

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 03-24-2006 08:59 AM

Or he just wanders in as carefree as he wandered out. He doesn't sound from Saeryn's description like to take responsibility very seriously yet in his life, and it may not have occurred to him that his sister might worry for him. Then you could have fun hammering that in to his little male brain. (sorry, guys...couldn't resist the jab)

littlemanpoet 03-24-2006 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren
maybe he'll hear some false rumor about her that brings him back. Maybe. As Sam puts it, "You never know."

Have some loose-tongued gossips spread noise about Saeryn getting engaged to be married to the new Lord of the Middle Emnet. :D That'd be a hoot. :p

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-24-2006 11:02 AM

Haha. I just wrote his return and he mentioned her being wed, but not quite like that. In such the brotherly fashion, he can't help but tease her.

JennyHallu 03-24-2006 11:03 AM

I wonder if we could get Ruthven and Frodides to act as catalysts for that particular rumor?

littlemanpoet 03-24-2006 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by JennyHallu
I wonder if we could get Ruthven and Frodides to act as catalysts for that particular rumor?

Ruthven's up to Bethberry, of course, but Frodides is anybody's to use as fits this nondescript cook character while she lasts.

JennyHallu 03-27-2006 08:09 AM

Hehehe...Degas with a D for Delightful!

This is going to be lots and lots of fun.

P.S. Where is everybody, anyway? 'Cept for Ang...he's on my black list for not taking me along ;)

Folwren 03-27-2006 10:00 AM

My word! Those last couple posts in the inn were hilarious! If my throat didn't hurt to laugh, I would still be cracking up. . .I am in my head, but it's hard when your hoarse to laugh out loud.

As to where everyone is - well, I'm here, and have been quite frequently, but there's absolutely nothing to write until Gob and Twiddle is started or some conflict arrises.

Sometime or other, would it be possible to add in some random new character who'll only be in for a day or so in the play?

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 03-27-2006 10:15 AM

Fea and I are having too much fun. Besides, Lin takes herself far too seriously. She needs some romance to put her in ridiculously awkward situations, until her sense of humor develops some.

Ever read the play "Six Characters in Search of an Author"? (Or something like that...)

Well my characters live in terror of their author.

EDIT: And congrats on your soon-to-be-auntie status. Niece or nephew, or do you know yet?

Folwren 03-27-2006 12:36 PM

Nope, never read "Six Characters in Search of an Author." Sounds intriguing and humorous. Who's it by? I've often considered writing a weird twisty story in which the character dislikes the author and wishes he didn't have to do what the author made him do. . .but that'd be very complex and I don't feel up to it right now.

Lin cracks me up. Can't wait to see her romantic, awkward situations. :p

Don't know what it is yet. She just found out last Saturday, so it'll be a while yet until we know if it's a boy or girl. And I'm guessing you all will have to be looking at that rather boring and flat signature until I get over the fact that, not only will I be Aunt, but my loveable older brother is going to be a Daddy.

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 03-27-2006 12:42 PM

I am glad my little Linduial amuses you. She amuses me prepared for a lot of amusement this honey of a husband will be on a business trip most of the week and I'll be all by myself at home. Which means boredom. Lots and lots of boredom.

Can we call you Auntie Folwren?

And on a totally unrelated note...

Does the name "Marjorie Joy" sound pretty to anyone besides me? Neal seems to think a girl named Marjorie would inevitably be called Marge...I disagree.

EDIT: And I cannot for the life of me remember who wrote it. I keep wanting to say "Tennessee Williams" but I know that's wrong. I'll be good and go look it up.

JennyHallu 03-27-2006 12:44 PM

Luigi Pirandello

(No wonder I couldn't remember it...especially if my brain was stuck on Tennessee)

Folwren 03-27-2006 01:47 PM

Good gracious! What a name - for even a poet! But I'm going to see if I can find it and get it, because that really sounds interesting.

I think that chat is generally not supposed to happen on threads when the chat is so off topic, but I'll be bad a little while longer until someone else comes back and gets us back on track and to the story.

If it so pleases you, you may call me Auntie Folwren, but I sincerely hope it doesn't catch on and I'm called that all around the Downs ever after.

Marjorie Joy does sound sweet. My Grandma was Marjorie, but she wasn't called Marge. They ended up mixing her first and second name together and she's called Marjean. I wouldn't name my daughter Marjorie, but if you like the name, no one is going to be there to stop you, except your husband.

How old is Lin? I don't recall ever seeing her age, but I haven't read all of your posts about her as closely as I could have. You're not intending to have her actually completely falling in love with Degas, are you? He might be dashing, but from the one post that Fea's written of him so far (that I've read), I've gathered that he's awfully conceited.

It was funny when she asked Eodwine if she was pretty. I regret having a sore throat for that one line.

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 03-27-2006 02:12 PM

See, my Great-Grandma was Marjorie, and I have never heard her called anything but Marjorie. She passed away before I really got a chance to know her, and I've been told I resemble her in both body and personality. She was a live-in nurse for the wife of Booth Tarkington...

Anyway, back to the topic:

Linduial is about 17 or 18. I'm not sure exactly, she hasn't told me. A little girl in many ways, but surprisingly mature in others, and on the cusp of true womanhood. And as for falling for Degas, I haven't decided that one either. She certainly has a crush on him; he is dashing, risky, and exotic, and completely unlike the young men of her experience. She's also rather had romance on the brain, due to her worriting over her father's plans. He is conceited, but so is Lin, and I think both Fea and I are playing it by ear right now. We have no idea where this is going. When we do...we probably won't tell you ;) Just for the fun of actually seeing initial reactions.

As for asking Eodwine whether she was pretty...well, partially I needed Degas to re-enter the scene on an awkward note, and partially, it's Elempi's BIRTHDAY! and he deserved a chance to be in on the fun. At the very least Fea and I'll force Eodwine to retreat to his room to laugh at the children properly.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-27-2006 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by JennyHallu
He is conceited, but so is Lin, and I think both Fea and I are playing it by ear right now. We have no idea where this is going. When we do...we probably won't tell you ;) Just for the fun of actually seeing initial reactions.

Hm... *decides to keep quiet*

Basically, Degas is sweet. He is conceited, but only in a way stemming from being a handsome noble that's been swooned over. :rolleyes: He loves his sister more than anybody and would do anything to keep her safe, but he doesn't always think. He's rash, but regrets it after. He's working on growing up, but he's still pretty irresponsible.

Folwren 03-27-2006 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil

Basically, Degas is sweet. He is conceited, but only in a way stemming from being a handsome noble that's been swooned over. :rolleyes: He loves his sister more than anybody and would do anything to keep her safe, but he doesn't always think. He's rash, but regrets it after. He's working on growing up, but he's still pretty irresponsible.

His character may well be different than what I first saw it to be. He's not overly conceited, which is nice, and, after all, there's only been one post with him in it. I'm sure you'll have time to develope him into what you just said ^^ and we'll soon see that he isn't conceited. :D

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 03-27-2006 04:15 PM

I am excited to find out...

And Fea, you sound like you have more plans than I have...

*rubs hands together*

Can I crow about how much fun I'm having with this again? Can't wait for Degas' reaction.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-27-2006 04:16 PM

What's being forgotten is that he's not a new character, he's simply new to those who weren't involved in The White Horse. While he wasn't as charasmatic the last times he was seen, it's because his first appearance was to inform Saeryn that their sister was dead and his second was bloody. I'll have to be careful to remember that you guys don't already know him.

Edit: Jen, it's true. At least a little. I had plans... but I'm not sure if they'll follow through. In any case, you're right. I'm having a lot of fun with this. And speaking of me posting... *runs off to do it*

JennyHallu 03-27-2006 04:18 PM

I think that's an advantage for me. Since Linduial doesn't know him either, I can do a better job of writing her first impressions of him, because they're my first impressions of him with her outlook laid over, rather than my set view of him stripped down roughly.

EDIT: Flying by the seat of my pants is fine with me for now. Linduial tends to run away with me anyhow. Whenever we decide our personal plans need mutual conspiracy-theorizing (these poor children we've created), PM me!

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-27-2006 04:44 PM

Now don't you just want to smack him? ;)

JennyHallu 03-27-2006 04:45 PM

Can't. I'm laughing too hard.

And Lin's too busy trying to close her mouth again.

Nerindel 03-27-2006 05:46 PM

Ok a rather reflective post from Æöelhild, but I wanted to get in that she did share somewhat of her past with Leof.


but there's absolutely nothing to write until Gob and Twiddle is started or some conflict arrises.
Folwren, look out I think Frodides is after your hide for filling her kitchen with bodies :p


Frodides stern faced stood wagging a wooden spoon inches from Thorndens nose telling him absolutely that they could not use her kitchens as a common room,
Jenny I have a specific reason for having included some interaction between Æöel and Marenil, I'm hoping though Æöel's not that he will notice things about her, things that suggest she's not all that she appears to be, things that will give hint to her educated upbringing in Gondorian society.

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