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Folwren 02-05-2008 09:55 AM

What next, my hearties? :)

Nogrod 02-05-2008 10:09 AM

I could write something on the building of the baker in a day or two.

Does lmp have any ideas whether there should be things happening on the day we're in as if I write about the building and go so far as to finish it, it will mean the hour will be quite late indeed.

I could as well post for just the beginning of the construction if that would give chances for other writers to take part in those actions.

I mean in the end the question becomes who are around and what they'd like to post on this day in the story.

littlemanpoet 02-05-2008 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod
I mean in the end the question becomes who are around and what they'd like to post on this day in the story.

My attitude toward rpg's at the Downs has evolved into, "whoever is here and posting, drives the story." It's frustrating and a waste of time to wait for people who aren't around enough to carry a Day or a scenario. So, those of us who are here and writing and have ideas for our characters, do post.

I have plans for Eodwine to throw a fit that trees are getting cut down, since the row fronting the Scarburg land are some of the only tall trees around. He might just forgive Thornden for murdering a sapling or two, but with all the stone in this stony land called the Scar and Scarburg, he will want the buildings to be built of stone, with wood only where necessary. So go haul it from wherever your characters find it.

I'm missing Lhuna! :( (... and here big untold secret.)

Eodwine will also sneak into the ruin with a lantern or somesuch and look for the dead bodies himself. A little ghoulish and morbid, but well, he's got a past to deal with.

And of course there's the continuing dialogue/cross-examination with Javan to write - which I haven't had time to get going on, with so much other stuff (my car died, church planning and politics have been really occupying my time, et cetera).

Folwren 02-05-2008 09:15 PM

Whoops. I didn't think that Thornden would need to ask Eodwine's permission to chop down a tree for the baker. :eek:

And I just found out today (just made plans that is) that I'll be gone all next week, from Sunday to Sunday. I...doubt that I'll touch a computer in my absence, and if I do, I won't have time to write an actual post. I apologize in advance.

But Elempi, if you want to start and write that PM post before then, I am willing and least to write part of it. :) However, don't feel rushed. At this point time, I know very well what it's like being crazily, insanely busy.

littlemanpoet 02-06-2008 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 546284)
Whoops. I didn't think that Thornden would need to ask Eodwine's permission to chop down a tree for the baker. :eek:

Nor should you. Thornden doesn't know all of Eodwine's quirks, and he's been rather close with information this Day. Besides, it'll make for an interesting conflict later. ;)

Folwren 02-06-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 546343)
Nor should you. Thornden doesn't know all of Eodwine's quirks, and he's been rather close with information this Day. Besides, it'll make for an interesting conflict later. ;)

I know. And that's fine, too... But at the time of the said conflict I am going to seriously wonder how on earth I got both my characters into trouble with Eodwine on the same day. ;)

Folwren 02-10-2008 12:34 PM

I beg everyone's pardon, but I'm about to leave home and will not have time to respond for Thornden. Bah. Oh well.

See you all when I get back, and I am so sorry I'm not caught up.

Nogrod 02-11-2008 09:07 AM

Firefoot: I took a liberty of borrowing Léof once again. If you do not wish him to take part I can always write some "new men at arms" there.

But I wasn't quite sure who there actually were at the place and I knew your character was... and it's nicer to write with someone than using different NPCs all the time. :)

I can continue that building-stuff hopefully pretty soon but if someone wishes to react at this point please do so.

Firefoot 02-11-2008 05:31 PM

Quite alright, Nogrod. :)

Just... I'm a little confused about how they're doing this. So they're using trees to support the ridgepole (the long one across the top, right?)? And Leof's going to climb up into the tree, and then something with a rope...? Is it going to be like a pulley to get the ridgepole up that high?

Nogrod 02-11-2008 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Firefoot
So they're using trees to support the ridgepole (the long one across the top, right?)? And Leof's going to climb up into the tree, and then something with a rope...? Is it going to be like a pulley to get the ridgepole up that high?

Basically like that.

They have three big trees in a row. Garmund and Cnebba will take ropes over the stout branches (somewhere at 5-7 yards high or something) and Stigend will take the hardest one where there will be no branch at the right level.

After the long ropes are taken over the branches by the three climbers (kids & Stigend) they will drop the other ends of the ropes down (so they make a loop over the branch). The ridgepole will be tied to the other ends left down in the beginning and then it can be "pulleyed" up pulling from the ends the kids and Stigend throw back down.

Then Léof needs to climb up and help pulling the weighty pole over the branch it should rest on - like Harreld and... well Stigend has a harder one as he needs to make it hang by a rope steadily at the same height as the other two. The kids will come back down as it might be dangerous to them and surely they don't have the strength to do it.

(Why I wish to make that third one a bit more problematic? Well it would be too easy and unbelievable if there just were three trees that had good thick branches at the exact same height so that they just needed to pull the pole over them...) :)

I hope you got my plan...

Firefoot 02-11-2008 07:58 PM

Okay, I gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up.

Folwren 02-19-2008 03:25 PM

I'm back again, and the only thing I'd like to say now (besides that by tomorrow I'll have written for Thornden) is, why does Falco and probably any other character that decides to do something like sneaking off get away with it but Javan doesn't? ;)

I need to do some more catching up in other places. It's nuts being away for over a week. :eek:

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 02-19-2008 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 548024)
I'm back again, and the only thing I'd like to say now (besides that by tomorrow I'll have written for Thornden) is, why does Falco and probably any other character that decides to do something like sneaking off get away with it but Javan doesn't? ;)

Because he's not Javan. :p Welcome back!

Folwren 02-20-2008 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 548067)
Because he's not Javan. :p

Not fair! I should file a complaint! Call the authorities! I'll sue! I'll also lose. :p


Welcome back!
Thank you. :) I had fun.

And I've posted for Thornden. I don't know if it was entirely in character. It's so hard to express thoughts without being loquacious. And Thornden's thoughts are so confused right now. But I fear he's made a mistake. Fire away, Elempi.

littlemanpoet 02-24-2008 05:15 PM

Many ages ago (like perhaps 2 years), Nerindel posted up a link to Regia Anglorum that I immediately bookmarked. The Downs being somewhat slow, of late, I was casting about for interesting old sites, and started reading the site's contents, and have found it quite engaging. If your character is a parent, the link below provides a couple of fascinating occupations for which the parent's children might go into apprenticeship for. The links are a little more than half way down the "page", to the left of the photo there.

Ango-Saxon occupations

littlemanpoet 02-24-2008 08:57 PM

I'm going to be leaving the Barrowdowns soon. Nothing wrong, it's just time. It may not be permanent, but I must treat it as if it is so. That said, I have 4 rpgs to which I have commitments, including this one, and I will fulfill these commitments as best I can.

How to do so with an endless rpg? Well, I'm going to have to pass the baton. I'm giving that some thought right now.

Be sure that I won't leave until things are sorted out.

When I leave, I'll be give you an email address and my xanga link so anybody who wishes to can keep in touch.

littlemanpoet 02-29-2008 04:57 AM

I think I'll find time to get an answer to Thornden today.

Folwren 03-01-2008 11:16 PM

I deem that whoever posts nexts (Elempi, Nogrod, Firefoot) could have Thornden and Eodwine arriving with their tree. :) We're pretty close, whatever happens.

littlemanpoet 03-02-2008 09:01 AM

I'll post for Falco some time today, I think.

Anyone who posts a part of the interaction between Thornden, Stigend, Garstan, and Eodwine, et. al., feel free to make note that Rowenna happens to be busy within hearing, though "apparently" not paying attention. She's really quite an eavesdropper, which I'm sure at least some of you have noticed by now. ;) (She has her reasons)

Thinlómien 03-02-2008 02:58 PM

I have a bad feeling about Falco's trip...

I would write something but I don't feel like I'm particularly needed and I already should write to three other RPGs so I'm afraid Mead Hall has to take the last priority as always... :rolleyes: :( :)

littlemanpoet 03-02-2008 07:31 PM

Well phooey, Lommie! No wonder EMH runs so slow (and I post so much more than everybody else). You're only as (un)needed as you make yourself be. SOMEbody has to initiate stuff in order for other writers to have something to pick up on. If you need Foley or me to initiate something in your direction in order for you to feel like you have something to write, we can do it. Just give the word. (do you sense a little pent up frustration singing from the teapot?) (sigh)

Folwren 03-02-2008 07:47 PM

Well, certainly! I can cook up any sort of trouble you would like! I mean, initiate anything of importance that your characters can take part in. :p

And Elempi, like Lommie, I, too, have a bad feeling about Falco wandering off after a stranger. :eek:

littlemanpoet 03-03-2008 03:24 AM

Oh, I get it. You think I'm trying to kill off all my characters. The thought hadn't occurred to me in regard to Falco.

Thinlómien 03-03-2008 04:49 AM

Ok, point taken. I'll post... as soon as I can but given that I'm going to be quite busy today *mutters something about ww and job applications* and tomorrow *mutters something about RPGs she has promised to reply on Monday at the latest, an interview she has to make and about cleaning her room before some relatives come to visit* and on Wednesday *mutters something about having an "obligation" to see RL friends, possibly playing ww and about visiting cousins* and the rest of the week as well *mutters more about visiting relatives*, I can't promise it's soon. :D :(

littlemanpoet 03-15-2008 10:42 AM

This has been stalled, so I'm moving it on.

I suggested to Firefoot that she might use my last post regarding Falco as a jumping off point for Scyld, which she seemed positive about, but has yet to use it. So I'll leave that thread hanging for now and the Falco/Scyld story (if it ever materializes) can be filled in later.

Firefoot 03-16-2008 08:02 PM

I'm sorry. I've really been ridiculously busy, including being out of town all weekend.

I've been hoping to bring Scyld back since before that RPG ended, and was happy for the chance, but I'm not sure it would be fair to do so - I don't have the time to commit to his character. I scarcely have time for Leof, and I haven't posted for him in ages.

littlemanpoet 03-17-2008 02:34 AM

Well, Firefoot, this rpg is entertainment and RL is RL, so I understand. Don't worry about it. We'll just carry on here.

littlemanpoet 03-22-2008 10:53 AM

There seems to be a lack of interest in this rpg. Should it just stop?

I would like someone else to post before I do again, but if nobody does before the weekend is out, I will.

Kath 03-22-2008 04:02 PM

There is a great deal of interest but a distinct lack of time! Once this weekend is over I should be able to get a post up ... if you can wait that long.

Folwren 03-22-2008 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 550960)
There seems to be a lack of interest in this rpg. Should it just stop?

I would like someone else to post before I do again, but if nobody does before the weekend is out, I will.

Wrong assumption. As Kath said, not lack of interest by a long shot - but lack of time. Tomorrow is my day off, and I intend to write some posts for the RPGs I'm in.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 03-23-2008 02:23 PM

Just testing the waters. A solid week of NOTHING tempts me to do that.

Folwren 03-23-2008 09:15 PM

Well, I posted...and that post sure didn't turn out the way I quite expected. Thornde's been really cranky lately, I guess...:confused:???

Hope we can keep things moving from here.

-- Folwren

Groin Redbeard 03-24-2008 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 550960)
There seems to be a lack of interest in this rpg. Should it just stop?

I would like someone else to post before I do again, but if nobody does before the weekend is out, I will.

Well if you need another player I'll be happy to join. I've had my eye on this RPG for awhile and I've just about made up my mind to join it, if that's alright with the moderater.

Thinlómien 03-24-2008 10:55 AM

For my part, it's both relative lack of time and uncertainity of the future of the Hall. It feels odd to post normally when we have no idea what's going to be or change...

Folwren 03-24-2008 11:02 AM

I'm sure you'll be very welcome to the game, Groin! I'm not the moderator, but it's certainly allowed, and we do need new players. Littlemanpoet or Nogrod should get on eventually and say something. :D

-- Folwren

Nogrod 03-24-2008 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Groin Redbeard (Post 551059)
Well if you need another player I'll be happy to join. I've had my eye on this RPG for awhile and I've just about mad up my mind to join it, if that's alright with the moderater.

Good to hear that Groin!

One thing that has kept me away from this of late is the fact that the RPG is kind of changing hands soon - and in the discussion for that change no one has answered my last questions in a long time... *ermcougherm*.

So a few things are up in the air right at the moment.

But why not start the boosting here even if all the details are not quite worked out yet? The main things will remain anyhow like the main characters and the setting - and the last posts.

So what would you want to be Groin? Someone lord Eodwine has hired from Edoras to join him (with certain needed skills to establish a new Mead Hall) or someone just wandering around and seeing people making a settlement and wishing to join out of curiosity (or whatever reasons you come up with) or being just a passer-by who might then consider joining in the end? There's a host of possibilities...

But you're truly wellcome! And I hope and think we'll be having a few more new faces turning in soon as well to boost this story up once again.

Groin Redbeard 03-24-2008 12:00 PM

Yay, thank you Folwren and Nogrod for your approvals and welcomes!:D


Originally Posted by Nogrod
So what would you want to be Groin? Someone lord Eodwine has hired from Edoras to join him (with certain needed skills to establish a new Mead Hall)

That suggestion isn't far from what I had in mind. I was thinking that I could be someone brought to Mead Hall to help with the building a new one, but wether my character has a talent in building or is just a hired hand is something I'll have to think about.

Thanks again for you warm welcomes and I'll be ready to post whenever you need me.:)

piosenniel 03-24-2008 12:35 PM

Miscellaneous Links transferred to the Scarburg Meadhall:

1.) Anglo-Saxon culture and Horses.

2.) Rohirrim-Dunlending relations.

3.) On Bailliffs, Stewards, and Almbudsmen.

4.) Medieval boy/girl stuff: "rolling in the hay".

5.) Eorling Mead Hall Plan - HERE

piosenniel 03-25-2008 12:10 PM

All Players in the Mead Hall: (you, too, Groin Redbeard!)

I've opened up this thread (In Transition: Innkeeper) for your help/comments/suggestions about starting up the new version of the Rohan Mead Hall.

Please check into the thread and give the team your thoughts.


~*~ Pio



Let's switch the discussion now of the ongoing game to the new thread for the Scarburg Meadhall.

Scarburg Meadhall Discussion Thread - HERE

Scarburg Meadhall game thread - HERE

I've transferred the last posts from 962 onward (dealing with the move to Scarburg) from the Eorling Mead Hall game thread to the new Scarburg game thread.


~*~ Pio

piosenniel 11-17-2008 09:15 PM

Moving to: Elvenhome

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