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littlemanpoet 12-10-2007 04:31 AM

:D I'll post soon having Eodwine brood upon the fact that he has not one but two foolish heros under his command. :D

Folwren 12-10-2007 09:09 AM

Yay. :rolleyes:

I at least have the excuse that Thornden isn't thinking exactly straight and so isn't entirely as foolish as may be assumed. ;)

-- Foley

littlemanpoet 12-10-2007 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 538913)
Thornden isn't thinking exactly straight and so isn't entirely as foolish as may be assumed.

And foolishness is....what? ;) (snicker) Just remember, the beginning of wisdom is to stop wincing about one's foolish deeds and start laughing instead; it means you're not taking yourself too seriously anymore.

Firefoot 12-10-2007 09:09 PM


By the way, before Leof came in, Javan let out three horses, I believe, and just let them run free, so maybe Leof miscounted or didn't realize he had done that? I just wanted to throw that out there in case Firefoot didn't realize it.
I knew he let out at least one, I counted but I don't know if I picked up on three. I tried to account for all the horses, but I don't think we ever established how many exactly are in the stable.


Folwren 12-10-2007 09:12 PM

I'm pretty sure he let out three. And I don't think we've ever specified how many horses there were in the stable, either. *shrug*

And, Elempi, it is quite true - both Thornden and I do take ourselves far to serously. ;)

-- Foley

littlemanpoet 12-10-2007 09:27 PM

If we ever established how many were in the stable, I don't remember it. Suffice it to say that Herofola was still in there and Léof rushed in after her, and Thornden rushed in after him. Maybe I ought to have Eodwine rush in after Thornden. Wouldn't that make a party? :D

littlemanpoet 12-18-2007 08:50 PM

I've been waiting for either Firefoot or Foley to post their next bit regarding the fire in the stables. Any chance of that happening soon?

Folwren 12-18-2007 08:55 PM

I can post whenever, but I was waiting on Firefoot because I really don't know what she was planning to do with Leof and the horse. Sorry. I'll do whatever anyone wants me to.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 12-19-2007 04:56 AM

Firefoot? Can you post?

Firefoot 12-19-2007 03:21 PM

Argh, sorry.

I'll see what I can do - it'll probably be tomorrow though...

Folwren 12-20-2007 04:23 PM

K, Firefoot...what do you want to happen now? I don't rightly know how to continue. Any ideas or preferences how you want this to go? You realize the huge danger Leof just put himself in, running into a smal stall with a terrified horse kicking the life out of the very walls around him...must be kicking pretty hard to get life outa them, wot, wot?

Erm, yes. Anyway. What are your thoughts?

-- Folwren

Firefoot 12-20-2007 04:40 PM

I honestly don't have a preference, and yes I realize that Leof just did something incredibly foolish. Whatever you think Thornden is most likely to do next is fine with me... I'd probably prefer it if Leof didn't get knocked out by the horse though.

Folwren 12-20-2007 09:53 PM

Tough post, but it's done. I feel so guilty, too. I tried hard to save the horse, but I realized...if a horse is that frightened and didn't allow himself to be caught, then even if it did escape from the stall, what were the chances it'd find its way out? I didn't see much chance. I'm sorry, Leof. :(

However...Elempi has often told me that conflict is good in stories. I figure this'll provide a lot of conflict for Leof and Thornden. *sigh*

-- Folwren

Firefoot 12-21-2007 06:15 PM

Great post, Folwren.

I hate to say it but I'm going to be gone for the next week (traveling for Christmas....) and without computer access.

Folwren 12-21-2007 06:18 PM

Well, I'll try not to be selfish and will sincerely wish you a most happy vacation and a very, very happy Christmas. :)

We'll miss you, but don't think of us and have lots of fun!

-- Foley

littlemanpoet 12-23-2007 04:38 AM

Very well done, my friends.

I think that we shall assume that Matrim found Javan and carried him out.

I'll post sometime soon. I'm on vacation and have a computer handy.

Folwren 12-23-2007 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 540425)
I think that we shall assume that Matrim found Javan and carried him out.

Thank you, that sounds wonderful. :D

I will post in time, too, for Javan. I don't have anything at present to do for I'll wait on him until someone else has posted or things have moved on slightly. We'll see.

-- Folwren

Kath 12-24-2007 02:52 AM


Wrote Kath and tried to change it to Kara? I quite like it though.

By the way guys, this is all brilliant. Poor, poor Javan.

littlemanpoet 12-24-2007 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 540571)
Wrote Kath and tried to change it to Kara? I quite like it though.

Ack. Nice to see you're still following it. ;) I'll go fix. I actually forgot your character's actual name and didn't bother to check. :rolleyes:

Folwren 12-24-2007 11:18 AM

About the saddles...I figured that in Rohan, men would know what would be in a stable and what would be necessary and all, so at least one or two men could reasonable have run in and saved a few, I thought. If you think I'm wrong, we'll have to figure something else.

About Javan...I said earlier that I didn't care really what happened to him or if he's sent home...but Javan does, so he's giving it all he's got to stay there.

-- Folwren

Kath 12-24-2007 12:22 PM

Oh definitely following it. :)

littlemanpoet 12-26-2007 01:07 PM

Good characterization, Foley. Javan is consistent if nothing else. :)

And suddenly Eodwine has had a thought I had not expected of him, and the plot makes yet another twist.

So before this current Day is over, Thornden and Eodwine will have one more exchange. Perhaps a PM post is in order, if we can accomplish it quickly? Or would you prefer to just post for Thornden and have me post for Eodwine and be done?

Folwren 12-26-2007 02:15 PM

Let's do a PM post. I can do it quickly, I believe. I'll write the beginning...of Thornden coming to find Eodwine, and send it to you by PM. I've no idea what Eodwine has thought of, so I won't be able to go past Thornden arriving. :)

-- Folwren

Folwren 12-28-2007 10:54 AM

Alrighty. I believe I'm done for this Day.

littlemanpoet 12-29-2007 03:47 PM

As am I.

My plan, if there are no protests, is to skip to two weeks from this Day. Thus we will have to figure out just what it was Eodwine and Thornden ended up deciding about Javan, and what that means for the entire House. This also means that the next Day is going to be at Scarburg; in fact, I'd like to make it the very first Day at Scarburg, where the traveling party will find things far less desirable than hoped. As in the place looted, burned, and so forth when they arrive. By whom, is hardly prosecutable, but no doubt the local citizenry trying to gain at the expense of Sorn, or so they think of it, not willing to place too much trust in this new Eorl. Should be fun! Lots of planning and what-not to do.


Folwren 12-30-2007 09:55 AM

I think it'll be fine if we skip forward two weeks... Although I really am wanting to figure out fully what happens to Javan. How shall that be done?

I have no further thoughts than that. I think coming to Scarburg and finding the place looted will have to be played by ear, because at this point, I've no idea how my characters, at least, will react and whatnot.

Are we going to be able to meet any new and diverse characters there, I wonder?

-- Folwren

Firefoot 12-30-2007 05:22 PM

Well, I'm home and all caught up - great writing! I'll probably have a post up tomorrow.

littlemanpoet 12-30-2007 10:13 PM

Eodwine's thought will have firmed up and he'll want to go ahead with his plan to keep Javan around, but he'll make sure Thornden is okay with it. It entails getting various and sundry of the men and women of the House to either supervise or teach Javan such that he has no time alone, period, except in the safety of his own room, I suppose. I would expect that Eorl's folk will protest, or maybe not; after all, a few of them are used to raising kids, and what's one more amongst the rest? - - - although Javan is a mite bit older than the others except for Lys. But Lys is responsible. Hmmm.... there's always Falco who doesn't seem to have much to do, but s'pose he ends up getting the kid in more trouble instead of less? :p

Folwren 12-30-2007 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 541365)
Eodwine's thought will have firmed up and he'll want to go ahead with his plan to keep Javan around, but he'll make sure Thornden is okay with it.

I think I'll make Thornden alright with it. ;)


It entails getting various and sundry of the men and women of the House to either supervise or teach Javan such that he has no time alone, period, except in the safety of his own room, I suppose. I would expect that Eorl's folk will protest, or maybe not; after all, a few of them are used to raising kids, and what's one more amongst the rest? - - - although Javan is a mite bit older than the others except for Lys. But Lys is responsible.
Perhaps we should do the next day, just to give the writer's of the said Eorl's folk a chance to put their character's thoughts and protests or whatever into words? Just a thought.


Hmmm.... there's always Falco who doesn't seem to have much to do, but s'pose he ends up getting the kid in more trouble instead of less? :p
Ha! Knowing Falco, I bet he would get the kid into more trouble. That could be extremely interesting.....can't help but laugh.

Poor Javan, though, has an easy enough time getting into trouble on his own without Falco's help. ;)

-- Folwren

Folwren 12-31-2007 04:13 PM

I apologize in advance for being impatient.

What is happening next? Leaping forward two weeks? Or is Firefoot posting first? More reactions on the fire? Going forward one day? I'm not in charge...just making suggestions. :)

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 12-31-2007 05:05 PM

I thought I had a post up here, requesting responses from various writers. What happened to it????

Okay, I'll try again. Let's say that Eodwine has posed the question to all the characters in the Hall. He'll want responses from them. Here's the question: "Will you agree to share responsibility for Javan? If so, how many hours per day, and what will you do with him?"

Eodwine needs answers from Thornden, Kara, Ginna, Léof (yes him too), Stigend, Modtryth, Rowenna, Garstan, Garwine, Nain, Frodides, and any other characters I have failed to remember. So that means I need to hear from Foley, Kath, Lhuna, Firefoot, Noggie, Lommie, and Formy (hello? Formy?).

Firefoot 12-31-2007 06:03 PM

For the time remaining at the hall, I don't think Leof's really sure what all he's supposed to be doing (much less what he would do with Javan)... they'll probably just be kept in the paddock for the time being, since everyone's moving out to Scarburg? And some will have to be rounded up that got loose.

Who at the hall has a horse? There's Aethel (Leof), Flithaf (Eodwine), Javan's horse, Falco's pony... I think Ginna brought a horse? and the hall probably had a few for general use. And I think there were some boarded? There was a discussion about that a while ago. Those would probably now be relocated...

Anyhow, I think Leof would agree to take Javan for a couple hours a day once they got to scarburg - for the time being, he's going to want some space.

Folwren 12-31-2007 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 541529)
I thought I had a post up here, requesting responses from various writers. What happened to it????

That's kind of funny, Elempi. Whilst checking 'Who's Online' I saw you were replying to this thread, but then, next thing I knew, you were offline and there was no post.

I'll give the question some thought and respond for Thornden later tonight or tomorrow sometime.

Folwren 01-01-2008 08:12 AM

Alright...I've been thinking about this, and Thornden's first initial answer will probably be that Javan should not be forced one everybody. If he can be convinced that it's the only way and it's still better than sending him home and people don't mind (this is still uncertain - waiting for other writer's to make their answers), then he'll agree. He can work with Javan for however long as possible (he'll feel really responsible for him, I imagine, and somewhat guilty of other people have to watch him for too long) and he'll teach him what he does - book keeping, taking care of the weapons, handling weapons, and whatever else he does...

Hope that suffices. I think Thornden's rather unsure of this whole idea.

littlemanpoet 01-01-2008 09:30 PM

I think I had a post prepared but needed to get off line because my wife needed to make a phone call (I still only have dial-up) and forgot to post the post. :p

Anyway, I'm still waiting to hear from a bunch of you. Thanks for responding, Firefoot & Foley.

Man, if I were Léof I would want absolutely nothing to do with the little troublemaker. ;)

Folwren 01-01-2008 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 541701)
Man, if I were Léof I would want absolutely nothing to do with the little troublemaker. ;)

Good heavens, neither would I!!! Poor Leof!

Your last post was good, by the way, Firefoot. I wanted to tell you that, but I haven't been spreading enough Reputation around lately. :o

I'm posting again tonight. I figured since my post didn't have anything to do with any other characters and we were still on this Night, I'd go ahead and do it.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 01-02-2008 03:54 AM

Great posts, both of you. And I did have enough rep spread around. :D

Well, anybody who wants to post a conclusion of the Day, feel free, because I'm going to wait until we hear from a few more of our writers before we jump ahead 2 weeks.

Lhunardawen 01-02-2008 04:00 AM

I'm here! :) I'm so sorry I've been absent for the past weeks. Please give me a bit of time to catch up with the posts I've missed.

Instead of double-posting... As for your question, Elempi... I'm sure you haven't forgotten that Ginna's in Eodwine's keeping at all because she, too, had been a wayward brat. Would you really trust her to school him? ;)

But then I think Ginna has improved in the almost two months she had been in the Hall - at least that's what I want to think.

And instead of triple-posting... If anyone else had wanted to post before my post brought the time to very late that night (or very early the next morning), please let me know.

littlemanpoet 01-02-2008 09:28 AM

Phew! I'm glad that turned out to be a dream! :eek: You had me really worried about how you were using my characters. ;)

Lhunardawen 01-02-2008 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 541743)
Phew! I'm glad that turned out to be a dream! :eek: You had me really worried about how you were using my characters. ;)


I wanted to squeeze everyone in, but I realised I didn't know what the others would do apart from coming in and giving Ginna a disapproving look.

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