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littlemanpoet 09-14-2007 08:30 PM

I'll post to this rpg tomorrow. (yawn!)

littlemanpoet 09-15-2007 10:42 AM

Yet another intriguing, well written post, Firefoot. :)

Warning: Pet Peeve below!

What ever happened to the good old Anglo-Saxon word, "motto"? When did it get replaced by the Hindi borrowing, "mantra"? Elempi grumbles.

End Pet Peeve.

Please don't feel that you need to change anything, Firefoot. ;)

Actually, "motto" is from Latin. :rolleyes:

Firefoot 09-15-2007 02:57 PM

Mea culpa.

(More Latin. ;) )

Hmm... how about "theme"?

Kath 09-15-2007 05:54 PM

Hey Lhuna if you're around any time then feel free to carry on that conversation, if not I'll just have Kara backtrack and disappear. :)

littlemanpoet 09-16-2007 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by Firefoot (Post 532035)
Mea culpa.

(More Latin. ;) )

Hmm... how about "theme"?

:D Tolkien probably would have said "by-word" or something.

Kath, I've edited my post so that Ginna doesn't go right back outside again, because your post keeps her in the kitchen. At least I think it does. ??? :confused:

Lhunardawen 09-16-2007 06:57 AM

I think Kath, too, missed that they are eating in the kitchen and not outside in the Hall, but I could be wrong. Sorry I can't write immediately, but it's September and I have busy days ahead... I'll try to squeeze in the first chance I get. :)

Kath 09-16-2007 12:46 PM

Ooops, sorry all. I completely missed that they were in the kitchen. Ginna coming through doors confused me. Should I edit mine or has your edit sorted it lmp? My post definitely keeps Ginna in the kitchen with me because I had her going the wrong way.

Folwren 09-17-2007 08:57 AM

I apologize most profusely for the length (or lack there of) of my last post. I had nothing further to say and so I didn't say it. Sorry.

Later this morning I should have a post up for Javan, though.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 09-17-2007 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 532078)
Ooops, sorry all. I completely missed that they were in the kitchen. Ginna coming through doors confused me. Should I edit mine or has your edit sorted it lmp? My post definitely keeps Ginna in the kitchen with me because I had her going the wrong way.

Could you edit your a little, Kath? That way we can avoid too many tangled notions of who's where.

Kath 09-17-2007 11:36 AM

Okay ... erm, well I've just removed any references to places really. Hopefully it should fit in now. :)

littlemanpoet 09-17-2007 05:57 PM

I'm ready to move past breakfast. Unless someone objects reasonably soon, I'll do it either tonight or tomorrow.

Folwren 09-18-2007 07:24 AM

I have no objection, your honor.

littlemanpoet 09-28-2007 10:30 AM

I've moved past breakfast, just in case nobody noticed. (sigh)

It's been almost a week, a very busy one for me. Is this losing interest? Shall we make work of it? Does something else need to be done? Do we need to recruit new writers?

Thinl髆ien 09-28-2007 11:39 AM

One of the inactive writers here
I did notice but I've been in a hurry. I'll try to post the thing I wrote weeks ago. :) Hopefully I'll find time to do that in a few days.

Personally I don't think the problem with EMH is that people are losing interest but that everybody's terribly busy.

Folwren 09-28-2007 12:25 PM

I'm not bored with it. I'm just waiting for Firefoot to post. I think I've stumped her. ;)

-- Folwren

Firefoot 09-28-2007 02:24 PM


I plead an incredibly busy life as of the last week or two... I haven't lost interest at all, but haven't had time to devote to RPG's (I was just about ready to bring Scyld in, too, darn it).

littlemanpoet 09-28-2007 04:16 PM

Okay, my worries are ameliorated. :p Or something like that. I'm on vacation to California next week, and may or may not have computer access. Just letting you know.

Folwren 09-28-2007 05:25 PM

How long will you be away, Elempi? Hope you have fun.

Firefoot, I'm sorry that you're so busy. Being busy isn't always fun. My schedule is actually finally becoming normal again. I'm so excited!

But post whenever you can. I've got enough patience to wait, and I've got my own stories to write.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 09-29-2007 06:01 AM

I'll be back Friday 10/5.

Nogrod 10-02-2007 02:19 PM

Nice post Lommy!

I'll try to engage myself yet again... although it seems pretty hard right now due to work.

Folwren 10-03-2007 08:43 AM


Is Falco still at the Mead Hall at this time?

-- Foley

littlemanpoet 10-04-2007 11:09 AM

Yes. He's been in his room most of the morning once the stable was found empty. Where you have placed him is fine.

Folwren 10-07-2007 07:28 PM

Heh...I hope Thornden didn't offend Falco terribly much. I didn't mean to...and therefore, he didn't either.

But it is a rather humorous situation. Poor Thornden. He has a difficult time with the hobbit. Ha.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 10-07-2007 07:47 PM

Do remember that Rowenna's views are not necessarily those of this writer. ;)

Folwren 10-07-2007 07:50 PM

Aye. Thanks for the reminder. You had me worried momenatarily. ;)

But poor Thornden! He was just trying to be nice! Twice in a row he was trying to be nice and both times he got flat refusals to his offers. :p

It'is all good. I'm happy and quite amused.

-- Foley

EDIT: Wait a minute....what do you mean, 'not necessarily those of this wirter'? Is Thornden really a stuck up snob and I'm the only one who doesn't know it?

littlemanpoet 10-08-2007 03:24 PM

Relax, "not necessarily" simply means that Rowenna is being written by this writer, so I mean it in the same sense that I would expect that Thornden's views are not necessarily those of his writer.

Folwren 10-08-2007 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 533628)
Relax, "not necessarily" simply means that Rowenna is being written by this writer, so I mean it in the same sense that I would expect that Thornden's views are not necessarily those of his writer.

Ah. Right. Understand. :)

-- Folwren

Kath 10-09-2007 10:12 AM

Well, I've posted. Bit of a random one so anyone can continue it.

littlemanpoet 10-14-2007 05:03 PM

I've posted. Who would like a turn?

Folwren 10-14-2007 07:14 PM

Introducing two new characters...maybe only temporarilly. Elempi, don't feel obligated to accept him as your innkeeper. I just wanted to have a new character for a while.

He's not entirely blind - he can see people as shadowy shapes...very dark. He sees best at high noon, when it is brightest, and worst at night when there is no light. I don't know his name yet. :(

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 10-15-2007 03:59 AM

Aww, I like 'em both already. :)

Fleide seemed at first like 4 but she's using words (such as position) like at least an 8 year old. How old do you mean her to be?

Folwren 10-15-2007 06:38 AM

Somewhere between 8 and 10, likely. She's capable of being extremely childish at times (not in a bad way), but she's also rather responsible and takes good care of her father.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 10-16-2007 06:16 PM

Hmm and hmm! What do you want to happen here, Foley? Are you going to write for the rude man? What do you want Eodwine to do?

Folwren 10-16-2007 07:19 PM

I'm writing for Mr. Rude Fellow. Have Eodwine do as he would normally do. He's expecting people to come and ask about the position, isn' he?

Mr. Rude came in first and I imagine Eodwine has no knowledge of what passed outside. Mr. Rude shall act politely enough to the eorl, more than likely, so ... well, swing it, unless you want to write something by PM.

On second thought, if you want to, you can write for Mr. Rude, too. Do what you want with him. He can be a pretty neutral character, so long as he doesn't leave my ideas about him. :)

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 10-18-2007 09:48 AM

Interesting goings on in Rohan! :)

It's always good to read your posts, Nerindel! It's interesting how you're writing in the future of those who are still writing in Edoras. Don't worry, we'll catch up to you, and you need change nothing.

Foley, I'll write a response to the three newcomers soon.

Nerindel 10-18-2007 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 534244)
It's interesting how you're writing in the future of those who are still writing in Edoras.

Ok having a bit of a dumb moment here... Is my timeline off ( I thought I still had to catch up, as I ended my post an hour before noon.) ooh or are you refering to the warm reception your lordship may recieve from the good peoples of Scarburg, oh now! we have to keep it interesting ;) and besides there is still my elusive 'bandit' to consider.:p

littlemanpoet 10-18-2007 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Nerindel (Post 534272)
Ok having a bit of a dumb moment here... Is my timeline off ( I thought I still had to catch up, as I ended my post an hour before noon.) ooh or are you refering to the warm reception your lordship may recieve from the good peoples of Scarburg, oh now! we have to keep it interesting ;) and besides there is still my elusive 'bandit' to consider.:p

Most of the posts being written right now are detailing a day in which Eodwine has announced to everybody that the Eorling Mead Hall is going to be transplanted at Scarburg.

So 起el is a month into the future.

By the way, I really like how you're setting it up that Eodwine's reception amongst the Middle Emnet folk near Scarburg is chancy. Nice touch. :)

Nerindel 10-20-2007 04:04 AM

Eorling Mead Hall
Regarding Time at the Eorling Mead Hall

The year is Fourth Age 15

(not 14 as I had wrongly recalled)

March 25 - posts 1 - 114...........Eodwine's first day as Eorl of Middle Emnet

April 1 - posts 115 - 205...........The hall wall falls down

April 4 - posts 206 - 303...........The Fair - L閛f wins a horse race; Linduial is abducted; Nain arrives

April 25 - posts 304 - 400.........Eodwine holds court; Stigend, Modtryth, & Cnebba arrive, Aeol goes to study in the golden hall

April 26 - posts 401 - 468.........Trystan arrives; Linduial leaves; Garstan and Stigend plan the new kitchen

May 22 - posts 469 - 634..........Garmund, Falco & Thornden discover "Rilef" in the ruins; Javan arrives

May 23 - posts 635 - 705..........Ginna arrives & Harreld goes moony

May 24 - posts 706 - 852..........Elfthain arrives; Ritun & Lefun (Ritun) are killed by outlaws; Rowenna is freed & comes to the Hall. Eli醤 arrives. 起el riding to Eodwine抯 aid gets side tracked and rides to the aid of the border farmers of the traitor Sorn抯 lands

Events occurring between May 24 & June 24: Ulrich & Withold are hanged; Stigend is made a man of the Hall for a year and a day; 起el Continues contact and treatment of the peoples of the traitor Sorn抯 lands while continuing her training in the golden hall.

June 24 - posts 853fff...............


I have added 起el to your time line, I hope this clears up the confusion with my time line. Most of my Post is back tracking, well the bit regarding the Borderlanders anyway. 起el is not aware that Lord Eodwine has been granted those lands nor that he has renamed it or that the meadhall is relocating.

Though my next post will have her discovering some things, but the main reason for her summons is that I could not justify her presance under the kings roof without anyone wondering who she was and why she was there. Lets Just say that as a foriegner in the kings halls she needs some credentials or perhap a good reference from a previous employer in Gondor. :eek:

littlemanpoet 10-21-2007 07:10 PM

Okay, I actually get it now. Nice work Nerindel. :)

Let the games continue (or whatever you want to call what we do here). :p

Folwren 10-21-2007 07:27 PM

Yes, indeed! DO let the game continue. Why haven't you written?

-- Folwren

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