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Anguirel 03-07-2006 04:22 PM

Does anyone want to talk to Manawyth, or shall I just keep him in dark Byronic observer mode?

littlemanpoet 03-07-2006 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by JennyHallu
I'm all for it...I used to use AIM to do that, actually, so I understand the value.

Okay, we'll play it by ear as far as when to start the dialogue. Sound good?

JennyHallu 03-07-2006 04:52 PM

I'd like to see what Fea puts together and segue from there, if that makes sense. And I'm not sure yet whether you or I should initiate the discussion.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-07-2006 05:54 PM

Nevermind a post from me. It's unneeded.

Nerindel 03-07-2006 06:40 PM

I also need to post a reply to leof, I had hoped to finish the post tonight but alas it is not to be but I should get it up sometime tomorrow morning (GMT).

Firefoot 03-07-2006 06:42 PM

And I would like to get in a post after that. I should have time sometime tomorrow.

JennyHallu 03-07-2006 07:07 PM

LMP, go ahead and let's get a post together...If Saeryn has no more to say, I think the best way to initiate our discussion might be for Eodwine to come looking for me or Saeryn, since we're in the hall.

littlemanpoet 03-08-2006 09:05 PM

Sorry, I've been way too busy today. I'll have to start the PM and subsequent post tomorrow. Anybody enjoying the Gob and Twiddle story, or was that asking too much?

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-08-2006 09:46 PM

I'm a fan.

Folwren 03-10-2006 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Anguirel
Does anyone want to talk to Manawyth, or shall I just keep him in dark Byronic observer mode?

I'll talk to him!! I was just about to post to say I had nothing to say at the Mead Hall, but now I have some to write. What fun.


Originally posted by LmP:
Sorry, I've been way too busy today. I'll have to start the PM and subsequent post tomorrow. Anybody enjoying the Gob and Twiddle story, or was that asking too much?
Oh, I'm game. But let me talk to Manawyth first. :D

-- Folwren

Esgallhugwen 03-12-2006 02:52 PM

Hello strange people *starts squinting at everyone*, and hello new strange people. I'd just like to clarify that Gudryn is maturing (for the time being) into a somewhat crazy person, I mean come on she hears voices in her head for crying out loud! And I assure you it's through no fault of Eodwine or anyone else aside from Rand*.

I'm also thinking I might like to develope her into a person with somewhat 'special' abilities. Not to extremes like mind reading or telekinesis, but she definetly feels things differently then other people. What do you think? Do you think it's too much? Keep in mind I'm not trying to make her invincible or super human, she's merely different, more sensitive and attune to things that other people would basically ignore. Your thoughts are appreciated.

And I totally agree with our RP characters being based on ourselves. All of mine are, different facets of me some not so pleasant *coughEswencough*.:o

*: Rand was Gudryn's evil Uncle/step father that did horrible things to her. Basically beat on her and nearly killed her several times.

littlemanpoet 03-12-2006 04:14 PM

Let's see how this goes, Esgal, and be sure that you can trust me to use a gentle approach to any mild limitations I can suggest. There were wise women among all Germanic peoples (after whom the Rohirrim are fashioned), and these ran the gamut from madwomen to midwives with the earthy wisdom of their trade. So let's see where it leads.

Esgallhugwen 03-12-2006 05:05 PM

I'll be sure not to go absolutely crazy with this idea. And I'm hoping Gudryn won't become too mad and start throwing things at people while screaming gibberish at them. And I'll pay very close attention to any limitations that you set.

This will be a gradual thing I'm not planning on this happening over night. Goodness, I hope Eodwine doesn't become too concerned, but we'll see when the time comes. I just think it will be an interesting idea for a character, I'm not sure if any one here has done it before.

littlemanpoet 03-12-2006 08:20 PM

I'll wait about 24 hours before moving Time to another Day, which will be about a Week from the end of this Day. If you want to post anymore for this day, please do so in the interim, or raise a remonstration requesting more time. If I receive none, we shall move on.

littlemanpoet 03-14-2006 09:12 PM

I have moved Time ahead one whole week.

There is no roof over the Great Hall and the Great Hearth has been dismantled.

The temporary tent is in operation and everything's a general wet mess.

Any questions?

It'll be interesting to see how long we stay on this Day. :p

Bęthberry 03-15-2006 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by lmp

At least it was warm for the season. The new year had come with the first day of spring, marked now on March 25 to honor Frodo the Nine-fingered. It was now the first of April. Eodwine smirked, wondering what shananigans might not happen on such a day amongst such a young and lively folk as dwelt in his Halls.

Hmmm. Does the tradition of April 1st go back so far as to be relevant to Anglo Saxon society. I thought it was more a late 15th European development. Or is this one of those acceptable historical anachronisms that make rpgs so much fun?

littlemanpoet 03-15-2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bęthberry
Hmmm. Does the tradition of April 1st go back so far as to be relevant to Anglo Saxon society. I thought it was more a late 15th European development. Or is this one of those acceptable historical anachronisms that make rpgs so much fun?

Mostly the latter. Is the evidence for late 15th century strong?

Bęthberry 03-15-2006 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Mostly the latter. Is the evidence for late 15th century strong?

Well, you know what is said about history being written by the victors. 'Course, the victors in this case are the comedians. The Romans did have their Festival of Hilaria a week after the equinox. And the French have their fish called April. It would appear that the skewered isle didn't get round to hunting the gowk until a bit later than the channel types. Then again, the Anglo Saxons ultimately weren't the victors.

You've dove-tailed the calendar bit nicely with the new dating system commemorating Frodo the Nine Fingered. Would a Hilariowen be that much of a stretch?

littlemanpoet 03-16-2006 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Bęthberry
Well, you know what is said about history being written by the victors. 'Course, the victors in this case are the comedians. The Romans did have their Festival of Hilaria a week after the equinox. And the French have their fish called April. It would appear that the skewered isle didn't get round to hunting the gowk until a bit later than the channel types. Then again, the Anglo Saxons ultimately weren't the victors.

You've dove-tailed the calendar bit nicely with the new dating system commemorating Frodo the Nine Fingered. Would a Hilariowen be that much of a stretch?

Fair enough. The rpg'ers are encouraged to make as much or little of both the March 25 and April 1 dates as provided by Eodwine. My sense is that there's plenty onthe table already, and they could be ignored as easily as observed. Carry on, players!

JennyHallu 03-16-2006 07:25 AM

I will try really hard to get a post up tonight sometime...duty calls. :rolleyes:

littlemanpoet 03-16-2006 09:58 PM

Just a note about the roofless hall: the builders and Eodwine had more sense than this writer: the roofless hall is covered by a tarp also, to protect the interior; but it is a work 'zone' (italics for anakronisms) :p, so only the builders, Eodwine, and Thornden have permission to be in there. Consider this to have been explained to all those who currently reside in the Hall. Thanks! Nice to see you back, Bethberry! Nice writing for the stables, Folwren.

JennyHallu 03-17-2006 10:22 AM

I'm afraid it's likely to prove necessary to kill off poor Marenil's wife at home, if I'm to keep him here. He's a difficult man to keep abed, and he'll be wanting to go home, whether the healer allows or no.

My current thought is in the next few days he receives a letter from home (that has obviously been following them a long time) relating the sad news, but far too late for him to attend any funeral services. His son is grown and capable of taking over his duties, and Marenil could then much more easily be convinced to stay with Linduial, who he loves like a daughter. I could torment the man still more by inventing a daughter who died in childhood (whose empty place Lin has filled quite nicely). Ideas or criticism would be lovely.

I really need to come up with something really really good to happen to Marenil as well. Working him into the Hall as a permanent fixture is giving me a guilt complex. My fault for writing characters I really like.

littlemanpoet 03-17-2006 01:32 PM

Sounds okay to me, short of the lost daughter. That feels to me like it approaches bathos, if you know what I mean. (shrug) Of course, you could include such a thing but make Marenil not quite so emotionally expressive; stiff upper lip and all that, if you take my meaning; shrug it off as a thing of the past, blithely deny any real concerns, etc. But he's your character. Just suggestions. Sometimes, the best thing we can do for a character is avoid the temptation to do the very first thing that comes into our head, and wait for that secret second thing which is actually better if we give ourselves half a chance.

JennyHallu 03-17-2006 01:47 PM

Sometimes the best thing is to realize the first idea you threw out immediately as ridiculous is exactly what you ought to do...but you're right about the daughter idea. It was an overly hasty. He can have fatherly feelings toward Lin without cheapening the feelings he would certainly had for any child of his own.

He's not likely to go in search of some formal responsibility until after he gets such a letter, (which may not happen for a couple of days, I haven't decided), when he needs something to keep his mind off things. I'd like to get him established before then as a behind-the-scenes helper, fetching and carrying for Frodides and Kara, aiding Leof in exercising horses, (enough recent arrivals, and Leof young enough, he may welcome some assistance in getting chores done early, especially as the weather gets beautiful, with so many other young people in the Hall), hanging clothes to dry alongside Aethel, perhaps drinking with Garwine and/or Manawyth (it would interest him, as a challenge, to help them get along together, but he is neither a bard nor an armsman, though he respects both professions profoundly).

Of course, I'm not sure if he can or would do all of these things, but if there is a informal plan to move him into the steward's role within the next three weeks game time, his ability needs to be wide in scope and firmly established, so as to give Eodwine the idea. The hall should be a more comfortable berth for him as he ages: plenty to keep him interested, but with young Thornden to train up into the role (and incidentally to help as tasks become more and more difficult with passing years).

Anyway...this is merely long string-of-consciousness ideas. If anyone has any ideas on how to get him involved in the day-to-day life of the Hall, post them or PM me, especially if you're interested in working up a post about it.

littlemanpoet 03-17-2006 10:32 PM

Sounds good, Jenny. Let's have Marinel do one thing at a time, of course, and I'll also create swarmy little issues that arise around Eodwine that he wants some wisdom about. Marinel will come in handy to him that way too, especially as Thornden's advice will (need to, Folwren) seem somewhat young mannish.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-18-2006 01:57 PM

Jen, would you like a little "girl time" between Lin and Saeryn? Saeryn's having a nice cozy time in her room and isn't opposed to guests. It would give Leof a way to see a lighter-hearted side of her (perhaps hear giggling on the other side of the door). The same welcome extends to Gudryn, of course. I'd invite the guys, but it's slightly less proper for them to be alone behind closed doors with m'lady.

JennyHallu 03-18-2006 02:38 PM

Sounds like fun. Maybe I'll pop in with a question or something while Leof is hanging my things. OH! I know...Ok, sounds good.

Anguirel 03-18-2006 02:41 PM

I'm going to be off the scene for a while in a few days in Italy...I wondered, could Manawyth be sent off on a task of some kind? Or I could have him return home for a while, against the price on his head, hearing of some family saga...oops, another brother dead, that kind of thing...

Yes, might do that...

Folwren 03-18-2006 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Sounds good, Jenny. Let's have Marinel do one thing at a time, of course, and I'll also create swarmy little issues that arise around Eodwine that he wants some wisdom about. Marinel will come in handy to him that way too, especially as Thornden's advice will (need to, Folwren) seem somewhat young mannish.

Erm. . .Say again? I'm a bit confused as to what I need to do exactly. You want Thornden's advise to not be so safe, maybe? Those first few 'advise posts' that I threw out were still with the thought in my head that I had to earn the stewardship. Perhaps now I can slacken off a bit on his saintliness. :rolleyes: Is that what you mean?

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 03-18-2006 03:43 PM

I think what he means is that occasionally Thornden's advice will reflect his youth rather clearly. Idealistic, perhaps, or overly harsh, where Marenil's experience and age will have given him a clearer view.

littlemanpoet 03-18-2006 09:02 PM

Anguirel: So did you ask the werewolves to kill you in XIX? ;)

Folwren and Jenny: Yes, Jenny has it right what I'm suggesting. Are you okay with that, Folwren? (yike, I almost nicknamed you 'Folly' :p ).

Firefoot 03-21-2006 06:42 AM

To let you all know: I'm going to be out of town for six days from Friday till Wednesday. I'm not thinking that this will have too much of an impact - I can pick up with Leof coming to help with the wall hangings when I get back.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-21-2006 07:49 AM

Hm... in the footsteps of Firefoot, I'll be either extremely busy or out of town from Wednesday night until Sunday night. Jen, if Lin responds, this is why Saeryn doesn't.

JennyHallu 03-21-2006 08:03 AM

I'll try to get a response up, so that you can either get one before you leave, or have something extra to think about while you're gone. I'll probably edit it in to my last post (with Marenil)

Bęthberry 03-21-2006 09:11 AM

Or river
Okay, it's way past time when Ruthven should have replied. Sorry, but the weekend was just too busy to put together a post and this week has some nasty RL work breathing down my neck worse than a werewolf salivating over a kill. I have to plead away status at least until next week. Just ignore Ruthven in the kitchen. Maybe I'll later be able to come up with some sort of old crone chatting with the cook that would do Patchett proud. or maybe not. Darn I hate RL responsibilties--they make quests and adventures look pretty darn good. ;)

Folwren 03-21-2006 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet

Folwren and Jenny: Yes, Jenny has it right what I'm suggesting. Are you okay with that, Folwren? (yike, I almost nicknamed you 'Folly' :p ).

Yeah. . .that should be fine. I don't exactly know how young Thornden is, though. What impression have you got?

And I'd be just fine with Folly if it wasn't a real word and if it didn't mean stupidity and brainlessness. . .I mean, Folly is cute, if you pronounce the 'Fol' part like 'foal', as in, a baby horse. And it follows, too. Folwren is pronounced foal - wren, and so Folly, should be. . .right. Anyway. So you know, I have had time to think on this. Fordim called me that, Folly, and I was just fine until I realized that Folly is folly and folly is not good, necessarily.

Ouch. That was too long.

Yes, what you have for Thornden is fine, though it seems a little hard on the poor chap for Eodwine to say 'Sorry, dear fellow, but you're a mite to young still for the job.' How demening. Maybe there's another way, too, that will make him realize that he doesn't want the stewardship?

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 03-21-2006 10:59 AM

Hey Folwren,

Several points:

Spell it Foley or Folie. Then it isn't Folly and it implies the desired pronunciation.

The impression I have gotten of Thornden is that he is in his early to mid twenties.

The problem with fitting Marenil in here is that there must be a point where all parties involved understand that he's the best man for the job, with no hard feelings. So Thornden needs to have come to much the same conclusions on his own.

Eodwine can also determine that he'd rather have a more experienced man in that position without ever saying anything to that effect to Thornden. Eodwine's own inexperience in his new role as Lord might perhaps make him value Marenil's sage advice. And I kind of assumed that Eodwine comes to a realization that he'd like a more experienced man in the role at the same time as Thornden comes slowly to the realization that he's facing problems he doesn't know how to deal with, or so many that he can't give each the attention it deserves. Maybe in a crisis he might go himself to Marenil for advice. Marenil would be quick to help, and that might aid in a private realization on Thornden's part that he isn't ready to serve as steward. Does that make sense?

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-21-2006 11:48 AM

I've seen Thornden as early thirties.

Folwren 03-21-2006 12:26 PM

Thanks Jenny! I'll consider those nick name suggestions.


Originally posted by Jenny:
The problem with fitting Marenil in here is that there must be a point where all parties involved understand that he's the best man for the job, with no hard feelings. So Thornden needs to have come to much the same conclusions on his own.
Not only do we all have to come to that conclusion, but it has to be done by the end of the thirty days. I've a feeling that all in all, Thornden isn't going to be easily offended or hurt, but it would be a hard thing to hear that you weren't fit for a job unless you already knew it yourself. So, yes, it is necessary for them all to come to see that themselves.


By Jenny again. :):
Eodwine can also determine that he'd rather have a more experienced man in that position without ever saying anything to that effect to Thornden. Eodwine's own inexperience in his new role as Lord might perhaps make him value Marenil's sage advice. And I kind of assumed that Eodwine comes to a realization that he'd like a more experienced man in the role at the same time as Thornden comes slowly to the realization that he's facing problems he doesn't know how to deal with, or so many that he can't give each the attention it deserves. Maybe in a crisis he might go himself to Marenil for advice. Marenil would be quick to help, and that might aid in a private realization on Thornden's part that he isn't ready to serve as steward. Does that make sense?
That makes sense. But in order for all this to happen, we need a crisis of some sort to come up. I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I'll keep thinking, though, really, I'm a bad person to try to think of something myself, I think, being even younger and more inexperienced than Thornden himself. :)

As for his age. Jenny thought he was somewhere around 24, and Fea. . .early thirties. Having written the first few posts for him, I was thinking about 29 or 30. . .but if he should be younger, like 25 or 26, that'll be fine, too.
Anyone else want to offer their impression of Thornden's age?

-- Folwren

JennyHallu 03-21-2006 12:35 PM

See, I figured that if he were in his early twenties, and not yet mature enough for a steward's role, that still shows remarkable maturity.

And if he were in his early thirties, and not yet mature enough for a steward's role, then he seems a little immature, really, especially considering he doesn't have the long Numenorean life that Marenil likely has enjoyed (if not to the same degree as Linduial will).

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