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Thinlómien 03-21-2007 05:01 AM

I have two questions
1) Elempí (you seem to hang around here on Sundays, so I'll ask you), what are the duties and the position of the hostess? (my image about this is quite vague)

2) How long have Modtryth, Stigend and Cnebba been in the Mead Hall? Can anyone (Noggie? LMP?) produce some quite reliable estimation or should I do some research and calculate?

littlemanpoet 03-24-2007 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien
1) Elempí (you seem to hang around here on Sundays, so I'll ask you), what are the duties and the position of the hostess? (my image about this is quite vague)

Welcoming guests. Determining whether they're for food & drink or more than that; if the guests are high ranking, keeping track of which rooms are availalable and which are not. Directing the daily help as to the cleaning, scrubbing, laundering, bedding chores for the day (outside the kitchen which is Frodides' kingdom). Don't feel like you have to get too organized about this. It's rpg, not real life.


2) How long have Modtryth, Stigend and Cnebba been in the Mead Hall? Can anyone (Noggie? LMP?) produce some quite reliable estimation or should I do some research and calculate?
If M, S, and C arrived AFTER Linduial was rescued, then it has been about two weeks; if they came BEFORE Linduial was captured, it has been about five weeks.

Kath 03-24-2007 05:13 PM

Hi all, I'm sorry but I actually didn't think of this when lmp asked me to take over for a bit ... I'm going to be in Finland for a week! I'll be back on Monday 2nd though and everything looks to be running fine so it should be ok. :)

If there are any problems anyone has, I'll check the thread tomorrow morning and try to deal with them then. Otherwise, see you in a week!

Mithalwen 03-27-2007 01:40 PM

Tara - my next post will be tomorrow now ..I started a new work assignment at short notice today and that has drained my energy - I want my first post to be up to snuff. :D

Do I have to post a bio here?

Folwren 03-27-2007 01:49 PM


I don't believe it's required. No one else has done a bio. :) So just bring your character on in.

-- Folwren

Thinlómien 03-28-2007 03:53 AM

The boys
What happened to Cnebba and Garmund?

Cel? Noggie?
I think they're sent again to the sheep-shearer today, but how do you two think or feel about this?

Kath 04-03-2007 05:12 AM

Well, I'm back, and it seems we have another new arrival in the form of Mith! Lovely to see you here. :)

Lhuna, are you likely to be free any time soon? I was thinking perhaps a kitchen scene with Frodides, Kara and Ginna, as the latter two have not yet met. Modtryth too perhaps Lommy, if she and Ginna still need to talk.

Thinlómien 04-04-2007 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Kath
Modtryth too perhaps Lommy, if she and Ginna still need to talk.

Whatever you two prefer. :) I think she has chatted with Ginna probably enough (I and Lhuna just have to write it in retrospect...) but she could well chat more with her. So whiever way you like it.

Kath 04-05-2007 11:02 AM

Ok well I'm going to be internet-less until Tuesday sadly as we're off to visit my gran for Easter, but when I get back if Lhuna is free we can do the post then. :)

Folwren 04-08-2007 12:45 PM

Hoy! Elempi's back, isn't he? This is the end of Lent, is it not?

Not much time actually passed in your absence, Elempi. I enjoyed myself very much, but it seems like few others wrote.

I've gotten really busy of late, so I'm not taking much time in taking the initiative in the games that I'm in. So...pretty much, with me, if nothing's going on with my characters, I'm not going to make something happen. BUT if something comes up that my characters need to reply to, I will write a post, and would be happy to.

I am wondering what happened to Hama of the Riddermark. I hope he returns soon to write.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 04-08-2007 01:52 PM

Yes, I'm back. Taking the threads in the order they come on my CP, if you know what I mean. As to Hama, I don't know. Once before he showed up and posted a couple times and then didn't post again at all. If I see no posts from him by April 15, I will write his character to have gone to Meduseld. I like to keep a clean house, as you well know. Now to read what has transpired in the 2 weeks since I've been here last.

littlemanpoet 04-08-2007 02:10 PM

Welcome, Mithalwen!
I've linked to an updated list of characters. I try to revise it as characters come and go. Let me know if there are any inaccuracies with it.

Until dusk sets in, I'll be writing only for Garreth and Harreld, the Smith brothers, since my other (too) many characters are away on holiday, as it were.

Is there a general wish to move this day along? Or not?

Folwren 04-08-2007 07:59 PM

Now that Mith's entered in the scene with my character and Firefoot's and Tara's, I don't know what I want.

I've pretty much accomplished what I need to with Javan for today, so I'm really ready to move on whenever.

-- Folwren

Taralphiel 04-08-2007 10:49 PM

Do you have anything to put in, Fire? It seems it'd be awkward for Lys to answer first, considering he does not have any say on whether Elfthain could be of help.

If you think I should go first, just say so. :)

- Tara

Lhunardawen 04-09-2007 12:40 AM

I'm here. Summer school's starting in a week, and when it does I won't have plenty of time to spend online. Anyone who's unfortunate enough to be doing things/conversing with Ginna is likely to have to always wait. Sorry about that.

I'll be following your lead for now, Kath and Lommy.

littlemanpoet 04-09-2007 09:02 AM

Tara, you could have Lys ignore the direct point of Elfthain's question and Lys could go make acquaintance, if that's in character. Maybe Lys perceives something other than the obvious before everybody's eyes. Just a thought. Take it or leave it.

Firefoot 04-09-2007 09:24 AM

I'm planning on writing RPG posts today - I can have Leof respond.

Mithalwen 04-09-2007 11:13 AM

I can edit him if you like ... he just wants an excuse to join the other boys so anything would do.. in fact he could just ask about Hama....

Mithalwen 04-09-2007 03:05 PM

I have answered Leof in a way that I hope allows for eithe Lys to reply or time to be moved on. Let me know if anyone wants any changes..still feeling my way here ... :D

littlemanpoet 04-09-2007 06:13 PM

Firefoot, you'll want to change the name in your last post from Haleth to Hama. Haleth is dead, killed by Sorn; Hama is alive and well.

But we don't know about Scyld. Is he dead or alive? Wounded still or back to heatlh? On his way to Edoras or still in hiding? (hint hint) :D

I can just about imagine Javan suddenly begging Leof to let him free so the three boys can play tag or something less dangerous to Lys' fragile health.

It has always struck me that ages 10 to 12 are heaven: not yet struck with the throes of pubescence, long enough legs and arms to move fast and dexterously, smart enough to get into all kinds of trouble and then back out of it again. ;) Play it up, my friends! :D

Firefoot 04-09-2007 06:31 PM

I was even the one to write his death. :rolleyes: Fixed.

Concerning Scyld now. :D I guess it's been about three weeks since he left Linduial behind (since AiE wrapped up about a game week before planned) - that would be fair timing, I suppose.

What are we planning on doing with the timeline of the Hall? If we're moving on soon, I'll wait; otherwise, I may well just bring him along on this Day. Either works fine for me.

Folwren 04-10-2007 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
I can just about imagine Javan suddenly begging Leof to let him free so the three boys can play tag or something less dangerous to Lys' fragile health.

Ha! Very funny. I can see him doing that, too...


It has always struck me that ages 10 to 12 are heaven: not yet struck with the throes of pubescence, long enough legs and arms to move fast and dexterously, smart enough to get into all kinds of trouble and then back out of it again. ;) Play it up, my friends! :D
My twelfth year was awesome. I just loved it.

And no fears, Javan will be getting himself into trouble enough...Heh...

I'll see about writing a post today sometime.

-- Folwren

littlemanpoet 04-10-2007 10:07 AM

The Hall time pace doesn't really matter to me. I can have Eodwine and company return earlier than expected, or I can leave them away and on the new Day that we JUMP to, they will of course be back again. I'd like to do a month's jump unless there is any problem with that. I hope not, because I think it might be kinda fun for us all to do retrospective posts on what happened with and to our characters over the last month. It could be a way of surprising each other a little bit with a big change or three. Thoughts?

Mithalwen 04-10-2007 10:45 AM

Well of course Elfthain isn't a permanent Edoras resident and I wasn't anticipating him staying that long ... however his mother is not of the neurotically overprotective variety (though she would have good cause to be) and since there farm is on the Edoras side of Upbourn which seems to be only a few miles from Edoras and Elfthain is a lucky lad with a speedy pony of his own - I don't see why he shouldn't be able to spend time with his new friends....... as long as he keeps up with his chores and gets home before dark....

littlemanpoet 04-10-2007 02:42 PM

We'll let this Day play out a for a few more RL days and let the lads play. :)

Firefoot 04-10-2007 03:44 PM

Sounds good to me.

Thinlómien 04-11-2007 02:56 AM

Since Kath seemed to have some idea, I'll be waiting for her too.

Kath 04-11-2007 04:41 AM

Welcome back lmp! On Hama, I talked to him quite a bit when he put up that first post but haven't heard from him since. Hopefully he'll return though as his character is the reason for Mith's.

Lommy and Lhuna I am now absolutely free if you want to write. I'll get a post up by the end of the day that can end with the Ginna and Modtryth entering if you like?

Thinlómien 04-11-2007 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Kath
Lommy and Lhuna I am now absolutely free if you want to write. I'll get a post up by the end of the day that can end with the Ginna and Modtryth entering if you like?

Sounds fine.

Kath 04-12-2007 08:06 AM

Ok, Kara has just met Ginna and Modtryth is also in the kitchen so Lommy or Lhuna, either of you can take over from here. :)

Mithalwen 04-12-2007 11:22 AM

Sorry Elfthain will answer today

Lhunardawen 04-12-2007 11:55 PM

It seems I might actually have more online time this summer than I first thought. :)

I'll be posting during the weekend. You can go ahead with Modtryth if you like, Lommy.

Thinlómien 04-13-2007 03:34 AM

If you're having time, Lhuna, I think it'd be wiser if you wrote before me, since the situation looks like one Ginna - not Modtryth - should react to. I can write after you since I should have rather frequent access to a computer. :)

littlemanpoet 04-13-2007 09:50 AM

Just so you all know what I'm up to:

Right now I'm going back through the main EMH thread to figure out the dates. So far I've figured out the first four of them (which I used to know :rolleyes: ):

March 25 is the Day on which this rpg begins.
April 1 is the next Day written of, on which the wall fell down. Garstan arrived.
April 4 was the next Day, when the injured Lys came, and reconstruction was beginning. Also it was the Day Léof won the horse race, and Linduial was abducted.
April 25 was Eodwine's first Court day.

I'm just at the beginning of it. This take us through the first 7 "pages" and into the 8th. I'm going to list the post numbers for the appropriate days when I have this finished, and link it on the Discussion thread post #1. Soon I plan on us knowing what the date currently is, and I'll keep it current in my own posts (periodically) thence forward. Just by way of general guessing, I think it's some time in early May in Fourth Age 14 right now.

Carry on!

littlemanpoet 04-13-2007 10:14 PM

Regarding Time at the Eorling Mead Hall
The year is Fourth Age 15

March 25 - posts 1 - 114
Eodwine's first day as Eorl of Middle Emnet
April 1 - posts 115 - 205
The hall wall falls down
April 4 - posts 206 - 303
The Fair - Léof wins a horse race; Linduial is abducted; Nain arrives
April 25 - posts 304 - 400
Eodwine holds court; Stigend, Modtryth, & Cnebba arrive
April 26 - posts 401 - 468
Trystan arrives; Linduial leaves; Garstan and Stigend plan the new kitchen
May 22 - posts 469 - 634
Garmund, Falco & Thornden discover "Rilef" in the ruins; Javan arrives
May 23 - posts 635 - 705
Ginna arrives & Harreld goes moony
May 24 - posts 706 - 852
Elfthain arrives; Ritun & Lefun (Ritun) are killed by outlaws; Rowenna is freed & comes to the Hall. Elián arrives.
Events occurring between May 24 & June 24: Ulrich & Withold are hanged; Stigend is made a man of the Hall for a year and a day.

June 24 - posts 853 - 961
Eodwine announces Scarburg move; Ginna leads on and drops Harreld; Javan burns the stables down

Events between June 24 & July 8: Eodwine finds an innkeeper (neither of the 2 applicants written of) and orders Stigend to lead the Hall's workers in building a new stable while the women with the help of the children prepare for the move to Scarburg; Eodwine dictates Javan's punishment for burning down the stables.

July 8 - posts 962 -
Eodwine and his House arrive at Scarburg and find it in shambles.

Lhunardawen 04-14-2007 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Elempi
Ginna arrives & Harreld goes moony


I had made the bold assumption that the women are yet to have breakfast. At least this gives time for Ginna and Kara to bond.

littlemanpoet 04-15-2007 03:03 PM

And now for a little excitement.....'s up. I expect Thornden to be involved, of course, but others such as Garstan and Stigend and Nain, etc., as you deem appropriate for your characters.

Folwren 04-15-2007 05:37 PM

*CRASH! BANG!* And so something begins.


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet's up. I expect Thornden to be involved, of course, but others such as Garstan and Stigend and Nain, etc., as you deem appropriate for your characters.

Of course Thornden's going to be involved! And Javan, if he's allowed. I'll try to post this evening.

-- Folwren

Celuien 04-15-2007 06:12 PM


I'll try to get Garstan involved, but it might not happen until Tuesday. I feel so guilty for being away lately. :(

Folwren 04-15-2007 06:17 PM

Alright, a post placed.

Firefoot, I left it open for you to take it from there.
Shoudn't hte general's horse be exempted from the 'every horse saddled' order?

And Elempi, I also left it open for you. I sincerely hope this won't turn into a battle of wills between Falco and Thornden again. :rolleyes: I thought of the scene in the ruins as I wrote him giving his orders. Of course, it would make it interesting indeed if Falco were to disregard Thornden's words....

-- Folwren

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