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Folwren 05-18-2006 01:59 PM

What will Thornden be doing with himself throughout today? Will he be with Eodwine the entire time he's up at court, or will be stay at the Mead Hall most of the time and only go to court for part of the day when he's needed (if he's needed, that is). I am guessing that he and Eodwine would have already discussed all this, but I myself am not sure of what would be happening.

-- Folwren

Nogrod 05-18-2006 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren
What will Thornden be doing with himself throughout today? Will he be with Eodwine the entire time he's up at court, or will be stay at the Mead Hall most of the time and only go to court for part of the day when he's needed (if he's needed, that is).

And would that court be assembled physically at the Mead Hall? That would be a nice bit of information anyways to our family coming in a couple of days (RL) from now... That information would change our narration about coming forwards somewhat (is there a mighty hassle around the place, or would it be calm).

Formendacil 05-18-2006 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod
And would that court be assembled physically at the Mead Hall? That would be a nice bit of information anyways to our family coming in a couple of days (RL) from now... That information would change our narration about coming forwards somewhat (is there a mighty hassle around the place, or would it be calm).

I've been assuming so... or else right outside it. After all, the Mead Hall is to Eodwine what Meduseld is to Eomer.

As to Thornden: I'm no expert on Rohirric, Anglo-Saxon, Viking, or any customs of this nature in general, but I would imagine that a Steward would be present at the court with the Lord... though I'm not entirely sure why. Just my vote and feeling, though...

In both cases, I guess it's up to LMP though.

Nogrod 05-18-2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Formendacil
I've been assuming so... or else right outside it.
As to Thornden: I'm no expert on Rohirric, Anglo-Saxon, Viking, or any customs of this nature in general, but I would imagine that a Steward would be present at the court with the Lord

I think both of your hunches are right - at least they feel so. I just came to wonder about the first one because of some posts here, even though I thought that it obviously would be at the Mead Hall - and of the second, I just can't see, what else a steward would be doing on a day like that...

Folwren 05-18-2006 03:35 PM

I've been under the impression that the court might be held at Meduseld, but I realize that I'm not sure of that, either.

Yes, it would make sense that Thornden, as steward, would be with Eodwine at court, but it's not absolutely certain that Thornden is steward. That's one of the things that has to be discovered.

-- Folwren

Formendacil 05-18-2006 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren
I've been under the impression that the court might be held at Meduseld, but I realize that I'm not sure of that, either.

Yes, it would make sense that Thornden, as steward, would be with Eodwine at court, but it's not absolutely certain that Thornden is steward. That's one of the things that has to be discovered.

If the court were to be held at Meduseld, it would be Eomer presiding, not Eodwine. After all, Meduseld means literally "Mead Hall", and is the King's Mead Hall. Eodwine has his own, and ought to be using it- unless LMP plans to use the "it's not quite finished, so King Eomer has kindly granted temporary use of Meduseld for Middle Emnet business".

I totally forgot about Thornden's as-yet-unconfirmed official standing... but that would seem to me to mean even more so that he ought to be in attendence... and isn't the deadline for that trial period coming up? If so, would Eodwine be making the announcement now? If so, then Thornden would definitely want to attend, since a formal occassion like this would be the just the time to announce it.

littlemanpoet 05-19-2006 06:55 PM

Eodwine will hold court at the Eorling Mead Hall. Shortly, I hope.

All retainers will be there with him, not least because they find out their fate after a month of service. That includes Thornden.

Formy has it exactly right.

littlemanpoet 05-19-2006 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Perhaps it was common for ladies of this land to wear men's garb and serve in roles taken by commoner women at home, yet he did not see it as being so.

I could have sworn she put on a gown this new Day.

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-19-2006 11:19 PM

Continuity... who pays attention to that? :rolleyes:

I'll go fix it.

Kath 05-20-2006 06:06 AM


All retainers will be there with him, not least because they find out their fate after a month of service. That includes Thornden.
What about Kara, her too? Also what are we doing about Frodides? Originally she was supposed to be leaving but so many people make use of her now it might be worth keeping her on. But that would mean the Hall has two cooks, though that isn't a bad thing.

JennyHallu 05-20-2006 02:42 PM

Really it semed to me like Frodides has been retired for a while now...and I can't see Eodwine just kicking her out. And Kara and Frodides have been developing a mentor/mentee relationship, or so it's seemed to me.

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-20-2006 02:52 PM

Jenny, how do you want to work Lin and Farahil's meeting?

JennyHallu 05-20-2006 02:57 PM tomorrow an option? No time to think about it today...going to the opera!!! :D

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-20-2006 03:32 PM

Of course. Not a problem.

littlemanpoet 05-21-2006 05:56 AM

I've left openings for each of you to do a post featuring your character which ends with coming into the Hall. Please feel free to write one. I'll give it a day for that to happen, on Monday night real time we begin the court proceedings.


Originally Posted by Kath
What about Kara, her too? Also what are we doing about Frodides? Originally she was supposed to be leaving but so many people make use of her now it might be worth keeping her on. But that would mean the Hall has two cooks, though that isn't a bad thing.

We can arrange it that Frodides stays on, and that you are her primary but not only writer. That means Kara and Frodides are also expected at court. Sound good?

Kath 05-21-2006 07:32 AM

Ok that's fine. Um, excuse the idiocy here, but where is Court actually being held? I got confused over that.

littlemanpoet 05-21-2006 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Kath
Ok that's fine. Um, excuse the idiocy here, but where is Court actually being held? I got confused over that.

At the Eorling Mead Hall. Under the new roof.

Thinlómien 05-21-2006 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
...on Monday night real time we begin the court proceedings.

LMP, what timezone you're in?

Me and Noggie are posting our characters enter a bit later than we thought, at Monday afternoon. (+3 GMT.)

littlemanpoet 05-21-2006 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien
LMP, what timezone you're in?

Me and Noggie are posting our characters enter a bit later than we thought, at Monday afternoon. (+3 GMT.)

Oh. You guys are in Scandinavia? Finland? My Monday night is equivalent to your Tuesday morning, wee hours, I believe. I'm at American Eastern Daylight, which I believe is GMT -5. Is that wrong? Anyway, I think that if you're where I think you are, you're six hours ahead of me.

Kath 05-21-2006 12:39 PM

Cheers lmp, I'll get Kara and Frodides in there some time later tonight or tomorrow.

Hey Lommy and Nogrod - go Finland, woo! Now I do want to live there!

Thinlómien 05-21-2006 12:39 PM


Oh. You guys are in Scandinavia? Finland? My Monday night is equivalent to your Tuesday morning, wee hours, I believe. I'm at American Eastern Daylight, which I believe is GMT -5. Is that wrong? Anyway, I think that if you're where I think you are, you're six hours ahead of me.
In Finland, yes. So when we post the court hasn't begun yet, but the people have started to assemble there already?


Hey Lommy and Nogrod - go Finland, woo! Now I do want to live there!
I did say I should write the "Kath, remember not to ever emigrate to Finland" to my sig. You apparently have a poor memory. :rolleyes: ;)

littlemanpoet 05-23-2006 09:33 AM

Formy: "of bother genders"? :D

Formendacil 05-23-2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Formy: "of bother genders"? :D

Oh bother genders!

I guess I'll go fix that, then...

littlemanpoet 05-26-2006 04:03 PM

Is Alcarillo around? Should I just write a post and move on to the next bloke? Or move on to the next bloke until I hear from Alc?

Idea! Who wants to be up next?

Alcarillo 05-26-2006 05:35 PM

Yikes! I hadn't read that last post! Must've missed it somehow. :o

Sorry! I'll start writing a post pronto!

Nogrod 05-27-2006 03:52 PM

Nice to see that the court has started the proceedings, even though they go with an fairly easy pace... ;)

But no problem. Our little family waits outside for the day's proceedings to end before actively coming in or trying to engage with anyone (but possible NPC's we come to invent if the court takes time). But I can't promise the same thing about Cnebba though... he's a little kid blessed with curiosity and might go about finding out things. :)

Feel free to come forwards though. Mainly I was thinking about Garstan's children who might get bored during the day and possibly meet Cnebba somewhere around or something...

piosenniel 06-01-2006 08:17 AM


Closing the doors on The Green Dragon Inn

The Green Dragon Inn opened in November of 2002, under the guidance of Dwarin Thunderhammer. Since then it has undergone eleven incarnations and boasts well over 7,000 posts.

In April of 2003, The Green Dragon Inn Part 3, a new Innkeeper was introduced, Amanaduial the archer.

It has been an interesting and enjoyable four years, reading the posts of those who first cut their RPG-teeth, so to speak, in The Green Dragon. Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, Men, Wargs, Orcs, and even a Balrog have passed through the Inn’s doors.

Now those doors are going to close on this last incarnation of The Green Dragon.

A new Innkeeper for the Shire, Folwren, will offer the hospitality of a new inn – The Golden Perch in Stock, Eastfarthing, the Shire.

> - - - < ~*~ > - - - <

The Green Dragon will remain open until the end of this June. Please wrap up any storylines you have in progress (or perhaps think about working them into an independent RPG proposal along with your co-writers).

The Golden Perch Inn is now open to take on players.

Its timeline will be much earlier than that of the present Green Dragon Inn. There will be a Discussion Thread to accompany the new inn. And each writer for the Golden Perch will need to submit a brief Character Description form to the Discussion Thread when they make their first post to the Inn thread

Please do give a look at the The Golden Perch Inn. And think about designing a new character to come in and take part in the storyline.

~*~ piosenniel

Feanor of the Peredhil 06-01-2006 10:56 PM

Er... what's the date in the game? Because if it's past May 1st, we've passed Saeryn and Degas's birthday and they're now 19.

Formendacil 06-02-2006 01:22 AM

Well... I've gone and interjected Náin into the now-noisy proceedings. Dwarves are plain-spoken, or so 'twould seem of this one. I hope I've captured Degas and Garstan aright- and I hope that by dropping a potential bomb with the mention of Degas/Saeryn's family into the mix that I'm not disrupting things TOO much.

Feanor of the Peredhil 06-02-2006 07:55 AM

I'm unsure how to proceed. LMP? Leave it for Eodwine to react how he will? Saeryn certainly wishes she had the One Ring so as to become invisible. Degas... well... he's a protective brother that just tried to pick a fight with a man that could easily win and had his right to do so questioned as well as the sharp edge of his words blunted.

littlemanpoet 06-02-2006 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Er... what's the date in the game? Because if it's past May 1st, we've passed Saeryn and Degas's birthday and they're now 19.

It's April 24 game time. And here we are in June already! :eek: We're going to have to figure out a way to move this forward maybe an entire quarter of a year pretty soon!

I loved your bit, Formy :) That bit about an older brother is one that Degas may choose to, or not to, address, depending on how much revenge he cares to have dished his way from Saeryn, I suspect.

I hope I've answered your question, Fea. Post up!

EDIT: Also, I'm aware that having this so centered on Eodwine's court day, the current plot may be causing a lot of you to wait longer than you care to for a chance to post in. I think that after the Saeryn bit, there's still Thornden/Marenil, Æðehild, and Manawyth to deal with, and those could take a while yet. Sorry! I'm trying to think of a way to open things out. I suppose Kath could post anytime she likes since Kara's been sent off to the kitchen. Léof could excuse himself to the stables, I suppose, and Garwine could have action at the door with the milling crowd outside. Other than that, feel free to have your characters do with Formy did. Butt in! (but not too much I hope, or Eodwine will be the laughing stock of Edoras and his first court day will be the talk of the town for eleventy one months!

JennyHallu 06-02-2006 10:46 AM

Don't skip the story forward artificially, please!!! Huge jumps make realistic character development nearly impossible...I, for one, don't mind if the story is not the same as real life time.

Formendacil 06-02-2006 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by JennyHallu
Don't skip the story forward artificially, please!!! Huge jumps make realistic character development nearly impossible...I, for one, don't mind if the story is not the same as real life time.

April is also such a nice time of the year, I don't mind at all enjoying it. :p

Oh- and to Garstan's Keeper (my mind is temporarily absent and I've totally forgotten who you are), I hope the borrowing of your character isn't a problem. 'twas appreciated, anyway.

Celuien 06-02-2006 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Formendacil
Oh- and to Garstan's Keeper (my mind is temporarily absent and I've totally forgotten who you are), I hope the borrowing of your character isn't a problem. 'twas appreciated, anyway.

Am I so forgettable? :p :D

Not a problem at all. Those were his thoughts on the matter.

Formendacil 06-02-2006 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Celuien
Am I so forgettable? :p :D

Hardly. But forgotting who belongs to whom is quite natural when one is still working at remembering who is whom.


Not a problem at all. Those were his thoughts on the matter.
Delighted to hear it.

Feanor of the Peredhil 06-02-2006 06:13 PM

My weekend is guaranteed to be very busy. No more posting from me for at least a few days.

littlemanpoet 06-02-2006 09:49 PM

I'll post something up in the morning. Dog tired right now.

I wish to keep the game time from lagging. I'd prefer to keep it with calendar time, at least to some degree. By having entered the Eorling Mead Hall, you have (perhaps silently) agreed to work with this idea of jumping days. That said, such jumps can certainly be discussed and any difficulties ironed out and resolved to the satisfaction (I would hope) of all. Dispensing with time jumps is not going to happen.

Folwren 06-03-2006 09:46 PM

Elempi, I have a question (or two) before I have Thornden answer.

Are you wanting Jenny's character Marenil to have the stewardship - so it's an older person? - and Thornden only taking pretty much the almsbudsman job and other work, like a regular man at arms or something, around the hall when he doesn't have to go out gathering dues? Or are we going to go ahead and have Thornden take both? I'd like to know before I have him respond. Or. . .you COULD not tell me and we could have Thornden be the first person who Eodwine says, "No, sorry, you didn't do well enough, I can't give you the job." But I would really not prefer that, though I wouldn't be surprised if you decided not to tell me and just said "Let's see how it plays out" although for real, you already have in mind what Eodwine's going to say and do.

Anyway, it's up to you. I'll write a post tomorrow, or whenever you get your answer.

Or. . .well, I already know how he would answer. I'll risk Thornden's embarrassment, write the post tomorrow whether you reply or not, and you can decide if you want an older chap or not.

littlemanpoet 06-04-2006 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren
Are you wanting Jenny's character Marenil to have the stewardship - so it's an older person?

Yes, we're sticking with the idea of Thornden as almbudsman and Marenil as steward. That'll free Thornden up to (I think) what you intended him to be in the first place.

Nogrod 06-04-2006 10:30 AM

I agree with Jenny that we should not be overhasty with the calendar. If the court takes some tome, then it takes. Our characters (lommy's & mine) can wait at the yard - and Cnebba surely will come up with something... :D

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