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Total Posts: 277
User Name Posts
Mithadan 34
Susan Delgado 27
Bêthberry 24
*Varda* 21
Elenna 18
Marileangorifurnimaluim 16
Carnëiach 15
piosenniel 12
Guildo 11
The Barrow-Wight 10
Child of the 7th Age 10
VanimaEdhel 9
Thenamir 9
Amanaduial the archer 8
Aylwen Dreamsong 6
Rimbaud 5
GreatWarg 5
Ringwraith Number Two 4
Nevtalathiel 4
Joy 4
Belin 4
Alkanoonion 4
Birdland 4
Tharkûn 2
Rose Cotton 2
The Fifth 1
Celebmornie 1
Anarya SilverBranch 1
Shadow_Staar 1
Faye Took 1
Adanedhel 1
Cuthalion 1
Brinniel 1
Ransom 1