Who Posted?
Total Posts: 465
User Name Posts
The Saucepan Man 70
Eruanna 54
elven maiden Earwen 46
Sophia the Thunder Mistress 42
Beren87 37
Evisse the Blue 26
Manardariel 24
Horse-Maiden of the Shire 22
Lyra Greenleaf 19
Orofaniel 18
Gwaihir the Windlord 14
alaklondewen 14
The Dragon Maiden 12
Tinuviel Took 10
Belethcuwen 7
Talon Stormcrow 6
Dior 5
Iarwain 5
The X Phial 4
Sleepy Ranger 4
GaladrieloftheOlden 3
Lyta_Underhill 3
lathspell 3
Luthien_ Tinuviel 2
Finwe 2
Joy 1
alquadae 1
Novnarwen 1
King_Elendil 1
Eruwen 1
Meneltarmacil 1
Salix 1
Dancing_Hobbit 1
kimli 1
Pallando B.C 1
Arestevana 1
Arwen_Evenstar 1
BlingBlingtheWarriorElf 1